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Chapter 3: 3


Harry, Bill and Charlie arrived at Gringotts and made their way towards the first available counter. When they reached the counter Harry asked to see Griphook.

"Could I please see Griphook regarding my inheritance please." said Harry

"One moment Mr Potter." replied the goblin

A short time later Griphook arrived and greeted Harry.

"Mr Potter if you will follow me to a room we can discuss your inheritance further." said Griphook

"Thank you Griphook, would it be all right if Charlie and Bill come with me." asked Harry

"That's fine Mr Potter, right this way." said Griphook

They went through a door behind the counters that lead to a long corridor with many doors. About half way down they stopped outside a golden embellished door. Griphook knocked on the door and someone on the other side said "enter." They came into a huge room that had a large golden desk at the centre with who Harry presumed was in charge sitting behind it.

"Good day Mr potter, if you and your companions would take a seat we may proceed." the goblin responded

Harry, Charlie and Bill sat down in chairs facing the goblin.

"I am Director Ragnok Mr Potter, what is it we can do for you today."

"I would like to know what my inheritance is, as I thought I only had my trust fund. Until I learned today that my parent's were quite wealthy and I should have received a letter from Gringotts when I turned eleven." replied Harry

"That is very unusual as we sent you a letter, but got no response." stated Ragnok

"I have never received a letter." Harry answered

"Mr Potter we will look in to this immediately, as you should have received monthly statements as well."

"Thank you Ragnok. I would also like to do a blood inheritance test, to find out my ancestry."

"We can do that today while your here, it will require a few drops of blood on some special parchment." said Ragnok

"That will be good, would I be able to here my parent's will." Harry asked

"Yes you can, but it will take sometime to get everything together. Also the will of your godfather Sirius Black is due to be read on Friday of this week." declared Ragnok

"I didn't know about Sirius's will, thank you Ragnok for informing me and would tomorrow be a good time for my parent's will reading." Harry enquired

"Yes that will be fine Mr Potter, how about 2 o'clock." said Ragnok

"That would be great, can Bill and Charlie attend as well." Questioned Harry

"You are the sole recipient so if that is your wish then that is fine." replied Ragnok

Another goblin entered the room with the parchment and knife. The goblin handed the parchment and knife to Ragnok. Ragnok placed the parchment and knife in front of Harry telling him to prick his finger and allow 3 drops of blood to fall on to the piece of parchment and then it will take a few minutes to work.

Harry picked up the knife and made a small cut on his finger and held it over the parchment allowing 3 drops of blood to fall on it. Harry watched on in fascination as slowly his family tree began to drawer itself on to the parchment. When the tree was complete he picked it up and began to browse through it starting at his and the girls names. Coming of his name he saw his parent's and grandparent's, but when he looked at his mother siblings he was shocked to see another name appeared in addition to Petunia's.

"Bill, Charlie look at this, am I seeing things or does this say my mother had another sister." Harry enquired

They both looked at the parchment and were also shocked to see the other siblings name.

"Harry your not seeing things, it does show you have another aunt." stated Bill

"Oh, that was unexpected, do you reckon my mum knew about her?" Harry asked

"Yes, she must have because in your 7th year you do your family tree in history of magic." stated Charlie

Harry turned to Ragnok and enquired whether they would be able to contact her and have her attend his parent's will tomorrow.

"Ragnok, would it be possible to contact my other aunt and have her attend the will reading tomorrow?"

"We will send a letter immediately asking that your aunt attend the will reading." replied Ragnok

"Thank you Ragnok."

Harry continued to look at his family tree, first following the Potter line. He saw a lot of Potter name's and came to a standstill when he saw a Potter married a direct descendent of Godric Griffindor. Slowly it sank in what this meant and looked over the Evans line and made an even bigger discovery. The Evans were not only purebloods having been a long line of squibs for the last 100 years, but it showed that they were also descendant's of Rowena Ravenclaw. He sat still not moving trying to take in what he just found out.

Bill and Charlie looked at Harry and wondered what was wrong, so they looked at the parchment where he was looking and both gasped in shock.

"Harry does that say what I think it says?" they both asked

"Yes it does." Harry whispered

"WOW" they both exclaimed

Harry passed the parchment to Ragnok to look over. As Ragnok looked over the family's he got a glint in his eye. He turned towards Harry and began to speak.

"Mr Potter, in light of this new discovery this would make you the heir to Godric Griffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw. This means you also have two more inheritance to collect." Ragnok declared with amusement in his voice.

Harry just sat there trying to take in all this new information in. When he came back around he looked at those in the room with him, still trying to accept what he just heard.

"We can arrange to discuss what this means for you at a later date Mr Potter, maybe after your parent's and godfather wills are out the way." Ragnok informed Harry

"Is that all for today Ragnok as I have other business to attend to and can't leave my girls for too long." Harry stated

"Yes, Mr Potter that will be all until tomorrow." replied Ragnok

"Before I go I would like to visit my vault to withdraw some money please or is there a easier way for me to pay In both the muggle and wizarding world." enquired Harry

"Mr Potter we could set up a Gringotts account card, which would work like a muggle credit card." said Ragnok

"That would be great, how do I do that?"

"This is the card Mr Potter, if you would prick your finger again and allow 1 drop of blood on it. Your magical signature will be imprinted on the card so it only allows you to use it." Ragnok explained

Harry did what was needed to set up the account card and then all three of them left Gringotts.

Outside the bank Bill and Charlie enquired where he wanted to go next. Harry said he had to get a few things for himself and the girls. They made their way to the trunk shop first, as soon as they entered Harry began to look around. A tall man with short greying hair approached him.

"May I help you sir." the man asked

"Yes I am looking for a couple of 3 compartment trunks that can be shrunk please." stated Harry

The man took Harry over to one side of the shop and proceeded to show him a wide range of designs of compartments trunks. He looked over all the 3 compartment trunks and a greenish black coloured trunk with vine like design stood out from the rest. That would be his trunk, he pointed it out to the man.

"I would like the green one with vines on it please." declared Harry

Harry began to look through the rest of the trunks to find one for the girls, when he caught a glimpse of a rosewood trunk with lilies embellished on it, that sparkled a pearly white.

"Sir, I would also like that red rosewood trunk with the pearly white lilies on it and that will be all, Thank you."

"Right this way sir, that will be 120 galleons for the green one and 160 galleons for the lilly one. They all have shrinking, feather-light, locking and protection charms on them, would you like any others added sir." questioned the man

"Yes could you put a fire-proof spell on it." enquired Harry

"Yes sir, that will take five minutes and costs five galleons per trunk." replied the man

"That's fine." said Harry

"Finished" exclaimed the man

"That will be 290 galleons sir." declared the man

Harry gave the man his card and was soon done paying. He approached Bill and Charlie who were quietly talking by the door. He told them he was finished in Diagon Alley and would like to visit the muggle world to get some baby supplies. They exited the alley through the Leaky Cauldron and enter the muggle world. They hailed a taxi and asked the driver to take them to a good shopping mall.

They soon arrived outside a massive shopping mall, Bill paid the driver and they made their way inside.

All three of them were curiously looking around at all the shops. They were just about to pass a men's clothing shop when Bill and Charlie decided that Harry should get himself some new clothes. They both took an arm each and dragged him inside while he protested. They were now inside the shop and a salesperson approached them and enquired if they needed any help.

"That will be great, we need some new clothes for him." Charlie said as he pointed at Harry

The salesperson looked at Harry and then pushed him towards the changing room and told him to wait. The man went around the shop and picked up a couple of designs in different colours and brought them back to Harry.

"Try these one's." said the salesperson

Harry began to try on all the different clothes, coming out to show them each outfit. Bill and Charlie were quite shocked at what different clothes that fit him made. They helped him select quite a few sets of clothing. Harry was trying on a pair of trouser when the zip got caught.

"Could one of you help me, the zip got caught in my boxers and I can't get it undone." proclaimed Harry

Charlie approached the changing room and entered, he stopped for a moment to admire Harry's chest. He quickly came back to reality and proceeded to try and undo the zipper. After a few minutes with no joy he called Bill for some more help.

"Bill, could you give us a hand." asked Charlie

Bill entered the changing room and had the same reaction as Charlie.

"Bill, if you could hold the top of the trouser and I'll pull the zipper down." stated Charlie

Bill stood behind Harry putting his arms around to hold the front of his trousers so as not to get in Charlie's way. Charlie began to tug on the zipper and Harry lost his balance falling back on to Bill and causing Charlie to fall on top of him. Harry began to blush, but didn't totally dislike the intimate contact. They all froze and as they were about to get up Charlie made eye contact with Harry and before any of them knew if they were kissing. Bill not wanting to be left out began to place gentle kisses down Harry's neck. Harry involuntarily moaned bringing them back to an awkward silence. Both of them immediately apologised to him.

"We'll take about this later." whispered Harry as he blushed bright red

Bill and Charlie left the changing room to allow Harry dress. When he was done they went to the check out and paid for the clothes. Trying to make things less tense Harry announced that they needed to go to a baby shop.

They were looking around for a baby shop when they found one, it looked like it had absolutely everything they would need. As they enter the shop a lady walked up to them asking if she could be of assistance

"Yes, I need everything for 2 month old twin girls." stated Harry

The lady took Harry around the store putting everything in the trolley that he would need. They left the store with:

One large pram

A double pushchair

Two cot's

Two high chair's

A playpen

A rocking chair

A nappy changing station

Two chest of drawers

A large wardrobe

Two bouncers

Two baby slings

A selection of toys

Two Whole wardrobe of clothes in a mixture of colours


Two sterilisers

Baby milk

Nappies and wipes

One baby bath

Baby toiletry's


Blanket's and bedding


They pushed the trolley of purchases down a quiet road and making sure no one was around Charlie and Bill began to shrink it all and place it in the trunks. When that was done they turned to Harry and asked if he had everything he needed.

"I think I got more than enough stuff, lets get back to the girls."

They looked around to make sure there was still no one around and apparated back to Privet Drive.

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