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77.41% Rune Mage / Chapter 23: Chapter 22 - Departure

Chapter 23: Chapter 22 - Departure

"Dear Cain,

Happy seventh birthday!

I'm sorry I wasn't able to come and celebrate it with everyone, but my father wouldn't let me. It's my first time writing a letter so I hope I'm doing it okay. I never thought I would need to write even during our lessons, but in the end I guess it turned out useful after all. I guess that kind of foresight is to be expected of you.

When I told my parents that I wanted to write a letter to you they wanted to help, but you should've seen the look on their faces when I told them that I knew how to write already. Though, even when I told them, my father still insisted on trying to help. Luckily my mother understood and stopped him. I wouldn't want him to read our letters after all.

Only the hunters in our village are taught how to write since they need it when they go out, but I've been doing my best to teach the other children how to read and write too. Sadly there isn't much material for them to learn with, unlike at your home. I can't tell you where my home is but one day I will let you come visit.

When I saw my mother for the first time since I returned she looked nothing like how I remembered. She was all frail and skinny. Nothing like the strong huntress she once was. Oh that's right, did you know my mother was a female huntress? They're really rare in my clan, since only the geniuses are allowed to become warriors. I only found out recently though. They didn't tell me before because they didn't want me to try and follow in her footsteps, though that ended up being quite pointless.

Anyway, my mother is feeling a lot better now. She likes to sit with me and tell me stories about when she was younger. Sometimes my father joins in as well when he's not busy. He promised me that once he becomes the elder he will let everyone in the clan become warriors including the females. Apparently it's going to happen soon.

Did you know, I managed to reach tier 1 a few weeks ago. My parents couldn't believe it when I told them. They always get really shocked whenever they hear about things that you taught me. Don't worry though, I still haven't told anyone about how you helped me become a warrior. Only very few geniuses in our clan throughout history awakened at the same age or earlier than when I did.

I found out my birthday from my parents. It's on the 10th of July, the same as yours. Isn't it lucky that we get to celebrate our birthdays on the same day? In the future when we meet again we can have a birthday party together.

I hope to hear from you soon.



You can give your reply to the courier who delivered your letter. He'll bring it back to us secretly."

Every birthday I read through all the letters Alexandra has sent me over the years. In particular, her first one she sent me. It's fun to see how much she's grown just from the change in her writing over time.

My last birthday was slightly different from others though.


Because it was my tenth birthday, which means I was to be leaving home to go to the capital with Serena the next day. In my last letter to Alexandra I made sure to let her know to send her letters to the capital instead.

It was less of a birthday party, more of a farewell one.

Honestly it was quite hard to bring myself to leave. Clarissa and Annette were both crying and I could tell that even Abraham was doing his best to keep his composure. As presents they gave me a few things for the road. My mother gave me some warm clothes she had made herself, Annette gave me some snacks in a silk pouch and my father gave me a sword.

Thankfully I'm no longer the greenhorn like when I first sparred with Karl.

After he brought Alexandra home, my father decided he would begin combat training with me, so over the past three and a bit years I've been slowly improving my sword skill. I'm still nowhere near the level that my father is at, but I'm no pushover either. I can at least last a few minutes.

Apart from the gifts I don't have many belongings that I need to bring with me. Especially since I'll be taken care of by Serena while I'm in the capital. As an elder of the Magic Association she has a considerable amount of prestige and status, so her abode should be even grander than ours. The only other thing I made sure to bring were my collection of letters.

Once all the goodbyes were done and I'd given them all a final hug, I boarded the carriage which the Magic Association had arranged for us, and we set off.

As we departed, my family waved at us from the town walls. It wasn't until they were finally out of sight that I was able to lower my arm.

Unfortunately there was no way for us to take the teleportation circle back to the capital like how Serena had arrived, so we were forced to make do. To make it worse, a carriage isn't exactly a comfortable method of transportation.

Thus, I'm currently stuck in this carriage staring out of the window as I watch the world slowly pass by. It will take around 2 months for us to arrive, including stops. Since Serena has an unnaturally high affinity for mana, it's far too dangerous for me to practice my chanting magic in front of her.

Instead, we're continuing our lessons on the road, and of course I'm making sure to get some sword practice in too.

We've been travelling for eight days now, and there's still no civilization in sight.

There's just the two of us and our coachman, since we're travelling light. At first I thought we might need some guards, however with a tier 7 mage there's practically nothing we have to fear.

Gradually, day turns to night and we are forced to set up camp.

To be honest, this is quite nice. I've never been camping before, and so it's certainly a change of pace, though I think I do prefer staying indoors. Nothing beats the comfort of a soft cozy bed and a good meal.

Looking at the bowl of crude, salty broth in front of me only affirms my beliefs.

I've been rationing the snacks that Annette made for me, but unfortunately my will is gradually crumbling. It's barely been a week and I've only got a quarter left. While I'm lamenting over my ever dwindling stock of snacks, Serena instructs me to watch her.

"Look here Cain. Can you recognise these?"

She holds up two familiar metal plates in front of me.

"They're formations."

"That's right. This one contains a spell that will let us know if anything gets close, and the other has a barrier spell that will stop any intruders from getting too close."

"Have you been using them since we left?"

I try to take a closer look and see what's written on them, but unfortunately they've been concealed.

"Don't worry. I'll teach you them later."


I was found out.

"And to answer your question with another, what do you think?"

Of course. I guess she would have an ample supply of mana crystals considering her position, and you can never be too careful.

"In any case, don't worry about security and try to get some rest."

'Since my teacher isn't worried, there's no need for me to worry either.'

I head off to my tent and swiftly fall asleep, resting for the day ahead.

That is, until the alarm sounded.

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