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The Legendary Sorcerers The Legendary Sorcerers original

The Legendary Sorcerers

Author: DaoistQSBLhX

© WebNovel

Fire of Destiny

David's mom called from the kitchen downstairs, "David, come on down, breakfast is ready." David walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen.

"You're late slowpoke." David's little brother Nicky said with a mischievous smile.

David looked angry and said, "What you call me?"

Their mother said, "Stop fighting you two." David looked down at his plate and saw a stack of pancakes. he smiled and started to eat.

After David finished his pancakes he left the table and called out, "I'm going to hang with my friends, see ya." He went out the front door, down the driveway, and started racing on the sidewalk. As he was running the sidewalk ahead of him started to glow with a golden light. It lifted itself from the ground and before David could stop he tripped fell through it.

David stood up and found himself outside on the grass of a beautiful garden filled with flowers surrounded by trees. Their was a flash of golden light and their stood two young teenage girls, the same age as David, and a boy that looked two years younger. "Hey my name is David. Who are you guys? Do you know what this place is?"

The pretty blond hair girl with her hair down pass her shoulders said, "My name is Ashley. Where am I? I have a nail appointment."

The other girl with black hair said, "My name is Sara. I was on my way to play basketball with my friends but then I walked into some bright light and then I ended up here all of the sudden."

The younger boy said, "My name is Ken. I was going to see my dad at work to see if he finished fixing my laptop when all of the sudden their was a golden light and it teleported me here."

A three foot tall cute looking creature with a white head with rabbit ears and a brown body with a fox tail ran up on all fours to David and the others and stood up. "Hello their children. My name is Foxy. I am glad you are here, our world is in great danger."

Ashley screamed in delight and hugged Foxy. "You are so adorable. You can follow me home any day." Ashley said petting Foxy.

David asked, "What are you talking about Foxy? Where are we?"

Foxy said, "This is the magical world. A world that lives side by side with yours like a reflection in a mirror. I was asked be you guide in this world so that you may fulfill your destiny. You see long ago there were powerful wizards and witches know as the legendary sorcerers who put a end to an evil darkness that threaten to over take the world. After the war between the legendary sorcerers and the great evils was won the world enjoyed peace and equality for ages. Unfortunately now a group of powerful dark wizards and witches have gained power and are threating to take over the world and begin a rein of darkness and inequality."

"That sounds awful." David said.

"And scary too." Ken said with a hint of fear in his voice.

Foxy said, "All is not lost because while the legendary sorcerers are gone their powers live on inside their wands. I have the unique ability to find them."

Ashley said with a hint of sarcasm in her voce, "This all sounds fascinating and everything but what does all this have to do with me, I mean us?"

Foxy said said, "Each of you have to ability to wield one of the wands of the legendary sorcerers and to save the magical world from the new darkness and prevent them from going to your world."

David said, "I would love to help but that sounds like it will take more than a day and I wouldn't know how to explain this to my mom and dad."

Foxy said, "You won't have to worry about the time when your in this world. Every hour that passes here is only a second in your world."

Ashley thought to herself, "I could take a seven days magical vacation everyday and gain magical powers." She smiled to herself and said, "Okay I'm in!"

David said, "I always felt like I was destined to do something big with my life. I can't think of anything bigger than saving two worlds."

Sara said, "I'm in too."

"Me too." Ken said. "I would love to learn more about a reality I didn't even knew existed."

Foxy said, "Wonderful children. I was instructed to take you to the Castle of Hope. Along the way we will find the magical wands of the legendary sorcerers."

David and the others were walking in the woods that were filled with big trees with plenty of room to move about. While they were walking David asked, "What are we going to find in the Castle of Hope?"

"Living in the Castle of Hope is the vice guardian of the world" Foxy answered.

David asked, "Is he powerful? Can he stop the dark wizards and witches?"

"He is very old and his magic isn't what it once was and only the legendary sorcerers have the power to defeat the these dark wizards and witches who have unfortunately earned the the title of dark sorcerers" Foxy explained.

Sara asked, "Was it you who brought us here to this world?"

"No, not me" Foxy answered. "I don't have that kind of power. What brought you here was the guardian of the world. The dark sorcerers raided the Castle of Hope and captured the guardian of the world but not the vice guardian and locked him away. While he couldn't escape his imprisonment he was able to tap into the great works of magic to aid him in teleporting you four into this world. Out of everyone in both worlds you four are four of the five legendary sorcerers."


Foxy perked his rabbit ears and said, "This way." David and the others followed Foxy as turned and ran forward to a sound only he could hear. Their was a clearing up ahead. Foxy stopped behind a tree and up ahead was a big tree with a hollow hole inside of it. Flying around the big tree were strange looking purplish people about a six inches tall. He whispered "In the hollow of the tree lies the fire wand. Those creatures are call pixies. They can't be reasoned with so we have to find away to pass them and take the wand."

David whispered, "I have an idea. I'll go over by the side and draw their attention. Once they come to me than you Ken can go and grab the wand."

"Alright, I'll do it" Ken said. David crept between the trees surrounding the clearing. Once he was far enough to distract the pixies away from the others David stepped into the clearing and raised his hand waved to the pixies. "Hey pixies! Can we be friends?" The pixies saw David and sped through the air with their wings and started tackling and scratching David. He fell curled into a ball protecting face with one arm while using the other to try and fight off the pixies who were attacking him.

While the pixies were attacking David, Ken ran over to the big tree and reached up to the hollow and pull out a red wooden wand. He raised the red wand and yelled out with excitement, "I got it!" All pixies stopped attacking David to look at Ken waving the red wand. The pixies flew at Ken with their arms out reached preparing to scratch and attack him

Foxy called out to Ken, "If you don't feel the magic from the wand then pass it to someone else!"

Sara ran to Ken with her hand stretching outward and yelled, "Throw it to me Ken!" Ken threw the red wand at Sara and she caught it. The pixies turned away from Ken and headed towards Sara. She waved the wand at the pixies, trying to get the wand to work its magic but to no avail. Before the pixies could attack Sara she threw the at Ashley saying, "Ashley catch!"

Ashley fumbled with the red wand yelled in a panic, "I don't want it!"

David yelled, "Ashley throw it over here!" Ashley threw the red wand towards David but it landed half way between them. David ran over and slid to the red wand just as the nearest pixie flew down to grab the red wand. They both touched the wand at the same time. Fire shot out of the wand and hit the pixie knocking it down. David had a good feeling about the wand. Inspiration struck and he raised the wand up over his hand and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!" A burst of fire surrounded David from the wand.

Ken cried out in a panic, "David!" But the fire was now gone and David was standing there wearing a red and gold robe.

David called out to the pixies, "I am a legendary sorcerer! This is my wand!" The pixies raced toward him to attack. He raised his wand pointing it at the nearest pixies and exclaimed, "Magical fireball." A ball of fire about a foot in diameter shot out of David's wand and hit the two pixies in front of the swarm.

The two pixies crashed away from David. The rest of the pixies stopped saw their members fall. David asked, "Are you ready to call it quits?" The pixies continued to fly at David at full speed. "Alright you asked for it. Magical flamethrower!" A big stream of fire ignited out of his wand and toasted the rest of the pixies making making them all fly away nursing their burns. David ran over to where the others were standing and watching with amazement.

Sara said, "That was awesome. How did you know how to do all that?"

David's red and gold robe disappeared in a quick flash of flames and he was once again wearing is normal clothes. He smiled and said, "I just knew how to do it. I don't know how. I just knew."

Foxy said, "The great work of magic that the guardian of the world had called upon was right. You four are indeed the legendary sorcerers.

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