"Yeah but... Agh," She pouted. "Nevermind, let's keep going on to see what we can find."
"Wait," Rowie halted her way. "That spider that attacked us. You mentioned it was a Giant Spider. What's that, exactly?"
Vanilla stopped her way, turning back and illuminating Rowie and Custos Aranea with the shine of Avrevm Bacvlvm. "Besides the obvious name? Nothing much. They are goddamned grown arachnids that live underground according to old legends. I don't know much about them, though."
"Do you think we'll find more of them?"
"Probably. If the big ones are social like the small ones invading the residence then more are going to come and assist their friend. Be ready." She double-tapped the Citrine, ready to go once again.
"Why don't you use the finger of Lancelot and call him here? He said that he could lend you his help whenever you needed him." Rowie said.