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Chapter 2: Old Friends

I sat in the corner away from everybody as we waited for Wyatt to get back. Even though I was back in the pack, I didn't feel entirely accepted especially when Wyatt wasn't around. He was my anchor, the one thing that made me feel comfortable. We waited until nightfall before Willa saw him and called for us to join her. As he walked up, he ripped off the costume we gave him and threw it to the side. The other wolves gave him his necklace and re-painted his family mark before he turned around and started speaking.

"What did you find out?" Willa asked.

"They saw you howling, Willa." He growled slightly with those words.


"We're exposed." He shoved a poorly-drawn picture towards her.

She laughed. "Looks nothing like us, Wyatt. We have way better hair than that." There were mumbles of agreement round us. "Stop being such a worry-wolf, brother. I only said 'Awoo!' It's like saying, 'ciao', or 'aloha', or 'I'll rip your throat out.' Anyway, who cares what they think? It's a terrible town."

I wanted to say something, but I was still under intense supervision. I didn't want to get Wyatt in trouble either. Anything I did could reflect badly on him, and that was no way to repay him for sparing me.

"We have to find the Great Alpha."

"If there even IS a Great Alpha." Willa retorted with an eyeroll.

"Willa! We saw her in the forest! She had the white hair!" Wyatt insisted.

"Probably a trick of the light."

"The Great Alpha is real. And she's going to lead us to the moonstone. And you know we don't have much time. More and more of our pack are getting sick. Our necklaces are almost out of power. We need to find the moonstone."

"And when we do, we can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf-strong for another 100 years." Wynter beamed excitedly.

"Okay. Even if the girl IS the Great Alpha, how do we find her?" Willa asked. Wyatt held up a badge that read Seabrook High Cheer.

"I found this in the woods. It's hers."

"We can track her down with our keen sense of smell." Wynter's eyes widened, and I rolled mine. She was getting way too complicated.

"Or we could just go to Seabrook High. With white hair, she'll be easy to find." I added, earning a look from Willa.

"We go in the morning." Wyatt declared. I held back a laugh, knowing what would happen.

"We go tonight!" Willa gave our brother a look that dared him to challenge her.

"Or tonight works."

We Own the Night

I stayed in the back as we made our way to the high school. Wyatt ushered everybody into a small air duct and didn't spare me a glance when I tried to talk to him. He was being all distant now that we are "on a mission" and I hate it.

There was no talking but that didn't keep piercing eyes off of me. Low growls surrounded me whenever I tried to adjust my position; if only I could adjust my position within the pack.

Even if he had disowned me, I was the daughter of the previous alpha.

He may be able to strip me of my name, but he could never strip me of the DNA we shared.

As we sat and waited I heard a few soft snores and the rustle of small movements from my... pack mates. That's weird to even think about at this point, cause, am I really one of them anymore? I may be a Lykensen by blood, but am I really part of the pack? Am I really one of them?

As I pondered this in the depths of my mind, the sun began to rise and the soft sound of feet thudding past our hiding place. I focused, with our heightened senses us werewolves can hear extraordinarily well. I could hear voices but I was listening for one in particular, she was an old friend of mine from when I first killed the hunter.

I was so focused on what I was doing that I didn't notice everybody leaving the vent.

Wyatt shoved my shoulder to wake me from my stupor.

"C'mon. We're leaving," he said as he followed the pack. We snuck through the halls and stopped by a trophy case. I walked in the back to not get in anybody's way but still received dirty looks from those who didn't want me near them.

Wyatt had shoved his way to the front to stand by Willa. They spoke, but I didn't care to listen.

I was too intrigued by the stupidity I watched unfold.

One of the more... idiotic wolves of the pack decided it would be fun to investigate the shiny trophies. He grabbed one of the silver ones and yelped in pain as he threw it into the air. More wolves caught, yelped, and threw before Wynter caught it and cried out.

She stood there gripping it, insisting she could take the pain. I had to hold back laughter as I watched Wyatt and Willa share a look of, 'Seriously?'

Wynter finally caved and yeeted (yes, yeeted) the trophy into the air for Wyatt to catch, smartly, by the base before looking at Willa in relief and setting it back on a shelf. Willa began to strut away and the rest of us followed.

We stood outside a big room listening, looking, waiting, but a cheerleader saw and pointed us out, of course, immediately causing chaos. We burst into the room growling and in charge. A few of the wolves held off the humans while Willa and Wyatt charged the girl.

Bigger boys guarded her and a zombie stood above them.

"Wolves! On my command!" Willa took charge, teeth bared as the rest of the pack snarled with her.

"Willa, we can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert." Ah, Wyatt. Always the voice of reason. Willa seemed to be thinking the same thing, but it irritated her.

"I hate it when you're right. Wolves, stand down." The pack followed her order, but they were still hostile. I just watched. "Sorry. We wolves just adore this town and we came here to... join your school."


I can't handle anymore humans, and it's obvious they don't want us here either. I looked around and, surprisingly, saw a familiar face.

"Zen!" I called to her. She turned around, confused, but as soon as she saw me horror filled her face.

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