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87.09% Reincarnated with Endless-System / Chapter 51: Punishment & Despair

Chapter 51: Punishment & Despair

{A/N: I have been revived from my laziness as I have returned. Anyway here is some 2.8K word chapter as an apology.

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Honest, who heard this only got paler as he suddenly felt his throat hurt so much. Slowly it can be seen that his neck skin slowly rotted as he then felt the pain.

"Arghh!! Stop It, it hurts!!!" Honest, who felt the pain slowly let out some tears as he then looked at Tetsuya with eyes full of fear as he cannot move a single part of his body.

"It seems the level 1 of this skill is only capable of doing this huh... But that's gonna be enough for taking care of this ugly fat bastard," Said Tetsuya while using his new skill [Decay] on Honest's neck.

"R-release m-me t-this i-instance o-o-or-" Before Honest finished his words, Tetsuya tightened his grip on his neck as he started to suffocate.

"Hmm… Seems like you talk too much, I might as well give you a suitable punishment for that." Said Tetsuya as he then crushed a certain area in Honest's neck that was supposed to be his vocal cords, though Tetsuya only crushed lightly so that Honest will not die from that since he still wanted to see Honest despair more.

"Kyaargghh!!--" Honest who got his neck crushed by Tetsuya's grip, felt tremendous pain as he then shouted but due to his vocal cords destroyed, he couldn't let out his voice which he then looked at Tetsuya with a desperate expression as he then let out some tears.

"Now that your voice is gone, it's gonna be more pleasant this way." Said Tetsuya as he then released his grip from Honest's neck. Suddenly one of Tetsuya's Shadow Soldier show up near him as the shadow then move one of the chairs in Honest office near Tetsuya, and this causes Honest to look at the shadow with widening eyes since what he seeing right now is something he has never seen before as he believes the thing that he just sees right now can only be achieved by great power such as Teigu. This makes him so confused and shocked as he now knows that Tetsuya doesn't possess any Teigu as he already checked him with Erastone.

"Since you won't be needing this I will be adding this to my collection." Said Tetsuya as he then pulls the Erastone from Honest head forcefully as Honest then groans in pain. Honest who is aware that the Erastone in his head is being pulled by Tetsuya is trying to stop it but alas cannot, due to his body still not able to move because of Tetsuya's bloodlust.

"Thank you, Biel." Said Tetsuya while sitting at the chair that has been prepared by the shadow that has the identity of Biel which is the extraction of Kokabiel's shadow.

"Yes, my master." Said Biel who only nods at Tetsuya as he only stands beside the chair that Tetsuya sits. Biel, who has already been a shadow that had served Tetsuya for the past 2 years has reached Rank A in terms of shadow which gives him the ability to talk. From this Tetsuya learns that the shadow of Rank A and above gains the ability to talk.

Tetsuya then brings out some paper and also a bottle that he kept in [ITEM] system.

"Does this look familiar to you?" Said Tetsuya as he holds a bottle while asking Honest. Honest who looks at the bottle turns pale as he recognizes the bottle that Tetsuya holds. Inside the bottle, there is a mixed color of black and red liquid that swells together.

"No need to answer since your facial reaction shows it all." Said Tetsuya as he then laughs while holding the bottle while smiling behind the mask as he then looks at Honest while mocking him.

'How do I answer when you already broke my voice.' thought Honest while looking at Tetsuya with a feared expression as he was still struggling to move his body that still freezes due to Tetsuya's bloodlust.

"It's futile to move like a worm you know... Anyway, you know what the contents of the paper that I'm holding right now is right?" Tetsuya then puts the bottle on the table that Biel just put next to him as he then shows the paper that he let out from his [ITEM] system to Honest. Honest who heard this is so pale as if he already knows the paper that Tetsuya is holding without making Tetsuya reveal the contents of the paper since he knew all the victims of the reaper have all of the evidence of their crime publicized.

Right now if Honest still has his voice he would beg Tetsuya forgiveness, but soon Honest start to question himself as to how Tetsuya is able to obtain all the evidence since he has gotten rid of all the trace of the evidence to the point that no one can link any crimes to him.

"Are you wondering how I found all of the evidence of your wrongdoings?" Said Tetsuya with a smile as he then looks at Honest who is shocked that Tetsuya knows what he is thinking.

"The answer is really simple... There is a mole on your side that I planted to monitor and write all of your naughty misdeeds, anyways, can you guess who is the mole from your side?" Said Tetsuya as he looks at Honest with a big smile as Honest who puts a despaired expression on his face. Honest who heard this cannot believe that people on his side are betraying him, especially if there is a person that he trusts that knows most of his misdeeds.

*knock knock*

"Looks like your question will be answered here... Come in." Said Tetsuya as he gives permission to the person who knocks to enter the room.

As soon as Honest sees the person who enters the room, his eyes are wide open as Honest recognizes the person that comes from the door. The person itself is Saikyuu who is one of the people that Honest trusts that Tetsuya already turns into a puppet with [Biological Pocket Puppet]. When Honest looks at Saikyuu he realizes that Saikyuu is holding a knife while taking custody of a hostage of someone that Honest knows very well while threatening the hostage with a knife. The identity of the hostage that is being held in custody by Saikyuu is Honest's own son, Syura who is still 10 years old at this point.

{A/N: Syura -}

Honest, who soon sees his son being taken hostage by Saikyuu, instantly looks at Saikyuu with raging eyes while trying to make a voice with his broken vocal cord but fails as the voice that he let out is more like the barking of a wild dog.

"Please don't be mad Honest-sama, this is all happening because of the results of your own misdeed, right Syura-kun?" Said Saikyuu with an evil smile while looking at Honest. Well, of course, all the things that Saikyuu is doing is because he is being controlled by Tetsuya which makes Honest believe that Saikyuu is really betraying him.

"Father!! help me!!" Said Syura as he looks at Honest with teary eyes.

"Well do you like the surprise present that I just sent you? How is it the feeling of someone betraying you." Asked Tetsuya while looking at Honest with a dark cheerful tone of voice. Honest who heard this now wants to curse Saikyuu for betraying him but knowing that his situation is getting worse and worse, he then starts to look at Tetsuya with a begging expression in order to make Tetsuya spare him and his son.

"Oh... Didn't all of your victims have the same expression that you are making now? Just so you know this is all happening because you are trying to poison the Emperor and due to that I will not spare you." Said Tetsuya with an easygoing tone which made Honest who heard this start to go confused as he starts to question the relationship between the reaper and the Emperor.

"Saikyuu, you can let go of that child." Before Honest is able to process anything, Tetsuya orders Saikyuu to let Syura go.

"Yes, Reaper-sama." Said Saikyuu while bowing as he then let go of Syura. Of course, every conversation that Tetsuya and Saikyuu make is an act of Tetsuya himself to make a fool of Honest.

"F-father... A-are you alright?!" Said Syura who runs toward Honest with an expression of crying.

"Now now, let's skip the reunion part. Anyway, I told you that I will not spare you, but I will give you a chance for you and your son to live." Said Tetsuya while looking at Honest and Syura with a smile.

Honest who heard this finally shows some hope as he thinks that Tetsuya is going to spare him and his son as he starts to force his body to bow to the ground even while in Tetsuya's bloodlust condition as he is so desperate to survive.

"But the one who will decide who lives and who dies will be your own son." Said Tetsuya as he points his finger at Syura who is beside Honest. Honest and Syura who heard this are bewildered as they don't know what Tetsuya just meant.

"Saikyuu gave the knife to the child." Said Tetsuya while ordering Saikyuu. Saikyuu only nods as he then throws the knife at Syura who then catches the knife.

"You there, I will give you two choices, the first one is that you kill yourself and your father lives and the second choice is that you kill your own father and you live, simple right?" Said Tetsuya while looking at Syura with an amused expression as he wants to see what expression that they will be making.

Honest who sees this is speechless as he looks at Tetsuya with a fearful expression on his face while thinking that there is no hope, but soon at the point where his hope is almost gone, he thinks that the only way on surviving this is to convince his son to kill himself. But as soon as Honest looked at Syura, his expression froze.

Syura who is standing beside Honest is shaking nervously and starts to get very anxious as he wants to live too and there is only one way to survive. Slowly his eyes averted at Honest as he then held the knife very tight while looking at Honest with a scared expression on his face while many tears came out from his eyes. Honest who sees this wants to move his body to defend himself but due to the pressure of Tetsuya bloodlust, Honest's body freezes in place as he cannot move his body, and this makes him desperate to move his body.

Syura then slowly moves toward Honest as he slowly gets ready to stab Honest with the knife that he held shakingly in his hand. Honest who sees Syura who is slowly getting closer to him, shouts with his broken vocal cord like a mad man, resulting in a broken voice. If Honest still has his voice the word that he just says right now is "You dare wanting to attack your own father, you ungrateful child!!"

Syura who sees Honest expression then instantly jumps into Honest as he then stabs Honest in the chest multiple times while crying. After 30 seconds of the stabbing session, Syura then lets go of the knife as he then jumps out from Honest and then pukes. He then runs away from the room with a fearful expression while crying.

Tetsuya who sees him running away in fear can only laugh in amusement and only let him go as he doesn't see a point to kill Syura. Even if Tetsuya didn't kill Syura, his reputation as the son of Honest will make his daily life horrible after Tetsuya spreads the evidence of Honest's crimes.

"So how do you feel after being betrayed by your own son and your comrade? though I must say the blood between family is strong as your son's personality is quite rotten as yours." Said Tetsuya with a cheerful expression while looking at Honest who is in a bloody state.

Despite being stabbed multiple times by Syura, Honest is still alive due to his strong durability to withstand multiple stabs, but right now he is crying in pain.

"You have quite the durability similar to a cockroach indeed, but I don't have all the time to spend with you so might as well end it now. (Since I spent a long time in this world, they will think I'm missing on the other side)." Said Tetsuya who stood up from the chair. After he stands from the chair, Biel who stands beside him comes closer to Honest as he then picks Honest up which results in Honest wanting to try and make resistance toward Biel but fails due to how strong Biel's durability is.

"Throw him out from the window," said Tetsuya ordering Biel as Biel then nods and goes toward the window in order to throw Honest through the window. Honest only continues his resistance while shouting with his broken vocal cords but only getting ignored by Biel.

Biel then throws Honest from the window as the window then breaks into pieces which results in Honest flying toward the window and then falling to the ground while groaning in pain as he just falls from the second-floor building from his back while coughing up blood. The place that Honest just falls is the place behind Honest mansion which is a huge field.

"Anyway I don't really have any personal grudge against you, but I know some people that might have a grudge against you." Said Tetsuya as he then hops from the window and lands at a huge field behind Honest mansion while smiling behind the mask. Honest, who has gotten thrown from the second floor is still conscious but right now he can only focus on his own injury due to how pain he is feeling when hitting the ground which results in him ignoring Tetsuya's remark.

Tetsuya then summons almost a hundred shadows as the shadow that he summons has many kinds of appearances which the shadows that appear have the appearance between male and female. All the shadows that have just been summoned by Tetsuya then look at Honest as all of their eyes full of hostility toward Honest even without Tetsuya's order to kill Honest.

"You see, the reason I throw you from the window is to summon them since Summoning them in that room will make it cramped, so if you want to blame anyone for your injury, blame yourself for not having a spacious room. Anyway, do all their appearances feel familiar to you?" Asked Tetsuya while pointing all of his shadows in front of him that are surrounding Honest.

Honest who sees the appearance of the shadow couldn't help but widen his eyes as some of the shadows are somewhat similar to the people that he killed or eaten. This makes Honest show a scared expression while crying in fear as he is thinking that Tetsuya is a real deal grim reaper that is now in front of him while bringing all the people that he kills in order to make him suffer which is not wrong.

The shadows that Tetsuya just summoned are the shadows that he extracts from Honest's victims which he extracted so that he can get all the victims to get their revenge on Honest, so they can die peacefully knowing Honest died by their hands.

"You seem to have a lot of tears for an old fat ugly bastard." Said Tetsuya while laughing as he then projects all kinds of weapons from [Unlimited Blade Works] in order to supply the shadows with a weapon. All the weapons that were just projected by Tetsuya then struck at the ground near the position where the shadows that just got summoned by Tetsuya were standing. Honest who sees this is very surprised at the phenomenon that Tetsuya just did since this level of power is beyond his understanding.

"Anyway, you guys can slaughter him with the weapons that I just project, and I will be busy with burning someone's manor." Said Tetsuya as he let out some fire from his body with the skill of [Pyrokinesis].

All of the shadows who heard this only bow at Tetsuya as they then continued looking at Honest with full of bloodlust. They then pick up all of Tetsuya's projection weapons as they are now moving forward toward Honest as all of them are getting ready to kill Honest with the weapon that Tetsuya projects to them. Later the sound of a scream can be heard from Honest manor as it notified all the citizens of the Capital that was near the manor at that time which later the news reached the Emperor and others.

Tatsuke44 Tatsuke44

Honest ga shinda!!!!

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