Lila didn't mind homeschooling. She could do things at her own pace. By her own pace, Lila would look up the answers she needed online, rush through all her work, then spend the rest of her time plotting her next attack on Paris.
Eraser was a perfect idea for a villain. He did have his flaws, though. Lila started to realize that being Hawkmoth was not as easy as she had thought it was. Gabriel had such elaborate plans.
She could always ask him for advice, but that would just make Lila look weak. It would be better for Lila to stay in her room and control villains than fighting right beside them. The miring attack had tired Lila out. She was getting ahead of herself, which was the worst error a villain could make.
The rest of the school day was normal for Marinette and Adrien, aside from the fact that everyone was talking about the events regarding the new Hawkmoth.
Marinette listened through Alya's constant droning about how the Ladyblog would be getting lots of new views.
"This is perfect!" Alya went on, "Everyone is going to look to the Ladyblog for the newest information about Hawkmoth and any other discoveries related to the Miraculouses! I guess I will have to start over and gather new information to find out Hawkmoth's secret identity, but in the end, I know it'll be worth it!"
Marinette laughed and said, "You seem way too excited about this."
"You'll just have to wait and see. Soon I'll have discovered the identities of both Hawkmoths! They obviously have strong connections."
When Adrien and Marinette were alone at the end of the school day, Adrien said, "Choosing Alya to use the Fox Miraculous was a good choice."
Marinette shrugged and said, "I thought so too. I didn't choose her just because she's my friend. Alya has always wanted to find out more about superheroes and supervillains and help Ladybug defeat the evil."
"She has lots of determination," Adrien agreed, "Just like you. You've always made the right choice when choosing Miraculous holders."
Marinette smiled.
"Except for when you chose me as the holder of the Snake Miraculous."
"That wasn't anyone's fault you weren't right for the Miraculous. You're Cat Noir, and only Cat Noir."
Adrien shrugged and smiled. "Thanks for the reassurance."
He stood in silence for a bit before saying, "At least you could use the mouse Miraculous."
"Well, I used it once, and that's only because my Miraculous didn't work," Marinette added.
"We both have our roles. Besides, we won't need to use different Miraculouses again."
Marienette was relieved to see a smile on Adrien's face.
"I guess I'm just hanging onto the past," he shrugged and turned to Marinette, "when I should be more focused on the present."
The two said their last goodbyes and went separate ways. It was occasional that Adrien felt he wasn't as good as Marinette or Ladybug, but that wasn't something he needed to worry about.
Adrien arrived home and went to his room as usual. He didn't have much homework, and finished it quickly. Plagg, bored, flew around the room in circles.
"So, do you have any idea who the new Hawkmoth might be?" Plagg wondered.
"How would I know?" Adrien asked while putting his textbook in his bag, "We still have no idea who the old one is."
"I don't know. I thought you would have an idea this time."
"Who do you think it is, Plagg?" Adrien crossed his arms and grinned.
"I have no clue, and I don't see why it's my problem." Plagg grabbed a piece of camembert cheese and stuffed his face.
Adrien rolled his eyes and sighed. He walked out of his room and down the large staircase that led to the front doors of Agreste Manor. There he found Gabriel and Natalie in deep conversation.
The two of them turned their attention to Adrien which confused him.
"Do you need something, Father?" he wondered.
Natalie gave Gabriel another glance before he cleared his throat.
"Natalie and I have something we've been meaning to tell you." he began.
"Oh. What's that?" Adrien noticed Gabriel's hesitation.
"Natalie and I…" he continued. "We're getting married."
Adrien was only shocked a little bit at this news. He knew the relationship between Gabriel and Natalie had been growing for quite some time now. What shocked him was why it took so long for them to make this decision.
"When is the wedding taking place?" Adrien wondered.
"Are you sure you're okay with this happening?" Gabriel asked Adrien.
"Of course. I know you two have gotten so close in the past years. I just want you to be happy."
Natalie looked at Gabriel with a smile.
"The wedding will be taking place next month in the garden behind the manor. It won't be a very large gathering, but I plan for it to appear live on television."
"Who do you plan on inviting to the gathering?"
"Many close friends."
"What about Aunt Amelie and Felix?" Adrien wondered how Gabriel would react to this.
"I'm not sure they will find the time to come."
"Could you at least find out? I think they would love to come. Besides, it would mean a lot to me."
Natalie cut in their conversation and looked at Gabriel, "You should at least try. Their attendance might turn out to be a good thing."
Gabriel looked down for a moment then replied with, "I call Amelie and tell her the news later."
"Thank you, Father." Adrien smiled. He hesitated before asking one more thing.
"I was wondering," he bagan, "why you and Natalie didn't decide this sooner."
"What do you mean?" Gabriel responded.
"You've been showing and feeling for each other for years now. I didn't know why you waited so long."
"Was it that obvious?" Natalie wondered.
"You've been there for eachother so many times. Every day you would smile a certain way when you saw each other."
The two smiled and Gabriel grabbed Natalie's hand. They looked at each other for a moment before Gabriel said, "I guess the reason we waited was just because we were busy."
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