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Chapter 5: 5


Harry woke up early the next day, full of excitement about moving to Potter Manor. He began to move around the room packing last minute odds and ends, when he had finished he called Dobby.


"Yes, Harry Potter sir." he chimed

"Could you help me get the girls up and ready to leave." asked Harry

They woke the girls up washing, changing and dressing them. Then Harry had Dobby start to shrink the girls furniture ready for Bindy to take back to the Manor. Dobby had just finished shrinking everything when Bindy popped in and greeted Harry.

"Master Harry, Bindy is here to collect the little misses furniture." he replied

"It is over there Bindy, Dobby has already shrunk it for you," Harry informed him

"Dobby, would you like to help Bindy take these things to Potter Manor, so you can acquaint yourself with the other house elf's and familiarise yourself with the Manor." questioned Harry

"Oh, yes please Harry Potter sir." proclaimed Dobby

Dobby and Bindy collected all the belonging's together and there was a loud crack as they disappeared.

Harry left the girls in the playpen whilst he went down stairs to assemble the base of the pram, once that was done harry got the girls ready putting them in the top part of the pram, placing a blanket around them. He then held the tip of his wand to the playpen causing it to shrink. The playpen was placed in the changing bag along with all the essentials. Harry carefully carried the pram top down the stairs and attached it to the base. Then he went in to the kitchen to inform the Dursley's he was leaving.

"Aunt Petunia, me and the babies are leaving now, you will not be seeing me again." Harry told her

Harry turned and left the kitchen and then he and the girls left through the front door and walked out of Privet Drive.

Harry continued walking until he reached the park, where he had arranged to meet Bill and Charlie, so they could all portkey back to the Manor together. He did not have long to wait as he could see them entering the park and heading toward him. Harry stood ready to greet them.

"Hi, Bill, Charlie are you ready to go?" enquired Harry

"Yes we are." replied Charlie

"Harry, did everything go all right when you left your aunt's." questioned Bill

"Everything went fine, I just told them I was leaving and will not be seeing them again and walked out before they could reply." stated Harry

They all gathered closer ready for the portkey, checking no one was around they activated the portkey and in minutes they had arrived in the entrance hall intact. After they got their bearings Harry began to take the girls out the pram asking Bill to hold Isabella while he had Jasmine.

"I want to get the girls settled first." stated Harry

Harry called for Maddy and Dobby to let them know they had arrived and to see if the girls room was ready.


"Dobby" Harry called

Two small pops later and both the house elf's appeared before them.

"Maddy is the girls bedroom ready yet?" asked Harry

"Yes, master Harry." replied Maddy

"OK, thank you Maddy. Dobby would you prepare the girls bottles and bring them to the living room in the master suite." questioned Harry

"Yes, Harry Potter sir, right away." exclaimed Dobby

While Dobby prepared the bottles and Maddy continued her work, they made there way to the living room. When they were settled Dobby appeared with the girls bottles.

"Thank you Dobby."

"Bill, do you want to feed Isabella while I feed Jasmine." questioned Harry

"OK, it has been a while since I did this for Ron and Ginny but I am sure I can manage." proclaimed Bill

"Thanks, once their fed we can put them to bed and really settle in." suggested Harry

Bill seemed like a natural, like it was yesterday he used to help feed his siblings. They took the girls in to their room and as they entered they stopped and looked around in awe.

"Harry, this room is amazing." breathed Charlie

"WOW, I had pictured it in my head but this is way better, I must thank Maddy and the other house elf's." declared Harry

"It's breath taking." said Bill

They decided to unpack their things and then go and explore the Manor.

Harry was hanging up all the clothes he had at the front of the walk in wardrobe. 'I think I need to get a couple more sets of clothing'. He came out of the wardrobe and went to put a few personal items in the bedside drawer and discovered what looked like a larger copy of the Marauder's Map. Up on inspection he discovered it was exactly like the Marauder's Map except it was for Potter Manor.

Harry rushed out in to the living room and called out to Bill and Charlie.



"Come see what I have found." requested Harry

Bill and Charlie entered the living room and came over to look at what Harry found.

"What is it?" Bill asked

"Do you remember me telling you about the Marauder's Map of Hogwarts? I just found one for the Manor, care to explore?"

"That's great." answered Charlie and Bill together

Harry called Dobby to look after the girls and the three of them set off to explore the Manor using the map. They decided to explore what appeared to be a section of the Manor designed for recreation. They were looking at a room that said it was an indoor water park.


As they entered the rooms dimmed lights came on, they slowly began to move around, not realising the edge of the pool was so close by. Harry lost his footing and began to fall in. He panicked because he was not a good swimmer and grabbed Bill, who fell in with him. As they were surfacing Harry wrapped his arms around Bill's neck and his legs around his waist. He fidgeted to maintain a firm grip and in the process started to feel Bill's reaction to this, turning him on. Harry slowly reached forward and gently placed his lips on Bill's, the kiss soon became very passionate. Bill pulled his lips away from Harry's and said.

"Harry I think we should slow down a bit."

Harry blushed at this statement whilst Charlie looked on in amusement.

"Do I get a kiss as well?" Charlie jealously asked, causing Harry to blush further.

"I think we should put off exploring the Manor and explore the pool more." suggested Harry

Both Bill and Charlie were shocked by this announcement. Charlie striped down to his boxers and approached the pool as the other two shed their wet clothes. Charlie and Bill looked at each other and coming to agreement.

"Harry, we will only do what you want us to do. We can stop any time, just ask." stated Bill

Harry nodded in a silent agreement and slowly moved towards Charlie. Charlie took Harry gently in his arms and began to spread gentle kisses down his neck and jaw line causing a small moan to escape his mouth. Bill pushed himself against Harry's back, making sure he had not forgotten what state he put him in.

As Charlie continued to occupy Harry's mouth, Bill decided to use his hands on his lower body. Slowly stroking past Harry's belly button, his fingers began to play with the elastic of Harry's boxers. This caused Harry to gasp allowing Charlie's tongue to enter and explore his mouth. Having seen no signs of resistance Bill starts to put his hand inside Harry's boxers gently touching his erect member, Harry froze when Bill first touched him in his private area, noticing Harry's reaction Bill stopped and said.

"Harry if your not ready for this then we can stop."

"No,, Bill I want this, it just briefly reminded me of what my aunt did." answered Harry

Bill slowly began to pump Harry's penis again causing him to let out further moan's of arousal. Bill and Charlie was even more turned on now and both began to rub themselves against Harry's body. All three of them now moaning getting louder and louder.

"Dear lord Harry, I don't think I will last much longer." gasped Bill

"Me either." whispered Charlie huskily

"Oh my god, I think I am going to cum." breathed Harry

Just as he finished saying this he came in Bill's hand causing a chain reaction. Bill came seconds later against Harry's back and Charlie against his thigh. They all clung together trying to catch their breath, Charlie leaned down and placed a kiss on his plump lips and as soon as he moved away Bill attached his lips to Harry's in a more passionate kiss. Bill and Charlie got out first helping Harry out of the pool as he still had not fully recovered.

"I think I need to lie down." exclaimed Harry


They gathered a nearby towel and wrapped it around Harry and grabbed a couple for themselves and helped Harry up to his room.

When they arrived at his room, they walked him over to the bed and were about to leave when Harry shyly said.



"Could you stay with me?"

"If your sure." replied Charlie

He nodded and they got in the bed on either side of him snuggling close, just taking in each other presence, soon all three were fast asleep.

A few hours later Harry began to stir and snuggled further in to the arms of both Bill and Charlie. Harry slowly began to open his eyes to come in to contact with the amused ones of Bill, who chuckle at Harry's actions. This caused Charlie to wake up and they all decided that they needed a shower.


"O mm.. could I wash you?" Harry asked shyly

All three of them made their way in to the huge bathroom, where they removed their only item of clothing boxers and stepped in to the shower together.

Harry nervously picked up a flannel and soap lathering it up and began run it over Bill's firm muscular chest exploring all his curves. Whilst he was doing this Charlie put some shampoo in his hands and started to run his fingers through Harry's hair.

When he had finished exploring Bill's chest, he decided to return the favour from earlier. Hands shaking slightly he moved them down until he came in to contact with Bill's hardened member. He slowly began to wrap his hand around it squeezing gently, Taken by surprise causing Bill to gasp and buck his hips in to Harry's hand. Feeling more confident at Bill's reaction he increased the pace of his movement.

Charlie feeling extremely turned on by watching the two of them he decided to join in. He moved forwards gently taking hold of Harry's other hand placing it on his rigid cock.

"Harry I want you to make me cum with Bill, you made me so hot and bothered just watching you handle him." said Charlie breathlessly

It took Harry a few minutes to get in to a synchronised rhythm then he picked up the pace brutally, making it difficult for both of them to catch their breath. Harry could feel them tensing and knew it would not be long.

"Oh my god ." exclaimed Charlie

"Oh, Harry I'm going to explode." gasped Bill

Mere seconds later they both came in Harry's hands crying out his name. Harry was very close himself and once they had both calmed down, noticed this. Bill and Charlie both knelt down in front of him looking up hungrily for permission to carry on. When they were given it, Charlie slowly took Harry's leaking cock in his mouth as Bill began to lick and tease his balls. Harry was frantically thrusting his hips forward and thrashing his head around trying to control his breathing.

"OH, oh, oh, Charlie." exclaimed Harry

Harry could feel himself begin to tense, then Bill nipped the underside of his balls sending him over the edge to completion.

"Fuck Bill." gasped out Harry

Harry came hard in to Charlie's mouth and he willingly sucked and swallowed every last drop of his seed. They all collapsed to the floor of the shower allowing the water to run over them as they basked in the after glow. When they had fully recovered they finished washing and got dressed.


As they entered the living room Mindy popped in and announced.

"Master Harry, dinner will be ready in a few minutes."

"Thank you Mindy."answered Harry

"Could you give me a hand waking the girls up." asked Harry

"Sure." they both said

They walked in to the girls room and found them already awake and watching the enchanted ceiling. Harry picked up Jasmine and passed her to Bill, who changed her nappy and was waiting for the other. Isabella snuggle in to Harry as he picked her up, he changed her nappy .

"Charlie, could you bring the two bouncers down please." questioned Harry

Once they had everything they needed, Harry called Mindy back to show them to the dining room.

They settled Jasmine and Isabella in to their bouncer and sat down to eat the lovely meal the house elf's prepared for them.

After lunch they returned to their living room and played with the girls for a while. It had been a long day and the girls had been asleep for a couple of minutes so they agreed to put them to bed and have an early night. As Bill and Charlie were about to go to their room Harry stopped them.



"Would you mind staying the night in my room." enquired Harry whilst blushing and looking down at his feet

They both walked up to Harry and took a hand each and lead him to his room, where they silently undresses, they all snuggled together under the cover and fell asleep peacefully.

The next morning Harry woke up feeling the most content he had ever been in his life. He slowly slipped out from between Bill and Charlie, quickly washed and dressed before checking on the girls.

The first thing Harry did when he entered the girls room was to see if the girls were awake and then got the babies ready.

Jasmine was the first one to wake up so, Harry got her up, undressed her and gave her a bath. She enjoyed splashing a lot, then he dried her to put a nappy and vest on and let her play in her bouncer. Harry turned around to find Isabella awake and looking in his direction. He bent over the cot to picked her up.

"Hello Isabella, shall we get you bathed too." asked Harry

He had just undressed her and started to bathe her when Bill and Charlie walked in. Isabella began to gurgle and splash a lot getting Harry wet, they all laughed at her antics.

"Do you need any help Harry." they both asked

"Yeah, could one of you get some clothes out for both of them, I usually get the same outfit bit in different colours." stated Harry

While Charlie went to pick the clothes, Bill picked up Jasmine ready to get dressed. Harry was just drying Isabella when Charlie came back with matching dungaree's. With a pale yellow top for Jasmine and a baby blue one for Isabella.

Bill and Charlie dressed Jasmine between them and Harry dressed Isabella. When they were all done Harry called for Dobby and Mindy. They both popped in a few seconds later, Harry asked Mindy to set a small table in the living room for breakfast, and Dobby if he could get the girls bottles.

After they had eaten breakfast and the girls had been fed, they sat and entertained them while they talked.

They had been playing for quite some time and Harry remembered the letter's from his parent's will.

"Guy's, I just remembered I need to read the letter's from my parent's. Would you be able to watch the girls for a while, as I want to do this before Sirius's will tomorrow." enquired Harry

"Of cause Harry, go right ahead and if you need anything just call, OK." answered Bill

"OK" replied Harry

"Before you go Harry there was one thing me and Charlie would like to ask you." Bill stated

"What is it?" asked Harry

"We were wondering if you would mind if we considered the girls as our daughter's?" questioned Bill

Harry had not expected anything like that but was very pleased that the girls had someone other than him.

"I would like that very much and I am sure the girls will love it too." declared Harry giving each a hug and a kiss to thank them.

Harry went in to his room and sat on his bed as he retrieved the letter's out of the beside drawer. Harry decided to read the letter from his father first.

Dear, Harry

Unfortunately if you are reading this letter it means I am dead. I am sorry I was not there for, just know that me and your mother love you and are proud of you. There are a few things I need to tell you about being a Potter.

All Potter's have a charm placed on them at birth, which ensures their happiness called the "Potter Mate Charm".

This will effect you in the following ways. Shortly before your 16th birthday you will feel a pull towards your soul mate or mates, depending on your magical powers. This bond will not come in to full affect until the day you turn sixteen.

The Potter family goes right back to the founders time and we are a direct descendant of Godric Griffindor. This means you own a quarter of Hogwarts and it's grounds, you will have control over a seat in the Wizengamot as well as the Potter's family seat.

In the vault for Griffindor you will find a portrait of him and all the heirloom's this will also be the same for the Potter vault,except there will be a few more personal belongings leftover for you.

The most important thing I left was a letter signed in blood stating that me and your mother changed our secret keeper from Sirius to Peter, which was witnessed by Albus Dumbledore both times.

With all my love your Dad

James Andrew Potter

Harry was experiencing a wide selection of emotions, from love to anger. He took a while to calm down and proceeded to read the letter from his mother.

My dearest son Harry

Reading this letter means I died at Voldemort's hands and was unable to see you grow up in to the strong and loving young man that I know you will be. I know this is not the same but there is a portrait of me and your dad in the Potter family vault.

From my side of the family the 'Evans', you have inherited one seat in the Wizengamot and also as the heir to Rowena Ravenclaw you have one seat as well.

There is a separate vault for the Evans family inheritance and the Ravenclaw vault will have a portrait of our ancestor in it.

With the deepest love

your mother

Lily Marie Potter nee Evans

Bill and Charlie had just put Isabella and Jasmine down for a nap when they could sense some kind of distress coming from Harry. So they went to his room and entered to find him sat crying quietly.

"Harry, what's the matter?" Charlie asked as the both hug him

Harry just held out the letter's for them to read, after they had read both letter's they could understand why Harry was so distressed about about some of the information it contained. They figured it must have been the first time anyone had said they loved him. They were both shocked at how Dumbledore had betrayed Harry and his parent's by withholding evidence that proved Sirius innocent and would have given him a better childhood.

Bill called Dobby and asked him to look after the girls as Harry was upset and needed some time alone. They both climbed in to bed with Harry, whilst he clinged to them for comfort. They all soon drifted of in to an exhausted sleep.

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