Reviews of The Great Demon System by Drip - Webnovel



  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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LV 4 Badge

IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO NEW READERS! PLEASE READ! My first few chapters' writing quality is very bad and lacklustre, as I was still a newbie at the time, but gets much better as the novel progresses! Also, the first 5 chaps can be frustrating (For a reason that is greatly hinted at) and are kinda similar to vamp system but the story and settings differentiate after that into their own thing past that point! I know my story isn't 100% perfect but there are at least some things to like about it! Hope you stick around! ❤️ No Harem too! I am part of anti-harem gang :D Harems add too much filler, something I absolutely don't want! I want substance in every chapter! Expect a little bit of romance but that will by no means be the main focus of the story. IF YOU ARE A VERY SENSITIVE PERSON THIS NOVEL IS NOT FOR YOU! The novel is also really gorry, the MC is a ruthless person who is not your generic protagonist and more of a gray anti-hero. He is really dumb at first but evolves into someone much smarter and more cunning! He is not world-breakingly OP and uses his brain to try to come out on top of any predicament he finds himself in. Sometimes the gore is harsh and other times it's funny so do expect that! I try to add comedy whenever I can in ways you may not expect or see coming! Thank you for reading this review! I hope you enjoy my novel! 😄

View 237 Replies

Would this book be better if the first 7 to 10 chapters had a rewrite? Yes. Would this book be doing as well as it is if the book did not get significantly better afterwards? No. To you, the reader who is asking themselves "should I keep reading this mess of tenses and blatantly copied ideas from 'MVS'?" The answer is yes. Keep going. I almost dropped the book but am now quite a ways in and WOW it has been a pleasure to watch the author develop. As the story goes on, the grammar improves significantly, and copied ideas are few and far between, only appearing to appease plot holes that would otherwise appear. I believe that the only reason the beginning has not been torn out and replaced is because somehow, the author has managed to use such an unstable foundation for a book and return with a solid final product. Endure the beginning. It gets so much better.

View 13 Replies


View 6 Replies

I love this novel great demon system . I also like your writing style and especially anti harems thing because i don't want see breaking up of this main couple in the future. I like the Mc and his way of treating his only woman nicely and love her only . I think Mc ruthless is well suited for future events as he is on a difficult journey to get power to protect his love ones and know the truth about his parents. I think you doing great job Drip for this novel. Can you please continue to have Mc only have one woman Jay please 🥺.This my only request please author Drip. I am waiting for this novel almost since long time ago . Thank you for creating such amazing novel 😁 supporting you for sure 😊

View 1 Replies

Please finish the book or let me know how I can get the end of it

View 1 Replies

Hey, I have been wondering, I dropped this book a while ago to let it gain some chapter but I see here that it hasn’t updated in a year did the author change platform like royalroad or did he just drop it? Or is it finished, because it doesnt seam like it since it’s the third chapter in the thrid volume soo I was just wondering.

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Where is the new chapters??? I need to see him become the actual demon king??? 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112111111111111111111111111122121111111111111

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luv this story something new and great power system

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At first 15 chapters it’s like my vampire system but after that the plot becomes MUCH better than MVS I read until around 150 chapter and I must say there is actually romance no harem which I like . Many people said that the 180 turn of the character is bad but I understand that guy wasn’t able to have negative energy which essentialy means that he cant feel negative emotions when his bad emotions were unlocked and he went over his life again he realized that his whole life was taken advantage of so got trust issues but after that he got over it so he only had a tight knit group in which he could normally talk. I must say that the author made a great novel like… the MC got a group of demon-friends a girlfriend and actually isnt an idiot an all of that a a lot of “revenge” scenes in 150 chapters but in MVS i read about 200 chapters and regret it to this day the MVS’s MC got a “friend group” (not really trustable friend group) no girlfriend and struggles to talk to a another vampire while Moby talks to a former demon lord DAILY and not like MVS which got !1! Ever eating servant-friend-ghoul Moby got 1..2 3!! And one of them being a shapeshifter girlfriend!

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I really like this book and I disappointed after u stopped!! U even said that u where going to finish the book but the ending was far away and that u still had a lot to write.... Well obviously ur not going to finish it so Y would u say u where?? This was a good book but by u not finding it kinda makes it suck and is definitely a big disappointment!!! I always hoped u would come back and finish it but I guess not!!

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will there be more it stops on a cliff hanger

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I love the story wish you drop chapters faster but life and I wish you had your work on other places so we can just purchase monthly fees like NovelReader think about it

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Essentially it is my vampire system but better MUCH better the romance is good not harem in the first 10 chapters it is mvs but later I started to regret this 1500 coins I spent on mvs the MC isn’t overpowered like cid but no t dumb unlike mvs he actually faces challenges and doesn’t have that much plot armor im in the mid-200 of the novel and it is definitely better than mvs and if you like dumb MCs more then off you go to mvs

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LV 15 Badge

Really enjoyed this book. Ended up being one of my all time favourtires. Really hope the author pics this back up I would definitely support it.

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The writing starts awful and doesn’t get much better as it goes on. The characters are shallow and one note, the story and setting are uninspired, and it overall was a slog to force myself to read long enough to where I gave up on it ever getting much better. Just read MVS.

View 1 Replies

I really hope this isnt dropped im loving it so far but i saw that you havent updated in a year so im worried to continue cause i dont want an story that will never get completed staying in my mind. It'll just make me sad

View 0 Replies

I like how every scene is vivid, as if I’ve been transported to the very moment, I only wish there were more chapters so I can enjoy this amazing book

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Excuse me writer but I would like to ask if you will continue on this novel or not… I request you to please not drop it… please reply if you read this comment..🥹

View 0 Replies

love it... but... its been an entire year since either of your books were updated.... where did you go? and why do we have to pay premium for 25 chapters that might never come out? if your done writing please say so... and if someone can what happened to our author?

View 0 Replies

The book was good to begin with but the author dropped it over a year ago 🫠

View 7 Replies

very very happy 😊😊 to hear that you are coming back please tell the date month when you will start uploading new chapters and another question are you going to continue your novel or not thank you very much for coming back 😁😁

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i dropped it the moment he started to torture the yandere by making out infront of the yandere with his first girl who took the mc in as a boytoy like 3 before him the mc managed to make the first girl his underling (which restored her virginity ) Doppler ganger specifies or something as if this wasn't enough he gave the yandere to his another necromancer underling girl for pure torture here , the yandere was brutally raped by the undead of the necromancer girl ..... i stopped reading here 😔 the reason for this torture is justified because the yandere killed a innocent girl who was flirting with the mc and mc not even interested in her if he even was interested then he would have saved her atleast even if it meant showing his demon power..... and turns out the this innocent girl has pure soul so she became an angel and angel has the authority to choose someone to fulfill their regrets in life and somehow the mc gets this quest to torture and kill the yandere and to protect the siblings of the innocent girl . this whole thing could have been solved by mc but he didn't as a lot of plot armour sacrifice was necessary for sole reason of the quest given by the innocent girl angel since it gave reward of holy power resistance to a mc as he is a demonic creature ......... this was only way for obtaining holy resistance for a demon like mc ...... the whole reason happened during the first time they went out to another planet for hunting and training before the locked chapter . it was also discussed with system after the hunting that the the character of the underlings change after transformation from mc demonic power. the system also told that even the mc has changed and the doesn't know how, we the the reader atleast know how he changed. i regret reading this novel ..... as for cruelty ..... I have to say that the author has outdone himself by telling us about how the yandere girl was forced to give more money to mc by selling the yandere 's clothes, is valuable and making her ask her father for large sum of money the scene and description where to inhumane physically and more worse in the soul for the yandere girl 😭. this is meant for reader like me and i think my vampire system is better than this trash novel no comparing both of them is the real sin like some people here .

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Waste of time, the mc is a simp first of all. and the Charachters are mentally sick and Hypocrite. I don't mind evil but being Hypocrite is the worst.

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LV 11 Badge

I hope the author hasn't abandoned this book because I really enjoyed it. And isn't the holiday just about to start now? Maybe free time will encourage the author to write, anyway waiting a year is not so much, even if the break would last a few more years, I will check back here regularly to see if new chapters have arrived.

View 1 Replies

I really wish you where still writing this book to say I’m obsesseds would be an understatement

View 0 Replies

has the author stopped releasing for this book? it looks like it hasn't moved for 9 months? it can't be done by now with 445 right

View 1 Replies

The story is rather average in riding quality, update stability and world background. However he makes a perfect character, there is a yandere and then he just decides to kill her. The most interesting character he has built was kill with no real purpose behind it. All other characters in the story is boring and their character development sucks. The world development is just Bad, there’s nothing special about the world he’s trying to build compared to other stores you could read the only time he had something unique was with the yandere that was kill

View 1 Replies

this is one of the better books I've come across. keep up the amazing work.

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disappointed first of all obviously the name of the novel is a lie he may become demon(race) but he does not have the mind set as one he thinks to little,after everything he gone through he still trying to be accepted by others and be there friends and helping people. So screw the Arthur he his shifty writing and mc

View 3 Replies

sadly the author has stopped updating I loved this novel but now I have finished it I just want more I hope one day to return but as of now I recommend saving your coins for another novel

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this book is very interesting but so sad to see it end like this

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LV 4 Badge

IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO NEW READERS! PLEASE READ! My first few chapters' writing quality is very bad and lacklustre, as I was still a newbie at the time, but gets much better as the novel progresses! Also, the first 5 chaps can be frustrating (For a reason that is greatly hinted at) and are kinda similar to vamp system but the story and settings differentiate after that into their own thing past that point! I know my story isn't 100% perfect but there are at least some things to like about it! Hope you stick around! ❤️ No Harem too! I am part of anti-harem gang :D Harems add too much filler, something I absolutely don't want! I want substance in every chapter! Expect a little bit of romance but that will by no means be the main focus of the story. IF YOU ARE A VERY SENSITIVE PERSON THIS NOVEL IS NOT FOR YOU! The novel is also really gorry, the MC is a ruthless person who is not your generic protagonist and more of a gray anti-hero. He is really dumb at first but evolves into someone much smarter and more cunning! He is not world-breakingly OP and uses his brain to try to come out on top of any predicament he finds himself in. Sometimes the gore is harsh and other times it's funny so do expect that! I try to add comedy whenever I can in ways you may not expect or see coming! Thank you for reading this review! I hope you enjoy my novel! 😄

View 237 Replies

Would this book be better if the first 7 to 10 chapters had a rewrite? Yes. Would this book be doing as well as it is if the book did not get significantly better afterwards? No. To you, the reader who is asking themselves "should I keep reading this mess of tenses and blatantly copied ideas from 'MVS'?" The answer is yes. Keep going. I almost dropped the book but am now quite a ways in and WOW it has been a pleasure to watch the author develop. As the story goes on, the grammar improves significantly, and copied ideas are few and far between, only appearing to appease plot holes that would otherwise appear. I believe that the only reason the beginning has not been torn out and replaced is because somehow, the author has managed to use such an unstable foundation for a book and return with a solid final product. Endure the beginning. It gets so much better.

View 13 Replies


View 6 Replies

I love this novel great demon system . I also like your writing style and especially anti harems thing because i don't want see breaking up of this main couple in the future. I like the Mc and his way of treating his only woman nicely and love her only . I think Mc ruthless is well suited for future events as he is on a difficult journey to get power to protect his love ones and know the truth about his parents. I think you doing great job Drip for this novel. Can you please continue to have Mc only have one woman Jay please 🥺.This my only request please author Drip. I am waiting for this novel almost since long time ago . Thank you for creating such amazing novel 😁 supporting you for sure 😊

View 1 Replies

Please finish the book or let me know how I can get the end of it

View 1 Replies

Hey, I have been wondering, I dropped this book a while ago to let it gain some chapter but I see here that it hasn’t updated in a year did the author change platform like royalroad or did he just drop it? Or is it finished, because it doesnt seam like it since it’s the third chapter in the thrid volume soo I was just wondering.

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Where is the new chapters??? I need to see him become the actual demon king??? 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112111111111111111111111111122121111111111111

View 0 Replies

luv this story something new and great power system

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At first 15 chapters it’s like my vampire system but after that the plot becomes MUCH better than MVS I read until around 150 chapter and I must say there is actually romance no harem which I like . Many people said that the 180 turn of the character is bad but I understand that guy wasn’t able to have negative energy which essentialy means that he cant feel negative emotions when his bad emotions were unlocked and he went over his life again he realized that his whole life was taken advantage of so got trust issues but after that he got over it so he only had a tight knit group in which he could normally talk. I must say that the author made a great novel like… the MC got a group of demon-friends a girlfriend and actually isnt an idiot an all of that a a lot of “revenge” scenes in 150 chapters but in MVS i read about 200 chapters and regret it to this day the MVS’s MC got a “friend group” (not really trustable friend group) no girlfriend and struggles to talk to a another vampire while Moby talks to a former demon lord DAILY and not like MVS which got !1! Ever eating servant-friend-ghoul Moby got 1..2 3!! And one of them being a shapeshifter girlfriend!

View 0 Replies

I really like this book and I disappointed after u stopped!! U even said that u where going to finish the book but the ending was far away and that u still had a lot to write.... Well obviously ur not going to finish it so Y would u say u where?? This was a good book but by u not finding it kinda makes it suck and is definitely a big disappointment!!! I always hoped u would come back and finish it but I guess not!!

View 0 Replies

will there be more it stops on a cliff hanger

View 0 Replies

I love the story wish you drop chapters faster but life and I wish you had your work on other places so we can just purchase monthly fees like NovelReader think about it

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Essentially it is my vampire system but better MUCH better the romance is good not harem in the first 10 chapters it is mvs but later I started to regret this 1500 coins I spent on mvs the MC isn’t overpowered like cid but no t dumb unlike mvs he actually faces challenges and doesn’t have that much plot armor im in the mid-200 of the novel and it is definitely better than mvs and if you like dumb MCs more then off you go to mvs

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LV 15 Badge

Really enjoyed this book. Ended up being one of my all time favourtires. Really hope the author pics this back up I would definitely support it.

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The writing starts awful and doesn’t get much better as it goes on. The characters are shallow and one note, the story and setting are uninspired, and it overall was a slog to force myself to read long enough to where I gave up on it ever getting much better. Just read MVS.

View 1 Replies

I really hope this isnt dropped im loving it so far but i saw that you havent updated in a year so im worried to continue cause i dont want an story that will never get completed staying in my mind. It'll just make me sad

View 0 Replies

I like how every scene is vivid, as if I’ve been transported to the very moment, I only wish there were more chapters so I can enjoy this amazing book

View 0 Replies

Excuse me writer but I would like to ask if you will continue on this novel or not… I request you to please not drop it… please reply if you read this comment..🥹

View 0 Replies

love it... but... its been an entire year since either of your books were updated.... where did you go? and why do we have to pay premium for 25 chapters that might never come out? if your done writing please say so... and if someone can what happened to our author?

View 0 Replies

The book was good to begin with but the author dropped it over a year ago 🫠

View 7 Replies

very very happy 😊😊 to hear that you are coming back please tell the date month when you will start uploading new chapters and another question are you going to continue your novel or not thank you very much for coming back 😁😁

View 0 Replies

i dropped it the moment he started to torture the yandere by making out infront of the yandere with his first girl who took the mc in as a boytoy like 3 before him the mc managed to make the first girl his underling (which restored her virginity ) Doppler ganger specifies or something as if this wasn't enough he gave the yandere to his another necromancer underling girl for pure torture here , the yandere was brutally raped by the undead of the necromancer girl ..... i stopped reading here 😔 the reason for this torture is justified because the yandere killed a innocent girl who was flirting with the mc and mc not even interested in her if he even was interested then he would have saved her atleast even if it meant showing his demon power..... and turns out the this innocent girl has pure soul so she became an angel and angel has the authority to choose someone to fulfill their regrets in life and somehow the mc gets this quest to torture and kill the yandere and to protect the siblings of the innocent girl . this whole thing could have been solved by mc but he didn't as a lot of plot armour sacrifice was necessary for sole reason of the quest given by the innocent girl angel since it gave reward of holy power resistance to a mc as he is a demonic creature ......... this was only way for obtaining holy resistance for a demon like mc ...... the whole reason happened during the first time they went out to another planet for hunting and training before the locked chapter . it was also discussed with system after the hunting that the the character of the underlings change after transformation from mc demonic power. the system also told that even the mc has changed and the doesn't know how, we the the reader atleast know how he changed. i regret reading this novel ..... as for cruelty ..... I have to say that the author has outdone himself by telling us about how the yandere girl was forced to give more money to mc by selling the yandere 's clothes, is valuable and making her ask her father for large sum of money the scene and description where to inhumane physically and more worse in the soul for the yandere girl 😭. this is meant for reader like me and i think my vampire system is better than this trash novel no comparing both of them is the real sin like some people here .

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Waste of time, the mc is a simp first of all. and the Charachters are mentally sick and Hypocrite. I don't mind evil but being Hypocrite is the worst.

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LV 11 Badge

I hope the author hasn't abandoned this book because I really enjoyed it. And isn't the holiday just about to start now? Maybe free time will encourage the author to write, anyway waiting a year is not so much, even if the break would last a few more years, I will check back here regularly to see if new chapters have arrived.

View 1 Replies

I really wish you where still writing this book to say I’m obsesseds would be an understatement

View 0 Replies

has the author stopped releasing for this book? it looks like it hasn't moved for 9 months? it can't be done by now with 445 right

View 1 Replies

The story is rather average in riding quality, update stability and world background. However he makes a perfect character, there is a yandere and then he just decides to kill her. The most interesting character he has built was kill with no real purpose behind it. All other characters in the story is boring and their character development sucks. The world development is just Bad, there’s nothing special about the world he’s trying to build compared to other stores you could read the only time he had something unique was with the yandere that was kill

View 1 Replies

this is one of the better books I've come across. keep up the amazing work.

View 0 Replies

disappointed first of all obviously the name of the novel is a lie he may become demon(race) but he does not have the mind set as one he thinks to little,after everything he gone through he still trying to be accepted by others and be there friends and helping people. So screw the Arthur he his shifty writing and mc

View 3 Replies

sadly the author has stopped updating I loved this novel but now I have finished it I just want more I hope one day to return but as of now I recommend saving your coins for another novel

View 0 Replies

this book is very interesting but so sad to see it end like this

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