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Chapter 2: 2. Sorting ceremony

As the train finally stopped Draco helped me off the train. There was a big man outside yelling for first years to come to him. I was scared. I stayed behind Draco. He said "it's ok it is just an oaf" but he still had his arm on my back.

At this point, even after only knowing him for a few hours, I did not know if I was going to be able to survive if we weren't in the same house.

Once all the first years were gathered in front of the man he told us his name was Hagrid and he would show us to the school. Hagrid told us to get into groups of three or four. At this time Draco grabbed me and yelled for Crabbe and Goyle to be on our boat. I was scared until I saw they were the other 2 who sat in my carriage earlier.

I still did not understand why my uncle hated these boys because they were nice to me.

We got on the boat Draco Malfoy was behind me. While the other two i was asked to stay away from were across from me. My uncle was going to kill me for the friends I had already choose. When we started going across the lake I saw how beautiful the school looked like this. I had obviously seen the school before but I didn't go outside much when the students were there.

When we started getting out I almost slipped but I felt hands from behind me grab me to steady me. After he got off the boat I hugged him. Thanking him for saving me from falling in the water.

He laughed at me and said "Hunter we are friends. I wasn't going to let you go into the school the first time soaking wet. "

I smiled and thanked him.

Hargrid told us all to start moving towards the school. We all did. When we got inside it was much warmer and I heard Draco sigh. "It feels much better in here" he told me.

I nodded in agreement. After that we were led up the stairs. A tall woman stopped us and said that her name was professor McGonagall head of Gryffindor house. "You all wait here. Soon you will all be sorted into houses Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. " Draco nodded at Crabbe and Goyle when he heard Slytherin. After this she went into what I assumed could only be the dining hall.

"So what the train is true. Harry Potter has returned to Hogwarts." Draco said looking at a boy who looked a lot like me. We both had dark almost black hair and our noses looked alike. He had green eyes, which must come from his mother, while my eyes were blue like the sky. He had a scar on his head while mine was on my heart.

Harry looked at him. "My name is Draco Malfoy. " at this the redhead next to him laughed. "You think my name is funny do you? No need to ask yours, redhair and a handme down robe you must be a Weasley." The redhead looked down at his uniform when Deaco said this. "You'll learn Potter that some wizarding families are better than others. I can help you sort it out."

"Thanks" Harry said "but I can think I can sort it out for myself. " I thought at that point he was a little arrogant. Draco wasn't any better but atleast he was showing his true self.

At this point McGonagall came back out and tapped Draco on the shoulder. He came and got back in line next to me. "We're ready for you" she said and we all entered the dining hall for the first time.

We all went to the front and there was a hat sitting on a stoll. At this point I was scared. My uncle Severus had told me they were going to call your first and last name. Even though my name in all my doctor records and even legally my name had been changed to Snape the hat might not recognize that. It might still call me by my father's last name. I should have told Draco at that point what my last name was but then he might hate me. So I choose not to.

Crabbe: Slytherin Goyle: Slytherin Granger: Gryffindor as the names were coming closer and closer to mine I almost couldn't breathe. I was just about to tell Draco as they called his name. He whispered to me "don't worry, as long your not a Gryffindor we will still be friends." He smiled at me as he went up there. The hat barely touched his head before screaming "Slytherin!" McGonagall called the next name "Harry Potter " he looked just as nervous as I felt. He went up on stage. Sat down. It took a while and I was pretty sure the hat was talking to Harry inside his head. Then I saw him start to mouth something. At first I wasn't sure what he was saying but then I recognized it "not slytherin, not slytherin, not slytherin. " which I thought was weird. How can you request not to be in a house? After the hat thought a few more seconds it finally said Gryffindor. Everyone from that table cheered. I was nervous if it tried to get in my head I always had a wall up. My uncle taught me occlumency when I was very young and my brain always had that wall up. I used Legilimency to ask my uncle if the hat needed to get in my head to tell what house I was in. He looked scared and immediately nodded. At that point I did something I haven't done in many years, I took the wall down.

"Hunter Potter" when she said that you could hear a pen drop. No one even took a breath as I walked up on stage. At this point I looked directly into my half brother's eyes. His green ones looking back at me looking very confused. When the hat went on my head it talked to me "You are very strong and brave. Another to prove yourself against He-who-must-not-be-named. " in case I didn't mention he tried to kill me too. Not on purpose I don't think. He came into a room and heard a sound thinking it was my mother which it was she was holding me but he went he shot at her he did not see me and hit me in the heart. She had saved me after she was killed. "But also a genius with your photographic memory. Already smarter than many of the third and fourth years. Also very cunning. After living with your uncle you have picked up some of his Slytherin qualities. While you are brave you are also not going to risk your own neck for anyone. Where do you want to go?" Right when it asked me that I looked at Draco. He looked very upset. "Do you feel that's where you belong or is it just love?" I thought about it and decided that was where I felt I would belong best. The hat thought for a little bit longer then agreed. "Slytherin!" I sighed in relief as it said this.

I went and sat next to Draco and he was mad. I looked at him and he told me "we will talk about it when we get to the common room Hunter." I nodded and knew then that I should have told him. Now it was too late.

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