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Dragon Ball Z: Earth's new hope Dragon Ball Z: Earth's new hope original

Dragon Ball Z: Earth's new hope

Author: D_Cole_oNeal

© WebNovel

Prologue: Enter Daiko Earth's next guardian

Several years after the defeat of Majin Buu, Goku almighty defender of Earth has retired. Passing such a responsibility onto his new protege Uub, Earth is still trying to recover from losing its mightiest protector.

The annual World Martial Arts Tournament has come around, many contestants have come far and wide. These brave men strive to become known as fierce warriors of Earth. Participants gather at the entrance to enter their names in the tournament.

"There are a lot of strong-looking competitors here, earning the prize money might prove to be a hassle." Daiko thought, as he looked around at everyone.

He began walking to the sign-up desk to enter his name in the tournament. Upon arrival, the man at the desk looked at him grimacingly.

"Oh, great another crazy outsider, sign your name here and here sir, please hurry I'm sure more meatheads like yourself are rearing to slap each other around all day." he made his sly and rude remarks while pointing at the lines to sign your name.

Daiko signed his name with a gracious smile, chuckling under his breath. He gave the man a smug look. His brown eyes staring at the man while pushing the sign-in sheet back to him. The man took the sheet, then pointed in the arena's direction. Daiko walked away from the sign-up desk and stood in front of a statue of Mr. Satan.

He sighed and kicked the statue lightly, then began walking away towards the arena. Everyone stopped and stared at the statue, pondering why he may have done that. The statue shook, then crashed down, breaking into pieces. The man at the sign-up desk screamed, afterward slamming his hands on the desk. He complained and shouted furiously. Unhappy at the fact he would have to clean it up later.

Daiko advanced into the arena where an array of fighters all stretched and prepared to draw match lots. Daiko examined his competition. Everyone had something unique about them. This did not scare Daiko. He was feeling disappointed with the competition level. Their power levels were far too low to stand any chance against him.

Suddenly the announcer came out with a box to draw lots. Each contestant gathered around and drew a number that signified who they would face in the tournament. Daiko drew his number next. He was fortunate enough to draw seven. His adversary was a tall, muscular, ball headed man. He had a very intense face with a glare that could make a baby cry.

Once all the contestants finished drawing numbers and the officials finished matchmaking, it was time for the battles to begin. Daiko sat in the waiting room. He was deciding how to knock his opponent out of the ring. Once it was his turn and the match had begun, he swiftly kicked his opponent out of the ring.

The muscular man hit the wall vigorously, with so much force that the wall broke. Daiko looked at the man emotionless. It disappointed him he did not put up much of a fight. He shrugged and walked away. Everyone in the crowd watched in amazement. The crowd felt surprised he defeated someone big and muscular with a single blow.

Dazed and confused, the announcer spoke. "Your winner is Daiko with an astonishing victory." He screamed, getting the crowd excited.

Everyone rose off their feet and clapped. They were glad someone so strong has appeared in Martial Arts Tournament. Although it was great for the moment, this happened repeatedly. Eventually, all of Daiko's matches were single blow victories that required no effort to win.

He cruised his way into the finals match of the tournament with ease. Daiko advanced into the arena simultaneously with his opponent. Daiko sensed his combatant's power level and sighed.

"Another disappointment, I expected as much." He gave him the same emotionless stare as everyone else he defeated.

The match has begun. He charged at his opposition with the same tactic. To everyone's surprise, the man blocked Daiko's kick. The man smirked at Daiko's bewildered face and struck Daiko with the strength of an Ox across the face. Daiko flew across the arena and hit the arena floor hard.

"That'll teach you not to underestimate me ever again." The man said confidently.

Daiko immediately rose to his feet and wiped his mouth. "You were suppressing your power level. I underestimated you. That was a rookie mistake and it won't happen again." Daiko said seriously, assuming his fighting stance. His nonchalant, emotionless attitude left and exchanged for a serious and excited frame of mind.

"A more serious approach, this will be fun." The man said as he also assumed his fighting stance.

The two charged at each other like wild animals, exchanging punches and kicks while dodging incoming attacks from each other. Suddenly, Daiko throws an elbow, and the man blocked it with his forearm. The two have an intense clash as a gust of air blows. The air picks up dust and pebbles on the arena floor, sending them in many directions.

The two stared at each other intensely, examining their strength, speed, and reflexes. Finally, they disengaged and created a bit of space in between them. Their breaths began getting slightly heavier from the exchange.

"You are quite the adversary," Daiko said sincerely.

"You are too, it's been a while since I've faced someone like you." The man replied with a smile. "Let's kick this up a bit, I want to see what you can seriously do." He clutched his fist as his body rushed with more adrenaline and excitement.

Daiko smirked in response and charged his Ki. A gigantic rush of energy surged throughout the arena. Tremendous gusts of wind picked up, then pebbles coming from the arena began flying around. Once he finished everything went still and the gust of wind seized. The man looked at him, impressed at his strength.

"You are powerful, but I doubt that'll be enough to beat me." The man said, then with an inhale and exhale of air he began charging his Ki. This produced a more ferocious gust of wind. Daiko shielded his face, as did everyone else in the stands.

Daiko with a shocked look on his face stood in disbelief when he finished. He shook his head and recollected his thoughts rapidly.

"Before we finish this battle, I would like to know your name?" He asked.

"My name, it's Goten." The man replied, cracking his knuckles.

"Goten, well I'd like to say it is a pleasure competing against you today," Daiko said, assuming his fighting stance once again.

"Right back at you, but I still won't be going easy on you," Goten replied, taking his fighting stance.

The two combatants dashed towards each other. This encounter was substantially different from the last. It filled both fighters with more intensity. Goten threw a straight right punch. Daiko swiftly avoided the punch and gave a knee to Goten's abdominal. He sent into the sky. He gasped as Daiko knocked the wind out of him.

Daiko flew promptly after the knee strike and elbowed Goten in the back. The forceful elbow sent Goten falling back onto the arena floor. Feeling the after-effects of the powerful elbow, Goten took a glance up. Daiko was flying towards Goten at lighting speed. Goten evaded the fast strike, and Daiko could not connect.

Goten seizing a helpful opportunity struck Daiko across the face with a powerful punch. The punch stunned Daiko. Taking another chance to strike, Goten kicked Daiko in the face, sending him flying back. Daiko stopped his momentum and regained his senses, despite that Goten continued his relentless assault and swung for another punch.

Daiko dodged the punch by moving to the side. Goten countered his maneuver with a swift sidekick. Daiko would lessen the impact with a quick block but still sent flying back a bit. He stopped the momentum faster than before, but Goten quickly met him with a Ki blast. Daiko put his arms up to avoid suffering from a direct blow.

Goten used the dust picked up from the blast as a smokescreen. He bolted towards Daiko again and threw a swift kick. Daiko avoided the kick and counter it with one of his own. The force of the kick knocked Goten back into the ring and onto the arena floor.

Daiko bruised and scratched up returned onto the arena floor. Goten got up slowly. The toll of the lengthy battle was taking its effect on both of the combatants. They both huffed and gasped for air, trying to replenish their energy.

"You're pushing me beyond and it's been fun fighting it out with you. Now it's about time I put an end to our game!" Goten yells while beginning to charge his Ki once again.

A look of shock and panic overcame Daiko's face. He watched as Goten's Ki was overflowing. His hair and clothes began being blown about by the wind. Suddenly with a flash of light Goten's hair became golden blonde and his Ki became golden.

"No way is he a Super Saiyan?" Daiko began thinking to himself, then an influx of thoughts began rushing through his mind.

Goten took advantage of Daiko's panic and kicked him in the air. Following the kick, Goten flew up swiftly and kicked Daiko back onto the arena floor.

"It was nice fighting with you while it lasted, your worthy of one of my best moves," Goten said, beginning to put his hands to the side as he twisted his shoulder. "Kamehameha!" Goten screamed out ferociously.

A big blue beam of Ki blasted out of Goten's hands with the power to destroy the whole arena. Daiko quickly moved out of the way to avoid being struck by this mighty attack. Once the dust settled, it destroyed part of the arena.

Daiko panting from what could have been a disastrous blow stood outside of the arena. Goten looked in disbelief along with the fans and announcers.

"The winner of this amazing bout is Goten via ring out!" The announcer yelled.

Daiko, while stunned, looked down in surprise. Goten immediately went down to shake Daiko's hand.

"You put up one amazing fight, I haven't had a battle like that in years." Goten laughed.

"Thanks, but next time I will best you," Daiko said congratulating him on his victory.

Daiko walked out of the stadium, still in shock. He walked his way to the Goku statue and looked at it for comfort. Suddenly, Goten came rushing out of the stadium.

"Admiring the statue of my dad?" Goten asked jokingly.

"Your dad?" Daiko asked seriously.

"Yeah, my dad, I'm Goten son of Goku," Goten said proudly.

"I'm honored to fight against you, your father is my idol," Daiko replied in shock.

"Oh wow, well if that's the case why don't I take you to go meet him." Goten offered. "You gave me a significant battle today, so it's the least I could do," Goten said happily.

"Thank you, this is an honor," Daiko said gratefully.

Goten nodded.

"Just follow me," Goten said, beginning to fly.

Daiko did as he instructed, and Goten guided him to Goku. The time to their destination was relatively short. Both of them fly at top speeds. They arrived at Goku's house and Goten smiled as his father greeted him.

"Hey, dad." He greeted his father happy.

"Hey, Goten, how did the tournament go?" Goku asked curiously.

"I won again but this time I faced a strong opponent in the finals," Goten said introducing his recent friend.

"Wow, you look strong you must have gave gotten an actual battle if he brought you here." Goku was excited and extended his arm for a handshake.

"Please to meet you, sir, your my idol I hope to be a strong as you one day." Daiko bowed his head.

"No need for that at all, I'm glad to have met you today," Goku said kindly. "Besides, I haven't even gotten your name yet," Goku added.

"My name is Daiko." He said honored to be in the presence of his Idol. "If I may ask, I know it is early for favors," Daiko said worriedly.

"Go ahead, I'm sure I wouldn't mind at all," Goku assured.

"Please train me?!" Daiko asked passionately.

Goten stood shocked at the sudden question, Goku was unfazed and gave a serious look.

"All right fine, show me what you've got," Goku said preparing for a fight.

"Dad, you shouldn't-,"

"It's fine Goten, he must be strong if you brought him here besides he dared to ask if I can train him," Goku smiled. "So come on if let me see what you've got!" He demanded.

Daiko charged at Goku and threw multiple swift punches at him consecutively, but to no avail. Goku could easily dodge every attack he threw. Daiko disengaged from his attack to catch his breath quickly.

"Come way stronger than that if you hope to defeat me," Goku said confidently.

Daiko fired a barrage of key blasts. He aggressively continued to throw all of his attacks at him. Goku effortlessly avoided all the Ki beams. Suddenly, Daiko appeared in front of Goku and threw a punch. Unprepared Goku couldn't dodge it, and Daiko forced him to block it.

"Wow, you are strong," Goku said impressed. "You have a lot to learn, but I'm sure you'll be an outstanding fighter." He said excitedly.

"Thank you so much!" Daiko said gratefully as tears came about in his eyes.

For the next few months, Goku trained with Daiko, teaching him valuable techniques. Daiko often sparred with Goten and gradually caught up to him as time went on. He was progressing in strength at a pace unlike anyone before. While training at Kami's lookout, Goku was trying to show Daiko how to transform into a Super Saiyan.

"Why can't I transform, I've worked so hard and I still can't accomplish Super Saiyan," Daiko said angrily punching the ground.

"Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, you create that need," Goku assured him.

Daiko stood up and looked at Goku.

"Thank you again for taking me under your tutelage," Daiko said gratefully.

"The pleasure is mine. Now let's do some sparring," Goku commanded, getting into a fighting stance.

Daiko assumed his fighting stance and charged at Goku. Goku used instant transmission to appear behind him. Unfazed Daiko quickly turned around and threw a kick at Goku. Goku blocked it easily and disengaged from the attacks.

Goku began charging his Ki, unexpectedly Goku collapsed and began screaming out in pain. Daiko immediately rushed over and knelt beside him. Goku, holding his chest in pure agony, tried to speak. It shocked Daiko. He has never seen his idol on the ground before.

Finally, the pain went away. Laying on the ground, Goku's breaths were very heavy and rapid.

"Goku, what's the matter, and what just happened?" Daiko asked, concerned and panicked.

"I'm sorry you have to find out this way, I used to have a deadly heart virus," Goku explained. "In the past, Trunks cured it, but it's come back stronger this time, forcing me to retire, that's why I've been training you so hard," Goku added.

"What are you saying, why are you saying this?" Daiko asked confused.

"Listen, I've been training you because you have potential and you are insanely strong and I need you to be a protector of Earth!" Goku screamed out looking at him with a serious glare, he coughed then roll over attempting to get up.

After that day, Daiko stopped going with Goku for training. He felt guilty for asking and scared for his idol. He couldn't bear the reality that Son Goku might die one day. His confidence plundered, and he questioned whether it was a good idea to even compete in the tournament.

Daiko laid on the grass one day and still pondered the same questions over and over. Suddenly the sky turned gray and gloomy randomly. Daiko stood up, flew in the air to make sure nothing was around. He wondered why on this day something spontaneous is happening.

Earth shook, and he could hear buildings collapsing in the distance. Daiko immediately questioned the issue and rushed over to the events taking place. As he got closer to the destination, he recognized a power level. He arrived, and Goten was there with four others.

"What's going on?" Daikon questioned.

"Something bad, a rampaging monster has appeared in the city," Goten said, concerned and overcome with fear.

"Goten collect your thoughts, we will stop it." A man with spiked hair and blue Gi said intensely.

"Your right, thanks Gohan," Goten said preparing for a fight.

The enormous monster began making its way towards Daiko and the others.

"Uub and piccolo you storm the left, Goten and Trunks you two storm the right!" Gohan commanded, then pointed at Daiko. "You and I will storm the middle, got it?" He asked. Daiko nodded at Gohan to provide confirmation.

The groups of two began advancing quickly towards the monster. The monster slapped Gohan and Trunks into buildings, knocking them out of combat. Daiko stopped advancing and charged a Ki blasted at it. The blast hit the monster but was ineffective because of its tough skin.

Gohan eventually got close enough to punch the monster, forcing it to stumble a bit. Then swiftly Gohan transformed into a Super Saiyan to begin his next attack. Piccolo and Uub were also firing blasts from the rear of the battle.

The monster let out a mighty roar, knocking everyone back and destroying two buildings. Piccolo fired an array of Ki blasts in the air and directed them to all hit the monster. This only angered the monster as it fired a beam of Ki at piccolo, knocking him out of combat.

"Kaioken!" Uub screamed out, charged at the monster full speed.

He connected with a series of punches and kicks, forcing the monster back. Afterward, Uub fired an amazing Ki blast that made the monster stumble back two steps. This only lasted until the toll of Kaioken took effect. The monster then slapped Uub onto the ground, knocking him unconscious.

"We're dropping like flies out here," Daiko said, stunned at the swift defeats.

Gohan growled, uncertain of what to do. He flanked the monster and struck it in the face with all his might.

"I need to finish this right here and now!" Gohan yelled out, holding one of his arms back. "Kamehameha!" Gohan fired a one-handed blue beam of Ki towards the monster.

The beam directly hit the monster in the face. This angered the monster further, as the attack wasn't enough to finish him. Subsequently, the monster struck Gohan into a building and he laid unconscious under the rubble.

Daiko was alone, and he became panicked. He moved toward the monster but was quickly grabbed it. The monster squeezed Daiko as he yelled in agony.

"Drop him right now!" Goku said demandingly.

The monster dropped Daiko, and he laid waste on the ground. The monster focused his attention on Goku, then roared at Earth's mightiest warrior. Goku stood his ground and did not budge an inch. The monster took its first swing at Goku and didn't connect. Goku had suddenly vanished, then reappeared in front of the monster. Goku struck the monster in the face with enough force to take the behemoth off his feet.

"Your rampage is over!" Goku said as he held his chest a bit.

The monster got up quickly and grabbed Goku; it began squeezing Goku's body, but Goku did not utter a sound. Suddenly, Goku yelled loudly and broke free from the monster's grasp.

"That won't be enough to stop me!" Goku yelled, fighting on.

Goku clinched in his fists and began charging his Ki, then the pain in his chest intensified. The monster slapped Goku out of the air and into some rubble. Daiko and the others got up, still hurting but pressing on.

"We can't be stopped here!" Gohan screams out valiantly, he transforms back into his Super Saiyan form.

Goten and Trunks follow the rally back into the fight by turning into Super Saiyan's. Finally, everyone else goes full power and charges at the monster once again. Piccolo rushes into an opening and strikes the monster's abdominal. Trunk's charges behind Piccolo and slashes the monster with his sword.

Upset and slightly injured, the monster roars, knocking the two back. Gohan, Goten, Daiko, and Uub all put their arms and charge their Ki.

"Kamehameha!" They all say simultaneously while firing the blue beam of Ki.

The combined Ki blast attack stuns the monster, knocking it back also leaving it in a dazed state. Goku arises and sees the monster stunned.

"This is it, I have to do this right now!" Goku screams as he pushes his body past its limits.

Suddenly, a man with immense golden Ki and long spiked golden hair stands before them.

"Behold the power of Super Saiyan three," Goku says with a smirk. "It's time to send you to hell," he said.

Goku makes a final reckless charge at the gigantic monster and winds his fist back.

"Dragon Fist!" Goku screams out.

Goku punches the hole straight through the gigantic monster, vaporizing it. The monster was erased forever and immediately Goku was forced out of Super Saiyan three. He collapses in front of everyone and they all rush over to help.

"Dad!" Goten screams out with his eyes full of tears.

Piccolo and Trunks look on in disbelief and despair while Daikon and Uub kneel over Goku.

"This can't be happening!" Gohan said, crying out desperately.

"Don't die on me, Goku, please stay with me." Daiko pleaded, punching the ground in anguish.

"Guys stop worrying, it will all be all right Earth and everyone will be just fine because you're all protecting it," Goku said reassuringly and with a bright smile on his face.

Then Goku's body disappeared and turn into pure energy being blown away.

Everyone watched in disbelief and shock. They could not believe what had just occurred at that very moment. Goku Earth's mightiest warrior and greatest protector was gone.

Daiko struggling to control his emotions screamed out in anguish and from this, he had golden Ki. His hair color changed to a golden. Through the loss of his greatest idol and master, he finally became a Super Saiyan.

D_Cole_oNeal D_Cole_oNeal

This is my first ever writing project, I'm kind of nervous and hope people will enjoy it. My viewer's enjoyment is my top priority. Please do not hesitate to give me any feedback or ideas you may have. I hope to get out there soon so please share with friends and family. Thank you so much for reading.

I would like to dedicate this story too:

My family

Ryan Lynch Cole

Alex Villanueva

Kelcey Newman

I'll never forget the people who have helped me achieve this goal and supported me to this point.

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