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74.66% The Strongest Master in Shinobi World (COMPLETED) / Chapter 221: Chapter 221: North Pole

Chapter 221: Chapter 221: North Pole

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"By the way, Asahi, you said you're the head of the Ogami clan, what's that?" 

Noticing Asahi's slightly peculiar expression, Isana asked curiously. 

Upon hearing this, Asahi cleared his mind of cluttered thoughts and explained to Isana:

"Ogami Clan? It's the clan I belong to. You can think of it as a large family, except most clan members aren't blood-related. And I am the head of this family." 

Hearing Asahi's explanation, Isana shook its massive head and then asked curiously, "Oh, I see. Can I join the Ogami Clan?"

Upon hearing this, Asahi's face lit up with joy. Can Isana join Ogami Clan? Naturally, it could. 

From the moment Isana appeared, Asahi had entertained the idea of persuading it to join. 

After all, having a Six Paths-level being around, even if just for appearances, would be great.

However, as the two conversed, Asahi found Isana to be incredibly naive, so the initial idea of recruiting it turned into convincing it instead. 

It's not that Asahi hadn't made a move because he had been inquiring about it. But before he could extend the invitation, Isana offered herself.

"Ahem, you want to join Ogami Clan?" Asahi said with a smile, his voice tinged with joy. 

Isana naturally caught the joy in Asahi's voice. If its choice could make his friend Asahi happy, then it was happy too. 

So, without hesitation, Isana spoke up:

"Yeah, since we're friends, of course, I want to be with you." Hearing Isana's matter-of-fact tone, Asahi's face broke into a knowing smile. 

Although Isana had been around for a long time, its personality was as innocent as a child's. Such words could only be spoken by a child.

However, Asahi didn't mind. After all, who would dislike innocent creatures? 

"Alright, from today, you'll be Ogami Clan's guardian beast," Asahi said with a smile, extremely fond of Isana. 

"Guardian beast?" Isana's voice sounded somewhat surprised. It was the first time it had heard this term. 

But it wasn't hard to understand. A guardian, well, it meant protecting the clan's safety, and Isana was quite confident in its abilities. 

So, Isana quickly understood Asahi's meaning. 

Moreover, since Asahi called it a divine beast, Isana excitedly accepted the role of Ogami Clan's guardian beast. 

"Great, from now on, I'm Ogami Clan's guardian beast. You're the head of Ogami Clan, and I'm the guardian beast. We're friends." 

As it spoke, Isana's body continued to roll in the ocean. 

This area was already far from the land, otherwise, these movements would surely cause some damage to the coastal areas. 

"Alright, but I have a task now. Do you want to come with me?" Watching Isana, Asahi somewhat helplessly stopped its rolling and asked.

Upon hearing Asahi's words, Isana immediately asked with some confusion, 

"A task? Of course, I want to be with you; I don't feel like sleeping now. But what task is it?" 

Asahi explained with a smile, 

"We don't have a base for Ogami Clan yet, so this time, I'm going out to sea to find a place to establish our clan's headquarters."

Upon hearing this, Isana had a sudden realization. 

It had been curious why Asahi was going out to sea, after all these years, hardly any humans passed through here. 

So, he was going out to sea to find a location for the clan's headquarters.

"Alright, then, sit on my back, and I'll take you with me." 

Isana said enthusiastically. He found the idea quite interesting and saw it as an opportunity to assist Asahi while having an adventure himself. 

Without hesitation, Asahi settled onto Isana's back.

Isana's body was massive, so Asahi sitting on its back felt as stable as sitting on the ground. 

The only difference was that Isana's back was warm and smooth. 

Asahi touched Isana's skin and found it surprisingly pleasant to the touch. "So, where are we going?"

Sensing that Asahi had settled onto its back, Isana asked. Asahi, seated cross-legged, replied, "Let's head north." 

Isana complied with Asahi's suggestion and headed towards the north. In the extreme northern region lay an endless expanse of icy wilderness.

The cold temperature here had prevented human habitation until this day. 

However, today, a small black dot suddenly appeared on the distant sea surface. 

Moreover, this dot was rapidly approaching the vast expanse of ice at an alarming speed.

On the glacier, curious polar bears watched as the black dot grew larger, wondering what it could be. 

However, as time passed, these polar bears became frightened and fled into the depths of the glacier. 

The reason? The black dot had revealed its true form—a gigantic whale. 

The sheer size of this creature instinctively filled the still fright polar bears with terror. 

As the polar bears fled, the massive whale in the distance gradually slowed its pace. 

Its body, hundreds of meters long, exuded an overwhelming sense of weight.

Yet, atop this creature's back, there sat a human. Yes, it was Asahi and Isana. 

After half a day of travel, Asahi had finally reached the northernmost end of the ninja world. The scene before him was not entirely unexpected.

Although he had never been to the extreme north of the ninja world, he knew what the Earth's polar regions looked like. 

These worlds share many common features. For instance, both the North and South Poles were icy and desolate.

"Master, look, isn't this place beautiful?" Isana's excited voice echoed in Asahi's ears.

The title "Master" was what Asahi requested Isana to call him. 

Since Isana had become the guardian beast of the Ogami, it naturally couldn't play favorites. 

Certain clan traditions had to be upheld. After all, if Isana kept calling him by name, what would become of Asahi's authority as the head of the clan?

Although Isana wasn't entirely pleased with the title of "Master" since Asahi requested it, Isana didn't refuse. 

Hearing Isana's words, Asahi paused for a moment. Indeed, the glaciers of the north were quite magnificent, with their vast, snowy expanses. 

If someone who had never seen such a sight before were to witness it, they would surely express similar sentiments.

<End Chapter>

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Saitama_Blast Saitama_Blast

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