Masumi has sent the schematics for the gen 2 cyberbrain and cyberbrain-computer interface
Tony Stark: cool but I don't have anyone who can help me with the surgery so that won't happen anytime soon
Lunatique: Interesting this could increase my productivity
Masumi: anyone know more advanced programming and AI I am highly lacking here
Tony Stark: I am not the best but here
Tony Stark has sent intermediate programming and intermediate AI manuals
Masumi: Thanks
Lunatique: I am not very good at that stuff
Masumi: by taking your daily points you can buy stuff to help you or invite other people to this group chat
After some more small talk, everyone went offline to do their work, so Tony has not been kidnapped and Lunatique has just made Yami, and she is about 10 as well? I don't trust the doctors or researchers here in academy city, so I need to make a Robot surgeon to install Cybernetics. OK, let's start with the body design I will then move on to Programming and a more advanced AI than academy city has ever seen just for this. I should also design this robot to maintain Cybernetic parts as well.'
'I need to have a workshop good thing, the basement is empty, I need to hire some contractors to build a basic workshop for Cybernetics, I will spend $25,000 and I can't get many other machines for bigger stuff I will also order the materials to produce a Cyberbrain and Cyberbrain-computer Interface.'
Three weeks later:
Masumi: hey Tony I designed this robot surgeon to install Cybernetics because I don't trust the Doctors and researchers here Could you look over it one, so I don't can make sure I didn't make any mistakes
Masumi sent schematics for standalone surgery robot mk1
Tony: sure going to go to Afghanistan in half a week and this looks fine I don't see any problems I suggest you be careful with this though
Masumi: be careful Afghanistan is a rough place and Could you help me make this I don't have the machines to produce it because it is too expensive I will owe you a favor
Tony: why not I am interested in these Cybernetics of yours anyways
Masumi: Thank you are there any parts you are interested I could send the schematics if you want
Tony: not right now but maybe later
A day later:
Tony has sent standalone robotic surgeon mk1
Tony: here ya go I have to pack for Afghanistan
Masumi: thanks.
Good thing my basic workshop is done I left a place open to set this up after plugging the machine in I watch it whirr to life.
"Greetings I am Surgeo the Surgeon" Suddenly I smile at my horrible naming sense(A/N: you and me both buddy)
At this point, I start making the Cyberbrain I am going to use, but I am not using the crap I sent in chat, I am enhancing it I spent $3,000 for all the materials I won't use ordinary because I am already going to be forced to eat cup ramen all year after spending almost all my savings. I am using the gen4 Cyberbrain after making the Cyberbrain and uploading the procedure into Surgeo I get ready to go under for the procedure this may take a day or two.
Two and a half days later:
"Argh" damn my head hurts
"All procedures went smoothly don't do anything too stressful until school starts people can't tell you had surgery because of the fake skin cap over the ports on your neck. The Synthetic flesh used to patch you up should ensure you have no problems but you should be safe for sure you have two days before school."
Ah, that's right, let's connect to the internet and test if there are any problems with the Cyberbrain have to make sure let's make virtual projection tech to sell I need a second bank account and a small company I am not a 'good guy, so I may just hack some rich person's account or something. Well, the Cyberbrain seems to work I will wait until I am older until I get any more Cybernetics. Also, my technokinesis is level3 and can be used more easily with this direct connection, technokinesis allows small amounts of electric control and mechanical control I can do complicated stuff, but currently not on a large scale it makes it easier for me to understand technology, though the best part about my esper powers Is it allows me to analyze and learn about technology faster I can learn about schematics by touching a machine as well. My technokinesis allows me to intuitively make technology I see better as well as being perfect for me. Let's see Mikoto is still level 3 and a year younger than me, so the story won't start for another 5 years plenty of time for me to get ready for the story and maybe add changes.
Forgot to leave this in the last chapter but here
Tearju Lunatique:(To Love Ru)
Tony Stark:(MCU)
you probably didn't need the last one but here you go anyway I have an Idea for more characters but if you have any interesting Ideas for characters to see Let me know
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