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              Our parents arrived few minutes after the announcement. Miss Huff told them about the revenge and also the punishment. Daddy wasn't happy and so were Britney's parents. We went to the room to pack our things whilst Miss Huff talked to our parents. Daddy offered to drop Britney and her parents off since they didn't have a car of their own and had to use the bus. The journey back home was a long, quiet one. I was too scared to speak so I just looked outside the window admiring nature.

          "To your room young lady", dad instructed. Dad only called me young lady when he was really, I mean really angry. I ran past Anne and like I had anticipated she had that 'I told you so' look of hers. I didn't leave my room until dad called me out to have supper. That was quite strange he didn't yell at me. I got up to return to my room but dad said,"Move to the kitchen. You will be doing the dishes until I say otherwise." I couldn't say anything. This was my first time doing the dishes after so many years. The servants usually took care of that so I  had a hard time doing the dishes. I broke a lot of glassware in the process. Anne tried to help but dad objected.

       I was in my room when dad entered. "Why did you do that?"he asked. I was too scared to talk. I didn't want him to get mad at me. "Talk to me dear, don't be scared." "Alright dad," I said and continued,"Tiffany was ways getting on my nerves, she always wanted to do something that would annoy me so I decided to teach her a lesson. A lesson that will tell her never to mess with me. I didn't mean for it to end like this dad, I promise".   

       "I believe you dear but you shouldn't have done that. You could have reported her to your teachers or even asked her to stop messing with you. That would have been enough. Now see what has happened all in the name of teaching her a lesson. Tay, have you forgotten what God said in the Bible that we should never try to seek revenge but to always forgive those who trespass against us." He paused, probably to allow what he had said to sink into my heart.

   "There is no need for vengeance in this world. Don't forget that God once told us in his word that vengeance is his. The more you try to take vengeance, the more you hurt yourself and the people around you. Just let go off the wrong people have done to you. Let what has happened be a lesson to you dear."

       "Before I forget, you are grounded for a month. No outings, only church and you will be doing the all the chores in the house. The servants have got to take a break."he pointed out.  " Yes daddy, I agreed without any objections and thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it." I said and gave him a hug. "Anytime dear"

          "Goodnight" he said.


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