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85.84% infinity terror anime work / Chapter 97: 97

Chapter 97: 97

Chapter 23, Real World I Final - First Half


A bright room.

No windows, furniture or doors that could be opened from within, just artificial and blinding lights that one couldn't escape if locked inside. Within that room stood a lone girl about ten years of age.

Her eyes were bloodshot as she had not slept in days and her body was thin as a board. She had idea how long she has been there as she has been in and out of consciousness, yet ever time she tried to rest her eys for an extended period of time the sound of a loud mechanical alarm would go off in the room.

So loud that it felt like her head was splitting open and evsn if she were to cry and beg for it to stop no one would listen to the girl.


Doctor 1: Again

Saki: ...

Doctor 1: Again!


Then each time this alarm rang loudly she would be forced to do a simple task.

To repeat a set of lines over and over again. She was not allowed to rest or stop repeating what she was being asked, or forced to say over and over and over. The little girl had been warned time and time again that if she failed to follow her instruction she would be disposed of.

The girl not having the will power or energy to refuse did as she was told by a voice coming from the intercom in a corner of the room. Watching the long girl in the all too bright room through a hidden video feed were two individuals.

Doctors in a sense, but were never the kind to help others... Just the opposite.


Doctor 1: Now, once more repeat your mission test subject 7654-A.

Saki: ...

Doctor 2: Haven't we done this enough already? We have been at this for thirty five hours straight with no sleep or breaks. She'll break and I think the brainwashing was a success.

Doctor 1: No. Just taking away her emotions or giving her a surgery here or there won't help. Those are all just helpful aids in the end. To truly control the subconscious one must break a person's spirit and build it back up again in the image of your desire.

Doctor 2: I agree, but you didn't go this far for the other children. Why her?

Doctor 1: Don't be fooled by her childlike appearance. That young girl has an exceptional brain in her head. Far more so then the other worthless test subjects that have been brought here. This is an exceptional talent! She may even possess the rare potential as a Psyche Force user and could become the core of a team. This girl has a bright future ahead of her, so it is of the upmost importance that she fulfills her role as a double agent.


The Doctor full of zeal for his twisted work then turned on the voice intercom once more and ordered the young girl named Saki to repeat her lines for the 853 time since this session began.


Saki: ...Objective one.... I'll seek out God's Dimension. No matter the cost I'll reach that place. Objective two, I'll learn skills in the real world that will prove necessary and most welcomed from as a new player in that dimension so as to accepted by the team. Objective three... After recalling my true self as a member of Mass Enlightenment after surviving my first mission and arriving within the Terminal Lobby, I'll will begin to actively explore and learn the secrets of God's Dimension along with my fellow comrades. Objective four, if my teammates are Mass Enlightenment I am to reveal myself and offer my support. If the team is Blood Crusade I am to stay hidden and record their activities and wait further orders, yet still support the team. And... And if my team members are of Absolute Reckoning, Dove United or other... I am to wait for an opportunity to to wipe out my team and tell my allies in the real world of my success.

Doctor 1: Excellent test subject 7654-A. Now again!


Double agents.

That was the main purpose of the Institute that Saki and the fellow children who were kidnapped by Mass Enlightenment forced upon them. Mass Enlightenment mainly used their resources to raise up potential Player to one day enter God's Dimension for them, yet they also saw a new opportunity to raise and send out double agents out into the world.

The plan didn't become larger due to the interference of people like Sozin and the rest of Dove United of the Four Pillars, yet the other Pillars for a time were seriously damaged by this side operation by the few successful cases. Sozin also knew of such double agents, but no one knew that the institution that was keeping Saki and the other children was one of them as he was just sent in to rescue or kill, but if he knew the truth he would have been forced to dispose all the children, including Saki.

Also, Saki's training wasn't 100% complete, but because her brain washing was nearly completed long ago, and was just made to forget about it along with the many, many dark things that they did to the children there Saki herself never knew the truth until recently. It was only after coming to the the Terminal Lobby for the first time did Saki begin to remember her purpose... As a double agent of the Masd Enlightenment tasked to infiltrate and kill enemy Players.



Saki: And that is my true identify Shin. Once I first came to the Terminal Lobby I realized what I was. For what reasons that lead me to search for that dimension, and then I knew. A spy. A tool created by Mass Enlightenment to infiltrate God's Dimension and take over the teams of Absolute Reckoning and Dove United. As for this team Japan... I am sure you can guess what I have plan for them all.

Shin: ...


Shin couldn't believe what he was being told despite Saki being right in front of him and telling him her story. Brainwashing, sleeper agents and for that person to be his comrade Saki... It was all too much for Shin to take in... Yet once he thought about it it made some sense.

Saki had already admitted in the past that Mass Enlightenment had experimented on her, which included her brain and neither Saki or Sozin knew what the ultimate goal of Mass Enlightenment was for all the children that they had kidnapped besides being raised as potential Players for them in the future.

Kids without parents, orphans now after their parents were killed would be let out into the world unknowingly and most if not all them will despair over their lives. Shin didn't know how exactly the final picture was supposed to look like, but he could imagine it being like how Saki's turned out. They would gain the skills needed to survive in that dimension and continue their programing.

Even without all of her memories Saki had been consciously and subconsciously drawn to God's Dimensionmand and her own lack of ability to feel strong positive emotions only made her more likely to click YES to God if they ever made contact with him.

They would definitely possess skills that a Player team might highly desire, so these sleeper agents would be most welcomed into any team... Like Saki had been to ours. From there, when the teams accepts the double agent and they let their guard  down in the Terminal Lobby were everyone is relaxing and preparing for the next mission, or on the mission itself the sleeper agent would make their move.

It was a truly horrifying yet brilliant plan, and anyone who has ever watched/played Star Wars or Assaisn's Creed would know how effect such plans are, but Shin felt that something was off as well.


Shin: Have you really been brainwashed, Saki? There should have been plenty of chances for you to kill me and you let them go till this moment. Hikari, my cousin Chika, Aqua... That last one doesn't count, but if you had attacked me when I was with one of them I would have been made to protect them and I would have lost to any plan that you could have devised.

Saki: How deductive of you Shin. I never thought of you as dumb since you purposely fool around all the time, but I give you credit for keeping your cool in this situation.

Shin: I don't worry about that Saki, I have definitely lost a few marbles over this whole fucking shit you laid on me at the very last minute. I'm also angry enough to rip your head off for that stunt just now.

Saki: I see. Then to answer you question, I really have been brainwashed Shin, but I have too good of a brain. I am definitely your and the rest of Team Japan's enemy, but I haven't been completely taken over by Mass Enlightenments brainwashing.

Shin: You haven't? Well, the the pit of lava where I was just standing isn't very convincing, Saki.

Saki: Yes and no, you are correct, but I am still the same Saki that you and the rest of the team all know as my original self is still in control, yet slowly and surly I am losing myself to the brainwashing that they did to me as a kid. There is no changing that unfortunately.

Shin: ...

Saki: Mass Enlightenment couldn't stop talking about how I was the ideal asset for this double agent nonsense and would move up in the organization due to having an exceptional mind, but because of my exceptional mind I could resist and take certain actions others in my position could not. It might have something to due with Sozin rescuing before I was ready to be released into the world, but that doesn't matter now.


Saki then began to stare at Shin and once more from that no emotion women, Shin could feel real killing intent. Shin needed to look into Saki's eyes just once to see she isn't joking around, like she ever could do that when she wasn't a threat to his life.


Saki: The brainwashing is demanding that I kill Team Japan... And there is no way for me to fully resist that order even now. I've only resisted so far because like I said before I have a too good of a brain, more so then those scientist thought, but I couldn't resist forever. I am 100% certain that I will take the next chance in the next mission to kill everyone in our team, and unexpectedly at that. Most likely as we are all waking up at the start of the mission when we are most vulnerable. Of course after I kill you here I'll lie to the rest of the team when I return to the Terminal Lobby.

Shin: Would it really go over that well, Saki? I don't know if it will make you feel relived or not, but our team isn't so stupid to fall into your trap. They will suspect that something is wrong if you return well after they did and I never came back. You could fool some of them, but not Kampa or Aqua who are more experienced and more likely to doubt any excuse you give them.

Saki: They certainly would wouldn't they, but only if it looks suspicious, Shin. I know a lot more about God's Dimension than you do now that I remember everything, so let me tell you something about Voyage Trips like the one we are right now. You see, when we all return together like this, even if someone immediately returns and another Player returns just one minute before time is up, we all return at the same time to the Terminal Lobby. This is possible because God's Dimension is an entirely different dimension with its own space and time. The science behind it is confusing, but the point is that we will all instantly return together no matter how much time passed since Hikari, Kampa and the others left before us. Long as I don't stand out and act confused when they realize you are missing, then even Kampa and your beloved Aqua wouldn't suspect me. In fact, questions and fingers would be points at Kampa and Hikari instead since they supposed to come back with you.

Shin: ...


Shin couldn't believe how well thought out this plan of hers was. Saki was definitely being roundabout it, but it still didn't mean that her plans were any less ingenious as usual. He could only wonder what Saki has next up her sleeves, but the answer to that came immediately as he thought of it. Shin watched as Saki reached into her pocket and placed a ring onto one of her fingers. It was ring familiar to Shin and a ring he was already currently wearing on his own left hand.


Shin: ...Na Ring?

Saki: Yes. Shin, you and the others assumed I used all my points and rewards on that assembly line of goods that I made, but you and the others were well off the mark. All the things that I built were made with lost cost goods that hardly needed any points whatsoever, it just looked like a lot due to the quantity is all. I also discovered recently that I already had knowledge of useful tools and how to make them in my mind. An implant and gift from the filthy scientists who basically raped my mind and the mind of other children, but somewhat worth it wouldn't you say?

Shin: ...


'Fuck' and 'How could I have been so stupid', were the first words to come to Shin mind once he learned about Saki real work.

Shin and the others had seen Saki make close to a few dozen useful items for the team and working everyday with little to no sleep back in the Terminal Lobby. This gave everyone the impression that despite her cold and harsh ways, Saki had used up all of her points and rewards for the sake of the team on her manufacturing line of goods, but the the truth was that this image was purposely implanted into their heads.

Not only did it rid of any notion that Saki was anything but a team player, a comrade, it also hid the fact that she had used up her rewards and points on the Na Ring and probably Low level Ki as well to activate it like Shin could. Once Shin really thought about it he had never seen Saki make or exchange anything truly out of this world that would need any of her two D rank rewards.

Also, despite all the time and resources that she put into her work, the actual point cost shouldn't have been that high to start with and to end up with zero points left like she had. Like food, materials and such were extremely cheap and although Shin didn't know how much materials Saki went through in those eight days in the Terminal Lobby there was no way she could have gone through her entire saving of plus 3000 points points.


Shin: ( Was I so stupid that I didn't realize something so obvious that she didn't come close to going through all of her points and rewarding. Including the cost of the second human creation Saki should of had 2700 or so points. Saki must have spent 1500 points for the ring and the 500 point for Low level Ki, so Saki had only used  700 points or so for the assembly line. How... How could I have accepted that she had used all of her points for just that small amount of goods that she made? ).


The reason Shin and the others never questioned Saki or double checked how much she really spent on her tools and materials was trust.

Not only did Saki not give them any reason to doubt her, she made it a point to show how hard she was working for the team. Without the slightest doubt or reason to, it would have actually have been strange to double check on exactly how much each Player in a team spent on their exchanges. Shuai who even worked with Saki probably didn't understand what was going on either.


Saki: Just so you know within this Na Ring aren't just tools or weapons, but bombs as well. The kind that wipe out anything within a few kilometers. I made them during her down time here in the Real World. I didn't have the point or time to make on all on my own, but with my military resources it was easy to gather the parts long as don't raise any red flags in doing so. I also made the truly dangerous components with the left over points I had in God's Dimension.

Shin: You plan to blow everyone up?

Saki: Yes. Even if I have to kill myself to do so, I'll do whatever it takes to kill Team Japan.

Shin: Saki... It is hard to tell if anything you are saying now is the truth, but why are you going so far? Why didn't you say anything sooner about the brainwashing. And why are you and I here now, instead of me being unaware like everyone else and falling into your trap? Why did you only destroy the computer till I was about to return. If you had done nothing to the next mission you could have killed us all off without raising any suspicion.

Saki: ...To answer one of your questions I couldn't tell you what was going on. I am not allowed to tell anyone unless I am sure that their is no risk... Because I am about to kill you Shin. Something that I have to do in order to help you all.

Shin: Help? What the-

Saki: It's the truth Shin. I destroyed Kampa's computer just now to isolate you from God's Dimension and the rest of the team, so to create the perfect setting for our fight and so that you can defeat me. The truth is that despite desiring our teams death due to my brainwashing, I was able to hold off on killing everyone by focusing on a singe target to appease my uncontrollable desires. I wanted to kill myself, but it is impossible since my brainwashing restricts such actions. This was only one way for me to stop myself from killing everyone and that was to be killed in battle.


Shin didn't understand what Saki was planning, yet he understood that this battle was something Saki wanted and designed from the beginning. Saki really didn't want to hurt the team so she choose this roundabout method instead of outright kill everyone, by choosing to have Shin kill her here and now, and could Shin can tell that this wasn't a game to her, yet he still had questions.


Shin: Saki, I'm lost here. Do or do you not want to hurt us? If it isn't then-

Saki: There was a loop hole in my brainwashing, Shin. It compels me to kill you all since you are not Mass Enlightenments or an ally and there is no getting around that... But not when to, how to kill everyone, all at once or if I should persevere my own life are not decided beforehand. That was why I did all of this and am telling you the truth. By challenging you Shin, here and now, and having you win over me I can avoid harming our teammates and friends.

Shin: ...Saki, do you really set all of this up for just me to kill you? You don't want to harm us, but you can't help yourself due to the brainwashing? Didn't you fight so hard till now to go against it to the point you set up this nonsense? Couldn't you, couldn't you have just not done any of this? I can't believe despite having more than half control of your actions that you couldn't have done something. I truly refuse to believe that a person with such a brilliant mind such as yourself couldn't come up with a way to out of this mess. I am not going to kill you, Saki. I am not going to fight you either. You are no spy or asset of Mass Enlightenment of the Four Pillars. You are clearly my comrade!

Saki: ...Shin, this will be different from me killing myself. Since now after telling you the truth I... Won't be able to stop from trying to kill you, so to stop you from returning to the Terminal Lobby to warn the others to the fact I am a spy.

Shin: Saki! I said that I won't-

Saki: You don't have a choice in the matter if you want to make it back to the Terminal Lobby by the dead line. You will have to escape here from me, or kill me to reach the nearest computer to return. That would be Hikari's and remember you have about one hour to do so.

Shin: You can't just force me to kill you Saki.

Saki: I said you have no choice. What I said just now is also why you have to kill me. Since if you escape to Hikari's, I'll follow after you in pursuit. It may reveal to the Four Pillars that Hikari is a Player of Team Japan, which could endanger her family.

Shin: ...Saki, you!

Saki: Also, if you run away successfully without killing me, I'll inform the Four Pillars of all of Team Japan's identities which will in danger the families and friends of everyone. You also shouldn't try to take me with you back to God's Dimension. You could knock me out and bring me with you, but I wouldn't advise such a method. I don't want to hurt any of you, but I'll take the first real chance I get to kill everyone. You could bound me in chains, but during the chaos of the next mission my chance will definitely come and you won't be able to watch me every second that we are there. You should know better then I how chaotic and dangerous those missions are.

Shin: Goddammit Saki! Do you really want me to kill you!? Innocent victim or not, you have pushed my last nerve by threaten Hikari, Aqua and the others in spite of my attempts to offer you a hand. Do you even want to live at all!?

Saki: Didn't I tell you already long ago? After the BTOOOM mission and in the Terminal Lobby, at that time I had already begun formulating this plan and I told you that I had no more regrets. Whatever it was because of the brainwashing or my desire to know more about why my old life was ruined and being able to meet Sozin... I was fulfilled just knowing about the Genetic Constraint, so with everything else I learned that I truly have no more attachments to life.

Shin: ...

Saki: Now that I think about it maybe that's why I never had the will power to resist the brainwashing despite my efforts so far, or thinking up a method to save myself like you said earlier. Too late really, but it's nice to know in the end.


Shin felt the feeling of danger and death around Saki become stronger and jumped back as Saki activated her Na Ring with Ki and took something out. What Saki had taken out was a slim, yet large caliber sci-fi looking gun that was half her size from her Na Ring. Saki pointed and aimed her rifle at Shin as she had begun to talk once more.


Saki: Fission Hunter's Rifle, or a replica of it from the sci-fi exchanges that I was able to make here in the real world. It's a melting gun that shoots out energy ball of high heat and melt anything it hits. There is also a three round burst, charge shot, electric nets for capturing and missile attachments that pursue escaping targets. It would have been the perfect weapon for Kampa with his mercenary skills and experience, but unfortunately I only had the time to make one of them... And this one is already serving a purpose.


At that moment the level of danger coming from Saki reached a new level and Shin saw why. Saki's eyes lost their light and had become even more expressionless, revealing to Shin that she had too unlocked the First Stage of the Genetic Constraint and had entered Unlocked Mode.


Saki: Shin, I know I am being unfair here to you, but you have to fight. If you don't defeat me here and now then your Team Japan is destined to die.




Shin choose to immediately run away with Instant Movement as he crashed through the front window of the Internet cafe building he was just in to get away from Saki. Luckily, no one out in the streets at that time since from the window Shin had just jumped out of, a red light could be seen.

From there, the broken Window and the wall around it were melted by the Energy Shot of Saki's Sci-fi weapon. Shin looked back to see that the damage didn't stop at the wall, but carried on into the streets as well as ot turned the sidewalk into a pit of molten lava.


Shin: Fuck! Without Instant Movement I would have died, and I barely got away. I can't dodge that kind of thing without knowing it is coming.


Shin had already entered into Unlocked Mode by this point and sensed a threat from above. While running away Shin looked back to see Saki on the roof of the building and with her rifle point at him. Saki's Sci-fi weapon, the Fission Hunter's Rifle had four methods of attacking and Saki choose to use the fourth.

From the side of the riffle two toy sized and slim missiles were released from the gun. They followed after Shin and didn't look too dangerous, but Shin who knew better didn't stop running away. Shin turned a corner and the missiles followed after him. It was when Shin made a second turn down a ally way that the missiles lost Shin and detonated.




The blast from the missiles was not small and all the nearby cars were blown away and destroyed in the blast. Even Shin who had ran down an ally felt a intense shock wave slam into his back and almost knocked him off his feet.


Shin: ( In more then one way there's no point in running. Saki can melt through buildings and have missiles follow me. And I hate to admit it, but I can't lead this kind of destructive path of destruction to Hikari's home or my own. I... I can only fight Saki after all! ).


Shin was slightly thankful for his calm reasoning thanks to Unlocked Mode, but was more disgusted with himself than anything. Despite what Saki had said he wanted to believe there was a way out of this where they could both live, but not only couldn't he waste his time Saki's current existence was a major threat personally to himself and his teammates. Shin wouldn't allow any harm to come close to his loved ones and his comrades loved ones as well, so after seeing how much of a threat Saki was Shin prioritized his himself and his team over Saki's life.


Shin: Dammit Saki. Fine! I'm doing as you wanted. Like a puppet and since I can't afford to hold back I won't! I won't die here!


Shin choose no longer to run or think of a way to end this fight with Saki quickly. He thought of Saki as a comrade, but he is one to respond to punch with a punch, and death with death. After going through two mission he wasn't someone who would allow other people to threaten and kill him without a fight.

Now with the resolve to kill his former comrade Shin was able to calm down and think about his immediate problem. To defeat Saki and to escape to the nearest Entry/Return Point. To escape safety back to God's Dimension he has to defeat Saki, so first he needs to come up with a strategy.


Shin: Lets review what I know about her. Saki is extremely intelligent woman in her late 20's, calm and calculating due to the experiments Mass Enlightenment performed on her as a child. Her body is that of a female nearing the age of 30 who has gone through basic military training, but at the very least she has exchanged for Ki, making her stronger than the average women. Most worrisome is that she had at some point Unlocked her Genetic Constraint, so she can use her body to its full potential, which includes her intelligence which is the most frightening aspect about Saki. Saki also possess a Na Ring like myself, so she has an assortment of weapons to use hidden in its subspace. Most should be self made, so none of her weapons other then her main weapon should reach the level of Sci-fi caliber and she said herself that it took a long time for her to make... I guess I can believe that since despite her intelligence she his no professional craftsman and probably followed a manual. The greatest source of danger is that gun of hers, the Fission Hunter's Rifle. Energy Shots, three round burst, a Charged Energy Shot, missiles and a net to capture targets. It would be a frightening weapon in anyone's hands, but with Saki the level of danger reaches a whole new dimension. Fuck, she said she made that gun in her spare time, but with everything else she made she is a goddam monster!


Shin now knew what he was up against and begun making plans to counter anything Saki could throw at him. Saki should know that she can't win against him in close combat due to his weapons and enhancements, so using that as a starting point Shin begun to think about what he would due in Saki's shoes. This was possible with his 209 Intelligence stat.


Shin: My thought process had become more sensitive, and although I want to kick himself for missing Saki's whole plot, now that I am aware and in Unlocked Mode, I deduce Saki's possible attack plans. The rifle of hers is most suitable to mid and long distance attacks. Saki probably won't pursue me unless it looks like I am trying to run away from the battle. She will either stay a consistent distance from me and attack, or wait for me to come to her. Saki knows I can only fight from a distance with the Auto 9, so she is expecting me to come to her... And that is where her trap will be waiting for me! A straight up fight is impossible for her to win, so she will definitely have something prepared for when I come after her.


Shin then realized it was a mistake to run away from Saki in the beginning as that was his best chance to defeat her, but there was nothing he could do about that now. He hadn't resolved himself to fight Saki at that time, but now Shin is determined to end this pointless battle which he had no time for. Shin was fighting against a clock after all.




Using the nearby building and the shadows that they had provide, Shin left the alley he was just in to sneak back to the internet cafe where he last saw Saki. Shin thought it was strange that there are no signs of the police after all the havoc that Saki's weapon had caused, but he just assumed that it had to do with her Four Pillars connection.


Shin: ( There also aren't any curious civilians around as well, but that is good for me. I don't want to worry about people seeing me, or getting caught up in this mess ).


Shin was a block away from the cafe and yet there were no signs of Saki anywhere. He had hoped that she had stayed in one place since she was the oone who wanted this fight, but Saki was smarter than that. Saki should know that she couldn't win against Shin with a direct approach, so she would obviously use other methods.

Shin was certain of that much. He remembered that it was Saki who thought up the idea to set up a mind filed of bombs to kill their enemies in the last mission BTOOOM. Recalling that, Shin became more determined to find Saki. The more time that he gave her to hide and set up traps the worse it was going to be for him later on... But that onky mattered if Saki hadn't made any preparations before the battle began which was highly likely as well.


Shin: She's not here?


Shin couldn't find Saki.

Then as Shin was about to leave to try somewhere else, he saw a red flash of light and immediately jumped away with Instant Movement. A large red ball of energy came from inside the half destroyed Internet Cafe towards Shin and where he was just standing the surface of the road had destroyed and turned into magma from the melting gun.


Shin: There's more!


Three, but smaller energy shots were fired simultaneously came rushing to Shin where had landed after he dodged the charged shot. Shin avoided two of the three energy shots that would have evaporated him, but it was impossible to avoid the third even with his agility.

Shin had no defensive skills to date, a fact that he curses at this moment, so he could only take the attack head on. Shin drew his Gravity Blade magic weapon from his Na Ring, and then did something he has seen in so many Anime and Mangas and hoping his sword wouldn't be destroyed... Shin cut the energy attack in half with his sword and the spit of energy blast flew off in different directions.


Shin: Fuck!!!


Shin successfully avoided death, yet he cursed out loud due to directly taking on the attack. Shin wasn't killed, but the attack burned the skin off his arm and if not for his Lesser Fenrir Coat he would have imagined that his body would have caught fire.


Shin: ( Gaaah!!! How the hell do characters in manga avoided being hurt when they do this shit? Reality fucking sucks! ).


Shin filled with rage looked back towards Saki, but she was already gone and heard the sound of a door, the back door of the cafe being opened. Saki had ran immediately after her last attack not even considering that Shin would have died. Furious, Shin ran immediately after Saki and planned to jump on top of the Burning building to follow her as it would give him a better view.

Shin jumped carefully onto the roof and was about to look for Saki when he noticed something in the corner of his vision. Shin had yet to even register what it was before he jumped off the roof as fast as possible without even caring about landing. Shin hit his back hard on the concrete road and at the same time-





Placed throughout the half burned down building and including the roof by Saki were highly explosive Remote Control BIMs. Laying on his back on the street, not even taking the time to wonder how Saki acquired BIMs, Shin thanked his luck that he survived. If Shin was not traumatized by BIMs in the last mission and Saki had used regular bombs like C4, something that he has never seen before outside TV, Shin knows that he wouldn't have escaped as fast as he did and would have died.


Shin: Fuck! That was pure luck that I survived. Fuck 'I won't you to kill me'. Saki is holding nothing back for someone claiming that they wanted to die.


Shin didn't spend too more time complaining after that and got back on his feet. Then having made sure that he hadn't broken his back during the ball and could continue to fight, Shin immediately began to pursue his fleeing comrade Saki.




Shin: Well, I've had stupid idea in my life, but this take first place. Still, this is the only way to reach Saki in one, or in most pieces with my luck.


Before coming to his current plan, Shin recalls how he had spent the last ten minutes looking for Saki within the area. Every time that he found her she would use the power of her gun to stop him from advancing and escape.

Shin learned his lesson before with directly confronting those energy attacks, and so he has been using AP Bullet to shoot down Saki's normal attacks to have them detonate before they reach him and used his unmatched speed to avoid her charge shots that can turn roads into flaming pools of magma. Shin was successful, but as a result of staying a distance away Saki has been able to escape him time and time again.

When Shin finally manage to corner her, it turned out that he was the one cornered. Saki had ran and held herself within the construction site of a eight story building that was almost finished and ran up to the roof. When Shin followed after her it was only then did he realize the situation that he was in.

Saki had taken the higher ground with her gun and Shin was down on the open streets with nothing to hide behind, if that even mattered with a high powered melting gun. Shin realized the danger of staying out in the open like he was and was about to use Instant Movement to get to the construction site, but Saki was faster and much more prepared.

Saki pooled the third trigger of her gun and released the charge shot of her gun and targeted the area in front of him. Shin saw the flash from Saki's gun in time and backed away and a large potrtion of the street was destroyed from the blast. Shin not wanting to give up was about to move around the crater in the street knowing she can't fire another charge shot in time, yet Saki had predicted this action.

Shin only now noticed that the entire area around the construction site was booby trapped with Remote Control BIMs. Shin could maybe avoid the blast with Instant Movement, but it was impossible to get to the building Saki was in if she also opened fire on him while crossing the mine field of BIM.

Shin came to the quick conclusion that it was impossible at the moment to reach Saki, so he retreated from the area and Saki did nothing to stop him. Shin hid in the shadow of a building two bloocks away and attempted to figure out what Saki's plan was.

On the surface it looks like instead of trying to kill Shin, Saki was attempting avoid him and hold her self in her now self-made fortress. Shin with all of his Intelligence quickly realized the situation he was in and cursed.


Shin: Saki doesn't have to chase after me to win. It's me who's forced to chase after her. I can't leave Saki alone since she is the enemy who knows all of my team's secrets, and she knows this. If I run away she'll inform the Four Pillars about us and that'll put or family and loved ones in danger, so knowing that I can't run away Saki isn't hidden, but is preparing for the final battle and that building is the fortress that will give her the absolute advantage. She might have even made all those preparation and more that I don't know about in advance, and everything so far was to lead me here.


Shin knew this, but he had to go anyways and Saki would take advantage of that. Shin comes to the conclusion that the mind filed of BIM around the construction site isn't to kill Shin, but to wear him down.

Saki knows that with the Instant Movement skill, Shin could break through both the mind field and her sniping one way or another, but he would be damaged greatly. If there are other surprises waiting for him inside, than by the time Shin reaches Saki he wouldn't have the combat ability to defeat her, who is armed with Sci-fi weapons and has Unlocked the Genetic Constraint to the First Stage.

Shin knew that if he came charging in with his normal methods he would lose Saki even before he reached her, so Shin needed a new plan.

A plan to reach the construction site and the building within without taking any, or as little damge as possible. Shin spent three minutes thinking of a plan, but nothing came tommind and he really had no time to waste. It was then as he was considering taking his chances with just Instant Movement, Shin saw something... Which gave him the most stupid idea that he's had in his entire life, which brings him to the present.


- *VROOOM*!!


Saki on the roof of the unfinished building heard the sound of a car, in an area where civiliana be nowhere nearby due to Mass Enlightenment influence. Yet her hearing and now sight weren't deceiving her as a vehicle had just turned the corner at full speed and driving towards the construction site where she was. Saki channeled Ki into her eyes for increased vision and saw who the driver was.

It was her opponent Shin.

Shin had just came up with an idea to get past the barricade safety and for it to work he needed a car. Shin found  a car ( It's no humvee, but at least it has a roof ) parked on a street corner and appling tips he had learned from Misaki, he quickly hot wired and stole the car.

Shin didn't know how to drive, but with little he knew and being in Unlocked Mode he figured out the basics and hoped that instinct was enough to avoid crashing to death. Driving the stolen car towards the construction Site Shin had one hand on the driver side door ready to escape in an emergency, yet it didn't help his driving.

Saki didn't know what Shin fully had planned as just a car wasn't going to protect him from any of the BIMs or the Fission Hunters Rifle, but still decided to test the waters. Before Shin reached the mine field of BIMs, from the Fission Hunter's Rifle Saki fired missiles that could follow instead of the slow energy blast, and set the target to the car Shin was driving.


Shin: Baka! I was worried if you used the those energy shots instead!


Saki expected Shin to try and avoid the missiles closing in at him or shoot them down with the Auto 9, yet instead Shin himself did something he had no confidence of doing, but knew if it worked it would surpass any of Saki's predictions.

Just before the missiles impacted the car Shin summoned the full power of his Advance Ki Energy and strengthened the entire car like he would do a gun or sword, but just on a larger scale.




The missiles exploded after accurately hitting the car, but besides slowing down temporarily the car came out intact and still running. Saki was surprised by this and before she could understand why the car wasn't damaged, Shin's car blew through the mine field of BIM. Saki set them off hoping to slow Shin down a little, but besides losing it's paint job the car he rode through the BIMs was fine.

More than half of Shin's Ki reserves were used up in that small amount of time, but it was worth it as the car had now entered into the construction site. Shin smiled to himself that his crazy idea worked, yet that smile immediately left his face as he saw a red flash of light from the roof of the building.

Without hesitation, Shin threw himself out the car just before a charge energy shot hit the car and turned it into a puddle of molten steel, along with a large portion of the ground as well. Shin jumping out of the car and rolling away safed him and it only cost him a sprained ankle, yet that wa sthe worst injury for him as he still had to make his way into the building Saki was in.

Shin knew that an injury like this could slow him down, and it was at that moment he saw Saki from the roof of the building pointing her gun down at him and even saw the pull of the trigger.


Shin: ( I won't die... I can't die like this! I won't die here! ).


Shin screamed and that feeling of something within him unlocked appeared. He was already in Unlocked Mode, yet he didn't question it and dived deeper into his instincts hoping to survive.

Immediately after doing so, Shin shut off and ignored the the pain from his ankle and started running on all fours like an animal. The speed Shin moved at was even much faster than a regular person running with all of their might.

Not only that, but Shin had also became more sensitive to danger. Shin would start to avoid the energy shots from Saki even before they were fired, and avoided the wide electric nets Saki released in attempts to stop him. That speed and the way Shin was running shocked Saki despite herself being in Unlocked Mode herself and all of her efforts to stop him fail short.

Shin had entered far into the construction site and was getting closer to the building, yet because the door was tightly shut at this time, he needed to break it open. To do so safely would require him to stop for a second, yet one second was enough for a sniper or in this case Saki to kill him, so he wasn't going to take that risk.


Shin: Ahh!!!


Madness and desperation were on Shin's face he approached the door.

Shin didn't have the time to worry anymore. As he reached the door of the building he launched himself forward with Instant Movement and condensed his body into a ball. The cannon ball that was Shin, slammed into the firmly locked door and rolled into the building with what remained of the door he destroyed in his charge. The crash left Shin half in a daze, yet he didn't have the time to recover properly.


Shin: No time!


Shin immediately got up from the ground and ran toward the stairs leading to the next floor. The stairs were half finished due to construction, yet he didn't care in the least. Last he saw Saki she was on the roof of the building and he didn't want to give her time to escape, so he ran as fast as possible.

Shin ran up through the stairs as fast as humanly possible, yet that still wasn't enough for him due to all the time he had wasted just to reach where he was. Shin noticed that the half complete stairs were slowing him down, so he choose to no longer use them.


Shin: Faster!!


Like a beast, Shin allowed his instincts to take over and was rewarded with a sensation of power even greater than previous times he had unlocked the constraint. The countless fighting instincts, the ability to sense danger, and the techniques to use his strength made him feel so powerful.  

If someone was to see Shin's movements right now, they would be scared because he was running on all fours on the wall. Shin's speed was so fast that it kept him on the wall without falling. In no time at all like that he reached the seventh floor of the building and was almost to the rooftop when-


Shin: Ah!


Sensing danger as he was about to pass by the seventh floor Shin jumped back down the stairs, and then immediately he brought out and covered his body with his Kagune. As Shin came crashing down the stairs, a large corrosive shot ripped through one of the few finished walls in the building, now leaving a large hole emitting a great amount of heat and stairs that were no longer usable.


Shin: Shit!


Shin didn't fully avoid the blast, but thanks to his Kagune strengthened with Ki, he avoided being instanta killed and came out relatively in good condition.

Instinctively knowing what know laid ahead of him was the final battle Shin took one last check on his physical condition and with a deep breath, he jumped. Shin climbed up to what remained of the seventh floor and settled into a crouching position. Then immediately taking out Gravity Blade in one hand and the Auto 9 in the other, Shin locked his sights on Saki who was standing before him drenched in sweat. Perhaps a sign she was pushing herself using the Unlocked Mode with her low level of enhancements, but she didn't collapse. Saki as apathetic as always simply looked back at Shin. Her expression unchanged, yet still underneath a desire to fight to the very end.



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