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50% Unseen - MIW / Chapter 4: Ice Skating With a Friend

Chapter 4: Ice Skating With a Friend

-Saturday 13th October-

Louisa's POV:

Hearing the distinctive ring of my alarm, I groggily start rooting around for my phone to shut it up but can't seem to find it in my bed. Wait... wheres my bed? 

Upon opening my eyes, I find myself in a dark empty room. It isn't pitch black as I can make out four walls and what appears to be a door at the other end of the room. "What the hell? Where am I?" 

Now on my feet, I make my way carefully over to the door and grab the cold metal doorknob and give it a twist. Light floods my senses as I find myself in the middle of a room full of people partying. There's a group of people playing instruments on a small stage as people mosh and dance along. "There's no music?" 

The people are dancing to the sound of nothing? I think I've gone deaf! I rub my ears and walk closer to the group of people but still can't hear any sound coming from the instruments or speakers. 

Confused, I approach a woman who is dancing on her own and tap her on the shoulder to get her attention. "Um excuse me miss? Um, hey?" To my surprise, she doesn't react and carries on dancing. What is going on? 

I walk around to the front of her and step back in shock. She doesn't have a face! TV static is in place of where her face should be. I rush over to the other people in the audience and see that they all look the same. No faces! 

The band have no faces either! As I look up at them in shock, they seem to stare back down at me. "Wait, where did the vocalist go?" 

As soon as I speak out, a pair of arms grab me roughly from behind. "Hey! Get off me!" I yell out trying to kick and punch the person behind me. I try to turn around so that I can see his face but his grip is too strong. 

He starts to drag me to the stage towards the rest of the band. As we pass the audience they all stop what they are doing and watch us curiously, occasionally turning their heads side to side as if they were a bunch of bats finding their way through a dark cave. 

"Let go!" I try to force my way out of his hold again but to no avail. 'Who are these people?' 

Moments later I find myself on stage standing in front of the microphone whilst everyone below watches my every move. My captor lets go with one arm whilst not releasing his grip, as he moves a piece of my hair and tucks it behind my ear. I feel his breath against my neck as he moves his face closer to my ear. 

In a raspy deep voice, he speaks sending shivers down my spine "Look at all these people here to bear witness our rise to power." 

I hear footsteps coming from either side of me as the other four band members approach us. They grab a hold of my arms, two on each side, and hold me where I stand as my captor walks around in front of me. For some reason, I cannot tilt my head up to look at him. I spot that he is wearing a pair of black spiky platform boots but that's all I can make out. 

Suddenly, I find myself on my knees as the four men push me down. The man in front of me kneels down as well and pulls out something from his jacket pocket. A knife! 

He gets closer to me so that I can see the sadistic smirk plastered on his face as he holds the blade up to my throat. "Wait! No stop!" I yell out as I feel the cold metal press into my skin. 

"HELP!" I yell out as I open my eyes breathing heavily. 

"Wait? This is my bedroom... It was a dream?" I rummage through my duvet covers and find my phone. The time reads 5:21 am. 

A sudden knock on my bedroom door brings me out of my panic. "Are you ok sweetheart?" My mum walks into my room and turns on my light and yawns.

"Ye sorry. I had a  bad dream is all, but I'm good honestly." I send her a reassuring smile.

"You worried me. I thought someone had broken into the house. As long as you're alright, I'll see you in a few hours." She turns off the light and closes my door on her way out.

I get comfy in bed and stare at the ceiling deep in thought. 'It felt so real...'

Although I couldn't see their faces I felt like I recognised the singer from somewhere?

-13th October: 10:45 am -

My phone alarm sounds that I set in order to get ready to meet up with Kiaya today. I give myself a few minutes to wake up before heading into the bathroom to get a shower.

The warm water appears to wash away the stress of last nights nightmare as I stand underneath the shower nozzle. "That's better" I sigh washing my face before getting out. Grabbing my towel, I go into my room to finish getting ready before I have to leave at 12. I said I'd meet her at McDonald's for lunch so we could catch up and talk about our plans for the concert next month.

After I finish getting ready, I grab my bag and head downstairs to put my shoes on. My mum and sister are sat watching Come Dine With Me and having something to eat for lunch. I join them for a few moments whilst I tie my laces. "What happened last night? You almost woke up the whole bloody street" My sister Scarlett speaks up.

"I just had a nightmare, no biggy." But she only seems to poke at the reason for my sudden outburst last night.

"Must've been a bad dream huh? What happened?"

"I'll tell you later as I need to go and meet Kiaya in a mo, but long story short, a guy slit my throat at the end of it." I shudder as I grab my car keys.


I pull up and park my car in McDonald's carpark and make my way inside. It doesn't take me long to spot Kiaya as she's the only 'emo' looking girl in the building. Wearing a black Bring Me The Horizon shirt and a pair of grey ripped jeans, she waves at me from her corner seat. 

"Hey Lou!" She puts her burger down to stand up and hug me once I reach her. 

"Hey." I hug her back and take a seat next to her. 

"Wait, you bought food without me? You could have waited." I tease crossing my arms pretending to be unhappy. 

She just elbows me in my ribs softly "Sorry, I was starving. We've got plenty of time before the ice skating session starts anyway." 

Grabbing my card out of my pocket I shake my head at her as I go up to order. 

"Next please." The woman behind the counter calls out. 

"Can I have a medium cheeseburger meal with a coke please." I pay her and wait for my food so I can rejoin Kiaya. 

I don't even get a chance to sit down before Kiaya interrupts me. "So, are you excited, because I am!" 

"Calm down woman." I chuckle picking up my burger and taking a bite. 

"I can't fucking wait, it's going to be awesome!" 

"What made you pick me then?" 

"Simple. No one else I know likes my style of music." I respond to which she pouts. 

"Alright, I chose you coz you're the best concert buddy in the world." 

She hugs me tightly. "That's more like it haha." 

After some time chatting and catching up, we head to my car so we can make it to the leisure centre before the next ice skating session starts. 

Now that we're alone I feel the need to tell her about my crazy dream last night. "Um Kiaya, can I tell you about my dream last night?" She raises an eyebrow at me. 

"If it was another romantic one with you and Ash Costello, spill the beans" She chuckles.

"Aha, not exactly. More like a nightmare this time." I seem to have piqued her interest as she waits for me to respond. 

"Alright, don't call me crazy but it felt like no dream I've had before. I found myself in a dark room that opened up to a small concert venue with people dancing around and looking like they were having a good time." I pause and look at her for a reaction. 

"Right doesn't sound like a bad dream so far?" She questions.

"Ye that part was ok, but when I looked at the people dancing I found that they didn't have any faces and neither did the band members playing on the stage. Their faces were replaced by what looked like TV static. But this is where it took a creepy turn." 

"The vocalist had disappeared and when I questioned where he had gone, I was forcefully pulled back and held tightly in someone's grip where I couldn't escape no matter how hard I tried. He dragged me to the centre of the stage as the faceless crowd below watched me like a bunch of hungry lions." 

"How could they watch you if they didn't have any eyes?"

"Shh, you know what I mean. The band members grabbed a hold of me and forced me to my knees as the vocalist pulled out a knife and slit my throat in front of everyone with a creepy looking smirk on his face." She raised her eyebrow giving me a questioning look. 

"Look, I know it was a dream but it felt so real. I felt like I recognised the one who attacked me as well but, I can't put a finger on it."

"Did you eat some cheese before going to bed or something?" 

I poke her in her arm "Hey, shut up" I tease. 

"Well it was just a dream and you're awake now yeah? More importantly, if you don't pick up the pace and watch where you're driving, we'll never get to the skating session in time." 

We make it just in time to join the already long queue of skaters for the next session. "See I told you we'd make it" She just rolls her eyes at me as we get ready to skate. 

Authors note:

Hope you enjoyed reading about her little nightmare. Any ideas of who the mysterious guy is?

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