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51.61% Rune Mage / Chapter 15: Chapter 14 - Student

Chapter 15: Chapter 14 - Student

"Cain, how would you like to become my student?"

It takes me a second to process what Serena is saying.

"You want to take me as your pupil?"

Seeing her nod and confirm that what I'd heard was real, I continue asking.

"But why? I'm already learning plenty from my mother, and didn't you say she was your star pupil?"

"Just because she's my star pupil doesn't mean she's learnt everything I know. But you, you were born with immense talent for magic and not only that, but you were also born to my star pupil. As soon as I'd heard the news I rushed here from the capital."

Of course.

How did I not put the pieces together sooner?

Perhaps I was still muddle headed from earlier.

If I were a higher up who found out there was a talent that had the same ability as the previous greatest human in existence, then naturally I would do my best to ensure their safety and upbringing.

But this leads to a problem.

Because that talent could either become a great strength, or a great enemy.

'I suppose by taking me as her student she wants to monitor me as well?'

Although I may not have a problem with the rulers of the kingdom right now, in fact from what I've heard they seem to be quite good rulers, that doesn't mean my views will stay the same forever.

Who knows what the world might look like outside of Remea. Reading ten thousand books isn't as good as travelling ten thousand miles, because even if I take people's words at face value I will never know for sure unless I find out for myself.

Well, before I get too ahead of myself and refuse, let's see what kind of benefits I'll get if I agree.

"But I like learning with my mother."

'Hopefully with this it won't seem like I'm probing Serena.'

It seems like she's none the wiser, as she desperately continues to try and lure me.

"Now now, don't be too hasty. If you agree, I'll make you my one and only disciple. That means you'll be able to learn everything I know and one day even become an elder of the Magic Association."

Everything, you say?

Well, it's true that this would be a great opportunity to discover more about this world, and I do want to find out more about magic. I don't exactly know what being an elder entails, however it can't be too bad right? Though if it's a job where I'd be forced to stare at paperwork all day, I think I'll pass.

"And once you agree, I'll be able to show you all the latest inventions our Magic Association is currently developing. You'll get to play around with some of them, and one day you might even start developing your own."

Inventions, you say?

I suppose it would be something like the air conditioning feature that the Magic Association building in Remea has. Truth be told I've been curious about runic arrays ever since I'd learnt about them, though Clarissa still won't teach me about them yet.

"All you have to do is say yes, and then we'll head to the capital straight away. I promise, once you've experienced it you'll love it. Once you're older, you'll be able to go to the best school in the kingdom and it'll be right on your doorstep."

Straight away, you say?

Though the previous conditions were enough to get me excited, upon hearing those words I'm not sure how to feel.

Am I really going to leave my new family after only a few years of being together with them?

I look towards Clarissa. Even though she's smiling at me, I can tell from her eyes that she's quite reluctant. Didn't I vow to myself not to take my family for granted?

Immediately ditching them for a greater opportunity would be the definition of that. I still need to experience my childhood with them, growing up with a family which I never got to experience in my past life.

I still haven't finished learning swordsmanship from Abraham, nor have I heard enough stories from Clarissa. I have yet to break down Annette's walls, and now there's even a new member I need to help, who I can tell is still listening in on us.

When I think about it like that, then my answer is obvious.

What else could be more important to me than them?

"I'm sorry Aunty Serena, I can't leave with you. I still have to look after my loved ones."

As soon as I say those words, It's like the tension in the room has been dispelled. I can see Clarissa struggling to hide her joy, and I think I even heard a sigh of relief coming from a certain eavesdropping cat.

Thankfully Serena doesn't take it the wrong way.

"What a good child you have Clarissa. Unfortunately for you Cain, I'm not the type to take no for an answer. So how about this, once you've turned 10 years old, you'll come with me to the capital. Until then, I'll be staying in Remea to teach you."

Seems like she isn't going to let me off, and I don't want to make her mad. It looks like we'll have to compromise.

"Ok, I agree."

And that was the end of that


The next day marked the official start of my lessons with Serena. It was the familiar scene of myself sat in the library facing a beautiful woman, only this time it wasn't Clarissa, nor was it exactly a woman.

In front of us were two cups of tea and a plate of biscuits that Annette had prepared.

She knows they're my favourite so she'll always prepare them for special occasions. Even though I'd prefer to have them every day, I don't want to get fat. Do the people in this world know how hard it is for obese children to lose weight later in life?

Plus, it could turn into too much of a good thing, but it looks like Annette is taking good care of me even in ways like this.

I should say thanks later.

As I'm munching on my snacks, Serena clears her throat to get my attention.

"Since this is our first lesson, I'll let you choose what we learn today. Ask anything and if it's within my ability, I'll teach you."

"Then, teach me about runic arrays."

Naturally that was going to be my first topic.

If, one day, I create a new magic invention that everyone can use and sell it, won't it be a simple matter for me to become the richest person in the world? Not only that, but it will also benefit the lives of everyone. It's a win-win situation.

"Hoh, you know about runic arrays already? I can't teach you about them today though. We'll need some special materials before we can get started. It should be fine to start tomorrow. Anything else?"

Damn, seems like my dreams will have to be put on hold once more.

Recalling Serena's words from yesterday, I come up with another question.

"I read that it takes around 2 months to get from Remea to the capital, so how did you arrive so quickly? Shouldn't the message have taken some time to arrive as well?"

Hearing my question, she lets out a slight smile and begins crinkling up a sheet of paper into a ball, holding it in the palm of her left hand. With her right, she takes out a rock that I can only assume is a runestone, despite it being much larger than the ones I'm used to, and holds it in her open palm.

"Watch," she says, as I sense her mana being channeled.

Suddenly, the crumpled up paper ball in her left hand disappears leaving it empty, while her right now holds both the runestone and the paper ball.

To my surprise, the runestone doesn't disintegrate either.

I should've known that I'd be able to learn a lot from an Elder of the Magic Association.

So, it looks like the humans in this world have discovered a method of instant transmission.

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