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72.5% The Crafter and The Slug / Chapter 58: Ch. 57

Chapter 58: Ch. 57

(A/N: Thank you for all the comments, you know I love em and send me more. :>)

--Zach POV--

The next morning we had all woken up early to get ready for the majority of the Jonins to go into the time chamber with Jiraiya. We had set out Dixie cups of red Gatorade with a drop of my blood out in front of the entrance to the chamber. So that way even though the ninjas going through this will lose a year of their life in a day, they'll get it back and then some.

It took time for everyone to arrive, get organized, and settled down. When everyone was present, there was a murmur until Tsunade and I walked out in front of the group. They all quickly quieted down and came to attention staring at us. Tsunade then cleared her throat to inform them of what was going to happen.

Tsunade: "Thank you everyone for coming this morning. Behind me is a room that my husband has made that has a time compression in it, one day out here is one year inside. Your physical and weapon training will be held by Jiraiya, while I'm sure you are responsible enough for your jutsus considering you are all Jonin. Our village will face many adversities in the future, and we want everyone to be over-prepared for it. Now, are there any questions?"

Everyone was quiet at first, then a random Jonin raised his hand.

Jonin: "We're giving up a year of our life, will there be any compensation?"

Others in the crowd who were more self-centered nodded in agreement with his statement.

Tsunade: "Yes."

When they heard her agree they waited for a solid minute to see what they would get. But Tsunade just stared at them waiting for the next question. The same jonin raised his hand again and she pointed at him.

Jonin: "What will the compensation be?"

Tsunade: "You will see, and it will be an S-Class secret."

There were grumbles at that, but what can you do. I had no doubt in my mind that they will be happy with the little bit of de-aging a drop of my blood will do. We waited for a couple more minutes and no other questions were asked.

Tsunade: "Also, we will be providing condoms in the chamber. Do not have unprotected sex in there, this is for training not knocking someone up to have a kid in 1 day. We also do not know how it will affect the child if they are conceived or born in there."

That statement elicited a mixture of groans, wolf whistles, blushes, and cursing about how condoms don't feel as good. We just ignored them and waited for everyone to quiet down.

Tsunade: "Good, now I want everyone to go one by one to the table with the cups to pick up your compensation, then go into the chamber. Jiraiya and Shizune are in there to direct you upon your arrival, they are in charge, their word is my word. Now dismissed."

Nobody moved, it seemed like there were more people dissatisfied with the perceived compensation than I originally thought. But before Tsunade could put on her Hokage voice and reem them a new one, two people from the very back that seemed to stay hidden made their way forward. The two had black hair, the taller one was male and the shorter one was female and they looked like a mother and son combo. Once I realized who the two were I just smirked and thought, "These Jonin are in for a real treat."

But when the attention was finally pulled to them, the Jonins who were not in the know took on battle stances when they saw Itachi. It then took them a couple of seconds to realize who was next to him and they stared in disbelief. Wondering if they should attack the missing-nin, or greet their lost comrade Mikoto. No one dared to make a move as the two walked with pride in their steps to the table. Mikoto then grabbed one of the cups and emptied it into her mouth. The changes caused by my blood started to make their visible changes on her. Making her skin tighter, hair shinier and all around making her look younger. Itachi just stood to her side and nodded to me, he didn't need anymore since he got some last night.

The first to react was the female ninjas who rushed to line up after seeing Mikoto visibly younger. That made Tsunade smirk at me and stick her hand out, which I placed a 20$ bill in it. I had bet that the heads of families would be first in line to show solidarity with her. Once the women started to line up the men were right behind them, couples reuniting in line almost caused a couple of fights. But when we reassured everyone that there are enough to go around it smoothed things over.

It took about an hour to get everyone into the chamber and settled. Jiraiya had come out towards the end after he voluntold Kakashi and Guy to help Shizune. When Jiraiya brought up a thought and I started to make a new sword for him. I made a Chinese Jian sword out of adamantite, with the hilt having two wolf heads with mouths open facing each other. In between the two heads was the Hatake clan crest, and the pommel was a slug with a hammer. On the flat of the blade I had engraved, "1-Ri no menbā no ookamipakku" which google translate said is, "1 Member Wolf Pack" (A/N: Fuck ya'll if it ain't right.)

After I made the sheath and placed the sword in it I tossed it over to Jiraiya to give it to Kakashi. Jiraiya just marveled at the sword and looked back up at me in amazement.

Jiraiya: "When the hell are you going to make me something custom like this?"

I laughed at him.

Zach: "When you become less of a perv, or you pay me when I get my shop up and running."

Tsunade laughed at that and Jiraiya just gave me the "really dude? I thought we were friends" look. I shrugged at him and shooed him along, we've already wasted enough daylight. He grabbed the needed divine essence quartz to power the thing and went into the time chamber and closed the door behind him and locked it.

Zach: "Now that we're all aloneeeee."

I purred to Tsunade who wrapped herself around me and kissed me. My hand slid down her back to find its favorite resting spot on her big, firm ass. Before we could get into more trouble the sound multiple feet came running our way.

Nawaki: "Nee-san! All the Jonins are training, we're bored!"

When we broke our kiss we spotted all of the genins with Nawaki and Naruto leading the pack. I just glared daggers at the little cock-blockers, but there wasn't much I could do. With a sigh, I tried to think of what we could do to entertain all of these little monsters. Before I could get too much into my thoughts my ass was tapped and I looked over to Tsunade's loving smile.

Tsunade: "Why don't we do an impromptu Beyblade tournament? You can make a generic one for everyone, and the winner gets a custom piece."


I knew Naruto would be excited about it, but looking at the other kids I saw the determination in their eyes. It looks like Naruto had been sharing the one I made for him with all the other kids. Heck, I know it's a good product since the Nara kid looked like he was going to destroy everyone to win. That made me chuckle and I nodded my head.

Zach: "Fine. But while I'm making it I want a couple of you to go inside and bring out a couch and coffee table for me and Tsunade."

Naruto/Nawaki: "ALLLLLRIGHT!"

Just like that, I started to make the Beyblades, I had decided to customize them just a little bit for what team they were on. With Team Guy I made the animal a honey badger due to Guy's tenaciousness. For Team Asuma I made their animal a Great Ape since Asuma is Hiruzen. With Kurenai, it was a hard choice, but I settled on a Grizzly bear. She is a caring and brave woman, but if you messed with her "cubs" she would come at you claws out. Team Kakashi was nice and easy, but I felt like trolling them a bit and made their animal a chihuahua. Finally, for Nawaki, Izumi, and Karin I made their animal a slug.

Not even halfway through making the Beyblades, the boys had come back with the couch and coffee table. Tsunade was sitting there enjoying the view of me working and I of course showed off a bit. Once I was finished with them all, I then went and made half a dozen small arenas and a big one in the middle. We then handed out the Beyblades to the kids and set up the brackets for this tournament. The way we had it if you lost once you'd go into the losers bracket. The winners of the losers bracket would then face the winners of the main bracket for 1st place.

After I let them draw lots on who they would face first I walked over and sat down next to Tsunade. She laid her head on my shoulder as we watched the excitable bunch going at it, with screams of anger and joy. I then put my arm on her thigh and patted it to let her know I was about to get up.

Tsunade: "What's up?"

Zach: "I'm going to get Kushina's remains and revive her really quick. Can I borrow your necklace?"

Tsunade gave me a questioning look, but it quickly changed to fear as a disappointed voice was heard.

Mito: "You go so long without posting chapters and you forgot about me. How disappointed I am at you. Also you two, how could you forget about me until now when it's convenient. Tsunade, I bet you don't even know if you have my necklace, or Naruto does, do you?"

Sweat started to pour down our back, along with the Author's. Tsunade reached where the necklace would normally be and by divine luck and Author's intervention, it was there. With a sigh, she took it off and handed it to me. I just nodded my head and tried not to think about anything that just happened and accepted it.

Zach: "Can you take care of everything?"

Tsunade: "Don't worry, the worst-case scenario I crack a couple of heads and mend them."

I chuckled at that and got up after she lifted her head off my shoulder. I ran to our bedroom and grabbed enough crystals for the resurrection, then went to the dungeon where Jiraiya stashed Kisame Hoshigaki's paralyzed body. Making sure I bound him even tighter I threw him over my shoulder and went to Kushina's grave where I dropped him on the ground like a sack of potatoes. It didn't take long for me to exhume Kushina from the grave, and I was left with her body.

Once the body was out I then started etching the symbols that made the Perfect World Reincarnation possible on the ground. After doing it multiple times the time it took me to write it had decreased drastically. Once it was all done, I dropped the quartz that I was using in its spot. Then I dropped Kisame in his spot and gently laid Kushina's body in her position. With a quick prayer to the Gods for good luck, I went to my position and activated the spell.

The same thing happened the last two times, and it will never get old watching the golden egg slowly disappearing as it reveals its prize. When the redhead's face was revealed I had a little blush due to the fact she was my 2nd favorite Naruto character, and redheads are sexy as hell. She looked at me with questioning eyes, then looked past me with the same eyes. When I turned my head around I saw Heph and Dio doing golf claps with tears in their eyes and I just shook my head.

Kushina: "Wh-who are you? Where am I? You seem kind of familiar…"

Before I could answer Mito's ghost appeared in front of me. It caused Kushina's eyes to widen and take a step back.

Mito: "It is ok Kushina, this is my Grandson-in-law. The adopted father of Naruto. The other two… Well, you'll find that out eventually."

Mito had ghost tears in her eyes at seeing her successor alive once again.

Kushina: "I want to see my son. Please take me to him."

With a nod of my head, we made our way back to the compound as quickly as possible. Once we arrived at the training area we came to a scene where everyone was gathered around something. Expanding my senses I could tell that it was Naruto on the ground and picked up my speed and appeared next to Tsunade.

Tsunade: "He just screamed in pain and fell to the ground, I don't know what happened. All his vitals are normal, so it has to be something mental."

Zach: "Shit, a piece of Kushina's soul was still in him along with Minato's. Let me go in there and fish the boy out."

I closed my eyes right as Kushina arrived at our side and Tsunade played goalie between her and her boy. Once I entered Naruto's mindscape through the door I left Kurama I looked around at Konoha. The mindscape he built was an exact replica, I didn't think the boy would keep working at it but he did. When I stepped into the mindscape I could feel Kurama and Minato duking it out in the distance.

I quickly made my way to the battlefield and found Naruto on the sideline huddling for cover and crying. When I reached him I stopped down to him and picked him up and started hugging him.

Zach: "Shh, it's ok Naruto. What's going on?"

Naruto: "M-m-mom has di-di-disappeared. Dad t-t-thinks it was Kurama."

I tsked at that.

Zach: "Your mother is fine Naruto, even more than fine, you'll see. Now wipe your eyes and help me stop those two from fighting. This is YOUR mindscape, you have control over it."

Naruto nodded and wiped his eyes. When he was done he had a determined look as he stared at 2 important people in his life.


As he yelled that what looked like fox-tails came shooting out on the ground and wrapped around the two fighters. In a matter of seconds, the two were subdued and brought to the ground and we walked closer to the grown man fighting a fox-loli.

Zach: "Thank you Naruto, now if you would please wake up everyone is worried about you. Hinata is even crying."

Naruto had the same scared look I get when I think I've disappointed Tsunade. I chuckled at that and so did Minato. Before we knew it Naruto popped out of his mindscape and the foxtails disappeared from the two combatants. The two of them started to face off again before I interrupted.

Zach: "Now, I'm pretty sure you both don't want to face off against me here. After all, I did teach Naruto all about this place."

The cowed at the threat.

Zach: "Good, now I have a matter that involves both of you."


All I could do is sigh at the man, I can't blame him. I'd do the exact same thing.

Zach: "She's with your son."

He looked at me incredulously.

Minato: "How can she be with Naruto when she's not... Oh, ohhhhh."

Finally, Minato came to his senses and his eyes started to burn with fires of hope.

Kurama: "What? Care to fill me in on what is happening?"

Minato: "They somehow revived Kushina! When Zach was talking about matters that would involve both of us… You're going to take Kushina to her home village to get the Shinigami mask…"

Zach: "Bingo!"

Kurama: "Still drawing a blank on the last part, why does it involve me?"

Minato: "Because that's where you Yin half is, and half of my soul is."

Zach: "Wait, yin half? It's that female?"

Kurama: "What you thought I was a girl?"

I stared at him in shock.


Zach: "Because you're wearing a kimono and look like a girl?"

The little shota jumped at me and tried to scratch me. I just caught him and held him by his head in the air until he calmed down. It took a couple of minutes before he hung there limp in my hand.

Kurama: "So I'm finally going to be whole again?"

Zach: "Not quite, I'm thinking of sealing your Yin half in Kushina. Then put a door like the one you have to my mindscape in hers. So if need be you can go between and strengthen each other."

Kurama: "That might sound fun, I'd have a playmate that wasn't a boring old man who does nothing but flirt with his wife all the time. BLurghhhh"

Me and Minato laughed at his antics for a while. After we all calmed down I bid the two farewell and I'd see them soon. When I came out of my meditation I saw Kushina and Naruto hugging and crying in each other's arms, along with Hinata hugging Naruto. Mito and Tsunade were standing at my side watching the mother and son reuniting. I stood up slowly and wrapped my arm around Tsunade's waist and held her closely.

Zach: "I don't care how much of the timeline I'm fucking up. It's situations like this and the Uchihas that make it worth it."

Tsunade and Mito just nodded in agreement, and we watched the loving scene of the two reuniting.

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