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27.27% The Dragon Prince and Snow Queen / Chapter 6: Returning and Asking

Chapter 6: Returning and Asking

A Night Fury sped over the water's surface making it spray up as he goes past.

A masked figure lies on the dragon's back holding two handles steering his friend left.

Avoiding several Thunderdrums breaking through the water.

The rider sits upright in the leather saddle adjusting his prosthetic foot into the stirrup and unlocking the prosthetic tail the Night Fury had.

The duo fly up into the air enjoying the wind as it hits their faces.

" Yeah!" the rider yelled the Night Fury roared in agreement.

The two of them zipped through the clouds swooping as they moved in unison.

To someone who had never known them, you would say that they were the same creature, anticipating each other's movements perfectly.

They shoot upwards and begin spinning so fast it would make any normal person dizzy.

The rider and dragon fell backwards into the clouds smiling, they spun around and levelled out.

The rider extended his arms out, mimicking a bird, as they came across a small flock of timberjacks flying towards the Hidden World, they roared in respect of him.

The masked man moved the handles back into the lock position and patted his dragon brother on the neck.

" What do you think bud, you want to give this another shot?" The Night Fury warbled in frustration, knowing what his brother was referring to.

" You do know you're going to kill your self one day." The Night Fury said warning the man who was preparing for the jump.

" Oh Toothless, it'll be fine." The rider locked the tail up and unhooked himself from the saddle.

" You ready?" The rider asked him, patting the dragon on the neck.

" As ready as I'll ever be, you knuckleheaded fishbone." Toothless answered.

The rider shook himself off and then fell out of the saddle.

Plummeting straight down he felt free, free from his life expectations and responsibilities.

Toothless followed behind flapping his wings to catch up to his rider.

The two spiralled down through the clouds and came parallel with one another looking at each other's faces.

" Yeah!" The rider yelled as Toothless stuck out his tongue smiling.

The two of them faced down as the ocean came into view.

The rider placed his hands into the looped leather straps down his legs and extended his arms out as the webbed flight suit lifted him up, his dragon did the same.

The rider and dragon floated for a few seconds and as he tapped a button on his lower torso which caused a dragon fin flap to spring up.

The duo soared above the ocean as the sun glistened through the clouds.

The rider looked back at his dragon and the Night Fury just smiled, firing plasma blasts below his rider pushing him further into the air.

" This is amazing, isn't Toothless?" The rider asked as the hidden world came into view below.

" Hiccup, you might want to look below you, before mum comes flying out and notices you aren't on my back." Hiccup looked below him and noticed the great waterfall cutting down into the surface of the water.

Hiccup signalled his dragon and Toothless opened his spins running down his back, flying under him as Hiccup landed back in the saddle.

The two of dived down and circled the waterfall, flying through the mist and eventually coming into the vast cave system.

Hundreds of dragons we're milling about trying to complete tasks for their King or teaching the new hatchlings how to fly.

A convoy of dragons escorted the Prince and the Night Fury to the centre crystal where the Bewilder King was resting.

" How was your trip, my love?" Liry, a female light fury asked Toothless who just smiled at her.

" It was very eventful, but we ran into Johan and he proceeded to tell us one of his long-winded stories." Toothless rolled his eyes and groaned.

Liry groaned in response to her mate's reaction, knowing how bad Johan was at not shutting up when told.

" I think Johan's stories are rather funny." Meatlug, a female Gronckle stated.

Hookfang, a fiery monstrous nightmare gagged.

Meatlug had always been a sap when it came to Humans, he, on the other hand, couldn't stand them.

" Meatlug I have no idea why you like him, he's old and really boring." The monstrous Nightmare growled at her.

Hookfang was rescued by Hiccup around five years ago from a dragon hunter base and since then he had taken a liking to the once skinny boy.

" Oh would you lot stop fighting, Johan can be a bit boring at times but that doesn't mean we should pick on him." Stormfly, a blue and yellow Deadly Nadder growled.

Liry nodded with her friend's statement.

Toothless and Hiccup landed on a smaller crystal as their dragon convoy dispersed to surrounding rocks and coral platforms.

Hiccup dismounted Toothless and changed his leg out from the riding position to the walking one.

The King raised his head at the sound of wiring metal and noticed his son had returned from a search mission, the Fire Queen also landed down near her two children.

Hiccup removed his helmet just as his younger siblings Flame and Flicker jumped on him licking and blowing fire in his face.

"Hiccup your home, finally we've been waiting for ages for you to come back." Hiccup chuckled at his younger siblings, they tended to exaggerate when it came to waiting.

The Fire Queen roared telling her children to get of Hiccup as he stood up, she grabbed her son by the scruff of his shirt and placed him down in front of her.

She wrapped her tail protectively around him and began cleaning his hair and face.

" Ah mum stop, you're ruining my style!" Hiccup yelled as his mum started to lick his hair.

" Oh hush you, I'm nearly done." Hiccup tried to push his mothers head away, but nothing worked.

" Besides, I think you look very handsome with your hair slicked back." Toothless and the other dragons started laughing at his brother's misfortunes.

" You're enjoying this aren't you?" Hiccup asked his crazy reptile friends as his voice was muffled out by his mother's tongue, while she cleaned his face.

" Every bit of it fishbone. " Toothless replied.

Laughing even harder when he realised how stupid his brother looked.

" Mum, why do you have to do this every time we return from a searching mission?" Hiccup asked his mum.

" Because I am your mother and you don't always clean yourself properly when you bathe." Hiccup scoffed, crossing his arms.

The Fire Queen stopped liking him and moved her tail out of the way, nudging him forward.

The Bewilder King lowered his head so he could see Hiccup.

" Son you have returned, did you find any dragons?" The King asked.

Hiccup roughed up his hair again, flinging the saliva onto Toothless who just glared at him and started cleaning himself, Hiccup bowed before his father.

" No father I didn't find any dragons, but I did, however, hear some very interesting news from trader Johan." The King raised his eyes at the last statement knowing where his son was going with the conversation.

" Ok, tell me what you heard." Hiccup smiled this was his chance to ask his father if he could go see the human world up close and personal for the first time.

" Well, Johan told me that Princess Elsa of Arrendale was going to be crowned Queen tomorrow." Bewilder looked over at the Fire Queen smiling.

" I was wondering if you would let me go?" Hiccup looked at his father with pleading eyes, the King looked down at his son.

He knew there was no getting out of this and he did want his son to have a much deeper understanding of human culture.

" You may go, but on one condition." Hiccup fist-pumped the air.

" You take some dragons to escort with you and protect you, " Hiccup gave his dad a look.

" Really?" Hiccup's mother growled at him and he rolled his eyes.

" Take Flame and Flicker with you." Flicker and Flame landed on the boy's shoulders and nuzzled close.

" In the unlikely event that your fire starts to smoulder, they can slow the process down long enough for you to return here. " Hiccup fist-bumped the air again and hugged his father.

" Thanks, dad you're the best and I promise to be safe." The King looked at his son in a way that said you are never safe.

" Come on bud let's go pack." The rider mounted his dragon and they took off towards their cave.

The Fire Queen stood next to the Bewilder King and sighed.

" Are sure he can do this, Arrendale is where we found him all those years ago." The king exhaled, his son needed to know the truth and this would be the best way possible.

The King knew it was time for his son to begin his mission to unite the Human and Dragon worlds and Arrendale was possibly the best place to start.

Knowing that his son had a history with its royal family.

" He's ready, we have prepared him well for the road ahead of him." The Queen nodded in agreement, she knew that Stormfly had personally seen to his self-defence.

" I know you can't go with him because you have your other children to care for but I think he can handle himself." The Queen nodded and took off after her son.

                     ~ Line Break ~

Hiccup was in his nesting cave packing all he could for the days or so he would be gone into a basket.

He didn't own overly a lot of clothing or any human possessions, but he didn't need to.

He only ever wore one outfit and always washed after a mission, unless his mum got to him first.

The Fire Queen came up behind her son and watched as he frantically sped around the room searching for the things he might need.

She noticed Toothless sleeping on his stone hearth trying to block out his frazzled brother.

" Oh hey mum, have you seen my good green tunic with the gold embroidery, I swear I left it hanging right here?" Hiccup asked as he spotted it under a book he was given by trader Johan.

" Oh don't worry I found it." He folded it and placed it in the basket closing the lid.

He went over to a small treasure chest sitting on a coral shelf, he opened it on his lap and took out its contents.

An ornate cord with small painted beads had a metal snowflake dangling from it and in the centre of the snowflake lay a perfectly cut sapphire stone.

Hiccup had always wondered where he came from before the dragons took him.

He had gone on several search missions to find the kingdom or tribe that had a snowflake as their crest, but he found nothing.

Hiccup placed the necklace over his head and the cold metal sat against his warm chest as he stuffed or down his short.

" I know you wonder what your life was like before you came to us, Hiccup, " Fire Queen nuzzled her son and Hiccup returned the favour.

" I know, I'm just lost, I must have come from somewhere." Hiccup stood up and stepped a bag to Toothless' saddle bag.

" I am sure you will find the answer on this journey." Hiccup sighed this was his chance to find his human family or at least the family who raised him.

" Ok I'm ready, I'll meet up with trader Johan so he can get me close to Arrendale without people freaking about the dragons." His mum nodded knowing that not all Humans believed in dragons and not all liked them either.

" Enjoy yourself my son and be safe.' she hugged him right not wanting to see him go.

She knew he had to begin his peace mission somehow.

Hiccup strapped the last bag onto Toothless and mounted him checking to see if everything was in working order.

" Remember son to be on your guard, some humans won't appreciate this way of life and you just have to understand that." Hiccup nodded as the three of them headed out of the cave.

" Oh and please be careful, I couldn't bear to lose you." Hiccup chuckled as he put on his helmet.

" Mum when am I not safe?" His mother raised her eyes at him and growled.

"Ah don't answer that." Toothless took off into the air, he called to the other dragons accompanying them notifying them that it was time to go.

Flame and Flicker, sat in Hiccup's lap wrapping themselves into a ball.

The convoy flew out the cave and into the wide world, the sun blazing against their eyes and the air created from the waterfall lifted them up.

" It has been so long since we have done this together, wouldn't you say so sister?" Belch one of the heads of a Hideous Zippleback crooned, while Belch the other head nodded.

" You do realise that it was only last week we went on a mission right." Hiccup told the twins.

" Why yes dear Hiccup we did realise that, but for us, a week is too long." Barf added batting her eyelids innocently.

Hiccup sighed at the dragon's antics, those two were always into the dramatics.

He saw some dragons laying down on the steaming rocks above the waterfall, many of new families would bring their young up here because it was easy for them to learn to fly.

Hiccup often wondered if he would ever find someone to spend the rest of his life with, but who would want to love a man that disappeared every day searching for dragons and trying to bring peace to the Dragon and Human world.

Would he ever find love in a world so full of mystery?

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