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Chapter 2: Somethings Coming! A Meteors Striking Earth?

Two years after, the death of Goku many lives were affected many lives. This event sent Earth into a state of concern. The new guardians of Earth are now forced to rise to the challenge. It is their job to fill the void Goku has left in everyone's heart.

Daiko, Goten, and Trunks have all gone to Kami's lookout for training. Daiko is still confused about what Goku told him as they were training. The day Goku died still replays in his mind like a cinema movie. Constantly, he has been thinking about that day, wondering if he could have stopped that monster before he'd arrived. It haunts him like a ghost on Halloween.

"Daiko are you ready to keep going?" Trunks said, cracking his knuckles excitedly.

Daiko nodded his head. He quickly dismissed his thoughts for the time being and focused himself on the training.

"Now the key to turning Super Saiyan is to charge all your Ki to its highest level afterward, let all your rage and motivation out to overcome your limits," Trunks says, walking closer to Daiko to examine him.

Daiko took a deep breath and got into an athletic stance. He began charging his Ki that has been growing significantly ever since his training with Goten and Trunks.

"Good, now overcome your limits, use your anger as motivation, and become a Super Saiyan!" Trunks yelled trying to motivate him.

Daiko yelled and released his Ki, letting out a sudden burst of energy. Unfortunately, nothing happened since he could not achieve a higher form. Daiko got upset and question his potential. He often thought Goku made the wrong choice in taking him on, but this time more than any he was unsure of himself.

"Why can't I do it, is there something wrong with me?" Daiko questioned, as he became more frustrated.

"Nothings wrong with you, but there is still something holding you back. We can't tell you what that is, so you got to find it in yourself." Goten said then as he bit into an apple.

Daiko has calmed himself down and remembered words Goku told him before he passed. Trunks sat down, resting before the next part of their training he was pretty determined to try a recent move he invented.

"Hurry, Goten I'm ready to show you my new move." Trunks said restlessly.

Goten finished his apple and started stretching. He got into a fighting stance and showed a look of determination.

"I'm ready, show me what you've got," Goten said confidently. He smiled excitedly.

Daiko looked to Trunks, then to his teammate Goten. He was unsure of how he should attack. He waited to see what Goten would do. Suddenly, Goten began his attack, rushing into Trunks at full speed. Daiko observed this and began advancing as well.

Goten swung his leg for a quick kick. Trunks could easily block the kick, also sensing Daiko coming from his blindside, and dodged his strike with ease.

"Trunks is a lot quicker than Goten, I'm surprised with such a gigantic sword on his back he is so light on his feet." Daiko thought to himself.

Trunks appeared in front of Daiko and kneed him in the jaw.

"You're thinking too much, focus on what's in front of you." Trunks coached, he often made it a point to give Daiko tips in battle.

Goten snuck behind Trunks and kicked him in the ribs. Trunks taking in the impact caught his leg with his arm. Afterward, Trunks tossed Goten by the legs. Recovering from Trunk's attack, Daiko got up and wiped his mouth. Goten stopped his momentum and recovered in the air.

Daiko and Goten began charging Trunks at top speed. Unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks, Trunks blocked and dodged the attacks. Daiko, luckily seizing and opening kicked him in the leg forcing him to lose his footing. Goten capitalized on this and blasted Trunks back with a Ki blast.

"Great work!" Goten praised Daiko.

Daiko smiled at Goten, then refocused himself on Trunks. He had a sharpened sense of battle. His offensive and defensive IQ rose over time, and he could see things he couldn't in the past.

Trunks unfazed by the impressive attacks smiled excitedly. He began advancing towards them to get an offensive ground. Daiko and Goten unwilling to give it up easily braced themselves for his attacks. Trunks did rapid motions with his hands, then point he pointed his fingers in the shape of a triangle.

"Burning Attack!" Trunks yelled out, blasting the attack in between them.

Goten and Daiko jumped in opposite directions. Promptly, Trunks went after Daiko, throwing a quick punch at him, making him stumble back. Daiko attempted to counter with a quick strike of his own, but Trunks dodged it easily. He returned Daiko's strike with a quick blast, knocking him away.

Goten fired a Ki blast at Trunks, desperately trying to seize momentum. Trunks vanished and reappeared in front of Goten, throwing a heavy swing at him. Goten evaded the powerful strike and delivered one to Trunk's abdominal. Trunk's absorbed the blow and struck Goten in the face. Goten quickly returned one.

They were both knocked back by each other punches, both were growing weary. Trunks began taking deep breaths, then charged his Ki.

Goten charged at him recklessly, Trunks kicked him in the air and aimed at him. Daiko ran towards Trunks and threw a punch. Trunks caught the punch, then he blasted Daiko away.

"Daiko! We will lose at this rate." Goten yelled out desperately. "Kamehameha!" Goten fired the blue Ki beam quickly at Trunks.

"I'll unveil my advanced technique now, Phoenix Fire Blast Attack!" Trunks yelled, firing red Ki from his hand.

The two blasts collided harshly, clashing at each other so one can reign supreme over the other. Goten and Trunk's both put their all into the attacks using every ounce of energy left. Trunks gained leverage over Goten, and Trunk's fresh attack overpowered long Goten.

Goten took the blast and dropped, Trunks defeated them both. Trunks sat down and sighed. Exhausted from the lengthy battle, he felt satisfaction from winning.

Suddenly, a recognizable power level began approaching. Goten got up and looked at Trunks.

"Trunks, why is Uub coming here?" Goten asked curiously.

"I have no clue." Trunks replied. "Hey Daiko, wake up!" Trunks commanded

Daiko got up slowly, holding his head.

"That training was rough." He said scratching his head.

Uub finally arrived at Kami's lookout. He felt happy to see Trunks and the others.

"Hey, guys." Uub greeted them kindly.

"Hey, Uub what brings you here?" Trunks asked greeting him back.

"I have to speak with Dende, there is some stuff going on and I need to see what he thinks," Uub answered.

The four of them approached Dende. Dende felt troubled and unsure of what to do.

"Dende, I have to-."

"Uub, I believe I know what you are here for. There is something, or rather I say someone approaching Earth." Dende said concernedly.

"So you know, Gohan mentioned people saying it was just a meteor," Uub said.

"No, I sense an eminent power level approach. That cannot be a meteor coming." Dende said, beginning to shake.

Uub looked very stressed and panicked.

"Who would want to come to Earth now?" Goten asked out of denial.

"I am not sure, but I am certain that someone is coming in a few days," Dende said, dismissing Goten's denial.

"We better get prepared for it, that thing could land on Earth at any moment now." Trunks said cautiously.

"I'll inform Gohan and see what they think we should do," Uub said anxiously.

The four began leaving Kami's lookout to prepare for the unknown threat. Unsure of what was coming, the four were ready to protect Earth at all costs. Daiko fearful of what was next quickly tried to overcome his fears and focus on what was coming. He tried to envision what Goku would do at a time like this, and the answer became more clear. Daiko would have to face this challenge head-on and overcome this dangerous obstacle.

The four men arrived at Kami's house. A patiently waiting Gohan greeted them. Gohan had a serious glare about him. It was clear he was concerned about the situation. The first genuine threat without Goku was not only tough for Daiko, but for everyone else.

"Thanks for going Uub, now what did Dende say?" Gohan asked.

"There is someone powerful coming to Earth, whatever his motives maybe we have to be ready," Uub answered he looked at Gohan seemingly for answers.

"We shouldn't be scared, we are Earth's defenders!" Goten yelled out, clutching his fist.

"You're right Goten, right now we need to prepare for what is coming," Gohan said, relieved of his fear. "Let's recruit more help and reassemble the Z Fighters," Gohan said, smiling confidently.

Everyone looked at each other with determination. With a keen sense of duty, they all flew off to recruit whoever they could to join in the fight for Earth.

D_Cole_oNeal D_Cole_oNeal

The chapter was fairly short this time around. I hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter to this story. If you did please do not forget to vote and share this with your friends. Also, comment on what you think will be coming to Earth in the coming days?

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