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Chapter 1: Reincarnated (Andrew's Pov)

That was one hell of a thing to wake up from. I woke up remembering the pain of my death.

With that gruesome picture out of the way, I examined the area around myself. I was in a strange forest, and Rialey was a couple of feet away from me. Now in anime, it is common to be reincarnated into a game that the person has played before, but I didn't know of any games remotely close to this one.

"W...W...What happened?!" He awoke in a panic and rage.

"Well we got stabbed and killed by a faceless maniac," I said.

"Wait does this mean… WE GOT ISEKIA'D?"

"Um… I would presume so… but if this is another world then we need to know the language, currency, geography, things like that, I'm just happy we were transferred with our clothing intact"

"Quit being such a bitch. We just got reincarnated into another world. What's not to be excited about? Although to be fair it is still important"

I let out a huge breath.

"Fine but let's make our way to some civilization"




"Shut the hell up and let's get going."

"Yeah, you make a point but… I'm hungry."

"Yeah so am I but do you have a weapon to hunt with?"

"No, but we can sharpen a long stick to be like a spear."

"And your stomach is going to last that long?"


Yeah, that's what I thought.

"Shut up let's just hope there is a town nearby."

We both stood up and in the bottom right of our vision, I saw a triple bar icon, it resembled a game menu. I tried to reach out to it, but it was more like it was in my eye. Rialey opened it right away.

"How did you do that?"

"Just focus on it."

"Like this?" Then my menu Opened.

When opened my menu read,

level: 1

Social Standing: Wood

Main Class: Undecided

Sub Class: Undecided

Health: 100

Mana: 50

Power: 5

Luck: 5

Intelligence: 5

Carry Weight: 250

And then there were a couple that were unreadable.

Upon looking around through the menu a bit more to see if I could find anything. I saw an icon that resembled meat on a stick.


I stretched out my hands and focused on the food item icon then a box of provisional bars came out into my outstretched hands. I also saw a canteen on the menu. I gave one to Rialey (while showing him how to do it) and ate one of them, and it was almost flavorless. At the very least, it's food. After eating the tasteless bars, I looked in my menu a little more. I found a weapons tab and opened it. A pop up came up and said "Class select." This made me realize that this world was a world in which we would have to do a lot of fighting, which would help me prepare for what we would need to do. I could tell Rialey was also having this realization.

I focused my vision on the accept button. It asked me what class I wanted to pick. The choices that were shown were as follows.

Archer, Assassin, Conjurer, Paladin, Monk, Mage, Priest, Swordsman, Alchemist.

I ended up choosing rouge which revealed some of the other greyed out stats.

Stealth: 5

Alchemy: 5

Element: Dark

Skills/Abilities: Vanish

Passive Abilities: Increased presence concealment

"Added corresponding class weapon"

Alchemy and Stealth sound very interesting and unique. They will definitely come in handy. It's also worth mentioning that stealth and alchemy were unique to my class. My health got lowered by 25 points and the other grayed out stats were gone. Rialey has been quiet for a little bit. I look over, and he is eyeing his menu with great intensity.

"Why are you eying your menu like it has lewds of your waifu?"

"I chose the class Swordsman, and it gave me some average looking stats with my carry weight being 175 and I also got a unique looking skill called resistance that has 5 points in it. My element says To be decided. I also got 'Class corresponding weapon'".

"That's actually pretty good."

"Oh, what's this? It gave me options between electric, fire, and water."

"What, you got a choice? That's unfair, I didn't."

"What was everything you got?"

I told him all of the abilities I acquired and the class I chose.

"Nice, that potion making skill will definitely come in handy"

"I one-hundred percent agree"

I flipped through my menus to go into the inventory tab. I found two small, skinny stone daggers. Rialey pulled out a long and sleek stone long sword that resembled a long sword. He swung it around a few times to see how it handles and I, my daggers.

"Wow, this seems really easy to use," Rialey said.

No really? Almost as if it was your class-oriented weapon, but I decided to keep that to myself.

After we were done looking through the menu we decided to try to find our way to civilization. We walked idle for around 30 minutes. For no reason we stumbled into a decrepit village in a parting in the woods. Upon examination, we see it's been abandoned for quite some time now. We stumbled along the village searching for any people. We saw a lot of dead bodies along the path. Some were dead due to lacerations others jab wounds. Around the center of the village, there were charred corpses littering the ground. My instinctive reaction was to look away. Rialey just walked with his head down. It's not everyday you see 12 bodies that were burned to death.

"Alright, there is nothing in this village, lets go." I firmly stated.

At a loss of words, Rialey abided and followed behind me.

"We need to be careful so that we don't run into whoever committed this atrocity,"

I agreed with that, if faced with whoever did this we would be crushed in an instant.

Once we got out of the village, we decided to head north. The sun seemed to be setting, so we needed to find a safe place to rest for now. We discovered a tree with its roots showing.

"I think this place is good," I proclaimed.

"Are you sure, it's going to be a bit cramped"

"It's a forest, not a 5-star hotel."

I climbed under the tree and took up the least amount of space possible and tried to sleep. He was a bit hesitant, but he got under the other side and went to sleep. I woke up and got out from under the stump. I stretched a little bit to work out the odd way I went to sleep. After the stretches I pulled out my daggers and started practicing with them. I tried to make my blades and my body move fluidly together. I was shabby at best, but it was good enough for a starter. Around when I was done Rialey got up and stretched out the soreness from his position.

"You've been training all morning?"

"Yeah, and we aren't leaving for a while so train. I'm going to go get some deer meat. Set up a fire pit as well."

"Got it"

I walked southbound for a while. I stumbled across a river and decided to follow downstream to see if I could find anything worth hunting. The stream was very long and winding. Around 5 minutes of me walking down and enjoying the morning sound of nature, I see an elk. It had horns the size of my chest. I used vanish to sneak up behind it. I lunged at the elk and cut its throat. The elk screamed with surprise and pain. It died very slowly and painfully, there was nothing I could really do. I cut apart off all the good meat and some bones from the animal. I am not sure if I skinned it correctly but here's to hoping. I walked back the way I came and saw the tree I turned at when I got to the river. I walked for a couple of minutes then I saw Rialey swinging his sword around to get a better feel for it.

"Hey, You made the fire pit yet?"

"No.. I was busy."

"I figured this would happen. Well, no food for you I guess."

"If you take my food then your waifu will never love you"

"Damn, guess I have to give you food now."

It took him a while, but he found all the sticks and fire fodder we needed. He started the fire with a spark from his hands. I Skewered the meat and put them over the fire and waited for it to cook through. I was no expert at camp cooking or skinning animals properly, so it wasn't going to be all that great. It was around 9 a.m. when we left the camp site. We continued walking north to see if we found anything. Around 7 or so minutes go by, and we encounter a group of slimes. I took on the left group, and Rialey took out the right side. Rialey said that this was very satisfying and I felt the same as this was the beginning of our journey even though they were just slimes it still was a huge achievement to kill a monster. While killing slimes I heard a weird sound. I looked at where Rialey was at and he slashed multiple times in a second. After we had finished killing all of the slimes, I asked him about the skill he used.

"I learned it from training this morning and funny thing. I never leveled up."

"Interesting, just from swinging your sword?"

"Yeah, I didn't do anything special"

Interesting, skills were learned, not just received.

"We still need to find our way through the forest. It's kind of unnerving just by the sheer size."

The day ending with nothing at all happening. I assembled a campfire and put the meat over it.

We sang songs throughout the night to try to keep our morale up and the fear of this new world away. We decided to talk about Us being reincarnated. Rialey said that we should not tell anybody about how we got here and that we should just make an excuse. I agreed as we did not want any unwanted attention from people. In the morning we set off into the forest. Now keep in mind we have been going straight 90% of the time. And the other 10% of the time was straying a little off the path to kill monsters or hunt animals. Nevertheless, we always got back to where we were going. After a couple of hours of more walking, and something feels off. I jumped up in a tree and looked around.

"What are you doing up there, Idiot?"

"I felt off so I wanted to scope the surroundings."

I saw a small goblin squad. Goblins?! There were goblins in this world too? Well, I was just hoping they were not much stronger than the slimes. There were about 20 goblins to the west in a formation. Wait, how did I know that in an instant? I looked through my skills menu and saw a skill called Observe. I see, so it tells me the enemies and how many.

"Be careful, there is a goblin army approaching from the west."

He looks westward and sees nothing but trees. He looks confused for a second then says, "A new skill huh?"

I nod then gesture for him to be quiet. I used the vanish skill and disappeared for 10 seconds which seems to be the max. I got behind the army and started cutting them down from the back. I was very surprised at how weak they were granted, they were only half my size but still? They seemed to show no remorse for their comrades; they acted just like… animals. It was a piece of cake. Rialey was at the front of the horde and was cutting them down like he was slicing butter with a 100-degree knife. He used his multi-target attack and cut down five of them in what seemed like a second. He seemed to be very satisfied with the result. Meanwhile, I was cleanly cutting them down from behind. After about 2 minutes, they were finished. We went around collecting what we think we could sell like Armor scraps, cloth and weapons. We still would need money for the night if we wanted to stay at an inn once we found a town. We decided to sell the items we had collected from all the monsters and animals we have killed so far. We decided to keep the hide, and fur in case of winter or we got to a cold area. Although Rialey's dumbass thought we could use it as defense from ice mages. If they existed or were near here he then quickly caught his idiotic mistake. I looked around again just in case and by chance I spotted two larger goblins approaching. My abilities told me that it was an orc, at the fifth level. They did look very similar if a pig and a goblin had a child. I looked through the menu, and it said 'observe tier 2 unlocked' They were not nearly as strong as they looked but they were still higher level then us. I readied my daggers and Rialey, his long sword. Rialey caught their attention by yelling, "Hey you stupid pigs, im gonna kill you."

While he had their attention, I used vanish. I jumped on one's shoulders and put my daggers across his neck and slashed. He bled out and then I jumped off and ran towards the other one.

"C'mon Rialey let's do this" I yelled

He rushed in, sword in hand. I ran at the beast and was ready to fight. The Orc readied its club. I got ready to dodge and weave past, but the pure speed of his swing left me with only enough time to dodge. How did something twice my size move that fast? After the Orc swing Rialey charged in and multi-slashed its stomach. It fell to its knees and clutched its gut. I ran and sliced along its throat, killing it.

"How did something that big move that fast?" I asked.

"It's other world logic. Our world logic may not work here."

I hated that. Now everything is going to be a mystery. There was nothing of real value that came from the orcs. We went back onto our path on our way searching for a settlement. After an uneventful hour or so of walking and talking about whether boobs or butts are better, we came across a hill with a bit of drop off and we looked over the hill and finally made it. We made it to our first settlement.

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