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Chapter 35: A New Teammate!

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Time seemed to pass swiftly as three days flitted by in a whirlwind of diligent training and the fostering of genuine friendships. Koganei ardently pursued his mission to ensure that every member of his future team connected with one another, creating a tightly-knit group. While integrating Kenji into the mix posed a slight challenge initially, Koganei employed his natural charisma and understanding to gently nudge him toward the others, gradually solidifying bonds.

Amidst the personal triumphs achieved through building friendships, Koganei stumbled upon something that filled his heart with immense joy. Over the course of those three days, every facet of his physical fitness exhibited remarkable improvement. His speed was noticeably swifter, his strength had increased, and his stamina had skyrocketed. The rigorous demands he placed on his body had paid off, and the results spoke for themselves.

Although Koganei was thrilled with his progress, he couldn't help but marvel at a recurrent conundrum that plagued his mind. As he pushed his limits further, he wondered if there would ever be a ceiling to his physical potential. "I know for sure that I won't be surpassing the physical limits of a human. But how much stronger, faster, and more enduring will I become once I reach that limit?" he pondered, the answer to his question eluding him.

Nevertheless, the pursuit of becoming even stronger, faster, and more resilient than his peers ignited an insatiable desire within Koganei. The prospect of continuously surpassing his own limits was undeniably appealing, a driving force that motivated him to train even harder. He knew that anyone in his position would be equally captivated by the prospect of attaining unrivaled physical prowess.

However, amidst his intense training and self-reflection, another significant event quietly unfolded for Koganei. On the 29th, he achieved a modest yet noteworthy academic milestone, successfully completing the entire Junior High curriculum. Although it may not have been a grand accomplishment in the eyes of others, for Koganei, it symbolized the culmination of years of dedicated effort and perseverance. With his eyes set on Seirin High and a singular focus on basketball, he contemplated diving into the higher-level high school curriculum upon his return from the National U15 basketball camp. He yearned to stay ahead of his future classmates, completing the curriculum for the first two years of high school before graduating from Yuuki Junior High.

With the basketball camp looming on the horizon, Koganei found solace in the positive response they received regarding filming the entire experience. Negotiations unfolded, though with certain content restrictions, but Koganei was grateful for the opportunity to showcase their journey. Redirecting the administrative burden to his capable sister, Akane, allowed Koganei to fully immerse himself in his passion for basketball without distraction. Freed from the realm of business dealings, he could wholeheartedly focus on his training, honing his skills in preparation for the forthcoming challenges that awaited him.

Day after day, Koganei pushed himself on the court, refining his techniques, and embracing the transformative power of sweat and hard work. The sound of the basketball dribbling, the rhythmic squeaking of sneakers on the polished court, and the echo of teammates' encouragement mingled to form a symphony of dedication. Each training session served as a stepping stone towards his goal, propelling them closer to the realization of his ultimate dreams.




On a chilly winter morning, Kimura Shinozaki, the prospective basketball coach for Seirin High School, found himself engrossed in a deep and meaningful conversation with his trusted friend and high school coaching expert, Kagetora Aida. They had chosen a cozy eatery where they could sip warm beverages and delve into the memories of their shared past, contemplating the path that lay ahead for Kimura's coaching career.

As Kimura took a sip of his steaming coffee, a look of curiosity played upon his face. "Kagetora, I must admit, I'm really curious about how you found out about me coaching at Seirin," he inquired, genuinely intrigued. Despite it being Kagetora who had extended the invitation for the meal, Kimura couldn't help but wonder how his friend had discovered this private information.

Kagetora, nonchalantly stirring his aromatic tea, responded with a knowing smile. "Ah, my friend, connections. You know how vast my network is. The owner and principal of Seirin High School happen to be acquaintances of mine," he explained, the casual shrug in his voice implying that such connections were par for the course in his world.

Kimura chuckled, a genuine fondness in his eyes as he reminisced about a time when he comically scrolled through Kagetora's extensive contact list during their playing days. "Indeed, Kagetora, you always had more contacts than I could keep track of," he remarked, his laughter filled with warmth and camaraderie, a testament to the deep bond they shared.

Their conversation seamlessly transitioned into a nostalgic stroll down memory lane. Their laughter filled the air, mixing with the aroma of their hot beverages as they recounted the exhilarating highs and challenging lows of their playing days. With each amusing anecdote, the eatery seemed to radiate with an intangible sense of warmth and friendship.

As their delectable meal arrived, the atmosphere between Kimura and Kagetora shifted from lighthearted laughter to a more serious and contemplative tone. Leaning in, Kimura's gaze fixed on Kagetora as he sought his friend's professional guidance. "Kagetora, as I'm about to embark on this coaching journey, do you have any advice for me?" he asked, his inherent stubbornness momentarily giving way to a deep respect for Kagetora's expertise.

Kagetora, after a thoughtful pause, finally spoke. "To be honest, Kimura, I don't think I can offer you any groundbreaking advice considering how well you've handled Yuuki. However, there is one aspect I'd like to highlight. You're not using your advantage to its full potential," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of concern.

A flicker of confusion appeared in Kimura's eyes as he questioned, "Advantage? What do you mean?"

Breaking into a sly smile, Kagetora elaborated, "My dear friend, you're a legend in Japanese basketball, perhaps the best power forward the country has ever seen. Your stature in the Japanese, and even Asian, basketball stratosphere is immense. You have the ability to inspire young players to join a team coached by you, especially those seeking to play power forward positions. Isn't that why Mori's child joined your team?" he invited, reminding Kimura of the influence he held in the basketball world.

Absorbing his friend's words, Kimura couldn't help but let a wry smile appear on his face. It was true that Mori Hideki's father had entrusted his son to Kimura's coaching, recognizing the legend's influence. However, Kimura had never actively used his status to garner talented players. It's not that he hadn't pondered the idea; he simply harbored a personal aversion to doing so.

Understanding Kimura's reservations, Kagetora continued, his tone filled with conviction. "I understand your reluctance, Kimura, but consider this: by leveraging your status, you can attract talented players who admire and seek to learn from you. It may seem challenging at first, but soon enough, players will want to be a part of Seirin, eager to build on your remarkable legacy," he advised, his words carrying the weight of his own coaching experiences.

The two friends continued their mealtime conversation, delving into various coaching strategies and discussing the intricacies of managing team dynamics, particularly when dealing with impulsive teenagers. Their exchange of ideas and anecdotes painted a vivid picture of the challenges and triumphs that awaited Kimura in his coaching journey.

As the conversation unfurled, Kagetora gracefully transitioned to another pivotal aspect he deemed crucial for Kimura's success — the necessity for talented assistant coaches. Leaning back in his chair, the seasoned coach shared his insights.

"You must remember, my friend, that high school coaching is a whole different ball game. It's impossible to do it all alone," Kagetora emphasized, his words carrying the weight of experience. "Find yourself some reliable assistants who can support you in various aspects of coaching, from tactical planning to player development and beyond."

Kimura nodded, fully acknowledging the wisdom in Kagetora's advice. As a junior high coach, he had enjoyed a more streamlined set of responsibilities. However, the transition to high school coaching meant facing new and complex challenges, demanding the support and expertise of a reliable coaching staff.

Reflecting on this, Kimura voiced his concerns. "But Kagetora, where do I find suitable assistants? I honestly have nobody in mind for such an important role in a high school basketball team."

Kagetora, ever the perceptive mentor, promptly offered recommendations based on their shared history. "Take a look at Takeshi Tanaka and Kenta Saito," he suggested, their names carrying a nostalgic weight for both of them. "They may have recently faced setbacks as university assistant coaches, but rest assured, they possess exceptional skills and knowledge that could greatly benefit your team," he explained, providing context to their current situation.

Kimura's face lit up with genuine excitement and fond memories as he recalled their time as teammates. "Takeshi and Kenta, exceptional choices indeed," he acknowledged, a sense of camaraderie permeating his words.

Kagetora's smile widened as he shared more about the duo. "Despite their recent setbacks, both Takeshi and Kenta have proven themselves to be excellent coaches. They possess unique insights and a deep understanding of the game of basketball. They will complement your coaching style quite well," he stated, emphasizing the importance of having the right assistants on the team.

As their conversation went on, time slipped away unnoticed, plates were cleared, and the meal came to an end. It was now time to depart. Expressing their gratitude to the attentive waitstaff, they strolled towards their respective cars.

Standing beside his vehicle, Kimura held the door open, turning to Kagetora, who was standing beside his own car. With a smile on his face, Kimura extended a heartfelt invitation to his friend. "Kagetora, I'd appreciate your help in training my players before the school year ends," he proposed, the warmth in his tone reflecting the depth of their friendship.

Kagetora, adding a hint of humor to his reply, responded, "I'll be happy to help, my friend. But the check has to be right. Gotta keep the business thriving," he joked, drawing laughter from Kimura.

Understanding the practicalities, Kimura nodded seriously. "Don't worry, Kagetora. The check will always be good," he replied.

With smiles exchanged, the two friends entered their respective cars, the sound of their engines blending with the night's symphony as they embarked on separate journeys home. The conversation between Kimura and Kagetora resonated in their minds, filling them with excitement for the journey ahead. Together, they would shape the future of Seirin High School's basketball program, cementing a legacy for young players to come.




The Koganei living room was alive with warmth and laughter as the family of four basked in the joy of togetherness. On the television, a captivating program provided a delightful backdrop to their lively banter, creating an atmosphere brimming with shared happiness and contentment.

In the midst of the familial bond, a subtle exchange of glances passed between Koganei and his father, Tsuji. It was an unspoken signal, granting Koganei the freedom to answer the unexpected call that had disrupted their charming evening. Acknowledging his father's silent approval, Koganei excused himself from the living room and ascended the stairs to his private oasis.

Closing the door behind him, Koganei found solace in the privacy of his room. Slowly, he retrieved his phone and swiftly accepted the call, his curiosity piqued by the irked tone that emanated from the other end—the voice of his close friend, Kenji.

Kenji's voice carried traces of annoyance as he inquired why it took Koganei so long to answer. Before Koganei could offer a lighthearted explanation, a distinctive sound reached his ears—a resounding slap, followed by the stern and admonishing voice of Kenji's auntie. The unexpected turn left Koganei momentarily stunned, but he quickly realized what was transpiring. Amusement began to bubble within him as he heard Kenji's auntie advising him to treat his friends with kindness, a scenario that played out audibly in the background.

Suppressing his laughter, Koganei seized the opportunity to tease his friend, knowing deep down that it was all in good fun. "Auntie's right, Kenji. You should learn some manners," he playfully jabbed, further fueling Kenji's momentary predicament.

Kenji, feeling his patience wearing thin, issued a low threat to halt Koganei's teasing. However, undeterred, Koganei continued his light-hearted banter. Proving his skills as an expert storyteller, he conjured up humorous anecdotes, further amplifying the comical nature of Kenji's current state.

The playful exchange expanded to include Kenji's auntie, as Koganei effortlessly integrated himself into the dynamic. Engaging in witty repartee, they forged a cheerful connection, enhanced by shared laughter and lighthearted jests. The banter eventually reached its natural conclusion, leaving Koganei with a mischievous grin, fully savoring the moment in which he had teased his dear friend.

Amidst the residual humor that lingered in the air, Koganei shifted his attention to the actual purpose of Kenji's call. Curiosity danced in his eyes as he attempted to gauge the depth of his friend's inquiry. "So, uh, Koganei, I heard Asuma talking about your basketball projects at Seirin. I've been thinking... Can I join you guys in this basketball thing you're planning for high school?" Kenji asked, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty—an unfamiliar atmosphere for someone not accustomed to seeking permission.

Koganei, sensing the genuine nature of the inquiry, couldn't help but meet it with a sincere smile. "You want to be a part of it too? That's awesome," he responded, his enthusiasm bubbling beneath a composed exterior.

The conversation continued, Koganei deftly weaving a realistic narrative around their basketball project—an honest portrayal of the challenges they may encounter in the early years. It was a subtle test, designed to discern the depth of Kenji's commitment.

Taking a deliberate pause, Koganei shared candidly, "Look, Kenji, I'm excited about this too, but I want you to know that it won't be all smooth sailing. The first few years might be tough. We'll face strong opponents, experienced players, and setbacks along the way."

Kenji, undeterred by the potential challenges, responded with unwavering confidence. "Hey, I've faced some pretty tough players in parks and open gyms, mostly high school athletes. Trust me, we can handle them. High school players aren't as tough as you might think," he declared, his determination shining through.

Koganei, admiring Kenji's boldness, acknowledged his passion for the game and his desire to be a part of the basketball project. However, he couldn't resist a lighthearted scolding, subtly cautioning Kenji not to underestimate their soon-to-be high school opponents.

"You've got the spirit, Kenji, but don't underestimate those high school seniors. They'll surprise you," Koganei teased, his words carrying a friendly and playful tone, further cementing their connection beyond the shared love for basketball.

With their shared enthusiasm still ablaze, the duo continued their conversation, seamlessly transitioning between various topics related to their mutual passion for basketball. Time seemed to dissolve in the spirited exchange, each moment building an unspoken bond of camaraderie, fueling their anticipation for the journey that awaited them—their collective dreams manifesting into reality.

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