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A rabbit with wings

Tons of voices filled my ears. It was so loud it was just a huge amalgamation of noise... Almost like static.

When I opened my eyes all around me where thousands of people and I was just a head in an ocean of people.

Aiko and Clio were beside me, but they were much more calm and collected. Aiko had a bit of a scowl on her face. I'm not sure if she always looks like this or she's mad.. Clio was definitely the most composed out of all of us.

This was the Pitt. The Gladiators Pitt. I was expecting something more.. Roman and less modern. It's a gigantic stadium that's ceiling seems to be made of the stars them self. Everything was a dark as night, only the small lights coming from each individual booth gave enough light It was just an incredibly large stadium. Mind fumblingly huge.

Behind us were chairs. Exactly just enough for the three of us. Latran was sitting behind us but a step above. His devilish grin spread across his thin coyote lips. With thighs crossed over and his chin resting on his wrist... His entire attitude sent shivers down my spine. It was one thing to look at a bipedal animal, and an entirely different matter when their eyes stared at you as if you were an ant.

"Sit down you three. Don't be so shocked. Half of these souls will be gone and won't be back for some time."

That's right. I'll have to fight and kill someone here. Technically it's not killing, since they will be reincarnated... Is it still murder if they come back?

The chairs were comfortable. Soft black cushions laced with extravagant gold spirals.. I melted immediately. The arm rests were just as comfortable. Not too high, not too low, but it was juuuust right.

Aiko and Clio both looked satisfied. Aiko still had a scowl on her face, but her eyes seemed more relaxed. Clio on the other hand seemed to compliment the chair, and him with it. His posture mimicked Latrans, but his eyes and smile... He looked like a painting.

I really need to stop looking at him... It's not good for my health.

Looking around I finally noticed the segregation. Groups of 4 each had their own private booths. The angel and their recruits respectfully. This was my guess.

There are green people, Blue creatures, Humans with horns and goblins with wings. It's hard to keep track of what everyone actually looks like. The distance between booths are about 6 ft, and there are thousands of booths. This is by far the largest group of... well anything.. I've ever seen.

"Welcome Angels and Incarnates! I am your host Sthir Omnis! I am both your guide and your judge for the tribulations you must face."

A rabbit.. Really? Why does he look just as handsome as Latran? This has to be an Angel thing. I really don't like this place already.. Please someone put a mask on him. Or better yet a robe and hide him away for all eternity.

His wings are huge and with a total of six it was incredibly intimidating and awe inspiring. A faint glow lingered on his white fur almost like he was made of pure light. He just floated there, his wings keeping him perfectly situated for everyone to see.

"Each one of your souls must pass through this inferno in order to taste the fruits of eternity! So it's very important you listen to the rules..."

He lifted his hand and pointed towards the center of this huge stadium. The floor illuminated into a crystal clear t.v. screen. At the same time three screens appeared holographic in the booth. One in front of Me, Aiko, and Clio.

At a glance I notice Latran didn't receive a screen. He looked way too unbothered about these change of events. He's had to have done this before.

I wonder how many countless souls he led to this place and watched them get slaughtered...

At this thought a small red light scanned the three of us. Following this our names, faces, and ages appeared on the screen.

"Your Guardian Angels will be able to view your progress through the screens in front of you. Not only will they be able to check the status of your soul, they'll be able to view the fights as they happen in real time. If you perform well enough, you may even be recruited into the cities they reside over. However, if you win and you perform poorly, you may be alive but you will have a much harder time finding a path through this world. So keep these next words in mind, Do your best. Your future depends on it, both in this life, and the next."

The screen changed? Team Battle Royale? So I won't be alone?

I couldn't help my smile at this revelation. Looking at both Aiko and Clio, it was easy to read they were less enthused. They probably think I'm going to hold them back, which I might, but please carry me through this.

"We have to work as a team? What kind of garbage rules are these?" Aikos' agitation hung on her face.

"Hmm... Read the next line though.." Clio brought my focus back onto the stadium screen. "No Team killing, or automatic disqualification.. If you're caught sabotaging your team, automatic disqualification..."

Wow. They really want to make sure we work together. I'm so sorry to all the Angels and Gods I called fake when I was alive. You all are so amazing and wonderful! I wish I could hold you and kiss your feet to tell you how sorry I am for not believing in you sooner! I actually have a chance to win!!

"That's correct. You are looking at the official rules off this Gladiator Pitt! You will partner with the people you've come here with. Don't worry though, if your supervisors catch anyone attempting to back stab their team mates everyone under him will be disqualified!

The conditions for your team to win is simple! Acquire 3 kills! When your team has reached this goal you will be considered to have passed! However... It's only the first 5000 teams. So be sure you raise your score quickly!

We will teleport you at the beautiful summit of Mount Olympus! Where you and your team will stay for the next three weeks! Unless, you die.... Or Win!"


"Well we know where..." An elegant sneer painted from his lips. "..Mount Olympus. We just don't know what lives there... what we can eat there.. where we can and can't sleep.. We can find solve those questions pretty quickly."

Immediately Aiko crossed her arms over her chest, glaring daggers at Clio. I'm very thankful I'm not in the middle of this.

"Do you really think it's going to be easy dragging this dead weight around?"

Dead weight? Who?

It was only then I moved my eyes from her and actually looked at where she moved her hands. She was pointing directly at me.

"We haven't even talked to him for more than 45 seconds. How are you so sure he's a dead weight? He could prove to be quite useful to us."

Alright... I'm right here. Please talk about me like I'm a human and not some tool... This feels incredibly degrading.. I should speak up...

"I'm uhh...."

"Oh, the dead weight has something to say?" Aiko interjected. All of her ferocity facing my direction. "Don't drag us down. I'd hate to be disqualified for taking my anger out on you. So when we're in there, you listen to what I say."

Well... If they're carrying me through this. I might as well just go with it. Go with the flow, makes life easier. Plus me being angry and shouting back at her right now wouldn't be good for group morale so early on..

"Easy enough..."

Only after I said that did she finally return to her seat and bring her attention back. With that action both Clio and I followed her lead and stared at Sthir, The Rabbit-Angel.

"--When you arrive on the island. We will give you enough information about the Flora, Fauna, and things in between to assist you with your survival. We will provide your team with a room and reading materials for the evening. We are giving you precisely 24 hours to make the most of this resting period. Use your time wisely. I wish you each the dedication to strive for victory, and the luck to achieve it. In the name of the First God, may your steps be forever light."

With that final sentence, his wings wrapped around him and he vanished leaving only trace feathers behind. Latrans voice behind us broke the state of awe I was in.

"We depart now."

An ominous feeling rose in my gut when I felt a light touch on my shoulder. Fuck...

Yep... The bright lights again.

I really might just get a seizure..

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