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Chapter 4: 4

CHAPTER 4: The Potter's Will

The following morning Harry was sat in his room quietly thinking about what had transpired between him Charlie and Bill. He didn't know how to deal with it and shortly they would be arriving to accompany him to lunch and then the will reading. He was brought out of his thought's by the sound of his daughter's beginning to wake.

"Good morning Jasmine, shall we get you up and dressed." cooed Harry

Jasmine just smiled trying to hold her arms out to reach him. Harry picked her up, changed her nappy and then began to choose one of the new item's of clothing to put on her.

"Shall we wear this pretty little lavender dress with white tights?" questioned Harry

"Right that's you done sweetie, let's get your sister now."

He placed her in the playpen, which Bill and Charlie had help set up yesterday.

"Hello Isabella, should we find something to wear too." enquired Harry

Harry changed her nappy and picked the same dress in a soft emerald green colour with white tights. Once they were both dressed and playing in the playpen Harry called for Dobby.


"Yes Harry Potter sir, what can Dobby do for you?" exclaimed Dobby

"Dobby could you get me two bottle's of milk and help me feed the girls." asked Harry

"Yes right away Harry Potter sir."

By the time they had finished feeding them, their was a knock at the door. Harry left the girls with Dobby and went to answer it knowing it was Bill and Charlie. He opened the door and greeted them while blushing.

"Hi, Bill, Charlie." Harry said shyly

They all went up to his room to say hello to the girls.


"Don't those dresses look really cute on them and the colours are perfect." stated Charlie

They talked for a little while about the girls, then Bill said they better get moving.

"We should leave soon." declared Bill

Harry said goodbye to the girls leaving Dobby to look after them. They quietly left the house, not one of them speaking.

They all apparated and all appeared at the Leaky Cauldron, where they proceeded to a private room. They all sat down at the table, when a house elf popped in to take their order. They each order some lunch and the house elf quickly disappeared to get their order. There was complete silence until Charlie decided to break the ice.

"U mm... Harry we need to talk about what happened yesterday." stated Charlie

"I don't know what to say, I was shocked at the time, but I have known for a while that I prefer guy's." Harry spoke quietly

Bill and Charlie were slightly relieved that Harry wasn't against homosexuality as they both swung that way.

"That does not tell us how you feel about what happened between us." replied Bill

"I don't know, it's hard to explain as we have got very close since you two started to teach at Hogwarts. I'm confused because I know we are friends but I feel something more." answered Harry

Harry we don't know how you feel about this, but we both have been feeling the same way. At first we tried to ignore it as we were your teacher's and friends, but it only seems to have increased more during this year." declared Charlie on behalf of both of them

"We feel drawn to you more and more." declared Bill

"As you have probably seen I don't date much if at all, I have never really had the time, so I don't really have any experience on how any of this works." said Harry

"If you are willing to give this a go with both of us then we can start slow and move at a pace that suits you." answered Charlie

Harry looked between both of them and in a silent answer gently kissed each of their cheek's, while blushing profusely.

He was saved from further embarrassment by the arrival of their food. They ate with little conversation here and there, but soon the time approached when they had to leave for Gringotts.

As they were walking toward Gringotts they both noticed how nervous and quiet Harry was. They both looked at each other and nodded then they gave Harry's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

They entered the bank and went to the counter stating their business and were soon escorted to the same office as before. As they entered the room they saw the other recipients of the will were already seated and waiting.

They greeted a few of the people they knew and took their seats to await Ragnok's arrival. They did not have long to wait as Ragnok walked in just as they got comfortable.

"Good afternoon everyone, Mr Potter." He said while inclining his head towards Harry.

Everyone in attendance was surprised at how the head goblin had greeted Harry. Ragnok seated himself, whilst he was arranging some parchment on his desk. He then proceeded to check all of the recipients were in attendance.

"Right let us check everybody who is meant to be here has arrived." said Ragnok

Another goblin stepped forward and announced all those that should be were present.

"Harry James Potter, Sirius Orion Black, Frank and Alice Longbottom, Remus John Lupin, Severus Tobias Snape, Serena Evans and Selena Lovegood." declared the goblin

All on the list were present except for the Longbottom's, Selena Lovegood and Sirius Black as they were all deceased.

Ragnok started to read James Potter's will as everyone was present.

I, James Andrew Potter, being of sound, mind and body do hereby leave this last will and testament. It is my wish to protect my family so in the event of mine and lily's death that my son, Harry James Potter should be placed in the guardianship of the following people and in this order.

Sirius Orion Black (1st Godfather)

Selena Lovegood (1st Godmother)

Remus John Lupin (2nd Godfather)

Sophie Li (2nd Godmother)

Serena Evans (Aunt)

Frank and Alice Longbottom (James 2nd Cousin)

Poppy Pomfrey (Friend and Healer)

Minerva McGonagall (Mentor and Friend)

Andromeida Tonks (Close Family Friend)

Amelia Bones (Close Friend and Colleagues)

Under no circumstances is my son to be placed in the care of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, they hate everything about magic and our would.

Everybody was shocked by the contents of the will pertaining to the guardianship of Harry and how Lily and James wishes were clearly not carried out. They all wondered how this was even possible as laws were in place to ensure a person's last wishes were completed.

Ragnok allowed this to sink in before he drew their attention back to himself, to continue the will reading.

To Sirius Orion Black, I leave the guest cottage at Potter Manor so you will always have a home.

To Selena Lovegood, I leave the sum of 20,000 galleons in the hope that you will succeed in your research of the unforgivable.

To Remus John Lupin, I leave you the deeds to the shrieking shack and the sum of 50,000 galleons to renovate it.

To Frank Longbottom, I leave the sum of 20,000 galleons, in the event of his death it will be put in to a trust fund for his son Neville Franklin Longbottom.

To Severus Tobias Snape, I leave my first edition of Salazar Slytherine potions book, a apology for my treatment of you while in school.

To my son, Harry James Potter, I leave him my title as the head of the Potter family and all the remaining properties, businesses, Land and Money.

If any of the recipients are already dead or have not attended the will reading, then whatever I left them will return to Harry. There are a few things that are for Harry to hear in private and a letter in which Ragnok will help you with.

Ragnok gave them a few moments and then continued with lily's will.

I Lily Marie Potter nee Evans, being of sound , mind and body do hereby declare this my last will and testament.

To Serena Evans my half sister, I know we did not know each other for long but I thought you should have some of the Evans family heirloom's, properties and a share of the Evans family money and jewellery.

To Remus John Lupin, I leave you my research notes looking for a cure for being a werewolf and the sum of 25,000 galleons to help you acquire the needed potion ingredients and equipment.

To Alice Longbottom my dear friend, I leave you the sum of 10,000 galleons in the event of her death it will be put in a trust fund for her son Neville Franklin Longbottom.

To Severus Tobias Snape, I leave the sum of 15,000 galleons.

There is a letter for Harry explaining all of the Evans family inheritance and a few things Ragnok will discuss with you privately.

Ragnok stood and announced that was nearly all of the will reading and that those other than Harry and his companions if he chose for them to stay, could move to a small waiting room. If they desired to speak with Harry, he would shortly join them. They all moved in to another comfortable room where refreshments were offered.

Ragnok picked two letters and handed them to Harry.

"Mr Potter, these are the letters stated in your parent's will, these are for you to read in private. Also I have to inform you that you also have a vault for the Godric Griffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw inheritance, which after you come in to your power's it will be a good place to research how to control them." explained Ragnok

"Thank you Ragnok, that seems pretty straight forward, I was wondering if you had a list of the properties I own with you today, as I need to find a new place to stay." Harry enquired

"Certainly, one moment." replied Ragnok

"Griphook, could you go collect a list of the Potter family properties as quick as possible." asked Ragnok

"Also could you arrange for a copy of all money transactions since my parent's death as I do not know who's had control over them." questioned Harry

"This will be done immediately and I can either send them to you or you can arrange a meeting so that we can go over them together. It is entirely up to you Mr Potter." informed Ragnok

"That would probably be better to arrange a meeting to go over everything Ragnok." Harry stated

Griphook came in with a small pile of parchment.

"Ragnok could you tell me if there are any properties ready to live in and what protections they have on them, please." asked Harry

Ragnok looked through the parchments and a couple stood out to him. He then informed Harry of his choices.

"Mr Potter there are three properties that are inhabitable at the current moment which are, Potter Manor in Wales, a cottage in Godric Hollow and a small villa in Florida." Ragnok supplied

"I think I like the sound of Potter Manor. What are the protections there?" enquired Harry

"There is an unplottable charm, muggle repellent and the Potter family magic, now keyed to you, which means it allows those who you want to enter but will prevent unwelcome guests." declared Ragnok

"I think I will have to check Potter Manor out." said Harry

"Mr Potter there is a family portkey and you will also have to put on the Potter family ring to activate the family magic to work for you." This also means that you will take over as the head of the Potter family, but I am sure Mr Weasley will be able to inform you of what this involves in the near future." explained Ragnok

"I think that is all I need for now Ragnok, could I get my family ring now as I would like to go to Potter Manor before the day is done." replied Harry

A couple of minutes later a goblin entered the room with a small black box that he gave to Ragnok, who opened the box and held it out in front of Harry telling him to put the ring on and the other object was the family portkey."

"The portkey will activate when you verbally state your destination whilst holding it and can take you to a few of your other properties as well. There is a list in the box of all the keywords you need for those locations." informed Ragnok

"I think that is everything I need to know today, but if there is anything else I will contact you, thank you Ragnok. I think I should go and join the other recipients to answer any questions." Harry told him

Harry, Bill and Charlie stood up and bid Ragnok and Griphook good day and proceeded to the connected room. As they entered everyone turned to greet him.

The first person to approach him was Remus who hugged him tightly to him.

"Harry, how have you been?" asked Remus

"OK Remus, coping day by day." replied Harry

"Would you like me to introduce you to your godmother and aunt. I know Sophie a bit better than your aunt as your mum only found out about her just before she got pregnant with you." Remus told him

Harry nodded his head in acceptance. Remus slowly guided Harry over to Sophie and Serena.

"Harry this is your godmother Sophie Li, she was a good friend of your mum's at school." Remus informed him

"Hi, nice to meet you, this is all a bit of a shock to me. I would like to get to know you a bit better as I don't really have any family left." stated Harry

"I would really like that Harry, maybe we could arrange a time to meet." answered Sophie.

Remus then turned towards Serena and said.

"This is Serena Evans, your aunt."

"Hello, I found out about having another aunt yesterday, it still hasn't sunk in." Harry told her

"I understand, maybe we could also make some time to get to know each other." suggested his aunt"That would be great, I can maybe arrange some time in the week it has been a busy few days for me and it's not over yet. I still have my godfather's will reading on Friday."

"That's OK Harry, I know you have had a lot to absorb, just owl me when you are free." answered Sophie

"Guys, I am afraid I have to leave now but hopefully I will see you soon." announced Harry

Harry walked over to Bill and Charlie to let them know it was time to leave, It had been a long 2 hours.

They all touched the portkey and reappeared in a enormous entryway, while he was getting his bearings five house elf's appeared before them.

An older female house elf stepped forward and introduced herself.

"Lord Potter, I am Maddy the head house elf, welcome to Potter Manor." she exclaimed

Maddy tuned towards the other house elf's and began to introduce them.

"Lord Potter, this is Mindy and Bindy who are married and their children Lindy and Cindy." stated Maddy

"Hello, please call me Harry."

"Just like master James, he always made us call him by his first name." explained Maddy

"Maddy, this is Bill and Charlie Weasley, you are going to be seeing them around a lot." Harry informed her.

"Nice to meet you sir's." Maddy said as she inclined her head

"Maddy would it be OK If I brought another house elf to live here." he enquired

Harry then proceeded to inform Maddy that Dobby would not interfere with the running of the manor as he already has a role.

"Maddy, Dobby will mainly be looking after my two daughter's." declared Harry

"Master Harry has children." exclaimed Maddy and the other house elf's in excitement.

"Yes Maddy, would you be able to have the master bedroom, two guest rooms and a nursery for my two girls ready by tomorrow lunch time." questioned Harry

All the house elf's began to jump around in excitement declaring that they would be.

"Yes master Harry, we will be able to have them ready. Would you like to choose where the nursery goes or would you like me to expand the existing one." enquired Maddy

"Could you show me the master bedroom, nursery and two guest rooms before I decide." stated Harry

The house elf lead Harry and his companions up the grand staircase made out of white marble. As they reached the top Harry could see that there was a hallway on both sides. Then the staircase continued on around forming a smaller stairwell on either side going up to another floor. They went up the right staircase coming out in to a corridor that ran the length of the whole building. There appeared to be ten to fifteen doors. They walked a about halfway down the right hallway and stopped in front of a larger door than the rest. Harry assumed this was the master suite.


All three of them gasped as they entered in to the most beautiful decorated living room. It was decorated with a warm red with gold ascents through out the room. Making it very cosy. They noticed five doors going off the room. The first door to the right went in to an empty room that Maddy informed me was the play room and they would decorate it however they wanted.

"Maddy, I would like this room padded in a selection of bright colours on both the walls and floor, that's all for now we can go in to detail later." Harry told her

They moved on to the one next to it, which had a double bed in it. Maddy said it could be made in to one or two rooms for Bill and Charlie. Harry turned towards them.

"Bill, Charlie do you want to share a room or have your own?"

"Harry, we have always shared a room so all that need to do is create two beds and we will be fine." replied Bill

"OK, Maddy just make the room for two beds." said Harry

"Do you both like the colours?" questioned Harry

The room was done in earthy browns and reds finished off with hints of gold.

"Yes Harry, it is very beautiful." declared Charlie and Bill

Maddy then showed them the middle room, which turned out to be an huge luxury bathroom with a bath the size of the prefect one at Hogwarts, a walk in shower, two sinks and a toilet all done in a pearly white with gold fixtures. The floor was white marble and the walls were covered in sparkling white tiles. He decided to leave the bathroom as it was and moved on to his room.

Harry gasped at the sight before him the walls were done in cream with gold details. A deep blood red carpet, a huge fire place with a white shag pile rug in front of it. The bed was the most amazing part of the room, there was a king-size four poster bed done in warm red wood. The drapes were red and cream voiles and the bed was covered in red and cream silk sheets, pillows and covers. There were a couple of doors, one to the right which when he entered lead in to a gigantic walk In wardrobe. The one to the left lead in to the nursery which was a bit on the small side.

"This room will have to be double in size Maddy to fit everything the girls have." informed Harry.

"Yes master Harry, how would you like this room decorated." she enquired

"I would like the celling to change from glittering clouds during the day and twinkling stars at night. The walls I would like it decorated with the scene of fairies that sparkle and flutter around." stated Harry

"Will it be ready by tomorrow lunch?" questioned Harry

"It will be ready master Harry." declared Maddy

"Oh Maddy, I have furniture for the girls room, if one of you could come and collect it in the morning." asked Harry

"I will send Bindy in the morning." she told him

Harry, Bill and Charlie said goodbye to the house elf's and returned to Privet Drive to inform Dobby of the move and to get everything ready to go.

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