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Chapter 7

Title:"A marriage?"

After Theraki gave the signal countless magic circles appeared below the feets of the mages. They were chanting a spell called, Doomshot. An aoe type spell that summons a large bolt of condensed magic on the target area. Once the bolt hit its target, auxiliary explosions will occur on the rim of the crater created by the first bolt. This auxiliary explosions are much weaker than the original.

1500 mages simultaneously casted Doomshot and targeted military buildings on the city of Dreed Reef.Once the spells were completed, hell broke loose on the target city. Countless navy blue colored bolts rained down upon the military buildings and facilities, once it landed defeaning sound of blasts can be heard all throughout the city. Countless dead, destruction can be seen left and right. Countles men, women, and children died on the first blasts, more on the following.

This scene caused the cheers of the soldiers on the ships. Clanging their weapons on each other or in their armor to produce sounds.

"Whoa, such magnificent magic." commented someone.

"We will be feared once again!" another one commented

Seeing this scene Arthas was ecstatic, he never thought that the job the goddess gave him would be fairly easy to accomplish.But he didn't rest on his loins as he knew this is just the start of something big so he ordered the start of the phase 2 of the assault.

"Admiral, start the landing action and secure the port and beach" ordered Arthas.

"Your wish is my command" Theraki smiled and barked a couple of orders. The soldiers were now all ready to complete their designated taks.

On a certain ship someone can be seen giving a speech to his personal retainers. This man is the palace captaion Kjal, he together with his men is ordered to secure the city gates and defend it for as long as it take for the others to secure their own points if interest once they landed.

"Men! Our beloved king has personally ordered us to secure the city gates and defend it with our lives against the enemy counterattacks until our fellow brothers secured the walls and beach.Are you ready to face death for our king?! " shouted Kjal

"Yes captain!" all of his men shouted.

"Then brace yourself and memorize the faces of everyone around because once this day is over you may not see each other anymore!" chuckled everyone as they started to look around them. They knew this was a cold hard truth, but if their death would serve and make the situation better for their king then so be it.

"So I will ask you once again, are you ready to lay your lives to your king?!"

"Yes captain!" shouted everyone as loud as they could.

"Then embrace death itself! For the king!" shouted Kjal.

"For the king!"

Minutes later, their ship reached the shore and the elven soldiers together with Captain Kjal started to slaughter their way towards the city gates.

3 hours before the assault

Dread Reef, Governor's castle

"You said we can win this war easily!" someone shouted.

"That's what everyone thought but we didn't expect that those heretics would also revolt the same time as us!" argued another one.

"Look, if we will continue arguing the new king would be able to defeat us easily" said someone.

"Yeah? I thought you said that that king is an idiot and we can easily control him!" said the man who started the while argument.

"Okay okay, I may have misunderstood that kid but we can surely turn this tide to our favor."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"No no, I won't tell you Grada, it ain't fun if I did so just trust me."

"We can't trust you anymore Vhanelik, not after you brought us to this mess."

"Come on Sheyu I know you know my capabilities right?" chuckled Vhanelik.

"Then just tell us what you're planning!" said Grada in anger.

"Well you two brought me to a corner so I would be spilling the beans" said Vhanelik while smiling.

"Make sure that would work for as I got reports from the scouts that they were coming for us and was now quite near and he has a very large fleet." said Sheyu.

"Come on how large can his fleet be? 25 ships? 50 ships? " said Vhanelik while laughing.

"From what my scout said it is uncountable and apparently has a enormous flag ship leading it so I guess it's more than that." said Sheyu in a matter of fact tone.

"Then it's much better we could capture that ship and use it as our base of operations."Said Vhanelik while laughing.

"My plan is simple we proclaim that the king is a heretic and I am the chosen one, we would show them evidences that would cement our claim then we would have the whole army kill the king and now we have a big army and a large fleet plus we can control the kingdom, such a great plan right?" said Vhanelik with a proud face.

His reaction and suggestion made both his of comrade angry with him to the point that they want to decapitate his head right there.

"Y-you fool!" shouted Grada in anger

"Sigh* I knew that his suggestion is idiotic but I didn't expect it to be this idiotic." commented Sheyu

"What do you mean idiotic you bitch?!" shouted Vhanelik

"You stupid fool, she is right! Sigh* why did I ally with you again?" contemplated Grada

"Well I guess the only way to save our necks is to bend the knee." said Sheyu.

"Yes, that's the only way left." Grada agreed

"Y-you two are betraying me?!" shouted Vhanelik.

"Yes Vhanelik, we can't believe that we actually allied with a stupid pig like you!" said Sheyu in anger.

Sheyu and Grada ordefor their servants and personal soldiers to prepare some boats because they will personally surrender to the king. This made Vhanelik furious to the point of him wanting to kill them both but didn't do so because he knew he can't defeat them both in combat so he just let them leave. While he organized a desperate last stand on the castle.

30 minutes in to the assault

City gates

The group of Captain Kjal and his men are still fighting for the control of the gates. They were currently winning on the combat and their morale is on the all time high. The enemy soldiers on the other hand has almost been broken, the fact that they were currently losing added to their low morale which would seem to break any moment now. Their surroundings is like a scene on a horror movie, dead bodies littering everywhere, scattered debris from buildings that were destroyed. Almost everything in their surrounding were painted with blood, their once black armor was now crimson colored due to the blood of their slain enemies spurting towards their armor and staining it.

"Push forward!" commanded Kjal.

As his men were continuing to kill their enemies, the sound of hooves greeted their ears. This were the magic cavalry that was sent to give the final push against the guards on the city gates.

"Hahahahah, the cavalry are here!" shouted one of Kjal's men.

"Don't be left behind push forward!" Shouted Kjal.

He, together with his men and the reinforcements seized and secured the city gates opening a clear path to the Governor's Castle on the center of the city.

"Now that we have secured the gates we must hold it until further reinforcements arrive then we charge for the castle." Said Kjal to his men.

Kjal then pointed to one of his men and ordered.

"Go send a message to the higher ups, tell them that the gates are secured and they can enter the city without any resistance."

"Yes captain!" saluted the man he pointed to.

The man then got on a nearby horse then rode off to deliver the message.

'Now we just need to hold this gate and everything would usually fall into place's thought Kjal.

"Men! form a shield wall around the gates and protect it with your lives!" ordered Kjal.

"ORAAAAA" shouted everyone.

On a certain boat sailing towards the flag ship of the fleet you can see a group of 2 people, a man and woman together with their servants talking about something.

"Do you think he would forgive us?" asked Grada in a worried tone.

"Fate will tell, but we would likely be punished like his maid 5 years ago." answered the beautiful elf named Sheyu.

"I don't want to be flayed then bioled alive, I'd rather be decapitated than that." shouted Grada in fear.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he won't do that, probably at most exile us but death is out of the options, he can't touch us due to imperial laws." comforted Sheyu while looking at the ever increasing size of the ship they were going.

"Be sure about that because I if that won't happen I would personally kill you!" said Grada .

"If everything would go south, I could still seduce and marry him." simled Sheyu mischievously.

A soldier then approached the both of them delivering an important news.

"My lords, we are approaching the ship, they were hailing for us." reported the soldier.

"Raise the white flags, and hail them back we are here to talk to the king." ordered Grada.

"Yes my lord" saluted the soldier then turned his back away to relay the orders.

"Now everything shall be up to fate and the will of the gods." said Grada while looking at Sheyu and sighing.

On the throne room of the ship where Arthas currently resides, a commotion broke out from his loyal subordinates about the incoming ship.

"My lord, you must not forgive them!" shouted a tall burly man while standing from his seat.

"But they're still nobles of our race! My lord atleast give them some consideration, I am sure they're only forced to do what they did." argued another one, but this time a woman.

"Silence! You're in front of the king, show some respect!" ordered Theraki to the people arguing.

This order seems to only cause to increase the heat of the argument of both sides. Then suddenly the king raised his hand, signaling them to be silent.

"I know you have mixed opinions about them but I think we should have a vote to settle this problem." suggested Arthas.

But the commotion who briefly stopped, continued with this suggestion being given.

"My lord! That would be underlying your power and is not completely necessary!" said a woman with a fair purple skin and wears jewelry all throughout her body.

"Why are you trying to question his majesty the king on his decision, are you betraying him?" shouted the tall burly man from before to the woman who previously spoke.

"I'm not questioning his majesty regarding his decision, I just find it unecessary and I'm probably much more loyal to him that you and your clan combined.! shouted the woman in anger.

Seeing this is getting out of hand Theraki raised her hand signalling the guards to make the arguing lords and ladies to shut up.

The guards quickly went to work seeing the signal from Theraki. They pointed the pointed end of their halberds to the arguing lords making them effectively silent.

Arthas then spoke to everyone inside the room.

"Everybody! I know some of you has a problen with my decision but this is the only way I can think of to quickly decide on this matter." said Arthas to his subordinates.

"We understand you my lord but others just didn't think it that way because they are fools!" said the tall burly man in agreement.

"You're calling me a fool?!" questioned the woman who has jewelry all over her body.

"Silence! We will have a vote regarding this matter and that's final, do any of you have problems with it?" declared Arthas with a domineering presence.

"No your majesty!" shmmsaid everyone on the room respectfully.

Then a servant came to the side of Arthas whispering something.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, our guests has boarded our ship and is heading towards this way with a proposition on their mind" said Arthas while a smirk forms on his face.

Then sounds of trumpet and drums were heard after the announcement then a shout from announcing the arrival of Sheyu and Grada.

"Dreadlord Grada and Dreadlord Sheyu has arrived!" shouted a scholar looking man from the while the duo entered the room.

"Your majesty let's marry."

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor SomeGuyOnDarkArmor

I will start editing the previous chapters starting later or tomorrow. :)

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

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