Reviews of The Gamer of SAO by NeonGamer973 - Webnovel


  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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update more chapters 😉 man good story has many potential so add more chapters and please don't create Harem 2-3 girls at max pls 🙏 author continue don't drop

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Sorry, but I don't like this type of MC who are forced to do something. And with a predetermined destiny. He was killed by someone sent by the goddess because she wanted to talk to him, and he was told that he would become husband of the goddess and become king of the gods and he accepted it easily. Sorry, but I'm not a fan of that kind of crap. Oh, and one more thing. The MC was told that he could become stronger than the first primordial god just because he had an interesting idea. Ha ha, the world's most ridiculous bull****. That's all, I won't comment, because any intelligent person will know what I mean by that.

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update more chapters 😉 man good story has many potential so add more chapters and please don't create Harem 2-3 girls at max pls 🙏 author continue don't drop

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Sorry, but I don't like this type of MC who are forced to do something. And with a predetermined destiny. He was killed by someone sent by the goddess because she wanted to talk to him, and he was told that he would become husband of the goddess and become king of the gods and he accepted it easily. Sorry, but I'm not a fan of that kind of crap. Oh, and one more thing. The MC was told that he could become stronger than the first primordial god just because he had an interesting idea. Ha ha, the world's most ridiculous bull****. That's all, I won't comment, because any intelligent person will know what I mean by that.

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