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Chapter 10: 10

Chapter 11

Blood and Chocolate

Hermione had decided that she would come over Ron's apartment at least twice a week to clean up the chaotic mess. She didn't mind it really, she just hated it when every single word out of Ron's mouth was Karina this, Karina that… It annoyed Hermione, but she wasn't jealous.

Was she?

"And she said the cutest thing yesterday…" Ron rambled on and on as Hermione blocked him out. She fished out a couple of soda cans from underneath the sofa and much to her surprise and disgust, found some dirty boxers on top of the kitchen counter.

"… isn't it so cute and funny?" Ron went on. "And then she said…"

Hermione saw that the only thing untouched and spotless was a picture of Ron and Karina. It was a Muggle photograph, of course. Karina would be quite surprised to see a moving picture. It was placed daintily in the middle of the coffee table where Ron probably kneeled in front of, staring at it for a good deal of time everyday. And in the photograph, Ron looked extremely happy.

Hermione wasn't jealous. She felt happy for Ron. He was well on his way of winning this bet. And it seemed like this was more than a bet to him. Karina was the real thing…

Hermione wasn't jealous.

She definitely wasn't.

Harry bit down on a Chocolate Frog while cleaning around the bookcase seeing as how Draco never liked to clean anything other than himself. He came across a thin book titled The Little Prince and he picked it up out of curiosity. Harry didn't remember buying a book like this so it must've belonged to Draco. He looked at the cover and began flipping through the pages. What need does Draco have of a children's book? Harry settled on a random page and began reading:

It was then that a fox appeared.

"Good morning," said the fox.

"Good morning," the little prince answered politely, though when he turned around he saw nothing.

"I'm here," the voice said, "under the apple tree."

"Who are you?" the little prince asked. "You're very pretty…"

"I'm a fox," the fox said.

"Come and play with me," the little prince proposed. "I'm feeling so sad."

"I can't play with you," the fox said. "I'm not tamed."

"Ah! Excuse me," said the little prince. But upon reflection he added, "What does 'tamed' mean?"

… "… It means to 'create ties'…"

"'To create ties'?"

"That's right," the fox said. "For me you're only a little boy just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you have no need of me, either. For you I'm only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we'll need each other. You'll be the only boy in the world for me. I'll be the only fox in the world for you…"

Draco walked through the front door and slammed it shut just as Harry stuffed the book back amongst the others and shoved the rest of the Chocolate Frog into his mouth. The blonde ambled across the living room and lazily plopped down on the sofa. He looked towards Harry's direction and pinned him down with his gaze.

"What?" Harry asked, his mouth bulging with chocolate.

"Potter…" Draco drew in a deep breath. "Do you miss women?"

Harry was caught off guard as he stared wide-eyed at Draco. He swallowed the chocolate and opened his mouth to speak; but a laugh escaped instead.

"What?" Draco narrowed his eyes. "I'm asking a serious question here!"

Harry shook his head and chuckled, "Malfoy. We're not actually gay. So if you're missing women so terribly we can end this little charade right now if you'd like."

Draco looked annoyed as if that wasn't the answer he expected. Harry blinked in confusion as he watched the boy stomp into his bedroom and slam his door shut. But within seconds, the door opened again.

"Does it scare you?" Draco asked in a desperate tone. "Doing all this gay business, does it freak you out? Disgust you?"

"A b-bit, I guess," Harry stammered. "But we're just pretending, so…"

Draco grabbed Harry by the wrist and pulled him into the bedroom. He pushed Harry onto the bed and pinned him down by the shoulders.

"Malfoy!" Harry struggled to free himself. "What the bloody fuck are you doing!"

"Shut up," Draco whispered dangerously.

"Don't tell me what to— Mmmfff!"

Draco cut Harry off by pressing a rather aggressive kiss on his lips. Harry was trapped as he felt the weight of the boy pushed down against him; Draco's hips were unconsciously grinding against his. Harry desperately clutched onto the bed sheets and tightly shut his eyes waiting for some sanity to dawn upon Draco's mind… Draco licked and gently chewed on Harry's lower lip, coaxing him to open his mouth a little wider. Harry's common sense faded away slowly and was replaced by a sort of misty feeling. The brunette could do nothing else but oblige as he granted full entrance. Their tongues met and began to wrestle violently, almost angrily. Each fighting for domination. And since Draco was on top, he had already claimed control and decided to flaunt it by pulling away and sucking on Harry's lower lip. It was all going well until…


"Ah shit, Harry. I'm sorry—"

"Uh, yeah!" Harry's hand went up to his lip which was bleeding. Draco had bitten down a little harder than he intended to. "Are you trying to be a goddamn vampire?"

Draco immediately grabbed a box of tissues from the dresser and pressed a single tissue against Harry's lip, "Merlin, Potter… I didn't mean to take a chomp out of your lip—"

"Would've fooled me," Harry muttered, yanking the tissue away so he would be able to tend to himself. "What the hell was going on in your brain? Pushing me down like that…"

"If I remember correctly, Potter, you didn't exactly fight me off," Draco narrowed his eyes.

"Left me no choice, did you, Malfoy?" Harry glared. "You kinda had me pinned down so I could hardly move; much less SPEAK with your mouth bruising mine."

"Ah… you left out a tiny detail…"


"You kissed me back!" Draco's face turned red as he watched Harry's green eyes haze over with a faraway expression.

"We were just practicing," Harry finally muttered, dropping the tissue.

Draco sighed and scooted closer, picking up the tissue and began dabbing at Harry's bloody lip, "Sorry 'bout that…"

Harry shrugged, "Doesn't matter now anyway." He paused and watched Draco tending to his bloody lip. Draco's face was so close that Harry's eyes grazed across the blonde's flawless skin and locked his stare right on his calm gray eyes. Harry's heartbeat slowly increased from normal to racing. It wasn't like he'd never been this close to Draco before… but…

Draco felt Harry's gaze on him and he slowly shifted his gray eyes upwards. Gray locked with green. For a brief moment, neither boy knew what to do. They felt embarrassed and awkward and the close proximity of their lips… if they initiated a kiss right now, they would just refer to it as "practice." And they both knew very well that it wasn't the right word to use… At the moment, they didn't care. Draco dropped the tissue he was holding and gently let his lips brush against Harry's. He waited to see the boy's reaction before going further. Harry didn't resist. So Draco leaned back in and placed weightless kisses on Harry's lips, encouraging him to open up a bit more. Harry didn't fight back this time as he allowed the blonde to gently kiss him. He liked it better seeing as the aggressiveness from earlier had disappeared.

Tastes like blood and chocolate… Draco thought as he slightly deepened the kiss. This wasn't so bad after all… All this business of pretending to be gay. Suddenly, sirens went off in Draco's head. PRETENDING to be gay. He thought to himself. Oh, Merlin… this is supposed to be pretending and here he was, enjoying it. He abruptly pulled himself away from Harry who seemed to be thinking the same thing. Both boys quickly distanced themselves from each other and fell in an uncomfortable silence.

Draco broke the silence with a sigh, "All that practicing got to my head, I guess… I'm sorry." Harry didn't respond. Draco looked over towards his direction and saw that Harry's back was facing him. "Potter?"

He saw Harry's shoulders tremble slightly, "So it was just practice? Just another one of your test runs?"

Draco looked affronted, "Test runs, Potter?" he spat. "Are you serious? Did you consider that a bloody test run?"

"Well, you just said—"

"Who cares what I said," Draco muttered furiously.

Harry fully faced him as his eyebrows drew together, "What are you getting so effing annoyed about?"

"You!" Draco answered, exasperated. "I never know what the hell you're thinking. I can usually read you like a book, but lately you've been so… gone. Do you like me? Do you hate me? I honestly don't know."

"All this coming from you, it's almost hilarious," Harry let out a derisive laugh. "This was your idea. Your little scheme for getting money and your name in the papers. And what the hell, Malfoy: Do I like you? This is all PRETEND, I'm not supposed to like you! And you're not supposed to like me either—"

"Who ever said I did!" Draco's voice rose. "I'm not doing all this because I'm bloody in love with you!"

"I. Don't. Give. A. Shit." Harry said between clenched teeth.

"Oh yeah, you're so convincing," Draco drawled sardonically. "The way you were kissing me totally proved it—"

"You kissed me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't like it? I totally felt your resentment when you were MOANING AND GROANING—"

"I was not—"

"Oh, Draco!" the blonde purred in a falsetto voice. "Rip my clothes off and make me feel good—"

"I did not say that!"

"Ah, but you were thinking it!"

Harry's eye twitched violently, "You are so friggin' random!" He fell back on the bed and threw his hands up in defeat. "Whatever. I hate you, so think whatever you want. Bloody git…"

Draco shrugged and stood up. He walked towards the door but paused before turning the knob, "About that last kiss… it wasn't just practice, was it? Tell me I'm not crazy," he paused. "Tell me that it felt…" his voice trailed off.

"Real?" Harry finished Draco's sentence.

Draco merely shrugged again as he silently shut the door behind him.

Draco's Corner: A few select love letters to me!

Dear Gay Men's Walking Wet Dream,

Yes, I am beholding. I am beholding your pulsating aura of hot, passionate sex. In fact, it radiates halfway around the world from you! How do I know this? Because I am currently vacationing in someplace sunny (I won't tell you exactly where, since this owl might get intercepted and I'd be swarmed by rabid paparazzi! I'll tell you personally when we DO meet. Trust me, we will. sinister look ) and I suddenly feel hot and wet and horny and I wonder why. Then it takes my lust-addled brain minutes to figure out that it's your hot, manly aura of mannish manliness that's responsible for the slickness between my legs.

I wish I were gay, because then, I'd have a chance with you..or Harry..OR you AND Harry. Whadd'ya say I get a sex change right now?

Waiting with bag of galleons on standby for sexchange,

Ivanna (as in I still Vanna HarryDraco sandwich)


I believe that there are no straight men in this world. Only those who have yet to meet Draco.


Dear Ivanna,

You have made me incredibly horny. My shaft refuses to calm down. Meet me at my apartment at 9 am. Harry won't be home. Bring a condom and plenty of whipped cream. We will have fun.

Sexually yours,


P.S. I absolutely adore that last bit you wrote. We must do lunch after sex.

Dear Draco,

I love you and all, really I do. But must you be always so vain? Beauty is something that passes pretty quickly you know. What will you do then when you won't be able to pose anymore? Live off of your fortune alone because no woman would live with someone so full of himself as you. Sure you're young and you want to live your life, but keep your head on your shoulders. Your father is right there, there will be a time when you'll really have to settle. So start looking around, hell start looking more closely at Harry, if you work a little, he won't be able to resist you. Put away that arrogance of yours around him and don't give me that 'I'm not gay' crap, we both know that is't true, you're so cliché it's funny.

Stop joking and start loving

your devoted friend, Mandy.


Dear Mandy,

You make me want my mommy… (sniffles). Mother! I miss my Mommy! I haven't had any advice in such a long time. But here's the fact of the matter: I, DRACO MALFOY, WILL STAY YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL FOREVER. Even when I do become an old geezer (which I won't), my sexiness will just be TOO strong and it will take over the world. It's true! I bet you a million gazillion fafillion Galleons.

Draco looked at Mandy's letter and scratched his chin with the tip of his quill. She was quite right, actually. He hated it when people, other than him, were right.


He continued scribbling on the parchment. He needed to end the reply to this too-smart letter with a bang. He didn't know how else to answer her.

I'm a Sex God.

Not-Conceitedly yours,


Dear Draco...

I know its all a scam and if you dont have sex sometime soon I promise... I will let the world know. Also, if you dont put a naked picture of youself on...somebodys livejournal then I promise the world will know of yours and Harrys not so 'together' relationship.

Love you



Dear Ash,

Do you DARE, threaten ME, DRACO MALFOY, with BLACKMAIL!... ….. Oh please, please, please, don't tell anyone. I will love you forever. I will lick your toes and kiss your hands (and other places if you want). Look! I'm groveling at your feet! The great sexy beautiful Draco Malfoy has been reduced to this! My dear girl, I'll do anything, just SHUSH. Must I whip you?

Eternally yours until I find a way to murder you,


Dear Draco and Harry,

Who do you think you are kidding? Like your act is believeable. There is no way you two are dating! I don't believe it at all! I work for the paper and I will write a article telling the truth of you two if you don't amitt of your scam or prove that it's real!

signed, Lavender Brown


Dear Lavender,

Ah, long time no see! Assassins will be trailing you and you will be dead by tomorrow morning. Good day!

Evilly yours,



Dear Lavender,

What Draco said.


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