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Chapter 9: Punishment?

As he got to the ground Nick came up with a plan, it was flawed but he knew it wasn't going to be perfect. He started his pretend work out, when the voice he heard just shocked him. "You know if you were a prince's servant you wouldn't be doing exercises you would look more depressed." Nick's face flipped through many possible reactions until it settled on a sour expression. He hadn't really thought of that. He looked at Jafar "you have experience?" Nick knew Jafar's background or at least he knew Jafar at one point in had been imprisoned. He shrugged surprisingly stoic, was this a change in the story. Was Jafar made more villainous in the movies.

Jafar was entirely different, Nick couldn't pin the feeling, relaxed maybe. "So what are you a sorcerer? or some magical creature?" Nick was confused and his expression showed it. Jafar immediately answered after seeing Nick's face. "You have magic or at least some form of it."

Nick decided on working on controlling his expressions better, and decided to be honest. "yea, i call it mana. Why do you care?" "Well, your clearly from the northern continent, your skin tone makes it obvious. They have much different ways of handling things and thus wouldn't try to send a prince down here to win over the princess. Making you either a wanderer or something else." This assessment surprised Nick, but he decided on using it. Yeah from the northern continent near a place called Arendelle perhaps you heard of it? "You have discover a new city and continent, a new story has been unlocked but is unable to be used, Adelle informed." Huh, useful.

"Yes i have, but that doesn't explain your mana or why your here." Jafar began to summon a black mist preparing a spell, "you should explain." Taking the threat in stride Nick shifted his skin tone to that matching Jafar's. "I am here because i heard of an artifact that could grant wishes, decided maybe i could use it to strength myself. You are look for it as well i presume?" Jafar's turn to be surprised, he didn't expect Nick to preform minor shape-shifting. He knew of a similar spell to change size but never thought it would be possible with his current power. "Yes i am, but i do not know how to find it. Perhaps by working together we could get it?" "That is clearly a lie, you have the golden scarab to open the cave, i saw you sacrifice the man to learn about the diamond in the rough." Jafar's face darkened, "Well then, you have no use then." "Are you sure because i have a suggestion on your plan, and why it would never work." Jafar was leaving , but Nick's words made him turn activating the black mist again ready to strike. "TELL ME", he shouted. " Well if you use your wish to become sultan or just use your magic to become sultan it will fail. This isn't because you won't be sultan no it will because no one would care." Jafar was about to yell again before Nick cut him off. "If you just use your power to become sultan what would happen with the guards, the princess, or even just the common people of Agrabah? It is simple the guards would still follow the original sultan and princess Jasmine, The princess would still not marry unless she gets freedom to marry outside of royalty. Everyone else won't even care, you would be just another sultan abusing his power. Outside these walls there is only poverty, few actually profitable places that are being taxed heavily, and the most violence is thieves because everyone else is starving and has no strength to fight back."

Jafar was actually taken a back he had no idea how to respond, but words did come out of his mouth. "princess Jasmine? the princess is named Jasper." "Huh, more information that is wrong."

SpadesPenndragon SpadesPenndragon

Changed the princess's name due to possible legal reasons...

Also to add more fuel to the fire, getting more trouble for nick.

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