"Ahh, that's a Golden Card for real!" Zang Hueru almost leaped in joy as she saw the metallic golden-colored card from the hands of Zin Shi. Her heart trembled and had the urge to steal the card. However, she stopped herself.
"What's with this card?" Jin Rou was confused. He knew that this card was very important that even other customers of the shop stopped by and stared at them. But Zang Hueru's expression was what astounded Jin Rou. After all, the woman showed intense greed in her eyes that she did not dare to hide.
"The Golden Card, maybe the basic information you have known with regarding this card is that it can let you access all the places in La Estance that only those few of few can only enter, right?" Zang Hueru smiled and started her explanation, "In fact, that's just the lowest privilege of this card."
"The lowest privilege of this card?" Zin Shi was shocked, "You mean there are more benefits than this?"