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40% Ds-professional love book 1 / Chapter 2: the mighty drug

Chapter 2: the mighty drug

"You're late Jessica. Again." bellowed a black bold head man to a short head blonde lady who was approaching the crime scene.

"I'm only late by three minutes Danie." Said the lady drawing near the wrapped dead body. "Gloves please."

A young red head teenage boy about the age of seventeen, tattoos all over his arms laid dead on the ground.

"This is the third dead boy. He also died of heroin. Atleast that's what Vivana has found so far." Explained Danie turning the corpse's head over.

"Anything on the young man? His identity perhaps?"

"Yeah. His name is Anthony Miller. Jackson Miller and Madison Miller's only son. He used to go to the university of la Verne for school but he dropped out a year ago and also, he has a big sister Genevieve Bernard Miller who is married to Gery Bernard a french man."

"Anything about who is supplying the drugs to these kids?"

"Well, the supplier was Anthony who is dead now. But I think we should talk to Gery his sister's husband. He owns a drug store. He may know were such drugs are sold. Maybe he knows something."

"Where is this store located?"

"Western Avenue. A few blocks after san pedro."

"Okay then, let's pay the french man a visit." concluded jessica turning away from the corpse heading to her black jeep wrangler and there she drove away followed by Danie in his royal blue bmw.

Driving through the road fast with Danie trying to catch up with her. In a few minutes, jessica was parked outside gbH drug store waiting for him.

"You're very slow Danie." She chided as Danie parked his car.

"I'm not a racer Carriewhite and neither am I insane. " answered Danie.

"Again with that. Calling me insane." Asserted jessica entering the store.

At the counter they stood and out the door behind the desk came a very tall gentleman with long brown hair held in a ponytail. A grey beard, full ear piercings and tattoos all over his arms from the neck. On his left hand filled similar tattoos with that of the dead boy Anthony which jessica noticed on the first sight of him.

"Gery Bernard?" Asked Jessica.

"No miss. The boss is out and he won't be back anytime soon." Replied the gentleman taking a seat on a stool.

"Ok then, can we have a talk with you. Ask you a few questions?" Inquired Danie.

"Why? Who are you two people?"

"Well, I'm detective Jessica Carriewhite and this is my partner Daniel Romero." Pointed jessica as they both took out there badges to show the stranger.

"We have some questions for your boss but hope you can help?" Exclaimed Danie.

"Can i have your name sir?" Requested jessica. 

"Sure. I'm George Binett. How may I help?"

"Do you by any chance know Anthony Miller?"

"Sure. He is my boss's brother-in-law. He is quite a rebel. What with him?"

"Well the young man died of heroin, and I was wondering if by any chance you know of someone selling that crapy drug?"

"No ma'am. We know nothing about heroin."

"Okay then. Has the young boy visited this store lately?" Asked Danie.

"No... not any visits that we know of. We haven't seen the boy in months." Assured the man behind the counter who arrived immediately after Danie had asked George the question.

"And who are you sir?" Jessica adjured at the fine gentleman whose looks were exclusively familiar to those of George. A brown ponytail head and tattoos similar to the other gentleman.

"I'm Gerald Boucher. "

"Out of curiosity, how do you manage this store. Cause I haven't seen a customer enter since we arrived." Explained Jessica stepping Upon her theory.

"Well ma'am, not everyday is a happy one. We have seen the good and bad.. so." Said Gerald.

"Thanks for your cooperation though. Here is my card, we will need to talk to your boss if you don't mind informing him that we passed by."

"Yes. We'll contact you if Gery returns." Answered Gerald as Jessica followed Danie in the back heading out.

On Jessica's car, they both stood quietly and in a snap of thoughts, jessica requested to visit the forensics laboratory.

Got in her car and off she drove to century boulevard. Parked outside Wilshire and across she went inside a flat glass building.

Ran up and down the stairs fast in the flat and up the third flow she opened the door stuttering a lady Scientist who was examining her work.

Beautiful blonde hair, slender and pretty with bright blue eyes.

"Do you know how to knock?"argued the lady.

"Oh you say that everyday. I'm not here to fight with you Vivana okay. All in need is information about this heroin case. Any other drug found?"

"Yeah right. I examined the cigar and drug pill you found on the first dead boy Hunter and the other one Brain. It's a similar drug. Its heroin."

"Aren't you missing something? cause I don't believe heroin would kill those boys." Jessica Believed .

"Yeah... I was missing something. The cigarette you found on the boy is called speedballing. But that's not really the cause of there death."

"So they mix heroin and crack cocaine?"

"Yes, but that's not the cause of there death Jessie. This product has extra morphine in a bigger dose. The percentage of morphine in this cigar is double the percentage it's supposed to contain and that's the reason why crack wasn't visible and It was very strong to take in for the brain and the body due to the power it possesses."

"Yeah... that makes sense. Anything else?"

"Well... the cigars and drug have a GB initial. Meaning the manufacturer's company or name."

As Vivana kept explaining, jessica ran in thoughts to analyse the evidence they had. After a while, she picked up her cellphone and called on Danie telling him that the gentlemen at the stores were the manufacturers but Danie contradicted her.

He asked her to rush back to the police station in order to denote information about there case which she immediately did.

She appreciated Vivana's progress, ran off down the stairs and across the street still having Vivana looking at her through the window who later smirked and then moved away to return to her work.

When she reached inside, at the front desk sat two fine and decent ladies, one strange gentleman and Danie.

As soon as Danie saw her come in, he ran quickly to her as she came close and there he explained the situation.

"Hey. So the two ladies are Anthony's sister and mother and the gentleman is the dad. Before you go over to speak to them, just know that the young lady Genevieve knows something." Explained Danie.

"Okay thanks." Answered Jesscica barely convinced as she approached them at the table.

She took a seat, sighed to begin a conversation.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She started. " but I hope you wouldn't mind being asked a few questions about your deceased son."

"No... not at all ma'am." Answered jackson giving comfort to the two ladies who kept sobbing all the time.

"Okay then, where you aware about your son's  drugs business?"

" no... our son had no such business. He was just seventeen. We knew he was though taking drugs when he ran away after we had found out about his problem."

"Oh... so your son has been away from home? For how long?"

"For a few months, two months."

"Do you have any clue of were he was staying at the time?"

"Yeah. When he ran off, he decided to stay with her sister." Said jackson and the young lady shock her head in agreement.

"And you're a plant pathologist?" Jessica turned to Genevieve.

"Yes ma'am." Replied Genevieve. "And a forensics botanist."

"Sure. And have you been studying any plants lately."

"What do you mean miss?" Inquired the young lady turning a foul face.

"Have you examined opium for instance?" Jessica confronted.

"Yeah... last month, I was examining opium and a substance called morphine. Yeah."

"And was Anthony ever around during your work time"

"Yes... he always loved my work and he always wanted to know about it. but I wouldn't let my own brother get anywhere close to the substance. I knew his problem." Conformed the lady.

" sure? Did your brother have any relationship with your husband?"

"uh huh. Sure they got along very well and for the passed time, he spent most of his day time at Gery's drug store. Gery was a good friend to Anthony. He always supported my brother. "

"That's all then, I will be in touch with you." Assured Jessica.

"Please! Thank you." Responded jackson helping his wife on her feet up . The old lady hardly said a word at all.

'Before you live Mrs. Bernard. One more question. Is your husband a doctor as well?" Inquired jessica.

"Yeah. He is a physician."

"And does he have any criminal record at all? Maybe use of drugs?"

"No. He doesn't use drugs. At least for the passed years he quit. He can't hurt anyone. Why?"

"We need to speak to him, if you don't mind giving us his work number."

"No... sure." Responded Genevieve reading the number out loud.

As Danie wrote down the phone number on a shit of paper, jessica continued questioning the young lady.

"So you said your husband once used drugs?" Continued jessica


"What kind of drug?"

"Well crack cocaine. This is getting really unease for me miss. Can we leave already?"

"Sure that all. Have a nice day."

As soon as they left, jessica asked Danie to request a search warrant from there director Victor Soler. Which he immediately did. He left for the first office that faced the entrance door and Jessica remained at the table trying to reach Gery through his phone.

When Danie returned, he informed Jessica that the warrant would be ready by tomorrow morning. It didn't really excit her but she agreed to it, then asked Danie if they could get back to gbH store late that night.

This time round, they used Danie's car but Jessica drove. When they reached san pedro, they parked in a corner and out they came walking on feet.

"So do you think that these men manufacture the drugs?" Danie inquired for a vivid explanation of the situation.

"Well, it's one of my two theories I have now." Answered Jessica.

Before they approached the store, jessica stood still fast in the middle of the street and gazed at the other building across the store in search for cameras. She picked an eye for two of them then asked Danie to come with her.

They walked to the other building, knocked on the door and an old lady came out.

They introduced themselves to the grey lady and inquired if they could take a look at her camera footage. Jessica specifically asked for all the night footage of the cameras and the one that faced the left of the building. Paid a few dollars to the lady and left the flat with a flash.

Walked back to the car and raced off back to the station where they both sat to examine the information they had. Placed the flash in the laptop to watch the videos.

In each of the videos was the young man Anthony get inside gbH only late at night after the store had been closed for about an hour and out he came with a small bag . Always dressed with a black hoodie on yet clearly identifiable.

"Hope tomorrow we will be down on this case." Commented Danie as they continued watching.

"Well, I think we have our answer." Replied jessica.

"What do you mean? Not again with your mysteries. Just tell me. Do you think Gery is guilty?"

"No.. I think Gery is innocent. Just like Genevieve Miller."

"Then who do you think supplied the stuff to the young boy?"

"Well let's not get a head of ourselves. Tomorrow I will confirm my theory. If any right,then the guilty are six feet under."

"So you think the boy was the only supplier right?"

"Yes." Answered jessica closing the laptop. "See you tomorrow at western Avenue nine sharp with the warrant."

She picked up her jacket and went out of the building. Walked into her wrangler and before she could start the engine, Vivana came knocking at the window.

"Hey." Called Vivana

"Yes?" Replied jessica lowering the window.

"Are you not really going to pay attention to our conversation from last Sunday?"

"Can you just stop with your suspicions."

"They are not suspicions Jessie. They are facts and I have proof. "

"Get in."

"I want to...." Vivana tried to speak when Jessica cut her off

"You want to black mail me."

" I want to help you. So that's why you didn't want to listen. Do you think I can do such a think?" Trimmed Vivana

"I don't know. Maybe."

"No... I just want to help you. Can we have coffee together and talk about it on a table."

"I will accept your offer then but you should know. You better not play with me."

"Only if I wanted to die. " Assured Vivana.

"Have a good night then."


Vivana set off to her grey Mitsubishi outlander riding behind Jessica until they both took separate routes.

Jessica reach her appartment and there she refreshed. At her bed she sat and out of the drawer took out a photo. On it was a black head lady about the age of thirty and two little boys. Behind the picture was wrote (Amber Carriewhite. Mark and Mathew. We love you mama)

She kissed the picture passionately and then placed it under her pillow. Turned off the light and went to sleep.

Very early she was woken up by her alarm. Ran to the kitchen and placed on a pot of tea. Went and took a bath, dressing up and on making coffee. Picked up the disposable cup and ran out of the house to her wrangler. Firstly drove off and at western Avenue found Danie had already arrived the place.

"You always have to mock me with you early arrivals." Complained jessica smiling.

"Well its a hobby just like yours of waking up late."

"Anything suspicious around?"

"No... not any... the place is just normal."

"Then let's get in." Finalized jessica heading in the store.

At the counter sat an average man, late thirties, blonde long hair laid down his shoulders. Tattoos on his left hand with the same similarity with those of the other gentlemen they had met previously.

"Hello sir. I guess you're Gery Bernard."

"Yeah. And I believe your detective Jessica Carriewhite and he is Daniel Romero"

"So you spoke to your wife?"

"Well yeah but my boys told me about you and about my young guy Anthony. "

"Then I believe you wouldn't mind having us search your store?"

"No.... only if you tell me what your looking for."

"Someplace where heroin and crack cocaine is manufactured. " suggested Jessica.

"Well go ahead. I don't think you will find anything."

"Hope so." Responded Danie as they began to search the shelves, down the counter, around the other rooms but found nothing. They both returned to the counter. Danie looking disappointed but to Jessica, it seemed like what she had imagined.

"So. Gery, does this store have a basement?"

"Yeah. "

"Do you mind if we check it out too?"

"No... I don't. It's down the other room." Pointed Gery

They three went down the stairs and as soon as they opened the door, heroin beat there nostrils and down the tables fed morphine white powder and cracks.

"I swear I don't know how this got here." Exclaimed Gery in terror.

"I know. This belongs to Anthony."

"How? The boy hasn't been here for a while. Nooo." Insisted Gery.

"We have proof that the boy has been breaking into your store in the night , producing his drugs for sell."

"But where could he have got the crap substances."

"Sir, your wife was working on morphine for the passed month and Anthony was always there with her. Did he happen to know were you would get you crack cocaine?"

"Yeah. I think so. Maybe he heard me and my wife talk with this guy Isaac.

Well he tried to create a drug of his own using the two. Morphine and cconcaine. He used excess morphine substance it went out of hand.

"Then why would he use my place?"

"Because it's the least place anyone would have expected finding him more so in the night. Not even you came down this basement. "

"Hope my place doesn't get in trouble ma'ma. Please"

Don't worry about that. We only need to take out these substances and powder and it will all be done."

"Thank you then."

They both went up the stairs out of the room and then Jessica called Vivana to come over and take on her job.

Vivana arrived around in a few minutes with two other gentlemen, went down the room and cleared everything out of the basement living it less drug enticed.

After it was confirmed the work was done, jessica asked Vivana if they both could go out for coffee that night which she agreed too.

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