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75% My Siblings From Another World! / Chapter 6: Roles For The Better!

Chapter 6: Roles For The Better!

Siblings From Another World!

Chapter 5: Roles For The Better!



[Joseph: That's it. If you wanna go to heaven that bad, you can go alone by yourself, Liam. I choose to reincarnate!]

Melanie looks to Liam, and a disappointed face is shown, but Melanie sighs and follows with Joseph's decision.

She too would like to reincarnate to another world. She doesn't wanna waste this opportunity! It is offered by a goddess after all, maybe as a goddess, she would send them to a fantastic wonderful world that they can hopefully survive.

[Liam: Don't tell me you're agreeing with that bastard…]

[Melanie: I-I'm sorry Liam! But I think I would rather face hell than die so young.]

[Madelyn: ...I too would like to go to another world. I-I agree with Melanie. I don't wanna die at this age as well. I-I think I don't deserve to go to heaven right now.]

Liam is disappointed, he groans as he holds his face.

Joseph looks at him, waving his hand at him.

[Joseph: Oi, hey. If you wanna go to heaven, you can, we just gotta ask the goddess if we can separate, although, we'll miss you when we're on the other side, maybe not.]

Liam punches Joseph right at the face as he holds his face, groaning.

Liam sighs as he can't believe this bullshit is happening.

[Liam: Fine then, I'll go with you three. If all of you dumb mother fuckers do something stupid I'm going to kill myself.]

[Melanie: Y-you'll join?? W-wow… I never thought you would agree on something… You usually pick another choice when there is one.]

Liam just shakes his as he walks and looks at the goddess.

[That's four of us. Speaking of four, we're supposed to be five. Do you know where our bratty little youngest sister is?]

The goddess puts down the wine as she stands up and goes down the white shiny stairs.

[Ehuthia: Well, I do actually. Right now, she is currently in a public park, where she mourns all of your deaths.]

The others don't believe that. They think of Yua as a bratty little kid who knows nothing but to be annoying and be a brat, while for Madelyn, it sort of changed something in her.

She also believed Yua was nothing but a brat, but hearing that from the goddess, maybe it could be true that she's mourning their deaths…

But who knows. Only god knows. Which is Ehuthia.

[Ehuthia: Now, let's not waste any more time. Let us get started with the selection of your roles.]

[Melanie: Roles?]

The goddess Ehuthia's hand made a fireball as she launched it to that pillar, hitting that made the ground shake a little and  5 pillars are emerging from the ground.

Ehuthia looks at the pillars and she raises her arms and the pillars open some kind of vault and it is seen there are things inside of them.

The goddess looks at the siblings as she transfers them closer to her.

[Ehuthia: In the world I'm going to send you all in, it is a different world, there will be some paranormal things that are considered as normal, but for now, you all must choose your roles.]

She opens her hand and shows it to them.

[Five. There are exactly five roles you can choose from. You can only choose one role.

The roles are…

The Bruiser. Aka. The Fighter,

The Star, Aka. The Mage,

The Angel, Aka. The Support,

The Shield, Aka, The Tank, and lastly,

The Sharpshooter, Aka. The Marksman.

The world you four will be transferred in will consist of fighting, but not as always. If you have played what is called video games, you may know where this is going. Ahem.]

The goddess was about to continue her explanation but something in her head just came as she held it, groaning. Joseph, of course. Asked if she was alright, the goddess herself says she's fine, she… Just felt something, and that something will be the reason why she has to go for now.

[Ehuthia: I'm very sorry, but it looks like we have to pause our conversation for now.]

Ehuthia pulls two shining katanas out of nowhere as a pillar opens up like a door and she walks to it.

[Please take your time reading the roles, there are instructions there that will explain what the roles do and what each role gives, I will be back, refrain from touching anything.]

The goddess dashes through the door as it closes and disappears out of sight of the siblings.

The four of them walked to the pillars where the roles are.

There are five of them, and one seems to be more unique than the other.

[Liam: Alright, pick anything you want, I don't care. I'm choosing the angel role because I do not want to fight any bastards today. You guys will do the work of killing for me.]

[Joseph: That's a little bit… slothful of you, Liam. Also, if you're planning to be the angel, can you PLEASE heal me after this?]

[Liam: Whatever makes you shut up.]

The siblings split as they look to the pillars and there's a badge in the display, and also a small book about the role.

This place is strange and the fact that they have to choose a "role" is far more stranger.

They wonder what their use is for, but it looks like they have to figure it out by reading some book that's probably going to be boring as hell.

Madelyn looks at one pillar and it's the star role or the mage role.

[This role must be implying magic, which is kind of surprising, magic?

There will be magic here?]

Madelyn thinks as she looks at the book and she opens it, reading the first part of explaining this role of mage or star role.


[Madelyn: The Star Role, or simply the Mage role, is a role where a user can cast magic and their abilities will depend on magic. Other users can also use magic, but none can do it better except for the mage user. Mages are one of a kind get in a battle and end it quickly pass. There are four elements a mage user can use, they can use many types of elements all at once, but it requires some work and determination from the user, and hopes that they don't regret their decision midway and hopes their stats have a good mana consumption.

Huh? Some of these are still confusing to me... O-Oh well. I'll read into it further, maybe once I choose this role the answers I'm looking for will just come crashing down on my face.


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