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66.66% Be The Father Of This Child! / Chapter 26: Ch. 24 – Unemployment, Unlocked!

Chapter 26: Ch. 24 – Unemployment, Unlocked!

Chapter Twenty-Four – Unemployment, Unlocked!

Jett was good; April had to give it to him. But he had the wrong approach to win, so he could safely rejoice on the inside. Soft lips peppered small kisses across his jawline, while unhurried hands undressed him.

"Did you think I didn't have enough restraint in treating you gently?" Jett whispered in his ear.

"Um-hmm, I was betting on it," April confirmed, while barely keeping in a laugh.

It was challenging to do that, seeing how Jett's mouth on his skin made him tremble with growing desire. Maybe he should have considered this carefully. As much as his secret fantasy was to be held down hard and pounded into the mattress, this wasn't any better. The thing was that even slow and gently like this, April was pretty sure he would lose his head and fast.

And that was not an option. The secrets he kept were getting a bit too many, and April already had to think up a way to break the news to Jett that he was actually sleeping and being boyfriends with the same guy he had known at thirteen, during that faithful summer.

Now, he needed to keep it a secret that Mr. DeLouise had some crazy online Ponzi scheme or something lined up for April to orchestrate from behind a computer screen and keyboard. He had no idea what Mr. DeLouise wanted him for, but it couldn't be anything good, seeing how the man had been away in jail for fraud, and his only daughter didn't see him in a good light, either.

Right now, his problem was just getting bigger. Jett's fingers were busy feeling up his cock, released from his jeans, and they were too good. They were rough, but the touch was gentle, and April moved his head to be kissed on the lips without protesting. Jett obliged right away and broke the kiss, only to look him in the eyes. "I can go like this for hours, and drive you crazy."

"You're just saying," April teased. "Also, who's going to feed, bathe, and sing Jay a lullaby?"

"Oh, I can allow you breaks. And, really, sing a lullaby? I saw you using an app for that."

"Too bad there isn't one for changing diapers," April said and snickered.

"No more talk of diapers. Let's see how I can make you say the truth once and for all."

Jett's hand stilled.

"What?" April asked.

"Here's your last chance. You can tell me right away what you always seem to talk about with buzz cut boy."

"Homework," April said in a deadpan voice.

Jett grinned. "I hate easy victories."

April gasped as Jett suddenly changed tactics and pressed both lips and teeth against his neck. "Ouch. You'll leave a mark," he complained.

"Good. The more, the merrier. Then others will know not to try getting in your pants, especially when they know you're taken."

"Taken." April snorted, but quickly his protests turned into small gasps and moans as Jett took his cock and began pumping it hard. "Wait. You're not allowed to blow me."

Jett scoffed. "Really? Are you making rules as we go at it like this?"

"You know I can't resist if you put your mouth on me. You either make me come first by fucking me, or I win," April said matter-of-factly.

"What if I let you fuck me?" Jett asked.

"I can't resist that, either."

"Good to know."

April was about to offer more arguments, but Jett turned him, making him face the coverlet, in a move that seemed easy, but was probably the result of Jett's superior strength and his experience in plenty of hand-to-hand combat.

He put one hand over his mouth as Jett dragged his jeans down, and then stuck his tongue in his ass fast and hard. Now, he was really at his mercy, and April wasn't that sure that he was to enjoy that so much if he wanted to win. Right now, his chances of achieving that were growing slim.

Therefore, he needed to get a hold of himself and resist the sensory assault launched by Jett. Right now, his boyfriend, the boy he had loved since forever, was busy making a meal out of licking his ass, and it was only this much he could manage without shouting his pleasure so that everyone could hear him on at least one-mile-radius.

Still, as long as Jett played the gentle card, April was reasonably safe. The only thing he needed to do was to think how much was at stake, aka his possibility to attend college like any typical student, and he would be fine.

"Ready for me?"

"I've been ready for at least the last five minutes," April pretended to complain.

"Hmm, then I must be amazing," Jett said with self-importance, making April snicker. "Let me put some lube in you, and let's get this show on the road."

"You're so sure you're going to win." April took one pillow and put it under his belly so that his ass could sit comfortably and at just the right angle for the dicking Jett had in mind for him.

"Of course I'll win. I love your ass to the moon and back, but I need the truth more."

"More than coming in my ass?" April wiggled his butt suggestively.

"More. If buzz cut boy wants your ass, he won't have it. So, you see, important stuff is at stake. I'll make sure to win."

April gasped when Jett grabbed him by the waist and lifted him a bit higher. He risked one look over his shoulder. As much as they joked, the expression in Jett's eyes was far from being that. It was serious, and April couldn't help thinking that, for Jett, it wasn't a game.

Which meant that he needed to think up fast a way to tell Jett the entire truth. Before they got in too deep, before it would be too late, and their happiness would be built on shaky ground.

April shook his head. He would find a way. And, if he couldn't, he would just blurt out the truth. Just like that. It sounded like the only solution, even if it were to hurt, and even if Jett ended up hating him for lying about it.

Maybe, as April, as his real self, he had proven himself enough, and whatever Jett had against Theo would be easy to overcome by what they had now.

And what they had was pretty amazing and even a little insane. April let out a small keening sound as Jett began pushing inside him with care.

He had been wrong about liking it rough; he had no idea if he really wanted that since it was just a mere fantasy and nothing more. There was a possibility for him to be worn down with kindness, too. Jett snuck one hand across his chest and then caught his chin swiftly, making him turn while draping April's body with his. Their lips locked as April turned his head, and his mouth met Jett's in a passionate, hot kiss.

April loved to be kept down so hard. It made him feel loved, and it looked as much as if Jett was hanging on him, as he was holding him, and that meant their need for one another was equally significant on both sides of the equation.

Then, Jett changed the rhythm. He still held April by the chest, and he still kept their lips locked, but his hips moved amply, and the next second, April could feel Jett's hard cock hitting hard his hidden bud of pleasure.

His mouth slid away, and he began moaning. Nothing was lost on Jett. He held April steady and began to pound into him, slowly at first, but then harder and faster. April was sure he was speaking in tongues now, his mind lost completely, as Jett moved, his body one with April's, connected and made whole.

Jett was as close to him as they had ever been, and also, he knew how to give April the pounding he had been fantasizing about for so long. His cock was rubbing helplessly against the pillow under him, as April voiced his surprise, but above all, the extreme pleasure he was experiencing at the moment.

Jett straightened up and caught April's hips hard. "Fuck, April, fuck," he whispered. "Do you like this? Do you like it hard?"

"Yes, hard, please," April said breathlessly. "Jett, yes, please, just do me hard!"

The stakes and whatnot were forgotten. What mattered now was Jett's heavy breathing, his own moans of pleasure. April was lost between the sensations he could feel irradiating from the hidden place inside his ass, responsible for the myriad of feelings meant to drive any man insane, and the delight caused by Jett's voice, the praises he whispered, the words of affection, everything he had ever hoped to hear and even more.

At thirteen, April had had a vague idea of what he wanted, an illusion of love, but now, that ghost of a memory had taken shape, and it was material and physical, and it made his heart ache. "I lost," he whispered, and he buried his head into the coverlet, as his entire body quivered and let itself go.

Jett's was a shout of victory, but one dipped in just as much pleasure, and April registered the rough fingers digging into his hips faintly, and the hard member pulsing in his ass, allowing its own release.


"I won," Jett whispered and laughed. He pulled April hard and fast to him, kissing him, too busy with preventing his boyfriend from breathing even one small word of protest, for fear that his triumph would be denied.

April squirmed a little. He appeared a little miffed, as he stared at Jett from his curled eyelashes. "You sure did. How did you know I like it hard?"

"I didn't." Jett pushed away sweaty strands from April's forehead. "You seemed a bit too sure of yourself while I took you gently. I just thought that I should try something different. You know, in any couple's life comes a time when you have to try a bit of spice --"

April snickered. "We've been together for so little time. When have we had the time to grow bored with one another?"

"I just need to make sure," Jett replied. "You know, some people might try to steal you, so I have to prove my worth."

Some of the amusement faded from April's face. "No one's trying to steal me. You don't have to worry about that."

"Then, since I won, out with it. What do you have to talk about with buzz cut boy? Zane told me Dan's still into you."

"And how does he feel about that?"

"Don't change the subject. Come on. Time to spill, or I'll call you a cheater and a chicken all your life."

"All right," April said and rolled on his back. "But you have to promise me that you won't get mad. And also that you'll let me go to school."

Jett could feel his aftermath pleasure dissipating. He pushed himself on one elbow and faced April. "I can't promise you that. If that asshole is trying --"

"It's not about him. Actually, Dan's been helping me."

Jett could feel unease growing inside him. "Helping you with what?"

"This guy came to school and asked about me."

"What guy?" Jett could feel the frown on his face cramping all his muscles.

April shrugged. "All I know is that he's the dad of one of the students, Sabrina DeLouise. Also, that he did time. For fraud. Also, Dan heard that he had asked some students about those better at programming and stuff. Dan suspects that this dude is up to no good and wants to put together some scheme to continue, you know, his career as a master of fraudulent business or something."

Jett ran one hand over his eyes. So that was what the Z brothers wanted April for? But how could he be sure it wasn't some weird coincidence?

"What made you think this guy was bad news? Did you know him from before?"

April shook his head. "No. But I tend to remember all kinds of things, at random. And when I saw his car, I knew I saw it parked in front of the warehouse where the Z brothers do business usually."

No coincidence. This was it. Jett got to his feet and began dressing up.

April pushed himself up on his elbows and watched him warily. "Where are you going?"

"So DeLouise, that's the name?" Jett asked.

"Yes. Sabrina says that he's kind of douchy, trying to get into her phone, and see who she's talking to and stuff. He's all over her since he's been away from her life for so long. You know, trying to make up for lost time or whatever."

Jett waved. "I don't care if he wants to annoy his daughter. But I'll take care of him."

"You'll take care of him?" April now pushed himself up on his ass. "Jett, this guy did time. He's in cahoots, or not, with the Z brothers. What do you want to do?"

"I'll think of something."

"Jett, don't do anything stupid or dangerous. Or both."

"Don't worry so much about me. You know I can handle myself."

"Actually, I don't think I do." April stood up, and Jett had to look away, because April naked was distracting enough even if he had a mission now, and he had just come buckets in his boyfriend's ass. "I don't know if you can handle yourself!"

Jett grabbed April by the back of his neck, looked him in the eyes, and then kissed him hard on the lips. "I can. And I have Zane to back me up."

"Wait, Jett," April said and hurried after him.

"You're naked," Jett pointed out.

April stopped dead in his tracks. "Wait, Jett, I have to tell you something!"

"Later," Jett threw over his shoulder. "We'll have all the time when I get back."


April remained on top of the stairs, looking after Jett as he rushed out of the house. Maybe Jett wouldn't be so fast to get in harm's way if he knew he had fucked Theo all this time. He needed to make sure Jett wouldn't do anything stupid. So, he had to dress up and …

No. He needed to take care of Jay. And he had to see if he could ask someone to do that for him in such short notice. He grabbed his phone and checked his friends' social media quickly. While he wasn't really on any platform, he had fake accounts on all, just in case. And Raj and Gaby were at some fair taking place in a location dozens of miles away.

It wasn't like he could leave Jay with just anyone. Then an idea hit him. Quickly, he posted a quick message on Dan's profile.

"Dan, it's me, April. I know, don't ask. Just call me. Here's my number."

He waited, biting his nails. From his room, Jay started crying, so he hurried there. As he began to soothe the boy, his phone rang, and he rushed to it. "Dan, hi, I know this is in such short notice, but I really need someone to babysit Jay, not for long, but --"

"April, I'm sorry, but it looks like Zane is hurrying off somewhere to meet your … boyfriend, and it seems like it's something bad. I'm going to follow him," Dan said with finality.

"No, no, no! Dan, this could be dangerous!"

"And? I'm tough, too, didn't you say so?"

"Yeah, but --"

"Where do you need to be in such short notice? I bet you want to hurry after your boyfriend," Dan said, with a small tinge of resentment.

"Yeah, I thought --"

"You want to rush into a seriously dangerous situation. No way. I'm going after them, and there's nothing you can do."

April could feel his heart squeezing in his chest. "Dan, listen, please don't do this. I'm … I can't love you, okay? What you want to do right now may be heroic and brave, but I could never --"

"I'm not doing it only for you." Dan sounded tense, and April could hear street noises in the background.

"Dan," April whispered, "are you … doing it for Zane?"

"Gotta go, April. Zane just got into an Uber. Bye."

April sighed, but decided to call Jett's phone and convince his boyfriend to stop whatever he wanted to do. He frowned as he was sent straight to voicemail.

Now, all was left for him was to pester Dan with phone calls so that he could be held in the loop. "Dan, it's me again," he said impatiently. "Please, could you just make sure that those two don't do anything stupid?"

"I can't promise you that. But I'll have their backs, whatever it is that they want to do."

"Dan, the last thing I need is to have three friends in danger, instead of two. Could you just, be safe?"

"I'll be. You can trust me. And don't worry. I may play football, but I'm not that hard in the head. I'll call the police if something bad goes down."

April's heart sank. Yes, the situation could get to that point, and he worried sick now for Jett. His hands were tight, and he was responsible for Jay, anyway.

"Be careful, okay. And call if there's something new. Or anything I can do."

"Yeah. But I'll have my phone on silence. Something's telling me these two are getting into something bad."

"Why? What have you heard?"

"Nothing," Dan replied quickly, which told April right away that he was lying.

If only he hadn't gone that day to borrow money from the Z brothers. Sometimes, he was just plain stupid. But, if he hadn't done that, he would not have reunited with Jett again.


"Are you sure about this, man?" Zane asked and gave him the duffel bag.

"Yeah," Jett said with a curt nod. "Now, when we get there, you can just wait outside."

"No way. I'm going in with you. Brothers, right?"

"Yeah. But, you know, I guess I'll have to hand in my resignation," he joked.

Zane shrugged. "All for the better. I wanted a change of scenery, too."

"I have some dough put aside. I'll help you out."

Zane waved. "No need. I have plenty, too. You know, I might think myself an investor or something."

Jett laughed. "So, ready to rumble?"

"Lead the way, brother," Zane said in a theatrical voice.


"What's up with you, two?" Henry Zabinski stopped petting his cat and looked them up and down.

Jett threw the duffel bag on the floor. "I know about DeLouise."

Peter came from the shadows. "What exactly do you think you know about DeLouise, boy?"

"I know all about it," Jett bluffed, "and I know what to do with that info, too."

The game was on, and Jett knew it was risky. But he had gone into the fire with less than that many other times.

"So?" Henry made a broad gesture with his fat hands, and his cat tried to catch one of them with the front paws. "What do you want?"

"I want him and you to leave April Summer the fuck alone."

There was a small exchange between Henry and Peter that wasn't lost on Jett. He glanced at Zane, and his friend stared back, too.

"Why?" Peter asked. "What's in it for you?"

"That's none of your business," Jett replied sharply.

"What's in the bag?" Henry asked.

Jett took the duffel bag and opened it, showing the contents. Henry quirked an eyebrow, and Peter nodded. "You can count it. I'd say it covers whatever money you could have made by giving Summer to that guy."

Henry seemed convinced. Peter, not so much. "What exactly do you think you have on DeLouise?"

Jett grinned, showing teeth. "You know well what. But I know who to go to with it."

"The police?" Henry laughed, and his cat, annoyed with all the ruckus, decided to climb down from his lap.

"Nah," Jett said. He allowed one second before adding. "His daughter."

It was thin ice he was walking on, but DeLouise seemed pretty much interested in playing dad to his daughter, according to April. It was worth a shot. The next hand Jett intended to play was blackmail, and he hoped he wouldn't have to get to that.

Henry looked at his brother, and Peter grimaced. "Sure. Just leave the money here. And don't come back, Huntsman."

Jett shrugged. "It's okay. I quit, anyway."

"Me too," Zane added quickly.

"Can you believe these kids?" Henry pointed at them but looked at Peter.

"All grown up and shit," Peter replied and shook his head.

Jett didn't like the look in Peter's eyes as he said that. "Whatever. It's time for us to move on, anyway."

"What's Summer to you, Huntsman?" Peter asked.

"None of your business," Jett said again. "Let's just say he's important to my business," he pointed at his chest, "and I'm not in the mood of sharing assets."

"Hmm, you think you can join the grownups' table?"

"Not interested in that," Jett replied. "I'm making my own table."

"You're just a no-brain gorilla," Henry said with a snort. "Don't come running back to us, with snot under your nose."

"Don't worry. I won't. Ready to head back, Zane?"


"If DeLouise comes within a yard of April Summer, I'll know," Jett warned. "And his daughter will learn all about her daddy."

There was no reply, but Jett didn't need one. He just hoped his message had been clear enough. In the meantime, he needed to watch April like a hawk.

Zane high-fived him the moment they were out. "Damn, man, I didn't wake up this morning to become unemployed, but," he tapped his chest, "it feels good, man. What was the deal with April and that DeLouise dude?"

Jett shrugged. "I totally bluffed. I have no idea what that douchebag wants with April, but he's bad news. Good thing it worked, telling them about the dude's daughter."

"Yeah," Zane replied but looked back at the heavy warehouse door with a bit of unease. "Do you think this is it?"

"If these dudes know what's best for them, it better. It didn't come to blackmail, but I have plenty of aces up my sleeve if it ever comes to that. Plus, they know it, too. I don't know how many people they have up in their business, but they don't manage loose ends well."

"Wow, I don't get a thing of what you said," Zane said.

"Do you remember how I told you that I paid April's debt?"

"Sure thing."

"Let's just say that April is not the first person in debt I've ever done that for. So, let's just say that I've managed to cultivate some good relationships along the way."

"Wow. So those are the aces up your sleeve?"

Jett nodded. "Some lawyers, guys who have family in the force, and some others who can hurt the Z brothers if they want. You know, the whole enchilada. I rarely beat up people. I am actually a smooth talker."

Zane laughed. "I'll believe it when I see it."

"No need for that now. Seeing how we're happily unemployed."

"Yeah." Zane grinned.

"Hey, Zane, isn't that your boyfriend?"

Dan was rushing toward them from across the street, holding a phone tightly in his hand. "Are you two okay?" He seemed a little shaken.

"Yeah," Jett said.

Zane embraced Dan shortly. "Were you worried about me?"

Dan pointed at his phone. "April called me. He was scared."

Jett puffed out his chest. "He doesn't have to be. Not anymore. I took care of things."

"And what did you need Zane for?" Dan asked, pointing at his boyfriend, who was hanging on him with a broad smile plastered on his face.

"He just wanted to tag along," Jett said airily.

"Whatever," Dan replied. "Now, I need to call April and tell him you are all right."

Jett caught his arm. "You don't have to do that. I'll call him."

Zane took Dan into his arms and started to pester him.

The phone began to ring.


April had taken Jay outside in the backyard since they couldn't go far. He needed to know that Jett was all right, but calling Dan over and over again wasn't exactly an option.

He placed the phone on the kitchen table and, cooing at Jay, who was strapped to him in the baby harness, he began preparing something to eat for the baby.

With the corner of his eye, he caught movement. Instinctively, he put one arm around Jay, to protect him, but it was too late.

He was caught from behind, and there was something sharp against his neck.

"What are you doing with my baby, motherfucker?"

At that exact moment, his phone began to ring.


LauraSFox LauraSFox

He-he-he ... one of the big moments of this story is here! You are about to meet Jay's mother, so get ready for it because I dare to think that she's not like most readers must have imagined her!

Until next time,



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