When Qian told him that she had also met the popular author Qin Jiran, and that he was living with the empress, Xu Wenyang never thought that the person she was talking about was the devil himself. As for what the devil was doing at Tang Moyu's place, he had no idea.
"Wen, this is Qin Jiran. He's Sister Moyu's friend, the one I was talking about." Lin Qianrou introduced him to the familiar man sitting in a wheelchair, the man who was looking at him as if telling him to hold back whatever he wanted to say for now.
"Mr. Qin, nice meeting you." Xu Wenyang shook Feng Tianyi's hand as if this was the first time he was meeting the devil face to face.
"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Xu." Feng Tianyi gave him a curt nod before turning his head towards the little buns who had flocked around Qian, pulling the woman to the garden to show her the seedling they had planted the other week, while Tang Moyu followed after them.
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