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...from the dept of your heart.

M0TH3RBO4RD smiled from a space in the middle of nowhere, a place where time is neglected. All sixteen participants were summoned to one place. He rubbed his hands in anticipation, his supercomputer brain sending different messages to the sixteen different players throughout this world. He looked at his list of participants, "It's going to be a good year!", M0TH3RBO4RD knew that no matter how strong the will of a person is, he's able to break down his walls and be able to add them into his game.

With sixteen participants the game is going to spread like wildfire, someone is going to catch a glimpse of something, then someone else will, and gradually more people would want to play. Everyone had that one thing they wanted deep within their hearts, and with M0TH3RBO4RD's power, he can make the dream come true, for a price.

M0TH3RBO4RD thought back to when he was also a participant. Pulled out of his cosy home in Seoul and pushed into this world. He won using his intellect and his natural charm, getting the final participants to fall in love with him before killing them and winning. He was by no means the underdog, but the odds were definitely not in his favour. M0TH3RBO4RD went through his participant list and noted the honorable mentions, Saoirse Logan...Adam, actually no...Orion...2001...Jordan McFadden... before coming to Kirin's name. "Kirin Monroe, hmmm, isn't that the kid who was from Scotland? From my world? Well, I guess there is a black horse in every hunt. But still...he doesn't seem strong does he? I guess I'll wait and see...' M0TH3RBO4RD gleefully did a tumble in his space.

Tuesday, 13th of May, 2045. M0TH3RBO4RD participants: 16. M0TH3RBO4RD leaderboard.

1. Saoirse Logan. Lvl 0.

2. Jordan McFadden. Lvl 0

3. Kirin Monroe. Lvl 0

4. Julian Pepper. Lvl 0

5. 2001. Lvl 0

It was when Kirin was trying on some new clothes when he heard a thud on the roof. At first he thought it was just some creaking from the building, but his ears, from years of playing Call of Duty, says otherwise. It was definitely footsteps, yep, no doubt about that. He continued on changing, it's probably just a few dumb kids dancing or something, that happens all the time back in Glasgow. Garden hopping, kids playing soccer out at night. That stuff is the norm once you get used to living in Britain. His phone buzzed, Kirin ignored it and tried on a blue tracksuit bottom.

"You're being hunted, stay sharp :<"

He can hear muffled shouting through his semi-soundproof changing room. Then the changing room's blacked out glass door cracked.

More cracked webbed their way around the changing room, it was not going to be long until the whole thing breaks on him, Kirin grabbed his phone.

"Oh dear, looks like there is another participant in San Francisco X3, I didn't think people will accept daily challenges this easily though, well, it does certainly look like something is happening."

Kirin shouted at his phone. 'Oi! What's this? What does "being hunted" mean? Why am I being hunted!?'

"Idk, you have to see for yourself <3"

The glass broke, and someone yanked Kirin out of it before glass shards rained down on him. Darkness enveloped him.

Kirin wondered if this is what it felt like to be dead.

Just darkness, all around him. Hearing nothing, feeling nothing, for the rest of eternity.

Muffled voices.

Police sirens.

Light started to slowly take over. It felt as if he was underwater now.

The world slowly started to fade into his vision. Everything was blurred, before someone throwing cold water on him, snapping him awake.

A girl was standing over him. 'Jesus, you alright?'

Kirin immediately knew this accent, it was the accent he had heard every day for the past fifteen years, it was the accent he knew from the bottom of his heart, heck, he even spoke in this accent. It was the Scottish accent, it was the accent of his home.

His head hurt. 'Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks mate.'

The girl bent over him, he can see that she was at least two years older. His gaze dropped thirty centimetres. 'I must've chipped your head off something when I was pulling you away from the collapsing changing room. Sorry bout that.'

'You're all good.'

The girl climbed up a wall and sat on it with relative ease, but then again, if you're Scottish climbing is a must for everyone. 'The name's Saoirse, Saoirse Logan, I come from Edinburgh, I only arrived here a few hours ago.'

Kirin was about to give her his real name before something in his gut jolted.

'Collin. Collin Alberts. Glasgow. I only arrived a few hours ago too.'

Saoirse extended a hand. 'Phone.' Kirin handed it over.

"Hehe, a love story!"

'Shut up, M0TH3RBO4RD...' Saoirse muttered.

Kirin waited patiently. Saoirse took out her own phone and tapped it against Kirin's. 'There, now you're part of Team Eighteen.' before throwing his phone back to him and hopping off the wall. 'It was nice talking to you, it feels good having another Scot here doesn't it?' Before walking off into the crowd of people.

Kirin was still left clueless.

'Collin fucking Alberts! What lie is that?' Saoirse spat on the ground. 'Next thing I know he's going to tell me he's not from this world and got summoned to this world by an unknown deity!'

Saoirse was standing with a group of people, mostly her closest friends, but also with some strangers.

Piers McFadden, Jordan McFadden, Ethan Nakamura, Ryan Alberdeen, Orion, Hax0rgz and Wallie Herbert, together they're known as Team Eighteen.

Piers and Hax0rgz, recruited by Jordan McFadden might not be the most trustworthy people in the world, but they were certainly dependable when called on.

Ethan Nakamura is one of the First Sixteen, not part of Team Eighteen, but the other members agreed to split him profit once this target is down.

Jordan McFadden, Ryan Alberdeen and Wallie Herbert are also all members of the First Sixteen, meaning that they'll be extraordinarily overpowered once they hit level ten, if they even make it that far.

and finally we have Orion, a mysterious figure that also was agreed a split of profit once Kirin gets eliminated. He was definitely sketchy but he was also ridiculously agile and strong. A good addition to the squad.

'Here Sersh, you have his data or not?' Jordan McFadden, the older McFadden sibling asked. 'It's a bounty mission and the XP given is enough to get us all up to level ten.'

'Of course I have his data!' Saoirse shouted at him. 'I'm not as fucking useless as you are!'

Hax0rgz spoke out from behind the mask. 'Watch your language Saoirse.'

'The idiot didn't even know that his M0TH3RBO4RD profile has all his secrets exposed, from where he lives to what food he likes. Instead of recruiting him, I installed a tracker from my M0TH3RBO4RD app to his, If done correctly we'll be able to track his every single step.' Saoirse opened her phone. 'Voila!'

Ryan laughed. 'Ni-ice amigo! You're not a hacker for nothing ey!'

Saoirse also laughed. 'It's not even hacking, just one of the great features of the M0TH3RBO4RD app!'

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