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80% Im Glad thats Over / Chapter 20: Senior Year: WellStone

Chapter 20: Senior Year: WellStone

My friend gave me a book for my present. He knows I like reading and he had already read it so he didn't want the book anymore so he gave it to me. It was the book Columbine. Columbine is about the Columbine School shooting that happened happened on April 20, 1999. I started reading the book and in class me and my friend would discuss part that kinda surprised us. Like Dylan, one of the shooters was a good kid. Straight A student always did his work and turned it in on time. Well when he started hanging out with Eric the other shooter he started to change. All his grades went to F's he would sneak out and shoot guns with Eric he had depressionand was planning on killing himselg. He also wrote a very detailed and graphic paper about homicide which alarmed his teacher but no one else did anything about it. So me and my friend were just confused on how they didnt notice that Dylan was changing. They didn't try to reach out to him. Out English teacher then started to read the book to and we would discuss the same things. Like things that confused us our things we didn't know happened. Well one of my other friends thought that I was getting to invested into the book and because I have depression started telling everyone I had my own plan. He started saying as a joke but then when he told other people about the jokes he was making they thought he was serious so he went along and spread lies about me and he eventually told the principal that I was homicidal and he was scared for his life and the school then pulled me out of class and sent me to Wellstone even though I told him i never said anything about hurting anyone and my so called friend was the one planning everything and making jokes but because I have a mental illness and have depression they didn't believe me and just sent me away without listening to what I had to say. I was in Wellstone for 5 days before I signed an AMA and got myself out becuase I was 18 and was my own adult.

I was then prohibited from going to school until i talked to specialist to prove that I was okay and wasn't gonna hurt anyone. I then talked to him and he said i had no negative intentions and i was aloud to go back to school. I was excited and nervous and scared like it was the first day all over again. All my "friends" had been talking behind my back while I was "away" and they all were spreading rumors. When I got back to school people started and all my teachers asked me where I was and why did I just leave on vacation in the middle of school so apparently the vice principal decided to send me away and tell nobody she was doing it. I was back in school for about a month when the pandemic happened and schools were shut down.

At first being sent to Wellstone sucked and I hated the idea of being their but eventually i went to group therapy and they said somethings that really helped me and I met some nice people their. I was going throught alot personally at the time and being their listening to be who kinda understood what I was going throught really helped. Then also with me being 18 I was legally an adult and put in the adult unit and at first i was nervous and didn't think they would understand my problems but listening to them talk and listening in group therapy and listening to the doctor it really helped me and kinda lifted a weigh that I didn't realize I was carrying and it felt so good being surrounded by people who had the same felling i was having. it felt so good to not feel alone anymore and when i got out and was surrounded by people who hated me in school the only thing I wanted to do was go back to Wellstone and be surrounded by those people again.

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