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80% The Alternate Universe/Star Trek Voyager / Chapter 52: Meld: Part Two

Chapter 52: Meld: Part Two

Chapter 53: Meld: Part Two.

Bini Filters's POV

(Two days later.)


"Fine! If you want to waste your rations on some relationship that you have found as plausible based on be honest...pretty weak evidence is...a loud of bullshit, correction. Is fine with me. Go on. Waste them." I argued. Leaning back in my chair at Sandrines, being studied by Micheal. Micheal looked down at the padd in front of him, then he brightened up and pointed to one of the betting options.

"How about this one? 'How long will it take Tuvok to change based on the mind-meld.'" Micheal read out loud.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. Boring. So, damn, boring." I complained.

"Boring? You're boring." Micheal snapped.

"Is that the best comeback you have? That was truly pathetic."

"Oh, shut up." Micheal hissed.

"Radiogenic particle density at the measured co-ordinates was one eight seven three per cubic metre." The computer suddenly said to the room. Getting some disappointed groans and winning cheers.

"And the winner of sixteen replicator rations in the Paris radiogenic sweepstakes is? Computer?" Tom questioned.

"There is no winner today."

"What? No winner? Computer, are you positive?" Tom asked the computer.

"Try your luck again. Tomorrow you could be a winner." It ended. Tom looked over to harry with a big grin.

"Very funny." Harry snarled.

"You heard the little lady. Try your luck again, folks. The pot grows daily until we have a winner. Enter your name on the PADD and pick a number. Can I buy you lunch, Mister Kim? I have an extra ration today." Tom joked.

"Two, by my count. Ten percent of the day's action. The only one who wins every day is you."

"I think I'll have some prime rib, medium rare, mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, and maybe some Yorkshire pudding. And a Raktajino with whipped cream on it." Tom bragged as Harry and Tom left the holodeck. Micheal and I turned back to our own conversation.

"Do you think Tom cheated?" Micheal asked. I chuckled and took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Without a doubt."



"So it ultimately turned out to be a worthwhile and enlightening experience." Tuvok finished explaining after his experience with the mind-meld with Suder. I sipped my black coffee and leaned back in my chair. Slowly looking around my ready room.

"Did you get any of the answers you were after?" I asked.

"It is difficult for me to accept, Captain, but Mister Suder was telling the truth as he knew it. He is a man with an incredibly violent nature living in an environment without any outlet to express it. I am surprised he was able to maintain his self-control for as long as he did." Tuvok explained.

"I guess in his earlier life he always found ways to release those impulses, like volunteering for the Maquis. What do we do with him?" I asked.

"If we were home, he'd be sent to prison." Tuvok bluntly replied.

"The brig is the closest thing we have. But I don't think we can just leave him down in our dungeon for the rest of the trip." I argued.

"Nor would it be appropriate to leave him in the custody of someone in this quadrant."

"I agree."

"Captain, he is prepared to die for his crime."

"An execution?" I asked, being applauded at the thought. "You're not seriously suggesting that we-"

"I only mention it because of the extenuating circumstances, and because he feels it would be an appropriate punishment." He interrupted.

"I don't. I prefer to rehabilitate him, not to end his life. We'll confine him to quarters. Work with Kim to install maximum security containment."

"Pardon me, Captain, but allowing him the comfort of his own quarters doesn't seem an appropriate punishment for murder."

"If we don't get home soon, he'll be in that room a long time, Mister Tuvok. I think this is the best we can do under these circumstances."

"Crewman Darwin's three sisters might not agree."

"How is Suder since the mind meld?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Quite calm and controlled. Clearly the meld initiated some high cortical activity in his brain."

"And you, Tuvok? Any adverse effects?" I asked, concern was certainly growing for me.

"I will admit that I am more disconcerted than I anticipated."

"Why don't you take a day or two off for meditation." I suggested.

"Thank you, but I am already taking steps to purge these residual feelings. I don't believe time off will be necessary. I will of course advise you of any further complications."

"Tuvok. Take care of yourself." I pleaded. He nodded and left the ready room.


Bini Filter's POV

"Do we...tell anyone about this?" Micheal quietly asked, in fear that we were being watched. Micheal and I stood in holodeck two. Specifically a holographic creation of the messhall on holodeck two. Standing over hologram Neelix's dead body. Tuvok killed holographic Neelix.

But what a man or woman...Vulcan, human or whatever other species does on the holodeck is none of our business. It's not a crime to kill fake holographic characters...Unless that translate the need to actually kill the character in real life.

Yet, we don't know that Tuvok would actually do that! Maybe the mind-meld made him insane? No, no. I know next to nothing about mind melds so I think it's better if I just leave it alone. Micheal looked up at me expectantly.

"Ah...Um...No. It's not our business." I cut in. "We have to get Sandrine's up and running before Tom and the other's get here."

Micheal nodded, looking down at the dead face once more.

"Computer, load computer program Sandrine's-Paris-Five-Alpha." I ordered. The messhall and characters shimmered away and were replaced with the rustic bar and characters. Tom and the others started filing into the messhall. I followed Micheal to a table away from the crowd. Grabbing two betting padds as we went.

We sat down and began to look through today's bets. The most popular one was of course if The Captain and Chakotay were going to hook up, and Particle density for today.

"These betting options...suck." I commented as the rest of them were pretty boring.

"Tom is running out of ideas." Micheal muttered.

"At this rate, I will be broke and in debt for my rations." I complained.

"You think you have problems? I am watching people bet who my daddy will be! That's not right, Bini!" Micheal demanded. I rolled my eyes and watched the crowd, surrounded by Tom.

"Particle density at the measured co-ordinates was one four one five per cubic metre." The computer called out to the waiting crowd.

"And the winner is?" Tom said expectantly. But there was no answer.

"Computer?" He repeated. Waiting for an answer. "Computer?"

"There won't be any more winners." A familiar loud booming voice called out among the crowd. Micheal and I shared a knowing look to who that was.

"Chakotay." We both whispered to each other in understanding. The crowd parted as Chakotay approached Tom and ripped his padd out of his hands.

"That's it. I am never getting my rations back." I mumbled and watched the little spectacle take place.

"Oh come on, Chakotay. We're just having a little fun. The recreational facilities of the Delta Quadrant being what they are." Tom argued.

"I've heard you're responsible for this, Lieutenant."

"I didn't think Starfleet would have a problem with it." Tom smugly shot back.

"With a senior officer running a gambling operation and skimming profits from each days proceeds?" Chakotay questioned with his voice rising in frustration. Now, why would Starfleet have a problem with that? Since you all seem to have extra replicator rations you won't be needing these. Today's pot is hereby confiscated. The Captain's put a lot of faith in you, Mister Paris. She'll be disappointed. You're on report."

"Now there's a tough job, filling out reports. But somebody's got to do it." Tom retorted. Chakotay looked just about ready to punch Tom. Then he suddenly stopped and snapped his gaze towards us. Oh, damn. We...I am screwed. He knows why we are here.

"You two." Chakotay snarled at us. The group looked towards us. "You shouldn't be here. Even if this was...allowed. I am, also, reporting you two to the Captain."

I resisted every urge in my body, screaming out to me to fight him on this. He was being too damn strict. Why can't he mind his own damn fuckin business? Is that too hard for him? God. Chill it. Calm down. Micheal was just as furious as I was. Unlike me, he couldn't control himself. He scooted out of his chair and marched over to Chakotay.

"You are ruining everything!" He yelled at Chakotay. Causing the big man to stop and look down at him. "Just because you can't get Mommy, and you can't get over yourself. Doesn't mean you should take it out on everyone else!"

People gasped in surprise at the mention of the Captain and hat Micheal was insinuating.

"Furthermore," Micheal continued. Puffing up his chest. "You couldn't even get Mommy if you really, really tried. You aren't good enough for her. If you even want a chance you would Sarah, Bini's and mine's approval. You don't. So, go crawling back to your office and cry because you won't get my Mommy!"

OK...First question, why did he include me on the approval list may I ask? The Second question, Am I going to be thrown in the brig with Suder? Third Question, if I am thrown in the brig with the killer, will I die and will anyone care?

Also, well played, Micheal. Well played.

Everyone was silent and Chakotay was gawking at Micheal and turned as red as a beet. I slowly got up, trying to look as confident as I could. I walked over to Micheal, took his little hand in mine and lead him out before he had the chance to take back what he said.

I lead him into the corridor with a bigger grin on my face than there should be.


Ensign Lon Suder's POV

I was trying to mediate. Something I have never been able to do based on my violent nature and the fact that I have never had...peace of mind until Tuvok mind-melded with me. It seems to have increased my mental telepathy. I sense a presence.

I looked slightly up and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tuvok. Towering on the other side of the force field.

"I did not hear you come in, Lieutenant." I stated. Wondering how long he had been watching me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Centred," I replied with content.

"Don't be misled. Your violent instincts still exist. You are simply suppressing them as Vulcans do." Tuvok said. I got up from the floor and faced him. He looked unstable. Lossing control of his violence as I once did.

"I can feel the difference. It is almost as if I can observe the violence inside me without letting it get too close. It is quite remarkable what you Vulcans have learnt to do." I praised.

"Understand that this will not be a permanent change unless you commit to a strict daily regime of meditation and mental exercise. I also believe that a series of holodeck programmes designed to allow your violent tendencies to be released in a safe environment may help to purge your aggressive impulses." Tuvok explained.

"Holographic violence does not give the same sensation as the real thing. I've tried it." I admitted.

"Has anyone ever suggested targeted neurosynaptic therapy?"

"That didn't work either."

"Our Doctor is programmed with the medical knowledge of every Federation world. Perhaps he'll know of some treatment you haven't tried."

"Since the meld, I feel capable of controlling myself. Perhaps with your help I can learn to stay this way. It must be difficult for you." I commented.


"Knowing violence as I've known it." I answered.

"I have studied violence for over a hundred years."

"Studying it and knowing it are two different things, aren't they. It's attractive, isn't it."

"Attractive?" Tuvok asked.

"Violence." I clarified.

"On the contrary. I find it disturbing."

"You're right, it is disturbing, never knowing when that impulse may come or whether or not you can control it when it does. You live on the edge of every moment, and yet, in it's own way, violence is attractive, too. Maybe because it doesn't require logic. Perhaps that's why it's so liberating. Ironic, isn't it, that I can share with you of all people what I have hidden from everyone all my life. Can we do it again, Tuvok?" I asked.



"That would not be advisable."

"I understand. Really, I do. I've thought about it a lot. In a way, a mind meld is almost an act of violence, isn't it."

"I don't understand why you-"

"Penetration. Your will dissolving mine. The joining. It seems to me that a mind-meld might be fatal if you lost control."


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

I stepped cautiously towards Tuvok's door. Flanked by a security guard with her phaser out. Earlier I had gotten a request for Tuvok to be revoked from his position. From Tuvok. He was probably more affected by the mind-meld than he cared to admit.

"Computer, lift the security seal from Lieutenant Tuvok's quarters." I ordered the computer. Then I looked towards the guard. "Wait here."

She nodded and I stepped into his dark quarters. The light reflected from his viewport. Showing his furniture destroyed. Deep breathing was clear. I looked towards the back corner. Tuvok was barely visible, sitting in the dark, shaking.

"I would advise you not to enter, Captain." Tuvok stated with an uneven voice.

"Tuvok." I started, taking another slow step closer.

"Please, do not come any closer." He interrupted harshly.

"Talk to me." I pleaded.

"I said, don't come any closer."

"We need to get you to Sickbay."

"It would be safer for the crew if I were to remain in these quarters. I remind you, I am trained in the martial arts of many Alpha quadrant cultures. Sitting here, attempting to meditate, I have counted the number of ways I know of killing someone using just a finger, a hand, a foot. I had reached ninety-four when you entered."

"The Doctor is fully versed in Vulcan medicine." I reminded him, trying to ignore the warning feeling.

"Again, for safety reasons, I recommend you sedate me before you initiate transport." He begged. I nodded and replicated a sedative. Then cautiously bent down next to him and pressed it against his neck. His eyes close and within seconds he was asleep.

---(20 minutes later)---

Tuvok was laying down on the biobed in the surgical part of sickbay. I stood behind a forcefield with Kes and The Doctor as they carefully monitored him. He had cortical simulators on his head to help his brain. I am worried about my old friend.

"Levels of neuropeptides in the limbic systems are down fifteen percent." Kes relayed to us.

"There's a definite neurochemical imbalance in the nasofrontal cortex." The Doctor described.

"Which means what?" I inquired.

"That's where the Vulcan psycho-suppression systems are located. This may be the result of an incompatibility with the Betazoid telepathic neural centre, I'm not sure." He admitted. Then he grabbed a medical tool and walked into the forcefield. Standing over Tuvok as he worked over him. "Vulcan mind melds. Utter foolishness. Anybody with an ounce of sense wouldn't share his brain with someone else. Would you? I certainly wouldn't. And of course, when something goes wrong, and believe me it does more often than they'd like to admit, the first thing they call out is Doctor."

"Can you help him?" I interrupted in annoyance.

"I wish I could tell you. There's a recommended course of treatments that should begin immediately."

"What does it involve?"

"First we have to take away his ability to control his violence. We do this in short bursts over a period of time and hope it provides a shock to his system. If it works, his own neural controls will take over again. I believe we're about ready. Revive him." The Doctor ordered as he walked out of the forcefield once more and stood beside us.

It took Tuvok a moment, but when he woke up and looked around in wonder. Something has changed. He knew it.

"Something has changed." He announced.

"We've temporarily removed all of your emotional suppression abilities, Lieutenant. How do you feel?" The Doctor asked.

"I feel." He muttered in amazement.

"Tuvok, do you know where you are?" I asked. He looked at me and let out of crazy laugh.

"Of course I know where I am, Captain. I'm just not sure I know who I am."

"Try to relax." The Doctor suggested. "The treatment still has about three minutes to go."

"Oh, it must be working, because I feel very strong. Very powerful. Quite euphoric. This must be how my ancestors felt. Doctor, would you consider allowing me to remain this way for a while? It would be a valuable opportunity for me to study primal Vulcan behaviour."

"Sorry, I'm not prepared to do that. The course of treatment is very specific."

"You are not invulnerable, hologram. A few well chosen commands to the computer and you will cease to exist." He yelled and threw a wheelchair against the forcefield.

"Two minutes, thirty seconds left." Kes announced. I was struggling to keep the shock of the situation out of my expression. If he knew how I felt-

"You look shocked, Captain." Tuvok said smugly. Shit, he got me. "You must be asking yourself, what if this doesn't work? What do we do then? I have an idea. I'll just stay in my quarters for the rest of the trip. I'll just relax and read, eat the ship's food, use the ship's energy, all in the comforts of my own room. Why, even Mister Suder and I could get together for a few hands of Cardassian pinochle once or twice a week. That is how we treat violent offenders on this ship, isn't it?"

"You are not a violent offender, Tuvok." I pointed out.

"I could be. Just like Suder. You know, Captain, I don't mind telling you something the other Tuvok never would. You are wrong. Sparing Suder's life is a sign of weakness. You disgust me. All you humans do. Admit it! Part of you feels as I do. Part of you wants him to die for what he did."

"No part of me feels that way."

"Liar! He has killed and you know he deserves to die! On behalf of the victim's family, Captain, I beg you to reconsider. Give them the satisfaction of his execution. I have a radical suggestion, Captain. Release the forcefield and I'll kill him for you. Release the forcefield." He barked. Then focused his attention to sweet Kes. "My student, my protégée. there is so much for each of us to learn today, isn't there."

"You'll be all right, Tuvok. This'll be over in thirty seconds." She replied.

"Listen to what I tell you. Release the forcefield."

"I'm sorry. I had them disable your telepathic abilities too. You can't reach me, Tuvok."

"Release the forcefield!" He screamed and tried to push his hand through the force field but was thrown back, then collpased.

"It's over!" The Doctor announced.

"He's lost consciousness." Kes said with surprise.

"He might be able to fool the sensors. Sedate him again. Computer, remove the forcefield." The Doctor ordered the computer. The forcefeild shimmered away and I rushed to him.

"Help me get him back on the bed. How many treatments do you think will be necessary?"

"I wish I knew, Captain. In a sense, Mister Tuvok's mind is fighting a classic battle between good and evil. The battle may be won in a day, a year, or it may never be won."


(That night.)

Bini Filters's POV

I am really starting to hate the night shift. More than usual anyway. Micheal, Sarah and Mollie were standing beside me. Micheal was trying to make a conversation with the prisoner.

"Micheal!" I snapped. He turned to look at me with an innocent expression as if he didn't just pull what I know he just pulled. "Stop talking to the traitor!"

"Traitor?" Suder questioned and let out a calm and quiet laugh. "This is coming from a Cardassian agent?"

"SHUT UP!" I barked. Sarah and Micheal looked over at me with questions.

"You? Spy?" Sarah asked.

"You are a spy?!" Micheal exclaimed.

"No, no, no. Shut up Suder and don't ask questions about my past." I snapped. "Besides at least I didn't kill ANYONE on Voyager!"

"Holy cow! YOU KILLED PEOPLE!? WHO DID YOU KILL!?" Micheal explained, being visibly appalled.

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?" I yelled back. "No question. About. My. Past!"

"Filters." Suder hissed. "What happened to Tuvok?"

"No answering that. None of your business!" I snapped back.

Suddenly, the door opened and a very dishevelled Tuvok walked in.

"Children. Leave." He snapped. We all quickly got the clue and left the room, walked into the corridor. Left wondering what the heck just happened.


Lon Suder's POV

"Tuvok? I wondered what happened to you. They wouldn't tell me anything." I said. Tuvok walked over in unsteady feet and a sickbay rob. Something Bini must have glossed over when he order them out or she wouldn't have agreed.

"There were some complications from the meld." He admitted.

"I wondered about that."

"I've been undergoing neurosynaptic therapy in Sickbay."

"It didn't work."


"Have you come to kill me?" I asked.

"To execute you for your crime." He said.

"To execute me." I repeated. "I see. And calling it that makes it more comfortable for you."

"I will take no comfort in this."

"A most logical use of violence, to punish the violent." I snapped. He lowered the cell forcefield and stepped inside. I didn't move. I know I deserve it but that doesn't make it any easier. "We both know that I am prepared to die, but are you prepared to kill?"

"It needs to be done." He snapped.

"To release your violent impulses?"

"To serve justice."

"Justice or vengeance? Understand one thing, Tuvok. I can promise you this will not silent your demons. If you can't control the violence, the violence controls you. Be prepared to yield your entire being to it, to sacrifice your place in civilized life for you will no longer be a part of it, and there's no return." I yelled. He yelled out in rage and grabbed my head. Preparing to initiate the meld.

"I seek no return!" He roared.

"Of course, you would not be able to live with yourself. Then we are both to die, and that will end the torment." His grip tightened.

"My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts. My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts-"He started. But then began to fade away. He released his grasp and collapsed. I quickly grabbed his combadge and tapped it.

"Crewman Suder to the Bridge."

"Suder, what are you doing with a comm. badge?" Chakotay snapped back from the bridge.

"You'd better get down here, Chakotay. Lieutenant Tuvok needs help."

((Captain's log, supplemental. Ensign Suder has been incarcerated in secured quarters where he will likely spend the rest of our journey home. Lieutenant Tuvok remains under observation in Sickbay.))


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

"It may be hard for you to believe, Lieutenant," The Doctor began as he scanned Tuvok in sickbay. "But what happened is encouraging. Your inability to complete the act of murder shows your suppression system in starting to function again. You're on your way back to being normal, although I'm not sure how the word normal applies to a species that suppresses all their emotions."

"Captain, I must apologize for my inappropriate behaviour." Tuvok apologized as the Doctor finished up.

"I'm just glad we have you back, Mister Tuvok." I insisted.

"I was most insulting to you."

"Don't worry about it. I've been insulted before."

"I hope you understand that I have always had the greatest respect for you as a Captain, and consider you a friend."

"That means a great deal to me. Enough said. Get some rest. Tuvok. No more mind melds without my permission. Understood?" I replied. He nodded and I helped him out of sickbay. My next duty is to reprimand Bini and my children for their bets and attitude towards Commander Chakotay.

---End of Chapter 53: Next: ???---

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