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60% The Devil among Demons / Chapter 3: First Kill

Chapter 3: First Kill

/ Status /

HP- 100/100

MP- 300/300

Race- Devil Baby

Strength- 20

Agility- 30

Dexterity- 20

Defense- 10

Skills- Sprint (active), Slash (active), Tail Whip (active), Devil Eyes (active), Soul adsorption (passive), Devils guide (passive).

As Jacob awoke, he felt a throbbing pain in his head. He figured it was because he hit his head on the floor before passing out, or it could have been the shock of his whole situation.

As he focused on his surroundings, a voice out of now where appeared.

"Transformation is a skill unlocked when Host becomes a full-fledged Devil." Said a monotonous voice.

"Who are you?" Jacob said calmly. At this point, the Devil God himself can pop up and he wouldn't feel surprised. His brain can only process so much.

"I am the passive skill 'Devils guide'." The voice replied.

He looked at his status again and found it at the bottom. He mentally clicked on it since the screen was like a hologram that seemed to only respond to mental commands.

-Devils guide-

This is a skill blessed upon individual Jacob to provide information about everything. It was created by the Devil God Kazebo.

"Huh. Convenient." Jacob thought. Having a tour guide in Hell(?) is probably very useful.

As he got up, he found that he can't stand up straight. His back hunched over so he looked kind of like Tarzan when he walked. Except he has claws and there are (hopefully) no demon gorillas that are going to raise him.

As he was about to walk out of the black-colored cave, he could hear a faint sound of scuffling coming from behind him. Instantly alert, he jumped forward doing a flip so that he faced the source of the sound. Coming out of the shadows was a rat the size of a golden retriever, though not nearly as cuddly.

It had beady red eyes filled with malice as it clawed the floor. It was bigger than him by around half his size. It's fur looked more like thin spikes different than the soft kind you see in pet stores. It also had multiple horns and bones coming out from its head and going down it back.

Jacob stared at it in fear before he heard the monotonous voice again.

"Demon rat. It is a demon descendant of the first ever demon beast souls that escaped into the mortal realm thousand of years ago. These souls copied and modified the physical structure of a rat and improved resulting in this demon rat species. Other species are created in the same manor."

Before Jacob could even analyze what he just learned, the demon rat jumped at him with claws stretched out, ready to tear him limp from limp.

As he was frozen, and image of his sister flashed in his mind. Giving into the feelings it invoked, he suddenly had a gleam in his now pitch black eyes. It grew until lizard like, red eyes formed in its seemingly endless darkness. As he stared at the rat, the rat sudden froze and rolled to the side as it cowered in fear as his slits gazed at it, pouring out an unbelievable amount of killing intent, unknown to Jacob.

As Jacob approaches it with negative emotions taking over his mind and body, he was determined to put an end to such a creature who dared get in his way on the path to see his sister again.

"Humph. Lowly demon thinks he can put up a fight against this devil?" He thought to himself activating another one of his skills.

His claws glowed with a slight red as he used {slash} on the demon rat. The demon rat froze up due to his unconscious activation of his skill {Devil eyes}.

His claws cut through the rats head as if it was like hot knives cutting through butter. He barely felt any resistance at all.

As the demon rat died, Jacob was surprised at how he thought moments before he killed it. He actually thought he was a Devil and the demon rat was a 'lowly demon'. It appears his mentality also changed along with his body.

As he was contemplating on what just happened, a red glow suddenly appeared on the demon rats body. Wisps of dark red energy began moving towards Jacob as his body absorbed it all greedily.

After he was finished, a new screen appeared before him.

-Soul acquired-

"Huh? Soul?... ah! The other passive skill!" Jacob realized.

"Status." He thought.

/ Status /

HP- 100/100

MP- 220/300

Souls- 1/5 (get 5 souls for evolution)

Race- Devil Baby

Strength- 20

Agility- 30

Intelligence- 60

Dexterity- 20

Defense- 10

Skills- Sprint (active), Slash (active), Tail Whip (active), Devil Eyes (active), Soul adsorption (passive), Devils guide (passive).

"It appears my MP goes down when I use skills. Hm... I also feel a bit heavier than before the battle so I guess MP also represents my remaining stamina/energy?" He thought to himself.

There was also a new bar in his status that read souls. Jacob could guess what he needed to do then. He needed to get stronger to fulfill his task and get his sister back. He also needed to be as strong as he can because he felt his sister would also reincarnate as a devil so he wanted to be able to protect her in this new world until she becomes strong too.

He turned around and looked at the cave exit. He decided to rest a bit before going into the unknown to collect more souls. He grinned slightly as he thought he was acting like a real devil, what with the soul gathering. He thought it was a small smile but to any other party it was like looking at an evil entity that was thinking about its next meal.


Far away, a certain Devil god watched his new toy, feeling good that Jacob managed to stay alive.

He also thought that his name needed changing as he was now a Devil. He can really go around introducing himself as 'Jacob' now can he? He contemplated on a new name before sending his consciences out into the mortal realm.

Mortals are the most imaginative beings in the world due to their short life spans. He looked around for a bit to find the most obvious Devil name he could. He may be a Devil God but he was mostly bored after torturing souls alone for years. He wanted to see the young devils reaction to this name. The entertainment is about to begin, he thought to himself.

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