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Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Guilt

Knowing that Kelly went so far just to get Kenneth to like her, I felt a little guilty. I mean I didn't do anything to make Kenneth like me, she did whatever it took to make him like her but it had backfired on her.

For the next few days, Kelly ignored me whenever I tried to comfort her.

"Go away Teresa, you must be having fun watching me sulk over the boy I like while that boy has a crush on you."

"Stop it, Kelly. You're taking this the wrong way, I am not happy that you are upset. The best thing you should do is go apologies to Kenneth for what you did."

"Why should I listen to you? You are not the boss of me. I could do whatever I want."

The best thing I could do for her right now is to leave her and let her cool off. I went outside and knocked on Kenneth's door; he answered the door and invited me in. His apartment was clean and organized, unlike mine. I couldn't get the courage to look at his face because I was worried if he was angry.

"Um how should I say this, Kenneth are you mad at Kelly for tricking you into thinking that she was me?"

"I wouldn't say that I am mad but a little upset, that's all. I wish I did get a chance to hang out with you. How about we go hang out? I hope you agree."

"Sure, I have nothing else to do. Kelly won't listen to me, and she thinks that I am having fun with her being upset."

We went to the nearest cafe called Mimi Cafe, I went to sit down at the nearest table while Kenneth went to order our drinks. The cafe was neat and spotless. When Kenneth came back with our drink, I said, "Thank you for the drink, I owe you one." He said, "It's fine, you don't need to repay me."

We were silent for about five minutes until Kenneth broke the silence saying, "So what are you going to do with Kelly? Are you going to lecture her on being responsible? Don't trick others to make yourself happy?"

"No I won't, I can't help her in this situation, she has to figure things out herself, and she needs to know that she had made a mistake that she needs to change."

"Wow Teresa, you are mean and mature about this", he says with a smirk

"Why don't you try to talk to her? Maybe she will listen to you since you are the one she hurt."

"Okay let's go."

An hour had passed and we got my apartment, I let Kenneth into the house and called Kelly. By Kenneth's expression, I knew he was surprised how messy the place was.

"Hey Kelly you have a special guest, come and greet him."

"No, tell him to go away, I know it's Kenneth."

"Why did you bring him? Did you want me to feel worse for what I did?"

"Of course not Kelly, why would you think that I would do that? I brought him so that he might be able to help you."

Kenneth walked towards her but she walked away. He went after her and when she got to her bedroom, she locked the door so no one could get in. He started knocking on her door but there was no response.

"Hey Kelly, it's Kenneth, please open the door. I want to talk to you."

But there was still no response, we both started to worry; I put my ear next to the door to see if she was still crying. But to my surprise there wasn't any sound except for a light snore, we were both relieved.

"Well that could've gone better, do you want to stay a little bit longer?"

"Sure, let me call my mom and tell her that I will be here a little longer."

Kenneth goes to the kitchen and calls his mom. "Do you want anything to drink?" I asked

"Sure, I am a little bit thirsty." He replied

I go to the fridge and take out two bottles of soda and passed one of the sodas to Kenneth.

"Here you go, Kenneth."


We went to my room and sat for a while in silence. Kenneth was the one to break the silence by saying, "Your room isn't as I expected."

I said, "What did you think my room would look like?" He put his hand under his chin which indicated that he was thinking.

He said, "Well I thought your room would look less pink and girly."

That took me by surprise, I asked, "Why did you think that my room would look less girly and pink?"

"Well, I thought that because whenever I am around you, you always look bold and serious."

Kenneth went to look at my table and noticed my Japanese homework. He got up to get the paper. He scanned the paper and asked me if I understood any of the words. Of course, I said that I did understand some of the words.

Kenneth said with a smirk, "Okay if you understand some of the words then I'll quiz you. If you get 2 wrong I'll punish you."

"You are so on."

"Okay, the first-word Obasan"

"That means aunt or ma'am"

"That's correct."

This was going to be easy. I studied all the words because I have a Japanese test in three days.

"Okay on to the next one Hime."

"That word means princess. You could stop now, there won't be a point. I studied all the words on that paper."

"Is that so? Then can you let me use your computer for a second?"

Kenneth got on the computer and searched for Japanese words. He found a list of Japanese words, even some of the words on the website I didn't know.

"I'm sure you wouldn't know them. Ohayogozaimasu. This word is a phrase.

Shit, I thought, we didn't learn phrases yet in class.

"Does the phrase mean good morning?"

"Wow, you actually got it right."

"Okay on to the next one. Arigatogozaimasu. This word is also a phrase."

"Oh I know this one, it means thank you, right?"

"Correct. Wow, you're really good at Japanese."

"Next one, Kareshi Was Imasu Ka?"

"Ugh, I don't know this one; I know that it's saying if I have something. But I don't know the first three characters."

"It says, do you have a boyfriend."

My jaw dropped, "N-no I don't"

"The last one is Daisukidayo."

"I don't know this one. Why do you keep on picking hard ones? What does it mean?"

I hope it is something that is interesting like the last one.

Kenneth with a redder face said, "I like you."

I gasped. I couldn't believe that Kenneth just said that he really likes me.

"This is a joke right?"

"No, it isn't a joke. Like I said before the quiz started, if you get two wrong you will be punished."

He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised, I tried to break away but I couldn't move a muscle. I started to melt into the kiss. When he moved away, we both were blushing very hard. We didn't speak for a few minutes. We heard a creaking sound and knew someone was outside. I went to the door and took a peak and no one was outside. So I came back to my bed.

" what? We kissed. Why did you kiss me, Kenneth?"

"Just like what the Japanese phrase Daisukidaya says, I love you."

"Do you want to kiss again, Teresa?"

"N-no. It is fine, please let me think about it for a while. I don't know if I like you or not."


Kenneth got up and looked at the clock, it was 4:30 now.

"I think I should go home now."

I walked him towards the door, then he suddenly turned around and kissed my forehead. He went out of the door and just left me dumbstruck at my door.

I ran to my room and smiled at myself with delight. That night I couldn't fall asleep, I kept on thinking about the kiss.

christinazheng101 christinazheng101

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