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92.1% Martial Heart Asura / Chapter 70: Chapter 67: The Abyss

Chapter 70: Chapter 67: The Abyss

An hour later...

Autumn finally found the book he was looking for, he thought it was gonna take a little bit longer but guess it was fine that he found it quickly.

He then quickly opened the book. The book's appearance is just like any ordinary book, plain, pages after pages of different information, and a bit dusty like those from old libraries.

He started to flip the pages one by one and was shocked by the contents inside the book. The book had a very detailed explanation about different planes, worlds, and dimensions.

How to travel into the different planes, how to access a space node to go into a different world, and how to set up a portal gate to travel into different dimensions.

But these three have one coming thing that they needed and that is it using energy or to be exact origin energy.

It's stated that it needs at least a sugar cube size origin energy to exit your current plane and travel to the next one. It also stated how to harvest the origin energy and how to store it properly without it dissipating immediately.

If Autumn is reading this right, origin energy should be very scarce or limited in different planes, worlds, or dimensions.

Every plane, world, and dimensions should have different stocks of origin energy. Some may have vast amounts of origin energy like the size of a river or lake while some may only have minuscule amounts of origin energy like the size of a grain of sand.

But Autumn doesn't have a problem with the origin energy but instead was puzzled how this detailed book was written.

You see the book was written in elf, dragon, devil, and god language. Four different languages to create this book, and to be able to write these book means that the author should have either understood and know the four languages very well or he had another companion that knows these languages.

Autumn was more inclined to the latter option but also was very intrigued if the author of this book actually understood these four languages as it's really hard to gain access to learning one of these languages.

He then closed the book and have the system scanned all the content to save him time looking for the different methods on how to open or make a portal to another plane.

Autumn then closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again but there was a bit of surprise color in those eyes.

He looked at the direction of the city and was a bit shock that someone actually managed to fully summon a high-level abyss creature.

To summon an abyss creature especially a high-level one needs to have high belief and faith in that said creature. Second, it needs to have the summoner and the creature to have a very close connection to each other.

As for how the "close connection" means in the abyss is a totally different way of meaning in the human world. And that "close connection" means that you have already sacrificed all your beliefs, ambition, loyalty, and lastly your soul to that abyss creature.

Sometimes Autumn is baffled by how humans are so desperate to gain power or how to take that power from someone else.

This sometimes makes Autumn ponder about the different emotions, sins, and darkness of human nature.

In hell, devils know how to toy and control the different emotions of humans and take advantage of their greed for power.

They first ask two simple questions "Why do you desire power?" or "What does power mean to you?". These two simple questions make any humans subconscious thinking result in a flurry of different thoughts of what power they want, how they used that power, or how they used that power to prove themselves to everyone.

But there is one common thought that will always appear on every single human that was asked these questions and that is "Power is the only thing that makes me feel comfortable".

Many people who experience the feeling of having control of the life and death of someone else makes them have a very strange addiction to controlling people, manipulating them, and lastly dispose of them when they are of no use anymore.

This is a very common thought to those who are used to having higher power than anyone else. Even Autumn has this very thought to himself every day since tasting that strong control of others and make them revere you for your great achievements.

But he was never drunk on this single thought as he knows that there are powerful creatures that lurk in every corner of the world or universe.

As Autumn was pondering Mia and Sarah were feeling a strange call from their bloodlines or more of sending signals to a specific place.

They were feeling jittery, rugged breathing, and their auras were fluctuating very wildly.

Autumn notice and was stunned for a moment and hurriedly used his healing spell to stabilize their condition.

He asked worryingly.

"Are you guys alright, is something wrong with your body?"

They felt a strong healing spell stabilizing their conditions and the desire in their bloodline is somehow suppressed but that throbbing desire is still hard to suppress.

So they nodded their head to him and told him their current situation.

Autumn frowned for a moment and then told them.

"Where is that strange calling coming from, can you pinpoint the location where it's telling you to go."

Mia and Sarah felt their bloodline and pointed at the direction of the city where a high-level abyss creature was summoned.

Autumn frowned ever harder as this made him thought of a terrible possibility and that is their bloodline is telling them to go to the abyss plane.

If Autumn remembers correctly the abyss is the gateway of insanity and fortune but also the source of Blood Stones that enhances one's bloodline.

This made him feel strange as he doesn't feel the urge to enhance his bloodline or any strange calling from his bloodline.

He asked the system as to why he doesn't feel the urge to enhance his bloodline like Mia and Sarah.

"Ding! Answering the host, the reason for that because your bloodline can only grow purer by killing different creatures and being baptized in countless life and death situations. This is also why you won't feel any kind of strange behaviors like normal bloodlines do, for example having the urge to devour someone's bloodline or killing everyone on sight." The system replied in a cold mechanical way.

Autumn nodded silently and hurriedly stopped Asuieros from continuing to go to the other treasure hideouts and sent his thoughts to Asuiero to hurriedly go back to the city.

It stopped its track and hurriedly turned around and slithered full speed like his life depends on it.

As they were currently speeding towards to city...

The whole kingdom is in shambles as screams of different cultivators sounded out and the shrieks of the normal citizens were constantly ringing echoed by the sadistic laugh of the different abyss creatures.

The previous bustling, beautiful, and cheerful kingdom was no more and was replaced by this cruel sight of men being killed, women being raped, children being tortured, and newborns being treated as snacks.

It was a cruel sight to behold. The screams contained the richest emotions of despair, hopelessness, hatred, fear, and other negative emotions.

These negative emotions were then devoured by the different abyss creatures and they are constantly growing stronger every second.

This scene was being overlooked by the six figures who were currently looking down at this situation with an apathetic gaze.

They removed their hoods and their face was now revealed. Their face doesn't even have a face as they only possess a human face with no features or hair.

There were different imprinted enchantments on their face but it was mostly the spell limiter enchantment.

Somehow and someway they were able to talk that could be heard clearly but there was no pinpointing where the sound could have sounded.

"The plan is now half complete as we have killed the two strongest force of this plane. After taking over this continent we should be able to harvest different resources that can help us improve our status in the abyss." The no. 1 figure said.

The rest nodded and were trembling with excitement.

"We should be able to summon 3 mid-level abyss creature to help our God in killing that damn bastard who killed our kind," No.1 said with deep hatred in its voice.

The rest clenched their fits tightly as they remembered that terrifying power that could kill all of them in a blink of an eye.

The six of them manage to summon at least Gecerciz Yutmak's clone that contained 5 percent of his strength.

That is already the upper limit of how much the plane could take in as 6 percent of their god's strength can destroy this plane with ease.

They don't want that to happen as they want to plunder the different resource of this plane and it would be a waste of resource and time if they are not able to at least recover the amount of resources it cost to go to this plane.

Gecerciz Yutmak's projection is currently sitting on the ground with a look of boredom. Yutmak had fish-like scales all over his body, a humanoid figure, spikes that covered his spine, a mace-like tail, viper like eyes, and a sealed mouth.

This projection is only 150 meters tall and its body was bursting with incredible power and control of that power.

If Autumn was here he would be impressed as it takes countless battles and time to be able to manage to perfectly control your strength.

Even Autumn had trouble controlling his strength back in the mental world but thanks to the baptism of different life and death situations he was able to control and manipulate his strength perfectly.

Yutmak's projection was barely able to control its boredom. He had only one simple thought in his head and that is "I wish to fight someone strong, someone, who can actually put up a fight."

Yutmak was your battle maniac kind of creature. He only likes to fight, he never bothers himself with trivial things other than training and battling different strong creatures.

Abyss creatures are very simple they only want to fight to increase their strength, even the strongest and smartest abyss creature also has this simple thought.

Autumn also appreciates this simple thought of those abyss creatures even though they are cruel they only do this because of how they are able to increase their strength.

Since their cultivation needs strong and pure negative emotions they attack different creatures and race for their negative emotions to increase their cultivation.

Abyss creatures cannot cultivate normally like other creatures like dragons who only needs to breathe in elements or mana to increase their cultivation.

They need to constantly invade other planes and worlds to increase their cultivation and by that process also gave them the title of "Plane Destroyers".

Many creatures fear and hate the abyss but they are not able to do anything at all since the abyss plane cannot be easily accessed without summoning an abyss creature.

Even if they are able to summon one, going to the abyss is like suicide in it's truest sense.

So different races could only passively defend their planes and world and hope to drive off the invasion.

Okay, enough talk about the abyss and their simple thoughts. Autumn and his companions should soon arrive in like 10 seconds or so.

10 seconds later...

A loud rumbling sounded from the southeast gate and a wyrm was currently slithering at fast speeds.

There were 3 figures standing on top of its head.

One is a male figure who exuded the aura of eternal damnation.

Two female figures who exuded the aura of Hell and Calamity.

The male figure looked at this scene with nostalgia while the two female figures were fuming with anger.


Well, the chapter is finished.

This chapter just mostly explained some stuff and some info that should help you understand future chapters. Autumn traveling to the abyss would be interesting.

I can a single hint though and that is " The abyss is more organized than Hell".

Well, that's all for my thoughts for today's chapter imma grab something to eat. I'm starving. Later nerds see you in the next chapter.

-Bloody Autumn

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