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Werewolves and the Mysterious Boy

David, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were walking in a forest. Ken asked, "Will we may able to bring our moms and dads here when we're finished?"

"No Ken you can't" Foxy said. "Long ago even people without magic knew about it and they began to fear it. They feared what was different and hated it. The most powerful sorcerers gathered for a meeting. The dark sorcerers said that we needed to fight back wipe out those that would harm us. The good sorcerers said that it would be better to go into hiding. The dark sorcerers called them peace loving cowards and began to start a war with all those who would oppose them.

"When the war was on its way. A powerful good sorcerer who would later become known as the guardian of the world stopped the fighting and use his great magical powers to create another dimension. This one. Where all wizards and witches and magical creature were sent to so that we may all live in peace. Another part of the spell had removed all knowledge and facts about magic from the non magical humans."

David said, "Wow that guardian of the world was really impressive."

"Is impressive" Foxy corrected. "He is still alive after almost an millennium. A sorcerer can live beyond his normal years if his body holds enough magic. The guardian of the world was known as the most powerful sorcerer since the legendary sorcerers themselves."

"So awesome" David said in aw.

Sara asked, "Hey Foxy, how much longer until we reach the Castle of Hope?"

"About four more days."

"Four more days" Ashley said with a groan. "I wish I could have brought my father's limousine."

"Your dad has a limousine" Sara questioned. "Is he a limo driver?"

"No" Ashley said. "My family is really rich. My father is the owner of a big company. I also live in a mansion with a butler and a maid. I wish they were here. I really don't like doing things for myself, except for when I shop at the mall although I always bring someone with me to carry my things."

Sara rolled her eyes and sighed. David laughed and said, "Well in this world I think we're the help."

Ashley said, "Don't even joke like that. The Castle of Hope have better be worth it."

Foxy said, "It is. It is the home of powerful sorcerers. The history of it is rich."

"I was talking about a nice soft bed, not the sleeping bags you conjure out of thin air Foxy" Ashley said. "I also want some better food and not what we find in trees and bushes. I want a proper supper."

Sara groaned and said, "Chill out Ashley. We have to make due. Their is no point in complaining." Ashley turned her head Hmph.

Foxy perked his rabbit ears, swished his fox tail, and said, "I can sense one of the legendary sorcerer's wands up ahead."

David and the others peeked out from behind a bush and saw that in the clearing ahead was a wolf but bigger and it had a white wand in its mouth. Foxy said, "That's a werewolf. Werewolves live in packs and are dangerous beasts that are relentless when it comes to chasing down their prey."

David said, "Sounds dangerous but at least we know where the next wand is." David turn to face the other children and said, "Ken, Sara, and Ashley, I want you guys to hide here when I go and get the wand. Then I'll come back here and we'll find out who the wand belongs too." Ken and the others nodded their agreement to David.

David stepped out from behind the bush, raised his red wand and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!" A burst of flames covered David and then suddenly he was wearing a red and gold robe.

The werewolf turned to David and tossed the white wand from its mouth. The werewolf snarled then charged at David. He pointed his wand at the werewolf and exclaimed, "Magical fireball!" A ball of fire burst out of David's wand and hit the werewolf causing the werewolf to crash on the ground. The werewolf slowly got up, growling with its fur standing up. The werewolf charged at David again with mouth open and its fangs bared.

David exclaimed, "Magical fireball!" The werewolf leaped over the fireball and was about to pounce on David before he exclaimed, "Magical flamethrower!" The stream of fire that erupted out of David's wand sent the werewolf crashing ten feet away. The werewolf lifted its head and howled. A second later the werewolf's howl was answered back with other howls close by.

David ran past the werewolf and scooped up the white wand with his free hand. "I got the wand" David yelled to the others raising the white to show them.

Foxy shouted, "Hurry David! More werewolves are coming!" David ran towards the others but before he could make it to them five more werewolves ran into the clearing and blocked David from reaching his friends.

Sara shouted, "David, toss the wand here!"

"No" Ashley yelled in a panic. Their are too many wolves!"

Sara said, "We don't have a choice."

David threw the white towards Sara. The three werewolves closes to her followed the wand with their eyes and were about to leap up and grab it in their mouths before David quickly exclaimed, "Magical flamethrower!" The stream of fire that came out of David's red wand hit the three werewolves in mid jump and knocked them over.

Before David could see if Sara caught the white wand the two werewolves closes to David pounced on him.

A blast of black light rammed into one of the werewolves on David and the black light and werewolf crashed into the other knocking them down and off David. David looked into the direction of the black light and saw behind a tree a boy his age with black hair in a black and dark green robe.

Sara held up the white wand and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution! In a flash of white light Sara was now wearing a white robe that sparkled. "Wow! I can feel the power. It's a amazing!

All five werewolves now turned to Sara and charged after her. Sara exclaimed, "You will no longer hurt us. White feather blast!" With a swipe of Sara's white wand glowing white feathers surrounded by white lights shot out of the tip of her wand and hit all five werewolves forcing them down. The werewolves growled and began to limp away. "All right I did. I mean we did it."

David and Sara's robes disappeared out of fire and white light and they had their regular clothes on. David walked up to Sara and said, "Way to go Sara. You got one awesome power." He paused and looked behind him. "Did anyone see where that kid went?"

Sara asked, "What kid?"

Their was a kid in a black and dark green robe that blasted a black light that saved me from the two werewolves that jumped me. Everyone looked around.


While David and the others were walking through the forest Ashley yawned and said, "Lets call it a night. I'm tire of walking."

Ken said, "I'm tired too."

"All right" David said. "We can make camp here. I'll go and look for firewood. Sara I want you to stay with the others just in case."

"Sure thing David" Sara said. "Be carful out their."

David was looking around in the woods and began picking up the biggest sticks he could find. He heard a boy's voice. "So you want to fight me again. The last time we fought you ran away like a chicken."

"You'll regret leaving us. Especially at this time." A man's voice replied.

David followed the voices and peered behind a couple of trees. He could see the boy from earlier with his black hair and black and dark green robes. The boy was facing a man in a black robe with a wooden wand. The boy exclaimed, "Black blaster!" A black light shot out of the boy's black wand.

The man reacted quickly and exclaimed, "Magic block!" A dark force field shielded the man from the front but when the black light hit the force field the force of the blast was to strong for it and the man fell to the ground by the impact. The man got up and said, "Lets see how you like my secret weapon. The power was given to me by a dark sorcerer." The man held up his wand and exclaimed, "Dark energy ball!" A dark energy ball began to form at the tip of his wand.

David exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!" He aimed his wand at the man. "Magical flamethrower!"

The boy exclaimed, "Dark blaster!" David's fire and the boy's black energy beam swirled together in harmony and struck the black energy ball that was released from the man's wand.

When the three attacks clashed the dark energy ball was forced backwards into the man's wand and wand exploded. The man screamed and was holding his now blacken hand.

"Ha" the boy said. "Your master isn't going to want you back after you got your wand destroyed and your magic all but wiped out." The man in the black robe looked both angry and defeated. He turned and ran away.

David walked up to the boy and said, "Hey. My name is David."

The boy said, "The name is Shadow and I was born and raised here in the magical world and unlike you I don't need help so stay out of my way David." Just like that Shadow ran deeper into the forest.

"What's his problem. I just helped save his butt" David mumbled under his breath.

David returned to Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy with a pile of sticks. He dropped them in the middle of the camp and said, "Hey guys guess what. I ran into that boy from earlier and we fought a dark wizard together. We combined our magic and took him down. He said his name is Shadow and told me he grew up in the magical world. I guess he knows where were from. He is a jerk though."

Foxy asked, "Did the magic of the both of you worked well together?"


"Then he must be the fifth legendary sorcerer."

"I hope we will be able to count on him in the future."

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