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My Life Story In 1122 Words

Oh yeah, I was telling you about how I died. I'll go back to that again. I could go into a huge amount of detail about my death, but I'll keep it short and simple.

My name is Reed Bauer. I am (or was) a bit of oddity. From a young age, the people around me realised two traits that I possessed:

1. I was a super-genius. Around the age of 4, my parents were slightly confused over my ridiculous learning speed, so they decided to get me an IQ Test. I got 197. Not too bad, I was bit smarter than the average person.


2. My EQ was basically nonexistent. Which I personally find fantastic, cause then I can roast others without any guilt. However, reality started to hit me when my parents and everyone I knew around me started secluded themselves from me.

I was not normal.

Perhaps, there was something wrong with me. But wait, that's preposterous! I have more intelligence than any them! So I ruled out that option.

Maybe they were the idiots and they can't handle my intelligence. They're just jealous of me, jealous of what I could do and what they'.

I went through my school years completely detached from my surroundings. They didn't care about me, so why should've I cared about them? There's no need for compassion in a dog-eat-dog world. The only thing that mattered was showing who was dominant.

Survival of the fittest.

Yet no one else shared these same views. As I learnt more about the world, I realised how idiotic the human race was. World leaders had the ability to take everything for themselves, but instead they sat around doing nothing and halfheartedly advocated for dumb things like peace, love and equality. Useless! Equality is a lie, peace is all but a pipe-dream and love just a tool that can be used to weaken the hearts of fools.

Only domination mattered.

Over time, my seclusion and hatred towards the world brought me towards books. Not children's books of course, they were all too soft, pretty and ohhh, they lived happily ever after the en-


Just stop. I don't want to even think those books. Innocent joy is disgusting.


Anyhow, for awhile, all I wanted to do was read realistic stories that showed the raw power of dominance. I wanted to read stories of tragedy. Stories of revenge. Stories of blood and tears. Stories of death and destruction. I wanted to read stories that only fiction could tell. I immersed myself in numerous books, thrilled to watch their fictional world burn as the MC pillaged everything and became the world's alpha...

But instead, most authors stopped with their literary greatness and finished their stories with absolutely trash endings!!!

"But Reed." You might say. "Its supposed to show a change of heart."

Change of heart!? That change of heart destroyed their chances of actually doing something worthwhile.

"Oh, but they were evil and justice required for them to die."

Justice!? Justice is a government conspiracy! Only power exists.

Only power is real.


I digress. Meanwhile, I was breezily passing through my school years. I didn't give any attention to anything happening inside the classroom, but I still managed to receive top marks every time (thanks 197 IQ). However, my largest problem still remained. Many books usually started off alright, but then they descended into complete crap. At the same time, the world wasn't improving at all either, leaders just kept sitting around. Doing nothing.

So I decided: if people are just too idiotic to show domination themselves, then I will do it myself.

So began my journey (or lack thereof) to conquer the world. Taking inspiration from the many cruel and heartless stories I had either read and watched, I formulated my master plan. I won't tell you everything because you would be here all day (and I can't be stuffed to tell you anyway) but lemme tell you, it was a big brain plan. I felt my brain get better as it came together in my head. It was fantastic.

I thought that it was absolutely flawless. All I needed was a few people to conspire with, and world domination was mine...

And well, my plan did ending up having a flaw. No one would agree with my plan. I went up to person after person on the street, giving them insight into my plan for world domination, but they just called me crazy. Insane. Deranged.

I can't understand why either.

Who wouldn't want to listen to a man proclaiming a master plan to conquer the world on the streets?


Anyway, with the realisation that my plan was all in vain, I lost my will to live. I lost my inherit purpose to life. The world held nothing for me. Without my plan for world domination, its future was a lost cause. Earth was aimlessly travelling further and further into the future with only wishy-washy idiots to guide it.

There was no point to try anymore.

So I didn't really die. I killed myself. I just jumped.


I commit suicide. It was the end of Reed Bauer.

"But Reed?" You might say. "That can't be the end of the story? You've just started, haven't you?"

You are correct! For in fact, this wasn't the end of Reed Bauer, but rather, it was a new beginning. It was conception of greatness and glory, something that would change fate forever.

"Wow! How spectacular! Did God give you overpowered buffs that made you near untouchable when you reincarnated?

Well, yes. But actually, no.

When I opened my eyes again after my death, something super cliche didn't happen to me.

I didn't appear in Heaven...

I appeared in Hell!

What did you think was going to happen? I spent my whole life not giving two shits how I treated people while I contemplated how I was going to mercilessly conquer the planet! I don't blame God for yeeting me into hell.

Anyway, I digress again. I opened my eyes to find a land of hot death lying before me. My first reaction was annoyance.

"Seriously." I said aloud. "I just wanted to end my existence, not get plunged into hell."

As I said this though, a evil laugh rich with mirth echoed throughout the air. I cocked my head towards the laugh and I finally realised the details of my circumstances.

I wasn't just anywhere in Hell.

I was directly in front of the Devil, the most evil and despicable creature in the entire universe.

For the first time in my life, a tinge of fear shook through my hollow bones.

"Welcome to Hell, Reed Bauer."

"I've been expecting you."

Blind54 Blind54

Hooray! I finished a second chapter (and it was 1122 words!)

This story is actually turning out to be quite fun to write and I have a lot of ideas too, so I should be pumping out chapters over the next few days (hopefully...)

If you enjoy this story so far, gimme power stones and add this book to your collection. This humble author would really appreciate it.

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