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9.09% Tied By Fate / Chapter 2: Dreadful Memories

Chapter 2: Dreadful Memories

Three sharp bangs at the door.

'Ugh, that must be Marcus at the door, I was hoping he would have forgotten.' Levi thought to himself as he forced his unwilling body off his recliner. 'Why did I agree to this?' Levi approached the door with a forced breath out. When he opened the door, he saw Marcus with two young men. He recognized the shorter blonde as Ethan. The new employee his uncle hired last week. 'I guess the unfamiliar face is Marcus's roommate.'

"Hey Levi, hope you didn't think we forgot about you." Marcus said with a cheerful smile.

"Wouldn't have dreamed of it." Levi said in an unintentional sarcastic tone.

"Wow you were right, he is a quiet one. We haven't met, I'm Zack." he said with confidence while holding his hand out toward Levi.

"Oh uhh I'm Levi, obviously Marcus mentioned me." Levi said in his normal monotone while returning the handshake.

"Are you guys going to just stand at the door or are you going somewhere? I have the heat on, it's 40 fucking degrees outside. Levi, go out and enjoy yourself. I'm shocked you got this far, I won't let you blow them off now." Levi's uncle hollered as he was approaching behind forcefully nudging Levi out the door while closing behind.

Levi sighed, as he knew he had no choice, the moment he heard the door lock. Levi heard a small snicker from who he could only assume was Marcus.

"Well, now you really don't have a choice."

Levi let out a sharp breath dreading the night to come.


The 4 boys were in Marcus's vehicle going to an unknown location. Levi was looking out the window while placing his hand under his chin, secluding himself from the rest.

"Hey I didn't notice you wore a necklace." Ethan shyly pointed out.

Levi glanced over at Ethan who was sitting in the back seat with him. "Yeah it's sentimental, I never take it off."

"Who gave it to you?" Zack cut in seeming interested that Levi finally spoke in the car.

"My mom." Levi simply said while looking out the window.

"Oh I noticed you live with your uncle. Are you not close with your parents?" Marcus asked while looking back at Levi in the rear view mirror.

"They passed away." Levi said softly as he sank in his seat.

The car grew silent until a small voice was heard. "Nice going."

Levi was stuck in a trance as he thought back on the last day he saw his mom.



Late one snowy night, Levi was with his family as they were heading back home from his baseball game.

"So Tom's father told me something interesting." Levi's dad began.

"What's that honey?" Levi's mom asked curiously.

"Oh just that fact that his son is dating a boy!" he said in a sharp tone looking at Levi in the rear view mirror for a reaction.

"Levi did you know about this?" his mom asked while looking back at him.

Levi simply nodded.

Anger sparked in his father's eyes as he never broke his eye contact with his son. "You mean to tell me you are friends with a fag and you didn't bother telling us?" he growled.

"Honey, don't say that word!" Levi's mom demanded in a saddened tone.

"Why should I not say the word. Gay's are disgusting and shouldn't be a thing!"


Levi remained quiet watching his mom and dad fight.

"Levi, speak to your father when he is talking to you? Why didn't you tell me?!" He demanded for an answer.

Levi swallowed the knot in his throat knowing something his father didn't. He couldn't bare telling him now.


Sudden rage sparked to Levi's heart as he slammed his hand on his father's back seat. "DON'T CALL HIM A FAGGOT!!!!"

The car was filled with silence until the sound of the accelerator to the car was getting louder.

"Peter slow down!" Levi's mom yelled out while holding the handle above the passenger door.

"Levi, don't tell me your old man raised a faggot himself? Would you lie to me?" He spoke in an eerie tone.

A tear fell from Levi's cheek as he stared at his father's reaction through the rear view mirror. "Would you call me a faggot too, dad?!?!" Levi yelled with the last remaining confidence he possessed.

His father growled, as he was about to scold his child. A loud scream was heard as the car hit a patch of ice. Levi grabbed his handle above his door for dear life as his father over corrected the turn causing the vehicle to fly off the side of the road, hitting a tree dead on.

Levi woke up feeling a blistering headache. "Oh god.. my head." He groaned while rubbing his forehead feeling a burning pain so sudden. He winced feeling sudden numbing pain all over his body as he opened his eyes to only seeing a horrifying sight of his two parents dead.

'I was only 14 years old when I lost them. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have distracted him. I'm the reason they are dead.'

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