The invisible group followed the two, walking behind them as they walked past the vast Plains of Viraciyan. They had visited Viraciyan before, was it last week? Let's just say it was on the first day of school.
Yes. All that happened in one day. I know, mind-blowing-- the more you know~
Several horse caravans passed by them, possibly consisting of merchants and adventurers. Why did the spirit clans ride cars instead of caravans the other day? Well, they were not going or travelling to another city or continent.
They showed a similar card to the ones Mizuto and Mizuki showed after all. If they were about to travel to a whole different place, then they will need a different one. The one they showed was blue. The one they needed for travelling was a bright red one.
|| If they showed the blue card, they won't be able to leave the plains. Why is that? Simple ||
Yes, I'm still here--
[Last edited 02/12/2020]