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The subsequent weeks were just so marvelous. I got into no kind of trouble and studies went on smoothly.

I met Tiffany once and had a long conversation with her. She was so nice to me I couldn't believe it was Tiffany I was really speaking.

I hardly spoke to Peter and so did Britney. She had asked me earlier if I liked Peter and I answered in affirmative. We then decided to stay away from him to spare ourselves of any further pain.

I once quarrelled with Dion. She accused me of taking her money forgetting she had used it to purchase a new wrist watch but she later apologized and we continued to live peacefully.


There was no school today. It was literally a free-day. We had the whole day to pack our stuffs and get ready to leave for Christmas break the following day but since we started packing the previous week, there was literally nothing left to do that day. We only cleaned our rooms and made sure we had packed everything of ours.

Girls went to the boys' house and the boys' also did same though it was forbidden. Well, no one really cared. We had the freedom to do whatever we liked that day and there was also no teacher in the school. Not even Miss Huff came that day.

Whilst people went round for the phone numbers of their friends and classmates, others also slept the whole day and I was no exception.

I had nothing to do. I wanted to at least read my favorite book, Harry Potter, but the people around wouldn't allow me so I decided to sleep. They were making so much noise,noise enough to wake the dead.

I woke up feeling so refreshed. I hadn't had such sleep in months. I found Courtney, my classmate, at the common room and we took a long stroll together.

I was so hungry so we went to the cafeteria. We met a few other friends who had also come to have some snacks and decided to join them. After all, this was the last time we were going to see them.

We ate so much until we could eat no more, we talked and argued about random stuffs, exchanged phone numbers and gave one another a tight goodbye hug. I felt like crying. I was gonna miss them all so much.

Dion was in the room when I got back. She was getting ready for a party. It was a get-together organised by the students.

"Change into some party clothes and let's go. Everyone is invited."she said.

"Alright. I don't have a choice."

I wore a simple party dress with flats and left with Dion. We passed by Ciara and Josie's room. They were also going for the party so we decided to wait for them.

The party was massive. It was being held at the common room. Drinks and food were in abundance. There was loud music and everyone was dancing. It was half past midnight and they were partying like no one's business.

Others went to the extent of even sneaking in alcohol and getting drunk but despite that the party was marvelous.

We left at 2am when the party was still ongoing. I for one was very tired and couldn't stay even a second longer. The journey back to the room was an unusually long one.

I fell asleep the moment we got back. I didn't take a shower or even change into a comfy pyjamas. I was so exhausted.

I wonder when the party really ended because as at 4am when I woke up to take a shower because I was feeling uncomfortable, I could still hear noises from the common room.

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