Cathryn usually stayed at the dorms reading and studying on weekends but when she had classes, she couldn't read books very often. If she had free time, she would go to the library.
The library is her solace. Her refuge.
Cathryn loved the smell of crisp paper books, always excited to see the book displays for popular authors and new releases. The faint sound of laptop keys clicked and the light treading of footsteps padded across the tiled floor in the familiar silence as she sat down and read in one of the tables.
She enjoyed immersive books such as Art and Philosophy, always preferring to waste her precious time here and learning something new. It was the only place within a five-mile radius where she could be alone with her thoughts.
It was the only place without roommates, their loud music, and the constant flurry of activity at our off-campus rental.
Cathryn never knew when there was going to be strange guys (bisexual, gay, and straight) chilling out on their couch, Edward's and Justin's man whores and hoes, or flirtatious giggling before their bedroom doors get slammed shut.
There will be no uncomfortable echoes of her roommates' bed squeaking followed shortly thereafter by frenzied moaning and groaning in an otherwise silent apartment. It was awkward and that was putting it mildly, because honestly, how does someone get that sound out of their head?
They don't.
Instead, Cathryn escaped to the library. She had always been here when she needed to escape from something or someone. This time, she didn't like seeing Alexander and his bandmates. Ever again.
Cathryn was pretty much alone in the library except for a few people. All of the art students must have attended Mild Savagery's Benefit Concert except her. On the other hand, she hated how some of the straight guys hooking up with Justin and Edward asked them for money or gifts.
Sometimes, they took advantage and go overboard, breaking her best friends' fragile hearts. Justin and Edward deserved better. They were human beings deserving unconditional love. This was also the reason why he had given up on humanity especially the opposite sex.
Edward and Justin could be the perfect boyfriend a girl could ask for. Devilishly handsome, they had a hot bod, broad shoulders, muscled arms and thighs, and those most coveted six-packs.
They were stinking rich kids who owned their studio and apartment. They were kind, caring, gave luxurious gifts, and dine you to famous Italian restaurants. All their skincare, grooming products, and clothes are branded and classy and most importantly, they know your likes and dislikes.
But there was no such thing as perfect boyfriends because Justin was bisexual and Edward was gay and they all had something in common. The three of them were attracted to the opposite sex especially, the alpha males.
They frequently hit the gym to get in shape and also to check out some hot, sweaty, guys working out. They even include Cathryn in this particular endeavor in which she found mildly boring.
Cathryn very much preferred those heroes in her favorite novels and indeed, she had a hundred of book boyfriends. As a strong independent woman, she wouldn't need a three dimensional, young man to complete her.
Justin Daniels was a student who majors in Fashion Designing, the bisexual who usually chooses guys but sometimes (seldom), he fucked girls depending on his mood.
Edward Chase was a Photography student who had a fetish with older professional guys (doctors, lawyers, engineers) with facial hair and he told Cathryn once that Professor Andy is his ideal type.
So, they could only be friends. Best of friends. But not any closer than that. Cathryn was still single because of them. Yep, The cruel universe played a prank on her.
Cathryn didn't know how to deal with the opposite sex. She didn't even know if she can do a great job at flirting because she had become jaded about boys and relationships.
All they wanted was a good fuck is a motto she had lived with that is why she stayed away from them. Cathryn wasn't a masochist. She will not allow herself to get hurt and hear her heart break in a million pieces just because of a guy.
She better avoid them unless she was one hundred percent sure of the guy she had offered her heart to. Alexander's sexual advances are a no-no even if Cathryn was a little bit attracted to him. Yeah, she will never deny her feelings but of course, she wouldn't act on it or tell someone about it.
He had all the signs of a manwhore. Red flags everywhere. A guy like that would never change. Never. Cathryn will steer clear away from him or if the circumstances bring them together, then she will control herself around him.
After studying for the exams and completing one novel about a Highlander warrior with amnesia, Cathryn walked to the Lounge Area, dropped on the couch, lie down, and covered her face with the book she had been reading earlier. She deeply inhaled and almost sneezed. She loved the smell of the pages of a book but her allergic rhinitis wouldn't cooperate.
When her eyelids grew heavy, Cathryn shut her eyes tight as her mind wandered then fell into a peaceful slumber.
Cathryn hoped this time she wouldn't dream of his beautiful face again.
Please send me power stones and gifts to cheer me up and motivate me to write more. :)
I'm not asking for your souls, you guys, so just give them to me. Thanks for reading.
Sincerely yours,