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60% War of Hearts / Chapter 6: Painting love 

Chapter 6: Painting love 

The sea was more than we could ever fathom, it provided us with most of the oxygen, allowing our lungs to function. She wrapped her brine around every limb, like a mother cradling her child, only ever asking for our respect, love and care.

Ever lay on the cold sand in absolute silence. The waves were gentle and calm, swaying silently. There were so many things to think about; Julian, Roop, protecting Angelic, her mother's sin. She sighed deeply, forgetting all her burdens for a moment.

"Ever!" Someone called her name, Ever immediately sat up.

It was Cael. He was holding a wine bottle and two glasses.

Ever smiled, "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I followed you." He replied sitting next to her on the cold sand.

"With the wine?" She asked.

"Hmm." He poured wine into the two glasses and offered one to Ever.

She took a sip and turned to gaze up at the sky.

The night sky was dotted with endless stars; it was as if someone had sprayed the black canvas with gold paint. Cael turned his gaze to the sky as well. They enjoyed the silence and isolation. She could hear him breathing softly. She stretched her legs which made a wave touch her foot. She jerked as a reflex. As she did it, her ankle brushed against Cael's. He turned his head and looked at her.

"I'm sorry," She said.

"It's fine." He said, rather whispered. His raven black hair glistened in the moonlight.

They looked at each other and smiled. He leaned forward. He placed his lips on her's. They felt as warm and gentle as the water on her ankles. She closed her eyes as her hands moved halfway to stop him but lost the resolve to do. He kissed her long and deep as dozens of waves broke and touched the soles of their feet. He lifted his arm to draw her closer, holding her tight to kiss her passionately. His fingers lingered down the back of her neck which made goose bumps erupt all over her body. His hand lowered to her thigh, making her heart thump louder.

Should I stop him? She wondered. Another wave came up and soaked her entire dress. His fingers stroked her thighs as her hand slid under his linen shirt, already drenched due to water. Water hit them from time to time as they painted love on the beach.

His breathing quickened as did hers. He began nuzzling his face into her neck with delicate kisses, they were like whispers, sinfully faint.

"Ever." He whispered, kissing her cheek.

She did not respond, she did not want to respond.

"Ever." He whispered again, looking into her beautiful eyes.

Before he could speak again she placed her lips on his warm, fiery lips. Sparks of love exploded in every direction. Ever never expected herself to kiss a man other than Julian but she kissed Cael. She wondered what was so special about him, she wanted to know why she was so drawn into him.

Their kiss was long, enveloped by silence and love. Even the sea was silent, enjoying the romance of Ever and Cael.

He stared deep into her ocean blue eyes. He cupped her face and sighed deeply.

"I love you." He murmured.

She smiled and kissed his cheek.

They sat up. The sea was beaming at them, exploding with happiness. The wine bottle which Cael brought was floating atop the waves far away with joy.

"Will you marry me?" He asked, staring at the love of his life.

She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. She had never placed her head on any man's shoulder other than Julian, it felt different to her but in a good way. She loved the warmth of Cael and that she could hear his heartbeat even when they were not close.

"Shall we go on a date tomorrow?" He asked, stroking Ever's wet hair.

"Where?" Ever asked, looking at Cael.

He smiled, "The royal library," unsure of Ever's reaction.

She smiled and nodded, "At what time?"

"Six in the evening." He said, his heart thumping fast with happiness.

"I'll be there." She said.

He hugged her, kissing her forehead.

* * *

The park was deserted except for an old gent who appeared to be reading a book. Erana paused at the gate which looked eerie but she still walked in. She had lost everything. She had lost the hope to live. She had lost her husband's trust and Michael's love. What else did she have left?

She shivered. It was cold, freezing cold.

"Erana." An indistinct voice whispered.

She turned her head in several directions but there was no one. When she looked at the bench she noticed that the old gent who was sitting there had vanished. She ventured further into the park.

"Erana." The voice called her again.

She noticed that it was a male voice but there was no one to be seen in the park.

She remembered something her mother had once told her when she was small girl, "Love can build life but it can also destroy life." She didn't know why that memory flowed into her mind.

A tear slid down her cheek.

She loved Chertoff, she only loved him. Her relationship with Michael was not love. Chertoff was the commander of the Water army, he had so much business to take care of and to him his responsibilities are greater than the love for his family. That was why Erana had to make a move on Michael; she chose to be with Michael because she was in pain due to her married life. She had never had sex with Chertoff. Chertoff had only kissed her once on their wedding day. At first she thought it was his respect towards her but as life went on all she witnessed was isolation and pain. And now she was repenting her sins for two reasons; primarily, her sin was caught by her husband and secondly, she was with child and it was Michael Angelo Water's.

She senses the presence of a man. She looked around in alarm.

There was a man in front of her, smirking. He looked like a regular guy but Erana felt he was different; strange. He was tall and slender, pale skinned with black straight long hair and fire red eyes.

He laughed but Erana felt no fear. She walked closer to the man as if he was magnet alluring her.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"A vampire." He said vaguely.

"What?" She murmured.

He laughed. Erana raised her hand to touch the vampire's face but he shoved her onto the ground, jumped on to her to bite her neck.

Erana shrieked, "Get off!" She was sweating and shivering.

The vampire got up and watched Erana as she trembled and screamed. The vampire venom had worked on her. She screeched with pain while she was transforming from a common Angel into vampire; tall, strong, pale and elegant.

She felt nauseous and dizzy, as if she was drifting. He was the last thing she saw before her eyes closed and darkness overcame her.

* * *

Ever knocked the door of Julian's room. She had never knocked on this door before but today she did it because something inside her made her.

There was no answer, she knocked again. This time the door opened and Julian was standing by the door. They smiled, looking at each other.

"Come in." Julian said.

He stepped aside and made space for her to walk in.

The room was painted white, thick velvet curtains hid the long windows across the wall. Two antique couches stood on the opposite sides of each of the large rugs in front of the ashen fireplace. There were several paintings hung on the walls, one of which was a painting of Ever and Julian which was drawn on Julian's birthday.

Ever sat on the couch.

"I'll make some tea." Julian offered, walking towards his small kitchen.

She looked around. Everything was still the same, she thought. On the coffee table next to her was a vase, she touched the vase waking up the memories of their past. This vase was gifted to Julian by Ever, Cedric and Elizabeth on his sixteenth birthday. She remembered very well, on that day she had kissed his cheek for the first time which was her first kissing experience.

The memory of kissing Cael at the beach flowed into her, she felt guilty. Julian was the only person whom she has dreamt of kissing. She shared everything with Julian but would she able to share this with Julian? She felt unable to do so because she never wanted him to know but she could not understand why she did not want him to know. Maybe she was afraid of Julian being distant from her, of losing him.

Julian came out of the kitchen with a tray of two cups of tea and chocolate cake. He placed the tray on the table and sat next to Ever on the couch, they maintained a proper distance between each other.

Ever took a bite from a piece of chocolate cake. From the very first bite of the cake she understood it was made by Julian's mother, Marie Roosevelt.

"Elizabeth and Alexander will be getting married tomorrow." Julian said, his hands crossed across his chest.

"What? That soon." Ever asked in alarm.

"Yes, Father just went to inform the Queen." Julian asked.

"I wonder whether Elizabeth is okay with getting married so soon." Ever wondered, finishing her cake of piece.

"I too, wonder that." He said, staring at Ever.

"I think you need to talk with Elizabeth about it." Julian said, still staring at Ever.

"I will." Ever said as she took a sip from her tea.

She placed the tea on her lap and looked into Julian's eyes, "Did Cedric tell you about Roop?"

"Yes." Julian nodded.

"She's here to destroy everything." Ever said, controlling the weakness growing in her voice, "Amota said mum has committed sin for which God will never forgive Angelic."

"Do you know what the sin is?" He asked.

She shook her head, "I don't want to know it." "Why?"

"I'm afraid that it will hurt me and Elizabeth."

Julian took hold of Ever's hand, "Everything will be okay."

"Julian, I'm afraid of losing everything." Ever said, tears poured down her cheek. "I'm afraid I'll lose everything I love."

Julian wiped away the tears on Ever's cheek using his long fingers and said, "No one will take away what you love. You are my strong Ever."

She smiled lightly.

He knew she did not love him back, but he still could not resist. He leaned in a little closer, their foreheads touching. Dear God, he could not fight against the thoughts that were going through his mind. Her very smell was flooding his senses. He wanted to place his lips on hers, he wanted to tell that he loved her more than everything in this world but instead he said, "Everything will be alright, I'm always here for you."

"I know that Julian." She murmured.

"Ev." He whispered. "Who am I to you?"

She placed her fingers on Julian's face and kissed his inviting lips, "You're my best friend, the person whom I'll never lose."

Immediately, he reciprocated her kiss. He always wondered the how Ever's lips would taste. He had craved for them for years. He snaked his hand around her waist, gripped her curving tightly. Her lips tasted like strawberries in Julian's mouth. Ever's fingers moved through Julian's raven black hair as their lips danced.

Ever brought the kiss to an abrupt halt, placing her palm on Julian's chest, "Julian, I kissed Cael," She confessed.

A bolt of lightning hit Julian. He felt as if his whole world has collapsed, as if he has lost the most precious thing part of himself. Regardless, he managed to pass Ever a loving smile. He cupped her face with his palms, "Do you love him?" He asked.

She nodded, a tear trickling down her rosy cheek.

"Hey, look at me." He said, instantly she looked into his Roosevelt black eyes. He continued, "I want you to be happy. If he's the one capable of making you happy, I'll do my best to keep you both together."

"I'm sorry, Julian." She muttered under her breath.

"Hey, it's okay, beautiful. You have nothing to be sorry about. Now go and check on Eli." Julian said.

"I will."

Julian kissed her forehead.

"Will I lose you?" She asked.

"Never." He said.

Ever stood from the couch, "Goodbye, Julian."

"Goodbye." He said.

Ever walked out of the room, Julian's eyes glued to her until she was finally gone. His heart was heavy with the pain but he managed to break into a light smile to himself.

* * *

"Marriage isn't a ring or a signed paper. It is the union of two hearts beating as one. Marriage is beautiful, filled with love, happiness, safety and wellbeing." The Queen said while combing Elizabeth's black hair which was like the moonless night sky.

Elizabeth was wrapped in the dress which she was supposed to wear at her wedding. She was standing in front of the mirror of her room while Ever was sitting on a chair listening to her mother.

The dress on Elizabeth was white with a charming pink design on it. There was a small cut on the front of the dress and the cut was sewed with a netted material. The dressed was designed by the Queen herself.

The Queen braided Elizabeth's hair in a braid which looked like a waterfall.

"Eli, you're beautiful." Ever commented.

"Braid, bun or loose hair?" The Queen asked both Ever and Elizabeth.

"Braid." Replied Ever.

"Braid?" Elizabeth asked vaguely. She turned her head in several directions at the mirror studying her profile, "Yes, the braid looks good." She said after studying her look.

The Queen placed the comb on a table and sat on the chair which was next to Ever.

Elizabeth twirled, making her dress dance.

"You're beautiful my little princess." The Queen commented.

"But mum, I have to ask a question." Elizabeth said as she came closer to her mother and Ever.

"What will happen after the marriage? Will I go to the Earth land with Alexander?" Elizabeth asked looking desperate.

"Of course, he'll be enthroned as the king of Earth land, you have to be by his side to support him." The Queen answered.

"But mum I don't want to leave you and Ev, I don't want to leave the Capital." Elizabeth cried, kneeling on the floor.

"Eli, everyone will have to do so." The Queen said, wiping Elizabeth's tears.

"But I'll miss you all so much." Tears flooded from Elizabeth's greyish green eyes.

"We will miss you too. But you can come and see us whenever you want and we'll come and see you too." The Queen pacified Elizabeth.

The Queen gestured to Ever to say something that would console Elizabeth but Ever struggled finding the words that would console her sister.

"Eli, we love you." Ever finally said.

Elizabeth hugged Ever and the Queen hugged both her children whom she had grown with so much of love. Family was like an apple plant enriching love, caring, happiness and liveliness.

There was knock on the door interrupting the love of the royal family. Elizabeth stood up and went back to the mirror, wiping away her tears.

"My lady, it is Parisa Fire here. May I come in?" The smooth voice of young Parisa spoke.

"Come in." the Queen said.

Parisa walked into the room with a golden box in her hand.

"Hello, my ladies." She greeted everyone.

"Hello, Parisa." Ever too greeted her.

"I've brought something to Elizabeth. It's a gift from the Fire's." She said and gave the box to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth took the box and opened it. There was a necklace inside the box and inside the pendant was fire. Elizabeth smiled with joy.

"I love this one, Parisa. Thank you," She thanked Parisa and gave her hug.

Parisa smiled lightly, "I made it by myself. The fire inside it will never stop burning."

"You're beautiful." She whispered to Elizabeth who smiled with shyness.

Ever noticed that Parisa's smile was so much like Julian's, so shy.

"You're such a good friend Parisa." The Queen said.

"Thank you, my lady."

"Who are going to get married to?" The Queen asked eagerly.

Parisa smiled. She did not want to answer that question but the Queen of Angelic had asked so she had to answer it.

"I'll not be marrying any royal family man, my lady." She answered.

"What?" The Queen asked, surprised by her answer.

"I'm not the eldest of the family so I have fewer responsibilities. And I'm not interested in any royal man."

"Is there anyone who stole your heart?" Ever asked.

Parisa smiled, "There is one but I've never met him. I'm willing to meet him. If he likes me too, I'll get married to him."

Ever and Elizabeth smiled being happy that Parisa was lucky to find true love but the Queen was not happy about that.

"Then you can get going Parisa. I wish you luck in finding love." The Queen said giving a warning look to Parisa.

"Thank you my lady. I'll be going then." She bowed and exited the room.

"A foolish girl, setting bad examples." The Queen whispered.

Both Ever and Elizabeth ignored the words of the Queen.

"I'll be wearing this tomorrow." Elizabeth said.

Ever stood from her chair and went to Elizabeth.

"I'll put this on you." She said.

Elizabeth turned toward the mirror while Ever put the fire necklace around Elizabeth's neck.

The Queen watched, a tear of love pouring down her cheek. Her heart exploded with happiness for her two strong, beautiful daughters. She remembered the memory of when she created her two children out of clay and prayed for God to give them life. She was happy because now she could live the end of her life happily and peacefully with a lot of happy memories.

Elizabeth turned towards her mother to show the necklace which was hung around her neck. The Queen stood from the chair and went to her two daughters.

She hugged them and whispered, "I love you both."

"We love you too, mum," They said in unison.

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