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Miles was allowed to stay the night in the stables with the men who tended the horses. Headmistress Warren was upset she couldn't provide anything better for a Lord but Miles reassured her he was just happy to have somewhere dry and warm to sleep. "At the fort, all the men sleep on the same straw mats whether they're Lords or farmers," he smiled to ease her worry.

Delaney was surprised to see how calm and polite Miles was being. She wondered if he had gotten hit in the head when the dragon attacked. Cora was also surprisingly demure, worrying about his arm and finding him bedding. She wondered if their marriage might be a happy one after all.

By morning, word of the dragon colony had spread through the school and letters were going out by the dozen, no doubt to spread the word far and wide to anyone who would listen. Classes were canceled for the day due to the general mood of fear everyone was in. Delaney and Cora took Miles to see Uncle Win to ask him to help with recruiting men to the mountains to help take on the dragons.

"The two of you spend time here?" Miles had asked in revulsion as they arrived at the club, his familiar boorish ways rising to the surface again. Cora just rolled her eyes at him and stepped in, giving the ever-watchful Cecil a quick hug before going ahead to find his boss. Delaney too hugged him before following her friend, leaving Miles behind, lip curled in disgust.

Frowning down at the shorter man, Cecil moved to close the door.

"Wait!" Miles yelped, nearly being closed in the door. He glared back at Cecil over his shoulder as he hurried to find the women.

Uncle Win was half asleep in his armchair in front of the fire. He stirred awake, hearing the girls call his name. "I must still be dreaming! I thought there were just two beautiful women smiling at me and calling my name!" Win boomed with laughter, rosy-cheeked as he hugged each of the women happily. "What brings you girls here so early in the day? And with this mangled looking sourpuss?" Cora giggled at his words, glancing back at Miles.

"Uncle Win," Delaney said quickly, "I would like to introduce you to Miles Adair, Earl of Greythorn. He's Duke Vincent Adair's younger brother and Cora's future husband."

Win raised his eyebrows in surprise and dropped into a low bow. "My apologies my Lord. It looks like you might have hit some hard times of late. May I offer you anything out of my storerooms to wear? It is said a man could lose the shirt off his back gambling here and I'm sorry to say many actually have."

Delaney bit her lip to keep from laughing, knowing Win wasn't sorry in the least and took pride in the ruthless reputation of his establishment.

"I'll be fine in my own garments thank you," Miles replied shortly, "But I would like to have a few moments of your time instead. My betrothed and my future sister-in-law have assured me you are somewhat of an influencer among the men in this community. Is that correct?"

Win puffed out his chest a bit farther, "I suppose I've heard it said often enough."

"Then I will ask for your help on our king's behalf."

In about an hour Miles had told Win of everything they'd found in the mountains and the urgency of their need for more men to help. Win had not only agreed at the importance but promised Miles he would make it his mission to round up as many trained men as he could and send them to join the effort. The two had shaken hands and parted as friends in fact.

"I suppose we have your blessing now to spend time here on occasion?" Cora had asked Miles with a smirk. Miles had frowned deeply at her and continued without reply. Behind him, Delaney and Cora covered their mouths to hide their giggles.

They returned to the school and Miles told them he would need to leave to head to the next town to spread the word. Cora had food packed for him from the kitchens and Delaney went on with him to the stables to have the men ready his horse.

"Vince did want to come and see you, Delaney. I hope you know that," Miles said seriously to her while they waited, "He is ranked higher than the rest of us though so he was sent first. The King trusts him and the men like him and obey him. He didn't have a choice."

"I understand," Delaney said quietly, looking out at the frozen, ice-covered world around them. Her heart and mind were heavy with worry. What would happen to her if Vincent never came back? What if she never saw him again?

"He'll be alright won't he?" she asked Miles, looking at him with worried eyes, pulling her cloak tighter around her.

"Who Vince?" Miles smiled, "He'll be fine. He's a wonder with strategy. He'd probably even give you and Cora a run for your money at cards if you ever tried to play him. Not nearly as good as me of course."

Delaney looked up and Miles winked. She laughed out loud, surprised to hear him making a joke about himself. Before she knew what she was doing she stepped forward and gave him a quick hug, catching him off-guard.

"Be safe Miles," she pleaded, "Come back to Cora as soon as you can."

He reddened, not used to such caring interactions. "I will Delaney," he took the reins of his horse from a man who had just come up beside them, "And Vince will be back to you as soon as he can as well. I promise."

After a surprisingly teary goodbye from Cora, Miles rode off, leaving them standing on the stairs as it began to snow again. Delaney glanced at her friend who was to marry the brother of her own future husband. She couldn't stop herself from wondering if it was Cora who would end up the duchess and Miles the duke. If Vincent didn't make it home that would be what happened. And what would happen to her? Delaney would be left alone with no marriage contract just like Constance except even Constance's family had some money. Delaney was an orphan with nothing. Without Vincent, what would happen to her?

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