A smirk plays on her lips and it leaves me with an unsettling feeling in my stomach. ''Let me tell you a story.''
''I'm listening.''
''Before you came into the picture, Bob and I had our differences. As I said, he was the head of the Siddeno's and he was horrible to me.''
I got that already.
''I cheated on him,'' I got that already. ''Looking back I wish I hadn't,'' her eyes are full of regret and what I assume is unshed tears.
''He killed the love of my life.''
My jaw is again on the floor.
''Bob killed the love of your life?''
''He did,'' she confirms. ''His name was Diego Acosta. He was a hitman for the Floretini Mafia. He was everything to me and he killed him on my twenty-first birthday.''
Bob-Daniel-said that Patricia cheated on him with a co-worker. I had no idea it was with a member of ta rival mafia. Another thing he lied about.
Shit is getting real!