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episode 2

(The episode opens with everybody gathered around and talking in the living room)

Kimi: Alright, you know my children want to meet you all and perfected a spell in order to do it.

Kanisha: Sure, I have wanted to meet your children

(Kimi's eyes glow, wind blows, and a portal)

(Through the portal comes out a 6-year-old girl has short black hair, wearing a purple jumpsuit and has a poodle tail and a 6-year-old boy who has short messy black hair, wearing a red jumpsuit, and has a cat tail)

Kimi: Meet my children.

The boy: My name is Aiden

The girl: My name is Sophia

Cutie pie: It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Cutie pie

Sophia: It's nice to meet you too, I didn't know that the kimiverse has a little girl in this.

Cutie pie: Kimiverse, clever.

Sophia: Yeah, I have more stuff in my notes from what my mom told me and Aiden.

Kimipie: Did she say anything about me?

Aiden: Kimipie, tiny mutant with a big heart that protects her family.

Kimipie: Aww! Thanks Kimi

Kimi: No problem after all, we are kinda like the same person, just different sizes and from different universes.

Kimipie: Very true.

Sophia: I also have Odette (Odette smiles) Alula (Alula spins a screwdriver) Kal (Kal barks) Kim (Kim is leaning on her sword) Kai (Kai looks peppy) Lucy (Lucy is on the ground) Tani (Tani is by Lucy) Xylah (Xylah is spinning two bontons) Kanisha (Kanisha is swinging on a bar) Keira (Keira is drinking grape juice) Princess K (Princess K is talking with Kevin) Kevin (Kevin by Princess K) Eve (Eve drinking beer) Melody (Melody eating a watermelon) Betty (Betty is upside down) Tina (Tina is humming) Suzi (Suzi is eating a banana) Danna (Danna is watching on a tablet)

Aiden: I added some people from the kimiverse that you will meet in the future.

Kimi: Can I see that?

(Aiden hands Kimi the notebook)

Kimi: By this there's triplets, that have been added to the kimiverse, I feel like I just said my own product.

Sophia: It's okay, I came up with the name.

Kanisha (swinging on the bar): Let me see that list

(Kimi throws a notebook to Kanisha)

(Kanisha smiles)

Kanisha: I got sent into their dimension by accident.

Kimi: How was it?

Kanisha: Amazing! For once my heart was jumping and I loved it.

Kai: Kanisha, I must ask you do you actively jump off cliffs to test what makes your heart jump.

Kanisha: Not on purpose, a hunter was chasing me and I nearly fell off, then I swung on a branch, and kicked him off the cliff (red eyes) . His blood was delicious, too bad he's dead.

Lucy: Kanisha, I know I'm goth, but you scare me.

(The others nodded)

Kanisha: That's so sweet

Aiden: Yup, these notes are accurate

(Everybody's tail shake)

(A portal appears that makes three girls and a weasel appear)

Kanisha: Zinnia, Phoenix, Journee, and Sterral, how are you?

Zinnia: Where's a trash can?

Tina (points to the kitchen): Kitchen

(Zinnia runs)

Phoenix: Kanisha, it's good to see you

Sterral: Who's your friends?

Aiden: Read this notebook

(Phoenix takes the notebook and her eyes widen)

Sterral: If what this said true, does this mean my daughters are apart of this universe

Sophia (whispers): Kimiverse.

Sterral: Kimiverse

Kimi: If they got sent here, yeah, portals never lie

Journee: Okay, so what were you doing?

Odette: Enjoying our Valentine's day

(Zinnia comes out of the kitchen with chocolate on her mouth)

Odette: Where did you get that chocolate?

Zinnia: From the top of the oven.

Odette (looking angry): That was for my best friend and best friend's husband

Zinnia: Oops

Phoenix: Zinnia, we told you not to eat random chocolates off a tray or that was in a bag.

Zinnia: I'm sorry, uh

Odette: My name is Odette.

Zinnia: I'm sorry, Odette, How can I make it to you? I know (snaps her fingers)

(A tray of chocolate appear in Odette's hands)

Odette (smiles): Apology accepted (kisses Zinnia on the cheek) How about I make you four some chocolates, I still have some ingredients left

Phoenix: You don't have to.

Odette: It's my pleasure, it'll be my welcome present.

Journee: Then, we appreciate

Sterral: Very much, Ms. Odette.

Odette: Just Odette will be fine.

(The screen switches to Zinnia, Sterral, Journee, and Phoenix eating chocolate muffins)

Zinnia: How do you bake these? They taste so amazing.

Odette: Just the regular ingredients, you would use.

Phoenix: I taste cinnamon.

Journee: Me too, with peppermint

Sterral: This is perfect

Phoenix, Zinnia, Sterral, and Journee: Thanks Odette

Odette (has an umbrella): You're quite welcome, like I said it's a welcome present.

Sterral: I must ask, all of you have the same powers as my daughters.

Odette: Yup

Sterral: How did you all handle it?

Odette: I had my friends to help me and I gained confidence in myself.

Phoenix: Some of the friends we met at our school did help us.

Zinnia: So, your advice could help.

Odette: I hope so

Cutie pie (comes in the kitchen): Tani came up with a good idea.

Zinnia: What is it?

Cutie pie: Just come

(Zinnia, Phoenix, Journee, Odette, and Sterral comes out of the kitchen)

Tani: Good you're here, we are going portal jumping.

Journee (confused): Portal jumping?

Tani: Yeah, we are going to watch everybody here in their own universe, but we must be invisible, so the universe doesn't break apart.

Sophia and Aiden: Can we come?

Kimi: Well, we can't leave alone, so yes

Aiden and Sophia (jumps): Yeah.

Kanisha: Is everybody ready because I'm going unfreeze my timeline

(Everybody turns invisible)

Kanisha: Great, let's go

(Everybody walks out the door)

(The episode ends with Kanisha closes the door)

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