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Work as Usual

An alarm sounds in the early hours of the morning, stirring a young woman from her sleep.

Louisa's POV:

"Uuurr, but I'm comfy..." I roll over in my cosy duvet to turn the alarm buzzing on my phone off. Hesitantly, I stick one foot out from beneath the duvet into the cold room.

"Well, that showers not going to start itself" I hear the floorboards creak as my mum wakes up and goes downstairs for breakfast as I turn on the shower. The hot water hits my skin helping wake me up and bring me back to reality as I continue my morning routine.

By 7:40am I'm almost ready as I slip my shoes on to go feed my two rabbits, Ant and Dec.

Waving bye to my mum, I grab my keys and venture outside to my car ready for work. (I work at a digital marketing agency as a photographer).

8:35am I hurry across the bridge from the car park to get to work. "Why is the traffic always so bad?! They need more roads coming into the town centre, it's getting ridiculous." I pull out a breakfast bar from my bag and eat it as I swiftly arrive at work. (Thank god for its only a 5-minute walk away from the car park).

When I reach the big red doors of the building that overlooks the minister's graveyard, I waltz in and sign my name on the register as I do every morning. Praying that my boss isn't in yet to call me out for being late, I walk into the office to rejoin my colleagues.

"Morning guys," I say putting my bag down next to my desk and starting my laptop up.

"Hey Lou, traffic again?" Joel (a 19-year-old tall skinny guy wearing a black hoody) speaks up.

"Yeah, I should have learnt by now that I need to set off earlier" I grab my flask and tea bags out of my bag, and walk off to the kitchen area to make a drink to help get me through the morning.

"Can the rest of us have a drink too please Lou? Pleeeease?" As if on queue, Callum (a 21-year-old bulky guy with a dark brown thick beard and hair) shouts from around the corner.

"I knew it. As soon as you guys hear the kettle turning on you're like a bunch of savage dogs. Ye, I'll make you all a brew whilst I wait for my computer to load up" I take out a bunch of mugs and add coffee and tea to each persons taste into the cups.

Once done, I hand them out to each member of staff; Georgia (20 year old green haired girl who has a witchy vibe to her), Gavin (21-year-old brown haired guy with a stubble of a beard. Likes to wear black trousers and blue hoodies to work), Cam (34 year old balding man who wears jeans and geek printed T-shirt's), Simon (46 year old grey haired man who wears your regular business attire and is in charge of the business), Callum and lastly, Joel, before taking my seat.

Once the humming of my worn out laptop quiets down, I go to load up my emails and today's to-do list. I have a few notification emails and one email from my boss asking me to take some product shots of some model teeth for a client. (Hmm random request but ok)

"Simon, where are the model teeth that you spoke about in the email you sent?"

"In the boxes on the reception desk over there. Let me know how the photos turn out before you send them to the client please" Simon points over to the reception desk without averting his gaze from his monitor.

I grab the boxes and my camera before making my way into our small studio to take the desired photos.

-Small Time skip-

Afterwards, I pack my equipment away and return to my desk to begin uploading the images. I plug my earphones into the computer and begin playing a playlist I made on YouTube, starting with the song Mr Doctor Man by Palaye Royale. The music hits the chorus as I start to choose the best images from the shoot I have just done, and pull them over to Photoshop.

As the day ticks on, I start to tire easily but continue my efforts in order to finish the task set for the day by my boss. I imagine battles between imaginary characters going off in my head along with the music whilst I work to help keep my morale up.

You see, whenever I get bored I tend to drift off into an imaginary world I've made up inside my head. It keeps me entertained and keeps my mind occupied whilst I'm doing time-consuming tasks or housework for instance.

Before I know it, 12:30pm comes around and its time for lunch. I pause my timer on my task list and get ready to depart with a few of my colleagues. "Where do we fancy going today for lunch?" Joel asks grabbing his vape off his desk.

"I'm skint so I was thinking Greggs maybe?" Callum appears from behind and throws his coat on.

"Fuck it, I'll come too as I'm low on cash as well" I grab my phone and shove it in my pocket as we walk out the building heading towards town.

Nothing much happens as we go about our usual lunchtime trip, buying food and finding a free bench in the shopping centre to park our butts onto for the next hour. It doesn't feel like long before we have to head back and finish the rest of the day.

On the way back we decide to take a short cut through Boots which usually gets packed full of mothers and the elderly, who are doing their daily stroll looking for makeup bargains and other items. We barge past people and weave through isles occasionally losing track of each other amidst the chaos until I stupidly walk into someone. "Ouch. Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I try to apologies as a guy I've just walked into 'hmphs' at me and walks off. (He looks familiar somehow...)

"Lou, you ok?" Georgia asks as she waits for me to leave the shop and join her.

"Ye, I just walked into someone. Just me being my usual clumsy self haha" we walk off to join the others.

"Probably because your hair is always in your eyes" she states crossing the road.

"Ye, but it looks cool though"

We soon get back to the office and get set for the rest of the day.

The rest of the day goes by as usual and I finish up for 4:50 and head off to my car.

The autumn nights black out the sun leaving nothing but the moon to light up the sky. I grab my keys out my pocket as I make my way over the bridge to the car park. It's rather quiet for this time of day so I quicken my pace slightly.

I hear a flapping sound suddenly surround my senses as a crow flies towards me from a bush.

"Jesus Christ!..." I drop my car keys on the floor and go to pick them up but I'm met by someone else's hand as I go to grab them.

"Sorry miss, I'm assuming these are yours?" A tall guy with long black hair says, handing my keys back to me and walks off as if he was never there in the first place. I don't even see his face he's gone that fast.

"Thank... you?"

"Um, what just happened? Who was that?" I stand for a moment confused before walking off to my car. (Today just keeps getting weirder.)

- Time Skip: 9:10pm at home-

After eating dinner with my mum and sister (Scarlett), I settle down in the living room to watch a few more episodes of Durarara on my Xbox before going up to bed. I manage to watch 3 episodes more of season 2 before my eyelids begin to grow heavy. I decide to try and cram in one more episode before I have to force myself upstairs to bed, but I must have fallen asleep halfway through as I wake up in a ball on the sofa.

"Ah geez, I've got to stop doing that" I check my phone as it reads 2:21am and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I turn off the Xbox and TV and head off upstairs to bed for the remaining 4 hours I've got before I have to wake up for work.

I jump into bed as quietly as I can so to not wake up my mum or sister and drift off into a dream filled sleep.

No one's POV:

The air was still and the sky clear all except for a single cloud covering the waxing moon. A figure hides in the corner of a small pathed garden looking up at small window. "I've found her" the creature mutters in a deep tone almost as if it was amused.

The cloud slowly uncovers the moon allowing its silver beams to hit the scenes below. As the figure is lit up, a smirk can be seen plastered on his face as he jumps over the fence and disappears into the night as if he was never there.

Authors note:

Hmm I wonder who the mysterious figure is?

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